1/ My dear Twitter friends, I gotta admit yesterday I've been scammed for about 500 USD worth of Ethereum. I want to share this with you because I'd like to protect anyone from these things.
I'm not rich so if anyone wanted to help me recovering I'd feel glad and blessed.
2/ And, most of all, nobody is 100% on internet, even if you think to be stronger or smarter than the scammers out there.
This is my story: I've found this website (that was perfectly cloned) about @sneakerheadsoff , which promised a free mint of an art NFT.
3/ The mint had only the fee of 0.25 ETH. I checked the Twitter and it seemed ok (also the Twitter was cloned and had more than 69k followers)
So I connected through the free mint contract and the contract always asked me for a higher amount than what I had.
/4 initially I thought it was my fault, that I had less than the right amount to complete the mint, so I topped up 4 or 5 times my Ethereum wallet in order to pay the contract. But it always asked me more everytime I stepped into the minting page.
/5 in that moment I understood that something wrong was going on. I decided to stop everything and check again website and twitter page. I realized that the website I was dealing with was "sneakercheads.xyz", but that "C" was too strange... infact the original website is
/6 ..."sneakerheads.xyz". That was the moment I finally realised that I had been scammed and I couldn't do nothing. So guys.. please pay attentions to fake websites and free minting. Alway double triple check urls and twitter pages and everything.
/7 I learned a very expensive lesson, and the only one to blame is myself, I know this and I have to deal with it.
But in these days that #CelShortSqueeze is happening I also undestood the power of a community, so I say it again: if anyone wants to help me, please DM me❤️ thankU