1/7 Based on what I have just talked about if #HMI had received all the monies from its sales in 2021 then this would have amounted to $4.52m and the business would have been profitable at the operating level in 2021.
2/ What's more, the $4.454m paid out in 2021 reflects more accurately the true costs to run the business over the course of one year.
One cannot conclude exactly how much HMI produced in 2021 because the cash receipts reflect payment dates and not when the goods were received.
3/ Inventory was fairly minimal which reflects an operation that leans towards producing to order.
However, the costs associated with administration clearly eat up the vast majority of this with the consolidated statement accounting for c. $3.85m in the period.
4/ Although wages and salaries are included under this segment and were $490,052 in 2021 and are recorded separately from directors' fees.
I take these to be mine-related and so Brazil denominated. That would place the actual mine cost for 2021 at around $1.094m.
5/ The lack of any sizeable current (next 12 months) trade payables supports the argument that these costs aren't being kicked down to the road.
So assuming admin costs remain fairly stable ( and they aren't up by much compared to 2019 thanks to consultant fees dropping)...
6/ then the uplift in production running costs should come through in that $1.094m figure.
Even if it were to double (which can't happen because economies of scale will prevent that + the BRL/AUD is 10% weaker YTD) then cash outflows would still 'only' be around $5.55m in 2022.
7/ If the 15% price rise rings true then at YTD cash receipts of $9.75m HMI should already be positive to the tune of AUD $4.2m with H2 still to come.
Based on the H1 2022 AUD/GBP exchange rate that would be c. £2.32m.
2/ Firstly, it is important to appreciate that HMI wrote down AUD $600,000 in trade debtors on 31/12/21.
Also, "Some debtors are given industry standard longer payment terms which may cross over more than one accounting period," which helps create a difference between...
3/ sales and cash receipts in any given accounting period.
Note also that all trade debtors still fall within the current (within 12 months) trade and other receivables. The only non-current (more than 12 months) relates to recoverable taxes. So not direct sales related.
2/ “This is a very promising time for Serabi and between this discovery, the excellent progress with the development of Coringa, improved production from the Palito Complex, and advancing all our high priority regional targets, we look forward to updating all our stakeholders.”
3/ I agree and such words about Palito help support the belief that June was another strong month. Meaning Q2 should have delivered levels of gold production that are in line with the guidance set at the start of the year.
2/ Here now is the same historical V205 price chart marked up at $9 per lb.
Upon hitting $9 per lb the only time since 1980 that the V205 price has not gone on to spike to at least $11.50 per lb was in 2006/07 but it was coming off a downtrend.
3/ on all other occasions, the price continued higher because such pricing demonstrates a tight market is in play.
On a simple comparison to FeV that equates to a $50 per kg market.
Yes, we need more information on Europe/US prices.
2/ That's now well above my $8 per lb rising trend break out point.
More importantly,
"People in the market has high enthusiasm for inquiries, and big factory is expected to adjust June V2O5 flake next week, and their wait-and-see sentiment increases."
3/ As I have said previously the big factories in China are key here as they produce the vast majority of Chinese V205.
B. 25.25% ownership in Enerox who's 2020 contract wins were c. 65% of what IES achieved and will hold $30m for expansion to production twice the size of IES.
2/ C. 55% ownership of a 200MWh electrolyte plant under construction with the IDC of S.A.
D. Mini-grid project under construction at Vametco in partnership with the IDC with potential to open up localised VRFB production and industrial opportunity.
3/ E. Actively tendering for Eskom BESS projects totalling c. 1,440MWh with the battery tender element valued by the World Bank at $468m.
F. First active vanadium rental product in play with a UK client.