Question for @fordnation:
Hello Premier, Is there any plan for what's going to happen to #ODSP recipients remains after they start dropping like flies ?
5% As you must know, won't bring recipients back to where they were 8 months ago never mind 4 years ago. 1/
(CC: @CityCynthia)
Shown is the POST 5% amount you @fordnation have said you will provide (listed in 2022) however that won't even keep them at the $1169 you left them consigned them to 4 years ago. (2.6% percent reduction in ODSP buying power) 2/
(CC: @Ont_Ombudsman)
Your 5% "Raise" will leave people at least $149.44 per month worse off than the day you started your first term @fordnation and THAT was already considered Deep Deep poverty (40% below poverty roughly) 3/
(CC: @srpoverty@CdnHumanRights )
You'd need to raise rates to $1332 (+$163) (14%) per month JUST to match the buying power of 2018, which was already too little and a major factor in the homelessness crisis seen then and worsening through to today.
LOL @AndreaHorwath
“There was a real sense of … disengagement,”
“People had had enough disruption and they just wanted to stand pat in terms of where they were in everyday life. And there was not a huge appetite for change.”
More people voted for change than "standing pat" 1/
And you want to talk about Disengagement ?
there were long stretches of time I thought we should have requested the US send in Seal Team Six to find where ever the hell you'd bunkered yourself up into.
People wanted change.
People wanted their lives better than today.
And when it was time for you to deliver,
You provided a plan that wasn't much better than the OLP and the OLP plan wasn't much different than what the OLP had done to lose their dominance in 2018.
Right now your tied for 4th best platform for #ODSP.
LONG term, Ford's is actually better.
because while you've got those two 10's..
you're gonna chase it forever with 2% ?
Ford's is horrible at 5% but it can never get worse with inflation indexing, yours can @StevenDelDuca 2/
if we have 5 straight years of 5% inflation, the PC plan puts people on ODSP at $1566 (which still is literally criminally low. 2027 and $1566 ? Jesus Christ)
Your plan with two 10% bumps chased by 2% raises after puts ODSP at just $1501 in 2027. @MitzieHunter@jillpromoli 3/
Do you realize @fordnation that you have a legal obligation to ensure #ODSP is at a livable level that does not harm the community ?
@CityCynthia made you aware of the harm being done to recipients in Sept '20. Your 5% promise, shows acknowledgement but a lack of fulfilment. 1/
215 (1)(c) (i)(ii) (2) (1)(b)
Every one is under a legal duty to provide necessaries of life to a person under his charge if that person is unable, by reason of; illness, mental disorder is unable to provide himself with necessaries of life. 2/
with respect to a duty imposed by paragraph (1)(c), the failure to perform the duty endangers the life of the person to whom the duty is owed or causes or is likely to cause the health of that person to be injured permanently. 3/ -
The NDP plan to raise it by just $200 a month until 2023
The OLP plan to raise it by just $116 a month, until 2023
The PC's, Say they'll raise it by $58 a month and then inflation only raises 1/
That same single person on ODSP bringing in $1169 today is at least $1000 short of reaching the poverty line EACH month. $1000 in the hole.
It's like everything you buy, costs double.
Could you afford your home if your rent / mortgage increased 100% ? and your food, phone ? 2/
laundry, bus tickets, cleaning supplies, toilet paper..
Potato chips.
I bought Potato chips today and they cost $4.00 for a medium sized bag. For someone on ODSP, that would be like $8 because their income is SO low.
Why does it matter to me so damn much if you #BudgetForTheBenefit of Disabled Canadians ? 1/
It matters to me that we #BudgetForTheBenefit because I am a man of my word. It matters to me when I make a promise and I believe the country which I live in, should hold true to that same value.
If we won't keep our word to our own,
what good is our word to the world ? 2/
It matters to me that we #BudgetForTheBenefit because I see @kellyfairchild2 and the pain she has gone through with the tragic loss of her beloved pet. (sorry for your loss dear) I see her having to ask strangers on the internet for help as do so many others 3/
So, been a while Michael.
You got a promotion.
Nice !
I've sorta also, I'm now a level 3 pain in the ass. :)
Yet no matter how things change, they stay the same as well.
I need (all) your help.. 1/9
When last we spoke Face to.. public awareness commercial.. I was engaging you weekly for 10 weeks during the OLP Take the Mic sessions. Virtually every week, I would engage each week's topic with an alternate perspective and how it wraps into either ODSP or the Disabled pop. 2/9
I stressed, week after week just how critical it would be that IF the OLP were to be elected in June 2022 to raise ODSP to a livable level. I valued our engagements, I valued the back and forth and I valued the humor over my first Microphone (yikes).