So this is me at 50.
I feel like 35, but with 15 years of experience.
I have seen a lot these past few years, good and bad.
Maybe this old man can share a little bit of what I have learned:
Be humble and gracious. None of us have done anything on our own. We are who we are because of the people around us. Acknowledge them. Thank them. Saying thanks goes a long way
Be respectful. This world is full of people with opinions different from yours. Their experiences are different from yours. Listen to their story. You will probably find that your thoughts aren't all that different. Make friends, not enemies.
Be positive. Negative energy is wasted energy. Positive energy is infectious. People thrive in positive environments. Always try to be the most positive person in the room.
Look for solutions, not more problems. There are enough things in this world that aren't quite right, don't create more. Always try to be part of the solution.
Enjoy today. Yesterday is over and tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Always make today the best day ever. Happily ever after always starts with today.
Be Kind. If I teach my kids nothing else, I hope they remember this. Kindness matters. Putting someone down never makes you feel better. Being kind always makes you and another feel better. It's good for the mind, body and soul. A superpower. Simple but powerful. Just be Kind.
This is what I have learned in my 50 years. 50 years from now I hope this is how my kids remember me