The book talks to kids about the people's struggle & how they can safely join in.
It also talks about our past, how we've treated each other, our violent and uncomfortable history; & our future, how we can be active citizens to build a fairer, safer & more beautiful country. 2/8
Trying to write our country's complex & challenging story for kids forced me to really drill down to core concepts & issues.
Deshan's fabulous artwork elevates the book to another level. It was sheer joy to watch him create such beautiful, surreal, funny & painful images! 3/8
We really do hope that the book brings a smile, raises an eyebrow, provokes a question, sparks a fire, rekindles a love, starts a conversation, & energises a protest, as we fight to save the country we love from those who continue to treat it as theirs to plunder & destroy. 5/8
We're working on Sinhala & Tamil translations, which we hope to share next month.
We also hope to print a fair number of copies to share with schools, libraries, protest sites & kids in general.
We hope this will be a useful resource for curious kids with lots of questions! 6/8
Meanwhile pl read & share the English version. Feel free to print it & hand a copy (or 10) to kids in your lives (homeprint file for better quality:…).
Please share what your kids think about the book - using #KaputuKaak. We'd love to hear from them! 7/8
We will update on translations etc.
As we say in the book: "may all your lives be rich in delicious mangos; may your brooms be fine for sweeping & flying; & may your protest chants be packed with power & wit!"