@UNECE 📺 LIVE NOW: Commemoration of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (#WEAAD)
Susan Somers from @INPEANetwork explains the history of #WEAAD and the continued need to bring attention to the abuse of older people as a serious problem.
@etiennekrug@WHO@HelpAge@IE_OlderPersons has now taken the floor to remind all of us that to address the abuse of older people, we need to recognise the problem as a violation of human rights – including through the lens of #ageism.
Zsuzsanna Jakab (Deputy Director-General, @WHO) is now on screen, introducing the @UNDecadeAgeing and how it supports the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (#MIPAA) in the @UNECE region.
Abuse of older people can be addressed more effectively by doing research about what causes it, how widespread it is, and what works to reduce and prevent it.
⚡️ 75th World Health Assembly Highlights: Noncommunicable Diseases (#NCDs) & #HealthyAgeing
The control & prevention of NCDs like stroke, cancers & diabetes form a significant part of #WHA75's agenda. What's their relevance to @UNDecadeAgeing? (thread) 🧵⬇️