1/4 If any Teachers and/or Educationalists are interested I'm very happy to be speaking at the @street_trust 'Excellence in the every day' in-person conference @HardwickHHotel on November 1st
Details below ⬇️
2/4 My talk is titled:
'What we know and what we think we know aren’t always the same thing: Supporting Educators to better understand their Autistic learners'
1/4 The replies here are disappointing. People who think that:
A) Frustration at language use = you go around correcting EVERYBODY
B) Only people new to the narrative switch the terms, (ignoring the vast obtuse performative industry that uses it as a *nice* way to pathologise)
2/4 C) Language doesn't drive ableist rhetoric & narratives, when it evidentially does
D) It isn't important to respect terms because *you* don't care
E) Its ok to call out what they perceive as pedantism, ignoring the pedantism in their calling out
3/4 F) You can't advocate on multiple levels at the same time: "You should be talking about [insert topic here]"
G) Power dynamics don't exist & language isn't used to create & control hierarchies of power
H) Those with English as a 2nd language are being criticised
Context switching (everybody behaviour) & specific lifelong developmental trauma responses of a marginalised group to direct/indirect superficialism, incompetence, arrogance, invalidation, stigma, othering, neuronormalisation & bigotry are exactly the same thing of course...
Masking is neccessary, it IS a survival technique. An involuntary & damaging one with clear links to poor mental health & high suicide rates within the Autistic community.
The paradox of utilising a self destructive self defence mechanism
The irony of a survival technique that kills you in the longer term
But then we have those with enormous cognitive bias (often in education) that see intense conformity to norms as a positive, who aren't informed enough, or can't recognise that there are multiple states of being
2/ And note as per usual those calling for this 'progressive' (🤮) change are not Autistic. Its doctors, caregivers, therapists, parents. Every player with a stake in the game gets a say aside from the people being used as the football.
3/ Its the same old stigmatising crap, spouted by the same people and driven by the same awful narratives framed around fear and the same lack of knowledge
1/ I keep being asked my thoughts on the baby research.
I'm dealing with the death of a family member right now, so am not weighing in.
But here are my brief thoughts:
2/ I've read it and while it may have been slightly misrepresented by the media, it's still underpinned by ableist, behaviourist, normative ideology.
3/ The statement by the author is not reflective of their career history nor the work that underpins the study, nor of their partners, which again is ableist, behaviourist & normative.
1/10 Professionals, parents and/or Autistics: my course 'The inside of Autism' kicks off on Nov 4th 7pm (BST). Its focused on reframing the #Autism narrative from an Autistic perspective, based on current research, introducing new concepts & giving new tools
2/ I cover:
The history of Autism & the role of research, Myths, What Autism actually is (and what it isn't), Co-occurring conditions, Gender, Sex & Minority groups inc the role of racism and sexism, The Neurodiversity paradigm, The sensory system, stimming & sensory invalidation
3/ Overwhelm, 'Behaviour', Understanding Autistic communication, Anxiety & why it's so prevalent,The role of stigma and marginalisation & their impact on Identity, Autistic Masking, Autistic Burnout and poor mental health, Enablement & self-advocacy; Autistic culture;