The first false claim is at just 0:19 seconds, when Oliver claims "we all know" that the problem is "guns, bc we let basically whoever wants to buy a gun have one."
NOBODY who has EVER bought a gun thinks that.
This is a lie.
Under federal law, licensed gun dealers ARE REQUIRED to conduct background checks on all buyers and store the resulting records for two decades.
Oliver then calls at :45 for "meaningful effective gun laws."
As I previously said, other countries Oliver likes such as Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland have higher mass shooting deaths rates than US, despite gun control
I'd say that data suggests that the factors making DC have such high gun violence rates are part of the story of why America as a whole is so deadly, but these cannot include high gun ownership or a lack of gun definition.
If stricter gun laws reduced gun violence rates, you'd expect jurisdictions with those laws to have lower rates of gun violence.
Oliver then attacks people who say that potential solutions to mass shooting are morale reform or hardening schools...naturally quote mining like hell to make his opposition sound nuts.
Oliver then calls hardening schools "clearly ridiculous" at 1:39 and then gets mad at the NRA for a while before switching to ranting about adding cops or arming teachers into schools is bad.
This is...not what Oliver's opponents want.
We're talking about allowing teachers who passed a CCW class to bring their guns 2 school.
Teachers can carry concealed handguns in about 30% of Texas school districts...not Uvalde. 19 other states already do this.
Since the year 2000, there has yet to be a single case of someone being wounded or killed from a shooting, let alone a mass public shooting, at a school that lets teachers carry guns.
People fear teachers irresponsibly using guns or students obtaining a teacher's gun. But it's literally never happened. Not once
There has been only one accidental discharge by a teacher in a school, and that was outside of school hours.
While there have not been any problems with armed CCW teachers, the number of people killed at schools without concealed carry has increased significantly over the course of the last decade.
At 2:58 Oliver then claims the number of School Resource Officers (SROs) has "exploded," saying that 58% of schools have one AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK.
That incredibly dishonest statement, as Oliver goes on to claim that schools have more cops than counselors.
That's a lie.
Seriously, 90% of schools have at least one full time counselor...and Oliver is lying that kids are "in closer proximity to a pair of handcuffs than they are to a mental health pro" there's more cops than those because 58% of schools have a cop appear ONCE A WEEK...
Oliver then rants at 3:34 that having officers in schools might...gasp...cause students to trust the police more!
[Note: My public school had a SRO officer, he was a great guy and we used to play basketball together. He was awesome.]
Oliver then gets BIG MAD at 5:13 at a random parent calling students "future taxpayers."
Oliver making fun of this guy is...a whole bit.
Then, at 5:55 Oliver claims that SRO's don't deter school shootings...notably not citing his source beyond saying" experts" and a random quote which I couldn't find on Google.
Given Oliver's track record, I have 0 faith he's honestly representing that expert.
But...even if he is...that ENTIRELY MISSES THE POINT of policing.
Deterrence is ONLY PART of the role of an SRO in a shooting, the other is to slow down the shooter to give other law enforcement time to respond.
Then, at 6:16, Oliver says his most sickening lie, that Uvalde had an SRO on site and "things still went the way they did."
This is a STRAIGHT UP LIE by Oliver. Even CNN says as much.
Then, at 6:59, Oliver cites this study (bc he's totally a man of one study) saying SRO's weren't associated with reduction in severity...
Then claims shootings w/ SROS have more causalities. That's NOT what study claims.
He CLEARLY didn't read it!
Like, let's pretend God himself said "this study is accurate" (and if u follow me at all, u know that science is utterly skewed in Oliver's direction on this issue.)
Saying "no reduction in severity" is NOT the same as saying "more causalities." Oliver is lying. Again.
We're ONLY at 7:50, and Oliver is claiming that SRO's have "significant damage" on kids.
Oliver then gets mad at 9:06 at a cop being in a school musical...this notably EXACTLY the kind of community policing Oliver previously called for in his police militarization video.
At 9:47 Oliver then gets BIG MAD that in "disadvantaged schools" cops engage more in law enforcement activities than in more successful ones.
Gosh John, maybe that's becuase there's more crime in those schools or something?
To be continued...
Then at 10:36 Oliver quotes some random teacher about how cops are being used more in schools...ignoring that this is PROBABLY BECAUSE violence in schools (not just shootings, all types) is WAY UP.
Oliver at 11:33 then gets mad cops in schools occasionally arrest students...
And quotes a bunch of clearly anecdotal stories of cops arresting kids which he finds inappropriate via zero tolerance policies.
I agree, these are often dumb policies.
Specifically, at 13:03 he cites a story of a girl who did a science experiment which caused a popping sound like gunshots...she got arrested for making a sound of an explosion.
CLEARLY, that's an overreaction...and the charges were dropped in this case.
Oliver at 14:37 says that arresting students can do damage to their future...which...of course they do.
This seems more like a problem with the ridiculous zero tolerance policies WHICH OLIVER PREVIOUSLY ENDORSED IN his anti-charter rant than SROs.
Like look, America is a country of ~330 million can ALWAYS find an example of some policy being poorly implemented.
In fact, that's kinda Oliver's entire business model.
At 19:05, Oliver straight up says SRO's are racist because African American students represent 31.6% of all students arrested, which is higher than their share of enrollment.
This flat out ignores that this divide isn't an SRO thing as Oliver said...but also RATHER CLEAR in school discipline not involving the law.
This is true despite teacher's being among the most left wing professions in existence
At 22:07 Oliver denounces the lack of a national training requirement for SROs.
There's...literally no national training requirement for ANYTHING involving education. States do that John!
And now...the most unbelievable 22:53 Oliver cites unspecified experience OF HIS OWN STAFF about SRO's allegedly behaving badly.
John, you think that MIGHT be a skewed sample? That MAYBE people who work for you might be a tad...dishonest and Lib? Ya know, like you?
I'm just amazed that his "evidence" is literally "my employees said this was true in their own personal a total coincidence I literally paid them to say that...that's all my evidence."
At 24:54 Oliver demands we "try to just get [SRO]s out of schools altogether!"
He cites the case of Oakland CA...which EVEN HE doesn't claim went well.
Basically, Oliver is arguing to "Defund School Police" to fund other stuff
When Oliver's policy preference was basically implemented nationally in 2020...murders rose by 30%.
Its endlessly amazing to me that ideology which literally says that ideologies are bad...has spawned the most puritanical, deranged, and intolerant ideology of our justice.
The MOST EFFECTIVE way to make human beings miserable is saying they don't have control over their lives.
If someone's in withdrawal, telling them "pain will never end and u'll die eventually anyways" is WORST POSSIBLE option...but that's precisely what SJs do on EVERYTHING.
If u want 2 understand what's going on today...u have 2 first understand most young people were raised in an environment where deranged social justice beliefs their parents thought were insane were treated as near religious truth, bc radical leftists took over education system.
Reminder that you...PERSONALLY as a taxpayer owe $242,500 thanks to our government spending like a drunken sailor...mostly due to MASSIVE entitlement spending.
Our national government increasingly looks like a pension and insurance provider which runs a navy on the side.
It is now almost a mathematical certainty that the US is paying too much in interest to ever really touch the principal.
As soon as market finds another place to put $, interest payments will some day balloon very rapidly until every additional increase in revenue.
This is because Boomers broke the inter-generational compact, and it will be up to those who follow them (like me) to clean up the mess.
Prior generations spent their whole lives getting stuff they didn't pay for. We'll go ours paying for things we didn't get.