After being de-peg to $0.98, the Tron DAO reserve has immediately deployed more funds to back up their stablecoin. Check the infographic to have an overview about their $USDD reserve.
The reserve is contributed by two components: The burning $TRX contract and the reserve address.
The TRX Burning contract is the contract that contains the burnt TRX in the process of issuing USDD.
The reserve address is the address that contains assets to back up the stability of USDD in case of a volatile market. The reserve is divided into 3 addresses and 2 kinds of assets.
However, from a researcher’s perspective, I do only care about the assets aspects. The stable backed assets is about $840M, including $140M USDT and $700M USDC.
And the USDD supply is only $723M, marking the collateral ratio by stable assets is 116%. The ratio is enough to stabilize $USDD despite any market conditions, even the worst.
The other assets are $BTC, $TRX, and the value of those is about $531M. However with those stable assets above, the assets are playing as a defense barrier for $USDD to enforce the stability of $USDD.
After researching, I found out that there are some correlations between the TVL and the price of a protocol.
Check the thread below to have a new angle in finding gems.
1. With $WAVES, the price of $WAVES after a huge bull run to the 30 zone, it has declined a little bit. However, the TVL of this protocol did not show the same picture. The TVL went sideways for a week and continued to achieve its ATH with nearly $2.5B.