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Jul 5, 2022 500 tweets >60 min read Read on X
#yoonminau [🔞]

Yoongi runs an nsfw page where he tapes POVs. His fans have been eager to see him rock OR get rocked live. But theres nobody he’d willingly do that with on cam—plus he’s a secret virgin. Then he thinks of his ex Jimin, a [playboy] model

#yoonminfest #ymfest22_d2 ImageImageImageImage
🐞cam boy yg, model jm
🐞ex lovers
🐞one-sided pining, mid-crack, idiots in love, a little miscommunication
🐞yoongi has no filter
🐞jimin is a filter
🐞nsfw pics, language

—this is my first social media au (and actual au) so… here goes lol. please interact 🫣
updates: will probably finish all updates around the first week of the fest 🗓
profiles 🖇
yoongi — twitter cam boy ImageImage
jimin — up and coming model ImageImageImage
hashtag intermission 😵‍💫

#yoonminau #yoonmin
1. an announcement

#yoonminau ImageImage
2. jimin tells everyone ImageImage
3. there’s something else 👀
#yoonminau #yoonmin ImageImage
4. the ambassador duo (and jk📸) ImageImageImage
7. everyone’s excited ImageImageImage
6. stylist jin ImageImageImageImage
7. dior traitor ImageImage
8. sunday 🕧🕣🕙 Image
9. in the meantime
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
10. meet yoongi and his 😳 ImageImage
11. he vents
#yoonminau ImageImage
12. about that ? ImageImageImage
13. 😔 ImageImageImage
14. yoongi is upset ImageImage
15. namjoon gives advice ImageImage
16. yoongi won’t cry ImageImage
17. sad boy hours ImageImage
18. 👀
#yoonminau #yoonmin ImageImage
19. cheered up

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
20. he’s back ImageImageImage
21. jimin’s sudden change in demeanour ImageImage
22. but not so much ImageImage
23. whoops

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
24. exes attract ImageImage
25. sleep is also for the weak ImageImage
26. they’re kinda similar

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
27. temporary mid life crisis ImageImage
28. they both mean it!

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
29. 🔞

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
30. stylist jin has had enough ImageImageImage
30. the soju wears off 🤨 ImageImage
31. channel your anger! ImageImageImage
33. oh. Image
34. goodnight ImageImage
35. next day — he tolerates him
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
36. good afternoon! ImageImage
38. yoongi focuses on his fans ImageImageImageImage
39. emergency! ImageImageImage
40. contemplating ImageImageImageImage
41. on the shoulders of one man

#yoonmin #yoonminau Image
42. unreachable ImageImageImage
43. release day!

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
44. oh no jimin’s nervous ImageImageImageImage
45. no backing out ImageImageImageImage
46. it’s here!

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
46. jimin announces it ImageImage
47. he’s trending again ImageImageImageImage
48. jimin needs a minute + they’re really so similiar ImageImageImage
48. yoongi sees it👀
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
49. so he starts to freak out
#yoonminau ImageImageImage
50. delete delete delete ImageImageImage
51. 😵‍💫 ImageImageImage
52. losing it ImageImage
53. a plan
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
54. the article/interview (inspired by Bad B’s playboy interview)
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
55. did he read it? ImageImage
56. he did ImageImage
57. boyfriend from seoul ImageImage
58. a plan p.2 ImageImage
59. ImageImageImage
60. the OTHER
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
extra tags:
🐞bad decisions (a little immaturity because of miscommunication)
🐞the plan and “arrangement” they have isn’t necessarily healthy; feelings are involved oh no!
🐞first time discussions, top/bottom/switch discourse, yg makes more sexual jokes
61. the plan
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
62. bad news Image
63. ImageImageImageImage
64. namjoon is stuck Image
65. a lot of them do!
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
66. but it really isn’t healthy ImageImage
67. it’s a recipe, alright ImageImageImage
68. namjoon folds
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
69. yoongi ain’t it ImageImageImage
70. (kinda vulgar lol) ImageImageImageImage
71. he doesn’t know?
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
72. the old photography acc ImageImage
73. 😳
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
be honest—-

is yg being kinda selfish?
74. jimin reads
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
75. hairspray?
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
76. everybody say thank you jk #yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
79. main
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
80. the first chat
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
81. panik!
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
82. serious.
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
83. he’s got jokes
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
84. sweetest ex
#yoommin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
85. tone it
#yoonmin #yoonminau Image
86. yoongi🤕
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
88. shocked monkey face
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
89. time to think
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
90. consulting namjoon again
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
91. when they both deal with anxiety
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
92. change in character
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
93. he responds (repost) ImageImage
94. (repost) ImageImage
95. they’re friends now
#yoonminau ImageImage
96. undertones
#yoonminau ImageImage
97. yay!
#yoonminau ImageImage
98. he’s started
#yoonminau Image
100. (🔞) a good turnout?
#yoonminau #yoonmin ImageImage
It’s been about two weeks since Yoongi messaged Jimin on twitter, and things have going surprisingly… alright
They’ve been talking a little back and forth, trying to skate around the time they’ve missed apart without making things too awkward, and pretending as though everything between them is okay.

As friends, at least.
Yoongi told Jimin about how he’s been doing some photography here and there, but that he’s mostly busy with a Film and Television internship and his small job at the exotic bar uptown.
Jimin tells him about his favourite collaborations and modelling gigs, and the upcoming launch of the Chanel J ‘Coco Noir’ line, and how he’s both excited and nervous about it’s release—given how he’s never been in the position of an ambassador.
But just as he always used to do, Yoongi told Jimin he has it in the bag, and he’d do well.

With the little he knows about Chanel, he does know that no prettier face other than Jimin’s would fit the high-fashion brand, and encouraged him to look forward to it.
And it’s only likely that Jimin got attached to those words more than he knows he should have.

Even though Yoongi only meant them as a friend, and a sort of outside advisor that only had good things to say because it’s the best way to keep the conversation slow-sailing.
Hearing Yoongi be the one to say it makes it unbelievably difficult for Jimin to act as if the words don’t mean the most to him, comparably than if they were said by someone else.
Yoongi can’t pretend he doesn’t say them because he has the greatest urge to show somehow he cares about Jimin still, even if it means he’s going to tell him he’s the prettiest model out there in the most platonic way.
But there’s no way he’s going to say that or show it more than what they’re currently doing.

And Jimin won’t either.
Yoongi hasn’t told Jimin about his NSFW page.

Nor does he know that Jimin already knows about it, a secret Jimin plans keep in for as long as he can. He wonders if he should say something but he’d be extremely embarrassed if Yoongi found out.

Who jerks off to their ex?

No one
Until then though, he’s stopped looking at his page and reminds himself that since him and Yoongi are talking again, it would be weird watching him come apart with the intention to have his viewers call him daddy.

It always was weird; it was sad.

But now it’s worse, so he can’t
And Yoongi himself isn’t ready to divulge that new part of his life yet now that they’ve only /just/ started talking. He’d started it after he and Jimin broke up, and honestly, he doesn’t know how the younger would take to it.
They don’t discuss anything apart from minor catch up chats, a few “stop flirting with me’s”, subtle jokes, and how Jimin’s mother still has Yoongi’s pictures in her phone—although, they don’t go too into detail about for her sake too.
They can’t have her thinking they’re together again, now can they?
But Yoongi still has his solid reasoning for messaging Jimin hanging over his head, and he’s keeping that a secret for now. He’s decided to put his fan’s requests on hold, continuing with POV videos until he figures something out.

He knows, though, that he can’t ask that of him.
They haven’t become best of friends, and he’s more than certain that Jimin has a ton of questions about their previous relationship.

But it’s either Jimin is too kind. Or he simply doesn’t want to revisit those times where a lot of questions remain unanswered.
So for now, they both pretend that there isn’t a history because it makes this current rekindling of a relationship much less awkward.

Besides, pretending becomes easier when you can flirt with your ex and not feel weird about it.
Especially when it’s someone who held your heart in their hands for a great part of your life. Yoongi and Jimin won’t bring it up, but without the shadow of a doubt, even if it’s only through flirty texts and stupid memes;

The chemistry is still there.

And the /tension/.
Yoongi had even asked Jimin permission to change his contact name to something they’d both thought was funny without crossing the line of acceptable, despite how specific it was.
But everything seems simple, and comfortable, and there’s always something that makes Yoongi wonder whether it’s supposed to be this easy.

And whether ending things all that time ago was the right thing to do, because Jimin always seemed like the perfect guy for him.
Only he’s not ready to deal with his emotions currently, and if Jimin doesn’t bring it up, neither will he.
The one thing Yoongi’s keen on dipping into is the incessant flirting, not that he minds it.

Yoongi has noticed that Jimin has turned into a massive flirt, and he pushes out one-liners like it’s a second language. It’s funny, but he’ll have to admit that if Jimin keeps teasing +
him like he’s been doing, they’ll soon cross a threshold where the line between exes, friends, and something /else/ blurs, and they’re stuck in quite a sticky situation with each other.
And that threshold is crossed one day when Jimin proposes something to Yoongi.
101. half the ship is sailing
#yoonminau Image
102. jin hyung has spoken
#yoonminau ImageImage
103. he’s secretly giggling ImageImage
104. ImageImageImage
105. ImageImage
106. fRiENdS
#yoonminau ImageImage
Saturday arrives and Yoongi’s actually nervous about it.
Jimin had told him not to mind his dress code too much because it was an informal event organised by Taehyung and not Chanel.

However, Yoongi does dress to impress somewhat. Not for Jimin specifically, but just something that makes him look good overall.
He still wonders if he’d be underdressed even if he wears a purple jacket with diamond stones and sequins, along with ripped jeans that hug his legs and ass just right. Plus, his glittered makeup turns out more subdued than he’d expected, especially when blended under the neon.
Yoongi had been invited to another Jimin’s parties when the two were still a couple, however, back then was before he became extremely popular in the modelling world, and the likes of luxury they dressed in was fake Versace.

But when he entered Kim Taehyung’s residence +
he felt his heart settle in ease at the looks of everyone else.

Granted, most of them /are/ dressed head to toe in luxury brands, but nothing too extreme that meets the eye. Everyone is more at the party to celebrate and have a good time together that to show off.
“Hey,” he shifts on his feet when someone at the door asks for his ID. “Im Yoongi. Jimin invited me.”

“Park Jimin?”

He nods. Behind him are a select few of people also waiting to have their identity checked, and the bouncer keeps his hand pressed on the red rope hooked closed
+ to bar anyone unwanted people from entering. The security has a clipboard in his name, with a list of names that he must check to ensure the guest entrance authenticity. Though the party is informal, it is still a private gathering and they don’t want any trouble coming by.
Taehyung lives in a penthouse, in a lavish building with an indoor pool and cinema, and the party had been organised on the top floor, which leads onto the roof.
Yoongi doesn’t know much about him, as Jimin had encountered him once they’d already broken up, but he did get a message with Taehyung’s name and address saying where the get together would be.

That’s what he had specified it was—a get together.

Nothing too extreme.
It’s a very casual party, given the penthouse location, but with the need for high security, it’s very clear that it’s invite only.

The security finally hands him his ID with a slight nod, and steps aside to push the two large black doors open, which leads to a lengthy corridor
From here, Yoongi can already here the thumping of music vibrating on the walls, muffled slightly behind the door at the end of the corridor. He quickly pulls his phone out and texts Jimin that’s he’s here, and that they can meet up somewhere if the younger wants to.
Earlier that day, there had been the formal house launch of Chanel’s Jewellery line, which was more exclusive than this afterparty is.

Jimin had posted a few pictures about that and Chanel had congratulated him along with the other ambassadors for the successful launch.
Once he pushes the other set of doors open, Yoongi is hit with a heavy gust of wind, but it comes in smells; of sweet bubbly, of alcoholic drinks, of sweaty bodies dancing it out. Everything in this vicinity is vibrant, lovely, energetic, and Yoongi thinks he might enjoy himself.
Purple neon bounces off the walls, music in the air, and there are even smoke machines in the corners.

Medium height black tables stand in rows in the centre of the vast room, and Yoongi walks over to stand by one. There are shot glasses on their tops, sugar rimmed on the edge+
and he promptly notes that he should get some for himself if he plans to let loose. Yoongi smiles amusedly it to himself when he sees all the people dancing around him, enjoying themselves.

He doesn’t recognise many people, save for a few faces he’d seen on magazines, maybe.
Just as he’s about to actually go and search for Jimin, someone bumps into Yoongi and he turns around to see who it is. He’s got pitch black hair, wearing an all an black outfit right down to a heavy pair of stomper boots.

The guy grins. “Do you want a shoooot?” he sings out.
“Yeah,” Yoongi answers. “A couple actually. I’m trying to get drunk like a rich Chanel model, so,” he widens his eyes when the other does the same. “Point me to the alcohol.”

“I’m Jungkook, by the way.” He says swiftly. “I came here because your jacket was really sparkly.”
Yoongi frowns. “But you bumped into me?”

Jungkook holds his finger up. “On purpose,” he says, clearly lying. “Your jacket is nice. I like it a lot. But I also like black, so it wouldn’t suit my outfit.”

Yoongi laughs, and shrugs. I like the black. It makes a statement.”
He then tugs on the front of his jacket, “But you can try my sparkly jacket on.”

Jungkook shakes his head. “No.” He says. “I came dressed in black on purpose. It makes me fade in the shadows easier and I don’t have to deal with /actual/ people.”
Yoongi’s eyebrows raise, and he purses his lips at that. He gives it a thought, then he nods agreeably; he understands the need to attend a party simply for the drinks, or the vibe, and not actual human interaction.

Speaking of humans.
Yoongi taps Jungkook’s chest to get his attention. Jungkook acknowledges him with big eyes and a nod. “Do you know Park Jimin?” He asks. “A very pretty Chanel ambassador.”

—with a nice ass.

Yoongi doesn’t say that part out loud.
“Jimin?” His eyes grow even wider, and he quickly downs his glass of champagne. Jungkook sets the empty glass down on the table. “I know Jimin!” He then cranes his neck backward, seeming to search for someone, saying, “He- is- /there!:”

He doesn’t warrant it—really, he doesn’t—but when Yoongi hears that voice even over the loud bumps of music reverberating from the speakers throughout the room, his heart jolts in his chest.

Just a little.

He doesn’t even have to look back to /know/ who it belongs to.
Jungkook waves his hand in the air, and Yoongi finally decides to lend his gaze to the person making his way towards them.

Average height, white sweatshirt with a large Chanel logo in the centre, sleek black hair bouncing on his head, and massive grin plastered on his face.
When Yoongi sees Jimin, and the younger makes eye contact with him the neon gaze of a dimly lit room, he really does wonder how he’d lived seven months without looking at this face—

The most beautiful face in the world that glows the brightest in the presence of striking neon.
“Hi,” Jimin breathes out once he makes it to the both of them. He touches Jungkook’s shoulder, gaze still locked on Yoongi, and blinks to keep himself in focus. He rips away and turns to Jungkook. “Hey, I thought you were getting drinks?”
“I was,” he admits. “but then I met this man with a sparkly jacket.”

“Oh?” A smirk gently curls onto Jimin’s lips, and he tilts his head sideways. From his peripheral, Jimin sneaks Yoongi a glance, and the older digs his teeth into his bottom lip. “You met Yoongi?”
Jungkook narrows his eyes and looks back and forth between Jimin a Yoongi for a short bit.

“You know the jacket man?”

Jimin laughs, and Yoongi remains still. “Oh yeah. I invited him.” He administers, then grins cheekily in Yoongi’s direction. “He’s my ex.”
Just as that sentence register clearly in Jungkook’s brain, another part of him is swayed into sudden realisation and he blurts out, “Yoongi?” He darts sideways and his jaw drops at the sight of him, offence painted on his features. “The ex who my fists have a meeting with?”
That takes Yoongi by immediate surprise, and he jerks his head back. “Excuse me?”

Before an underhanded brawl can take place due to Jungkook’s impulsivity and his overprotection of his friends, and the ardent memory Jimin has of Yoongi’s snappy remarks, +
Jimin steps into the little space that’s between Yoongi and Jungkook, hooks his arms into both of their subsequent ones—Jungkook’s left arm, and Yoongi’s right—and he locks them in by their elbows.

“No fighting, kids. We’re men here.” He jokes, then swings his arms up.
Jungkook is glaring at Yoongi, whereas Yoongi is trying to maintain his cool at Park Jimin being so close to him in this moment. His ex, someone he hadn’t spoken to for seven months until two weeks ago.

And Jimin seems so laid-back about it, as though it’s so simple and plain.
The person who he once really, truly did love.
“Jungkook this is Yoongi. And yes, he’s my ex.” Jimin says as he faces Jungkook, who’s glare turns into a pouted frown when Jimin tells him to relax

Then, Jimin faces Yoongi.

Yoongi’s breath stops short in his throat, and he digs his teeth in his lip again to calm himself down.
“And Yoongi,”

Jimin says his name a little whispered like its equally hard for him to believe that they’re talking face to face after so long; as though saying his name alone is something that brings disbelief. But he takes them away just as quick as the subtle feelings had come
Jimin clears his throat and straightens, ensuring that he can be at level with Yoongi. “This Jungkook, my currently favourite photographer. Who is also Jin hyung’s brother.”

At this Yoongi is yet again surprised

“He has a brother in the industry?”

“Yes,” Jungkook cuts in. “Me”
Jimin rolls his eyes and mouths Jungkook off, before telling him to bring Taehyung over from the bar so they can all have some drinks together and chat a bit.

Reluctantly, with another pouty glare directed towards Yoongi, Jungkook pulls himself from Jimin’s grip and heads off.
“So he hates me.” Yoongi utters. “And that’s on me never working for Chanel.”

The light sound of laughter rings in, and Yoongi is met with Jimin who’s head tips back as he genuinely laughs at what he’s said. He can’t help but smile and feel warmth erupt in his chest +
at being able to make Jimin laugh as easily as he had done all that time ago, when they were together.

“He’s a good guy,” Jimin says, and gently pries himself from Yoongi’s hold. Yoongi goes to lean against the black drinks table, and Jimin follows. “He did my Playboy shoot.”
“Ah,” Yoongi nods and hums, watching as Jimin does the same and stands opposite him from the table. “How come I didn’t know him and Seokjin were related though?”

Jimin rests his upper arms on the table. “Trust me, I was just as surprised.”
“But it’s because Jungkook was working outside of Korea so I don’t think Jin ever felt the need to mention who he was to be honest.” Jimin says. “I did know he had a brother, though.”

“I remember him saying that, too.”
Before they split, Seokjin had been Jimin’s stylist’s for a while already, so Yoongi knows who he is.

They hadn’t been close because he was more Jimin’s work partner, but he does remember the older coming over to their apartment to prepare Jimin for casting calls and late night+
portfolio shoots and make-up tests. Seokjin would often have dinner with them, and had slept over a couple other times when time ran over the clock following his work with Jimin.

He hadn’t taken the break up well either; mostly because of how Yoongi had done it.
“Yeah, and it’s Jungkook. He’s a very well known photographer.”

Jimin then smiles at Yoongi who awkwardly smiles back when the younger stays like that for a long time. He tugs at the studded diamonds and sequins on his jacket to distract himself, and decides to look away.
“You know you’ll always be my favourite photographer, right?” Jimin whispers, and Yoongi knows what he’s referring to.

He decides to look back at Jimin, and his face looks soft even in the electrified lights above. He looks beautiful, as always—Jimin will always be.

“I know.”
They stay quiet after that, and Jungkook comes back pulling Taehyung on his arm. The other model introduces himself to Yoongi, not as hostile as Jungkook had been once he’d figured out who Yoongi was. It seems that Jungkook has taken stride to Taehyung’s calm demeanour, and is +
a little kinder to Yoongi following their first round of shots. Though, he still warned the older with the raise of his fist and another glare accompanied by a tiny pout that Yoongi rolled his eyes at and Jimin laughed at.
The four of them unwind with a couple more shots, and Yoongi offers that they have each a glass of Whiskey Sour to really kick their spirit in. Once the music replaces the voice around them, and the dance floor is the only thing that calls, they all decided to give themselves in+
for now, and head off in random directions to mingle with the rest of the crowd.
When he walks back to where he’d been first, Yoongi doesn’t miss the longing glance Jimin shoots his way.

And indirectly, whether it’s just the alcohol talking, Jimin doesn’t miss Yoongi’s either.
107. first night check in
#yoonminau #yoonmin ImageImage
After the drinks kick in his system, Yoongi feels looser and definitely more prone to radiating his energy on the dance floor.

He sways to the music and sings to the lyrics, which is still blasting heavily as everyone screams and sings along with them, not tiring out.
But when he figures that he’s given his all and the alcohol starts to fade in his system, his adrenaline rush reaching its peak, social battery running out, Yoongi goes first to rest and catch a breather.

He meets Jungkook on the way who +
has a camera in his hand as he sits in the corner recording a Kim Taehyung who drunkenly jumps on the floor with all the energy left in him.

Yoongi chuckles and shakes his head. He ordered a water bottle at the bar, and he downs that to quench his thirst.

“Can I have a sip?”
Yoongi looks up and sees Jimin standing over him, hair pushed back, sweat glistening on his forehead, cheeks still pink.

He nods, and holds the bottle up for him. Jimin thanks him and takes it, before drinking till the bottle is empty.

He exhales heavily when he’s done, “Fuck.”
“Thanks,” Yoongi tones with a frown. “I wasn’t willing to drink my own water anymore.”

Jimin lightly kicks Yoongi in the shin, and sits next to him. “Alcohol dehydrates me so I need water to dilute it.”

“Yeah, I remember,” He grins and pokes Jimin’s cheeks. “Rosy cheekies.”
“Hey, do you know where the restroom is?” Yoongi asks after a bit. Although there is still a crowd dancing in the centre of the room, things have calmed down a little as the alcohol.

Jimin points to a hidden corridor right at the back of the room that twists into a corner.
“Take that route, and go straight. There’s a lounge area sort of place, and then the lavatory on your left somewhere.”

Yoongi heeds the instructions and nods. But then comes a sort of rumble in his stomach, and at first he tries to ignore it, walking two steps forward.
The music pounds in his ears, and the light sound of Jimin’s breathy voice drifts over it as he recalls his pink flushed cheeks and a glowing grin when he’d asked for water. It becomes unbearable, thinking about being close to Jimin again and not being able to do /anything/.
Yoongi leisurely turns, and tilts his head downward. Jimin cocks an eyebrow, waiting for him to say something.

“Don’t you want to take me?”

Jimin blinks, as though he tries to understand whether he’d heard right. “To the bathroom?”
Yoongi smiles, a little mischief present and he really figures that there’s no harm in this. “I don’t need it, I just want to see myself.” He answers. “But I also don’t want to get lost. It’s really foggy.”

“Oh.” Jimin runs a hand through his hair, and pats his cheeks. “Sure.”
The younger jumps up onto his feet and winks at Yoongi who stands with both arms now awkwardly at his sides. He doesn’t know if this is them flirting ‘indirectly’ but he won’t reject any of it, especially when they’re in such a close space together after so long.
Jimin holds his hand out for him to grab, and after staring at it for a second, Yoongi quickly folds his fingers in Jimin’s and allows himself to be tugged to the where the bathroom is.

There’s a good amount of space between them, but when they squeeze between the other people+
Jimin pulls Yoongi closer until he’s almost plastered to his body from behind, their hands still locked tightly. Yoongi tries not to pay too much attention to all of this, as he knows that both him and Jimin are very aware of what they’re doing; all this closeness.

He missed it.
They walk down the hallway, where floor-to-ceiling windows make up the long wall and allows them to see down the expansive city of a busy Seoul, streetlights and bustling cars. From this distance, people looking up can probably see the bouncing purple lights from the windows.
There are more people scattered on this side, and just as Jimin had said, when they reach the end and turn around the bend, there’s a lovely lounge built-in for people to relax in.

“The pool’s on the other side.” Jimin says, signalling ahead of the lounge. “Down from here.”
“Wanna go skinny dipping?” Yoongi hints jokingly with a very playful lilt to his voice.

In front of him Jimin shrugs. “I wouldn’t oppose it.” He glances over his shoulder with a smirk. “You joke, but I know you wouldn’t either.”
If Yoongi had thought that there was sexual tension between him and Jimin through a few flirty text, it’s nothing to compare to the tension between them now.

And it’s only thickening the further they walk into the lounge, where the lights are dim and the heavy music is muffled.
They enter through one of the doors lined on the left, and Jimin drags Yoongi inside. It’s a unisex restroom, specifically for the building, and he closes the door.

Inside there’s two ladies and one man huddled checking their make up, and a flush sounds in one of the stalls.
Jimin slides his hand out from Yoongi’s and leans against the door, watching him from under the few black strands that dangle before his eyes.

“You can do your business,” he says, nudging his head over to the sink. “Look at yourself, apparently.”
Yoongi holds his hands on his hips. “That sounds incredibly sarcastic.”

“Sarcasm is your job.” Jimin says. “I’m just asking.”

Yoongi shakes his head and turns towards the mirrors. He peers in and fluffs his hair out, then rubs his finger on his eyelid, smearing the shadow in.
“But I can be sarcastic if you like,” Jimin speaks from the right. “I can be anything you like.”
Busy with washing his hands in the sink, Yoongi glances up and meets Jimin’s gaze in the mirror. He’d walked in from his position, and stands a few feet behind Yoongi.

The tap is still running, and being so taken by Park Jimin isn’t something Yoongi will try to get away from.
There is never a second when Jimin isn’t beautiful, even when he angles his head and silently eye-fucks Yoongi in the mirror, very keen on showing Yoongi what he means by what he’s just said.
Unlike under the neon, striking colours that set Jimin’s skin alight, here he looks subdued, like a little secret retreating from the shadows, ready to whisper in Yoongi’s ear all the needs he can fulfil for him.
Yoongi closes the tap. He teases the game. “Anything?”

And that smirk curls onto his lips again, plump and shiny as he runs his tongue over them. “Absolutely anything.”
Yoongi raises his eyebrows in amusement, and rests back against the sink. He crosses his arms over his chest, “So you’re keen to break the number one rule of /all/ rules?”

Jimin trills. “What rules?“

“That exes shouldn’t do just /anything/.”
Eyes narrowed, Jimin says, “But we’re not exes, remember? We’ve established had we’re friends now.”

“And friends mess around?“

Jimin stalks to Yoongi, slow steps coming in as he prolongs the moment, succeeding the palpable tension that tightens the closer he gets. Yoongi lets his eyes roam his entire stance, drinking him in—his tight pants, and how they fit his lean legs, the glow of his skin, his /lips/
Jimin rests his palms on Yoongi’s forearms, and squeezes. “You look really good,” he gives a wry chuckle, doing again what he’d done. Yoongi doesn’t stiffen, instead straightens to feel himself nearly pressed to his body. “And you’ve gotten better.”

A one shouldered shrugs follows, and Jimin blows a pocket of air into Yoongi’s face. “Doing your makeup,” then he leans in, an inch away from Yoongi’s lips, and Yoongi flicks his gaze down to Jimin’s, expectant.
But Jimin continues his teasing game, brushes past and lets his lips flutter against the side of Yoongi’s face. His breath ghosts the shell of his ear as he says, “And looking extremely fuckable.”
In that moment, the three people by the mirrors yell something out, and quickly scurry behind Yoongi and Jimin, chattering in high voices that they’re going to miss their uber.

The two watch them head out, not reacting further, and Yoongi swears he can feel Jimin’s heart pulse+
on his own chest. He knows it’s not his own, because he wonders if his heart is still beating.

Jimin chuckles. “I hope they catch that uber and—“
But before he can say anything else, Yoongi clasps his hand around the back of his neck, shoves his face forward, and clashes his mouth against Jimin’s.

A gasp passes between Jimin’s lips, taken entirely aback by this, but quickly retrieves himself and indulges Yoongi’s kiss.
Evident sparks fly, ones that never died down, and Yoongi refreshes his memory with how much he loved kissing Jimin.

The fragrance of whiskey lingers on Jimin’s lips, tasting of something else that’s sweetly him, and Yoongi devours it in excess, like he needs to live off it.
Jimin slips his tongue in Yoongi’s mouth, and licks his teeth, grunting for Yoongi to open up and let him have his way. Yoongi’s knees buckle slightly, and no later Jimin claims the kiss as his, dominating Yoongi in his mouth the second his tongue touches with the older’s.
Jimin buries his hands in Yoongi’s hair, and Yoongi leads his hands down his chest.

"You know," Yoongi rasps as he drags Jimin’s bottom lip between his teeth. He trails his fingers around his clothed torso. "You look /just/ as good."
Jimin exhales deeply. "I was wondering what I’d do when I saw you again," he murmurs, eyes never leaving Yoongi’s as I traces the open skin of his collarbone. “But now I just want to do so many things to you."
“Like?” Yoongi closes his eyes when Jimin comes in and drags his tongue over his chin, nipping gently.

“Just… everything.”
🔞 (dirty talk, exhibitionism, daddy kink for someone younger)
#yoonminnsfw ImageImage
🔞 ImageImage
🔞 ImageImageImage
After Yoongi cleans himself up and wears his pants again, he waits for Jimin to wash his hands and wipe some toilet paper on his chin to get the white residue off.

The people behind the stall have clearly had their fill in waiting, and don't even wait to notice a signal that +
the two have left before high-tailing out of there with a few apologies.

But Jimin and Yoongi have their own embarrassment to deal with than other people's, and right when Jimin says that he's finished, they both head out without saying much to one another.
Yoongi clears his throat. "I'm going to see if I can get home now." He says, noticing the dwindling party atmosphere.

"Okay, that's fine." Jimin murmurs. "Thanks for swinging by. It was nice to see you again."

‘You made that very clear,’ Yoongi thinks to himself.
Jimin walks Yoongi to the front entrance doors and tells him that they should still keep in contact because he's really missed the older.

He's very adamant on not mentioning what happened in the restroom, and Yoongi knows that if they do speak about it, it will not be in person.
He comes in for what is supposed to be a hug, but Yoongi closes his arms around the top of his head while Jimin clutches for his torso, both arms meeting in the middle.

Then they just… stand there.

Deep down, Yoongi knows there’s more reason that comes with not letting go.
Just then, Yoongi recieves a notification from his Uber driver informing him that he's made it, and smiles one final time at Jimin before heading to the elevators.

That little rumble from earlier returns, and this time he’s unable to discard it fully.
109. disappointed parents
#yoonminau ImageImage
110. 🧍🏻‍♂️ ImageImage
111. after the after party
#yoonminau ImageImageImage
112. hoseok is nice ImageImageImage
113. but yoongi exists ImageImage
114. they talk, again
#yoonminau ImageImage
115. don’t beat around the bush ImageImageImage
116. ohh Image
117. hang on ImageImage
118. don’t take it seriously ImageImage
119. ImageImageImage
120. you don’t say ImageImage
121. the secret’s out. Image
122. he’s mad ImageImage
122. and he won’t stop ImageImage
123. stylist is mean too ImageImage
124. uh oh ImageImage
125. all or nothing ImageImageImage
126. everyone cheer for whisper! ImageImageImage
127. a little ImageImage
128. he knows ImageImage
129. he’s cracked the code ImageImage
130. greatness is overated ImageImageImageImage
131. clown ImageImage
132. deep into it Image
133. bible talk ImageImageImageImage
134. no strings attached? Image
135. kitty boo boo
#yoonminau ImageImage
136. ? #yoonminau ImageImage
137. nj feels betrayed ImageImageImage
138. but they discuss yg’s situationship ImageImageImageImage
139. and there’s that too ImageImage
140. jm a little in his feelings before seeing yg ImageImageImage
Yoongi decided to invite Jimin to his place a little later in the afternoon, because they were both busy in the morning, Jimin with a photoshoot and Yoongi at his internship. The older has work at the bar in the evening too, so he though a setup at around 4PM would be best.
Just as Yoongi is done setting up his room for filming, arranging his bed to look presentable and ensuring the natural light from outside is peaking through his curtains, he receives a notification from Jimin saying that he’s here, waiting in the foyer of his apartment building.
Yoongi takes a deep breath, and goes to fetch him.

“Hey,” He says once he sees Jimin, who glances up with a smile. “You’re here early.”

Jimin pockets his phone and says, “My shoot finished earlier, so…”

Yoongi smirks. “And you’re sure it’s not because you’re eager?”
Jimin rolls his eyes and nudges him him in the shoulder. “I mean of course I am,” The few words makes Yoongi’s heart pulse a little quicker, but he ignores it. “It’s just we did finish much earlier and I wanted us to get the filming in before eight.”
“Why?” He presses the button on the elevator and they step in, waiting to be taken up to Yoongi’s apartment.

“I have something else on my schedule,” Jimin says, though he doesn’t look in Yoongi’s eye when he says it. “So yeah, more work.”
Yoongi simply nods and doesn’t say anything else. He doesn’t know whether the air between them is as awkward as it is tense, and he doesn’t know how to break it.

He just knows that he doesn’t like it entirely, but there isn’t too much he can do about it anyway.
They’d spoken well with each other on text ever since the party, but the actual tension that was bound to come between them when they met in person again wasn’t accounted for.
And now they are about to film a very intimate video together that could go one of two ways, good and bad.

Seeing Jimin stiffen beside him as he checks his phone again for another notification makes Yoongi wonder if the latter might take place this afternoon.
“Do you want something before we do it?” Yoongi asks as he pushes the door open to his apartment. “Something to drink? Eat? TV? I don’t know… I want you to be comfortable.”
Jimin lowly responds with an, “It’s okay”, and upon catching how distant he sounds, Yoongi looks back from the kitchen. Jimin is standing by the console table at Yoongi’s door, noticing one of picture frames there.

Of Jimin and Yoongi when they were still together.
“Oh shit,” Yoongi curses under his breath and scampers over to Jimin. He bypasses the younger, startling him, and quickly sets the frame down on it’s face. “Sorry.”

Jimin blinks. “Why’d you do that?“

“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
He stares at Yoongi for a bit, trying to pry into his head for an answer to something they’re both searching for, yet they don’t have the right tools to find at the moment.

Jimin furrows his brows. “It won’t make me uncomfortable.” Then he shakes his head with a light chuckle
“I’m willing to have my ex give me a blowjob for his twitter porn page—“ Yoongi’s eyes widen and he wrinkles his nose in disapproval. Jimin continues anyway. “trust me, nothing could make me more uncomfortable than that. And I’m not, so… stop overthinking things.”
Yoongi scoffs. “I’m not overthinking things.”

“Then the picture isn’t such a problem.”

Jimin takes the initiative to raise it again into a straight position, turning the frame so that it sits as the centrepieces of the table and overlooks everyone coming in—
a lovely picture of Jimin and Yoongi at the beach together when they went to Busan to visit Jimin’s family. There they stand at the shore, grins wide as Jimin’s brother take their picture.

Jimin wants to ask why Yoongi keeps it, but he’s scared of any answer he might receive.
It would hurt both ways if Yoongi says he keeps it because the memories of Jimin are too hard to erase, as well as acknowledging that Jimin has become just that; a memory.
Jimin presses Yoongi’s shoulder. “So where are we doing it?”


“Where are you sucking my dick?”

Yoongi deadpans, before shaking his head at the smirk that curls onto Jimin’s lips. And just like that, the tension is seamlessly broken and Yoongi feels himself loosen up.
From the side, Jimin does too, and they just look at each other for a while, smiles soft and longing, hiding feelings that had never gone away but are too hidden deep to give out again.
140. ≈🔞 ImageImageImageImage
141. tea time
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
Yoongi brings Jimin a cup of hot chocolate when he comes back for cuddles as promised. He decides to leave the ramen for later if Jimin stays that long.

He remembers how Jimin always preferred hot chocolate whenever they cuddled with some netflix.
Even though it’s under different circumstances now, Yoongi thinks that it’s not stretching it too much if they do share a blanket with hot coco and tea while watching some netflix on his laptop.
“Here,” he says as walks in, still shirtless.

When Yoongi glances up, he freezes at the sight of Jimin dressed in his shirt, laying underneath the comforter tapping away on his phone.

He tilts his head to the side and asks, “Is that mine?”
Jimin jolts up, and presses against the pillow. Lips pursed, he trains his gaze to Yoongi as they remain frozen to their spots. Before anything else is said, and feelings are compromised, Jimin hastily blurts out, “I’ll take it off.”

Yoongi’s eyebrows raise, “Uh, no. It’s cool.”
Pushing the door closed with the heel of his foot, Yoongi enters the room. Jimin sits on his hands and gives him a close-lipped smile.

“You look hot in it.” A smirk plays on his lips as he sets the mugs of tea and coco on the dresser. “Of course, because it’s mine.”
Jimin smiles, genuinely, not rolling his eyes at the sarcasm or cocky joke, and scoots a little closer to where Yoongi’s side of the bed is, where he’s going to lay next to him.

He’d asked for cuddles, and Yoongi doesn’t reject him when he snuggles close into his bare body +
their sides touching closely, skin grazing against skin, warmth encircling around them.

Jimin’s heart skips in that nostalgic giddiness he never thought existed still.

He wonders whether Yoongi’s does the same.
This is all very casual, no matter how much it resembles their previous nights where they fell asleep together and cuddled into hearty kisses and warm whispers of ‘I love you’.

It’s all so similar, but Jimin should know better…
Yoongi’s laptop is also on the dresser, and he grabs it then settles it on Jimin’s lap, quickly telling him to browse the Netflix catalog for something they can watch.

The laptop password is the same, and Jimin chuckles when he types in ‘kittybuns913’, making fun of Yoongi.
But when Jimin powers the screen on, his heart sinks a little at the changed screensaver.

Now it’s just a screen grab of some weird geometric patterns he probably didn’t put too much thought into when choosing.
It used to be one of “them”, as according to Yoongi, Jimin was the human, and he was the cat. Image
Jimin doesn’t know what he expected

He knows this isn’t what it used to be; that he’s only laying here until he’s cooled off enough to go home, watching Yoongi as he edits his video to post for his fans—and then it hits him squarely; that this is just an exchange of convenience.
Emotionless, meaning nothing.

Just two friends messing around until maybe, they get tired of each other again, and they’ll have to part.
They haven’t even had a serious conversation about their previous relationship yet—about the truth around it, and why it had ended so abruptly.

They’re just dallying around it like it never existed as they compensate themselves with whatever this current “situation” entails.
“Pick something,” Yoongi whispers when he notices Jimin staring blankly into space, and the second the younger turns his head, it’s like time stops.

Jimin’s face is a few inches from
his, a short breath away from his lips, and he tries not to get looped too deep in his eyes.
Long lashes flutter over pretty grey eyes, and Jimin takes in a breath. “You didn’t kiss me after we did it.” Jimin whispers back. “You kinda just went off to… make tea.”

This takes Yoongi by surprise. “Should I have done that?”

“No but…” he looks forward once more.
“It wouldn’t have mattered because your face isn’t in it,” Yoongi attempts to say, mending the weirdness that settles again, and to water down the hot coil of emotions burning at his core. Something he says to make himself feel better. “I didn’t want to keep you too long.“
The moment they shared when filming was heated, intense foreplay on the bed as they made out to get themselves in the full mood, hard bodies rubbing together as Yoongi kissed Jimin in all the open inches of his skin—his neck, his chest, his torso, the space between his legs.
And then the actual filming took place, and at first Jimin had struggled with how to handle the camera to film Yoongi taking him in his mouth, but eventually things got comfortable as Jimin unwinded into his touch +
giving out low moans and groans without releasing too much to expose his identity in his mind’s eye view of that possibly happening if he moaned a certain way.
They’d argued a bit about that at first with Yoongi telling him it’s not possible

Then he gave Jimin time to breathe and reassured him it wouldn’t as long as his face was out of frame, and he just filmed himself from the waist down. Later on, Jimin relaxed, fully getting into it
For his premium subscribers, the video featured Jimin coming twice, and lengthy mentions of Yoongi groaning ‘daddy’ over and over again, and repeated murmurs of ‘baby’ as Jimin coaxed Yoongi on, until he finished his load in the older’s mouth and sank back with a throaty sigh.
And that’s when Yoongi got up, cleaned both Jimin and himself off as much as he could, and told him he’d go out to make tea.

Something so anti-climatic that isn’t supposed to be muddling Jimin’s brain up as much as it does right now.

Nor his heart.
Especially because it’s exactly how Jimin had thought it would go for someone he’s merely just “hooking up with”.

But the reality behind it still stings a bit.

Because Yoongi isn’t just ‘someone’.
They always used to kiss after intimate times like this one, slow lips pressed in lazily passion swept moments that came with being in love that much.

It just goes to show how much everything’s changed, and he wonders deeply if it’s just him that feels this way.
“No I get it,” Jimin forces a laugh. “I’ve just never filmed a porno, so I don’t know how it goes.”

Yoongi laughs as well, very feeble. “It wasn’t a porno but, it was okay how we went about it.”
“Yeah. I just wondered whether we should have done something else but I think the video turned out okay.”

“It did.”
They decide to watch a Ghibli movie for the time left they have, but it’s clear the atmosphere isn’t the same as the voices on screen echo emptily with neither one of them paying much attention.

Still cuddled together, with no meaning more than what they think should be.
Jimin later excuses himself because he has to meet with someone, and Yoongi agrees that it’s time to head out considering he has some internship work to send in before he goes out to the bar later tonight.
When Jimin leaves his apartment, Yoongi still doesn’t kiss him. And it leaves them both feeling slight empty.

They don’t have ramen together.

Jimin and Yoongi have been seeing each other and filming videos for some time now, with Jimin coming over to the older’s house for every plan they make to do the videos together.
They’ve already filmed four in total, and Yoongi’s fans are loving their new ‘daddy’ as an addition to the page. After the first video, the dynamics all got easier, and Jimin was handling the initial pressure of it all much easier.

And the fans notice it all.
They praise every little thing about Jimin, from his moans, to his body, and although Yoongi is the one who invited him for this, he can’t say he doesn’t get slightly jealous at all his fans falling head over heels for ‘kitty daddy’ in the videos—that’s the name they’ve given him
But he’s happy to be doing this with Jimin; he’s happy that if anyone could share these specific moments with him, he’s glad it’s Jimin.

Because Jimin has always been the one to look not just past the borders of his personality, but right into his heart, and he makes Yoongi +
feel the most comfortable whenever they film, and Yoongi appreciates that.

Because he trusts Jimin more than he has ever trusted anyone ever, and every little thing they share means more to him than he can actually account for.

But he won’t admit that out loud.
Over the time, their texts have become more back and forth, extending from schedule arrangements for filming to casual good morning texts and random check ups during the day to see how the other is doing.

Both of the exes haven’t even had second thoughts on bringing up their, +
past relationship, quite keen on maintaining their current “friends with subtle benefits” status because the idea of dealing with feelings is bound to complicate things.

They’re both very careful with each other, skating on the edge of what they know they’re burying.
Jimin tries his best not to bring certain requests up, especially when they spend certain nights together in arms, pretending that what they’re doing doesn’t hold more meaning than what their encounters truly entail.

He keeps it in, for fear that he’ll add on to awkward moments
He keeps in everything that may bother him because to a certain extent, he enjoys these moments with Yoongi, no matter the second meaning they have behind them

He missed his ex; the texting, the jokes, the laughs, the cuddles. Although everything is platonic, Jimin enjoys it all
And although Yoongi doesn’t stay up thinking about this situation as much as Jimin does, he thinks about a lot of things too.

But they’re both too hung up on the excitement that comes with making out or quickened handjobs with someone who always held your pleasure like that.
Evidently, throughout it all, they still flirt a lot with each other, and it seems that neither of them overthink it as it happens give how natural it comes.

That’s what makes the ordeal easier; because above everything else, Jimin and Yoongi are the most comfortable together.
142. flirty exes #yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
143. they communicate with horny pictures and kitten emojis ImageImageImageImage
144. [let’s pretend it’s bleached blonde 🕴] ImageImageImageImage
145. but they get cute sometimes
#yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
146. read that caption #yoonminau ImageImageImage
147. 💛 ImageImageImageImage
148. #yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
149. [SOME TIME LATER] special is a nice word 👀 ImageImageImage
150. he investigates
#yoonminau ImageImageImage
151. a little jealousy ImageImage
152. things are getting harder
#yoonminau ImageImageImage
153. jm is second guessing (and they finally “talk” about the past) ImageImageImageImage
154. bc feelings might be involved ImageImageImage
155. and jm doesn’t know how to say it
#yoonminau Image
Jimin lazily spreads kisses along the lining of Yoongi’s jaw, light nips over the marks he makes, dragging his tongue over the sharp bone. Under the covers, he’s wearing Yoongi’s shirt as always, with his own briefs on.

“You think we can stay in?”

“And what would Chanel think?”
Jimin laughs. “They wouldn’t think anything if I give them a good excuse.” He grazes the head of his cock with his thumb, loving the jolt of electricity that courses through Yoongi’s frame with a shiver. “So it’s if you want me to stay.”

Yoongi groans, not wanting Jimin off him+
even if it’s for just a second. He wants the younger pinned to his body, skin to skin, wearing his clothes, giving him lazy morning kisses with his hand touching him in all the right places.

Because with Jimin, all of this has always only been ‘right’.

“You’re probably busy.”
“So we’ve got to head out,” Jimin says, teasing his words so he doesn’t sound offended. “Is that what you’re telling me?”

Yoongi doesn’t know what to take from it, because frankly, he wants them to stay in and keep each other company like this, just held close without needing +
a secondary outlet like Netflix or the NSFW videos, so be it.

There’s company in just being with Jimin, and laying in bed with him, and not having to say anything and finding due comfort in their togetherness.

Yoongi’s heart skips when he imagines it all—being with Jimin.
And then he digs into the other folders of his mind that ridicule him in thinking about such a thing; all those insecurities return, the fear, and there’s nothing more he can do but retain the desire to date his ex again, and keeps it hidden.
As it’s something he has to deal without Jimin; one that had caused their breakup in the first place—insecurities he doesn’t want to burden him with, who’s been doing so well without him…

But it’s not like Yoongi doesn’t regret giving up the one person who /is/ meant for him.
In the corner of his eye, Yoongi watches Jimin who’s eyes are closed, lips still drifting across his skin, buried serenely in his body like he belongs there

Like they belong.

He wants to know if Jimin thinks so too, but he’s too afraid to ask for fear of either answer he’ll get
His bare chest presses against Jimin’s arm, and he hums in pleasure at the warm hand running up and down the length of his cock in his boxers, swift and gentle, taking it’s time with it.

“You didn’t give me a kiss…” Jimin whispers on his jaw, planting another one there.
Yoongi chuckles at the low murmur of Jimin’s voice, how it grazes from his throat, needy as he still rubs his length in his boxers.

“How many you want?”

Jimin smiles, and turns duly on his side. He slides his hand out of Yoongi’s pants, and leads his fingers up his chest.
“Just one,” Jimin gives, pecking Yoongi’s cheeks as he curves his arm around his torso, and rests the right half of his body over Yoongi’s own. “That way I go back home without thinking too much about you, but with a small memory of how good you taste in the mornings.”
Yoongi sighs, loving the sound of that; loving the sound of that more than anything.

When Jimin draws up, he closes his eyes, awaiting for the soft press of those tender lips against his own, mild as Jimin lets them linger long enough until he sighs into Yoongi’s mouth.
Yoongi drifts his fingertips up his arm, and cradles them into Jimin’s hair, angling his head to kiss him deeper, intimately, burying his inhibitions into Jimin the same way Jimin probably does too.

Jimin follows suite, and nibbles Yoongi’s bottom lip, savouring the moment.
The curtains are drawn, leading that warm morning glow in.

Jimin has his palm poised on his chest, kissing Yoongi as soft as the daylight that pours in.

A kiss that has as much meaning as the sunlight, warm, balmy, leaving lasting impressions.
But that won’t last forever, just how the sun sets when the night hour wanes in, and it’s time to go back to where serenity hides in the shadows and moments like this dwindle into forgotten memories.

And everything becomes a memory.
Yoongi excuses himself to the bathroom, where he goes to shower. Jimin teases and asks to join him, but he retracts that statement quickly and concedes with a joke when Yoongi gives him a look that makes his stomach churn.

A look seemingly reserved for him.

A /plea/.
He stands at the door to his bathroom, watching Jimin on the bed, and when Jimin figures that Yoongi will probably stand there all morning, chases him away with a tired scold.

Yoongi laughs shortly, shrugging at how Jimin seems bitchier in the mornings, and nods off.
Last night, there wasn’t a schedule.

Jimin had made his way to Yoongi’s place with the intention of just having to himself for once, without the requirement of a camera filming something that’s not theirs to keep.
But after some time, when Jimin starts to sit back and really analyse himself in this situation with Yoongi while the older screeches songs in the shower, he wonders to himself whether there isn’t supposed to be more than this…

But like always, he says nothing.
When Yoongi finishes with his shower, Jimin takes his, thoughts as foggy as the mist swarming around his head as he scrubs down, breaking in himself over and over again that this entire arrangement shouldn’t hold more meaning to it than he hopes it does.

He really wants it to.
Yoongi offers breakfast, but Jimin declines, telling him he has to go to work, and Yoongi agrees as he mentions his internship as well.

“You like it there?” Jimin asks, slipping his boots on. “Are they treating you right?”
Yoongi shrugs and scratches the back of his neck, leaning against the kitchen counter. “They’re okay.” He confides softly. “There’s still one more year, but I wish it could go faster, I guess.”

“As in you want to start working more?”

Distant, Yoongi doesn’t answer immediately.
When he looks up from the floor, Jimin sees how Yoongi cups his chin in his palm, thinking hard about something to himself. His blonde hair is wet, curling over his forehead, but behind the stringy strands, Jimin sees the downcast look in his eyes.

How he’s hiding his troubles.
Yoongi later shakes his head, recognising the tapering atmosphere the longer he stares out and says nothing. He looks up with a big grin and winks. “It’s cool though. I’m patient.”

Jimin nods, a small smile coming onto his lips, and saying nothing, trains focus on his other shoe
It’s weird how you can share all these feelings with someone once upon a time, so incredibly able to tell them anything and everything, whether it’s heavy or light, emotions of both sadness and happiness.

It doesn’t matter.

It’s the primal comfort you find within that person.
It doesn’t matter; giving out your feelings to this person comes just as easily because it’s almost as though you are one, dealing with affliction and successes together, no matter the causes.
Jimin can see straight that Yoongi has something personal he’s dealing with. Something churning in his mind and causing him to separate at odd times without much explanation.

He won’t ask him about it, even though he’s keen to know, keen to help, keen to share those feelings.
Maybe this arrangement they have just isn’t enough to let him in back deep to these more emotionally intimate parts of his life again.

Although he doesn’t voice it, because he shouldn’t, knowing how far him and Yoongi have actually drifted hurts more than anything ever has.
It’s like a mockery; sharing sexual moments with your ex, physically intimate in a way that confuses your own mind in where you might stand with them

And then those confusions are partially answered when you’re standing together, on the threshold that leads to then and now, and+
how unbelievably close you are to meeting in the middle.

But the trust is too severed to find solid ties again—or at least finding believe in it—and then you’re separated onto different paths where mending that relationship might not be as easy as you’d hope.
But you know the love exists.

It always has.
It’s a matter of communication, Jimin thinks, but the longer he keeps sharing these nights with Yoongi, the longer he pulls himself back into the older’s life with opposite desires than Yoongi might seem to have, he’s realising that this is what they lack.
He doesn’t know how Yoongi feels, but God, does he want to…

And yet, Jimin still says nothing.
When he’s halfway out the doorframe, Jimin turns on his heel and closes his arms around Yoongi’s shoulders, rising a bit to his toes as he hugs the older tightly, resting his chin on his upper arm as he indulges in the arms encircling around his waist, tugging him just as close.
“You’re busy again tonight?” He asks

Yoongi nods. “Yeah.”

“But you’ll call me soon, yeah?” He whispers, not finding the need to let go and just remaining like this. “For another video?”

“I’ll call you at anytime Jimin, not just for videos,” Yoongi ushers. “We’re friends, hm?”
Jimin waits a while to accept that statement, because in himself he’s asking if that’s all he wants anymore; to be just friends. To keep pretending that him and Yoongi don’t have a history—
To keep pretending that he might very well not be on love with him anymore… even though he knows that’s untrue.
Jimin had thought heavily about embarking on this filming thing with Yoongi; no strings attached, exes with benefits, and had thought deeply that it might reopen old wounds.

But that was before the prospect of getting hurt didn’t matter to him, and he just wanted one way +
or another to be close to Yoongi again.
I’ll text you?”

Jimin pulls away, concealing his reluctance with a snort once he stands with his arms at his sides. “Of course you will, you’re always texting me.”

Yoongi nudges him in the shoulder. “You say that until I block you again.”
Again—Jimin doesn’t say more to it, and realising what he’d said offhandedly, Yoongi closes up.

“Well,” Jimin exhales heavily, after hoisting his overnight bag on his shoulder. “Next time I come it’s for a film, so don’t think me sleeping over is an everyday.”
“It’s okay,” Yoongi shrugs. “It wasn’t bad.”

To that Jimin purses his lips and stares at his feet. “It really wasn’t.”
Even when he’d made his way to Yoongi’s apartment and they repeated their mistakes over and over by getting tangled in arms and doing what they think means nothing, ending up cuddled together, no strings attached—

Jimin knows they’re just friends.
So he doesn’t say anything else, even when he sees how Yoongi looks at him the same way he used to when they dated, full of want, full of light, full of love but not acting on it.

He keeps to himself.
And Yoongi knows all this just as well as Jimin doesn’t when the younger enters the elevator without a second glance over his shoulder to catch Yoongi’s weak wave directed at him…

they’re both sure that /this/ is all they’ll get.
156. [A BIT LATER]
#yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
157. deep meaningful conversations ImageImageImageImage
158. consideration that might be mixed signals ImageImageImage
159. but they’re trying to figure it out ImageImageImage
160. open honesty #yoonminau ImageImageImage
161. #yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
162. generous soul Image
A few weeks pass, and Jimin gets a call from his manager that there’s a special meeting with him at Chanel’s Seoul base this Thursday evening.

They spoke a bit on the topic; that he has to meet with the international designers and house agents to talk about something important.
Jimin wonders what it might be about, as his manager had been very adamant that he be there on time, and that Seokjin would give him more information on that.

However, Jin had told him the same thing—that it was an important meeting that he had to attend, and nothing more.
Jimin can’t say he’s not excitedly anticipating this meeting, however it still does make him nervous. Working with Chanel has been a dream, and Jimin appreciates every moment

The model hopes that the news will only be positive in accordance to his current position at the company
He still has his daily work and modelling gigs, focusing on those instead of the other aspects that seem to plague him these days.

The week before Jimin had a photoshoot in New York, which was stressful because it was a new collaboration with Prada, and his mind had been on that
Upon returning to Seoul, he’d let off steam with by paying Yoongi back and forth visits, and they’d always end off their nights with cuddles and catching up.

As friends, of course.
Jimin still sees Yoongi, and they’ve been spending much more time together then is actually necessary. Apart from filming, Jimin comes over to Yoongi’s apartment a lot and sleeps there to keep the older company.

They play video games, watch netflix, and spend late nights talking
Yoongi’s never mentioned that he needs to be kept company, but he never sends Jimin away because he enjoys it.

They enjoy each other, and they always have. Though it’s reaching a point where the line between friends, and more than, is starting to blur.
And Jimin doesn’t want to pretend that thinking about what might happen actually makes him more nervous than anything else has before. Yoongi means so much to him, and he’s noticing this the longer they spend time together.

He’s simply never meant less to Jimin.
About the meeting, Jimin decides not to think about it, even when the Thursday evening draws nearer. He hopes that he won’t be hearing any bad news that will only ruin the state of his current mentality.

Especially as he continues down the rabbit hole with Min Yoongi.
163. posts
#yoonminau #yoonmin ImageImageImageImage
164. the shoot comes out
#yoonminau ImageImageImage
165. relationship standards

#yoonminau ImageImageImage
166. #yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
167. the line between friends and more than ImageImageImage
168. is getting blurred ImageImageImage
169. ☹️ ImageImageImageImage
170. good men don’t exist ImageImageImageImage
171. but hoseok jung is the exception ImageImageImage
172. [MEETING DAY] ImageImageImageImage
173. [AFTER THE MEETING] ImageImage
"How are you a model and you don't know how to listen to posing directions all of a sudden?" Yoongi complains, groaning as he clicks through the camera screen to review the pictures he'd just taken. "This is bad."

Jimin groans, turning around with a frown, "It's not."
Yoongi eyes the stock images in his camera, pressing the buttons to click through the newly taken shots of Jimin standing near the bushes with white daisies in his hair. It’s just his back, but Yoongi feels something missing.

He shakes his head, "We need more shots."
“That's what you said the last time for an hour now!”

Jimin arrived at Yoongi's apartment with excitement coursing through his veins after his meeting at Chanel. The only thing he had wanted to do was bury all of it in Yoongi and do exactly as he had promised through their texts
But that buzzing arousal dimmed down when a grinning Yoongi met him at the door, cheeks pink and hair wet after his shower, greeting him with a big hug—

along with a much wanted kiss on the lips that had softened the raging desire Jimin was harbouring prior to him getting there.
Just one kiss, soft and gentle and very coveted, had turned Jimin into a mess of giggles and flushed skin at the feel of Yoongi's lips against his with no other motive save for the fact that the elder had plainly wanted to kiss him in greeting, nothing more to it.
‘A kiss on the lips, right at the door...’

Although it was clear what Jimin had gone there for, the second he stepped in, there was nothing else that he wanted later than to cuddle in Yoongi's embrace and rate Netflix with negative reviews as had been established as well.
And now they're in the community garden of Yoongi's apartment building, dressed down for a sunlight photoshoot with budded daisy crowns and gentle make-up that turns them into lost boys looking for hope in mythical fairy garden.

—Yoongi’s words, to be exact.
Along with his incessant commands to take the perfect picture that Jimin’s seemingly unable to pose correctly for

"This is a bonding moment," Yoongi says, ignoring Jimin's whines of wanting to go in and spend time inside instead. "This might even benefit your modelling, period."
‘It always has,’ Jimin thinks to himself.

Photography sessions with Yoongi have always bettered him one way or another, whether for his career, or for his happiness.

"I thought I was your muse," Jimin jokes with a smirk, pulling at the flowers in his hair as he walks towards Yoongi. "And I don't need to better anything because I'm already perfect to you."

"You are and you are," Yoongi absently murmurs, still flicking through the photos.
"But you still need my direction, it seems."

"How else should I pose then? Because I'm doing everything you're asking." Yoongi mutters something about Jimin being unable to ready his position just at the right time when the light strikes the lense, given the sporadic sunrays +
that keeps fading every now and then.

Jimin clicks his tongue. “You're just like Seokjin hyung."

"I guess him and I have that in common then."

Jimin stands behind Yoongi and rests his chin on his shoulder, sneaking a glance over it at Yoongi's camera. "Being uptight?"
"Call me uptight again and I'll bite your dick off later." Yoongi mumbles, before gasping loudly. He doesn't give Jimin a chance to retort at his statement prior and shouts, “I found some good ones!"

Jimin slips away from his shoulder. "They're all good."
“Okay but—“ Yoongi spins around and waves the camera in Jimin's face. “/These/. Look at them, wow!"

Jimin amusedly takes the camera from out of Yoongi's hands, enjoying the twinkle in his excited eyes that shine above that pink smile, gums drawn in his peak contentment.
Yoongi's only ever this happy when he has a camera in his hands, that much is determined

But this happiness seems to triple when the person on the other side posing for him is the a someone he adores; a someone who promised to pose for Yoongi as long as he would love photography
Which is forever.
The thought of being the very person that brings Yoongi joy somewhat makes Jimin feel good, and he honestly doesn’t want that feeling to end.

Not again.
Jimin smiles at what Yoongi shows him.


Yoongi doesn’t seem to notice that Jimin’s smile comes not because of the picture he’s looking at, but because this all resembles too closely memories they shared when they dated.

His favourite memories.

“I see.”
174. Aesthetic daddies

#yoonminau #yoonmin ImageImageImageImage
175. cute kitties

#yoonminau #yoonmin ImageImage
“Hello! You’re so pretty!” Yoongi expresses once he makes his way to Jimin near the daisy bushes, crouching down to be at level with the cat curling into Jimin’s lap. Thankfully his camera is strapped around his neck, or he would have thrown it across the grass in his excitement.
“Little kitty, ah!”

Jimin laughs. “I love how you turn into a baby around cats.”

Settling onto his haunches, Yoongi pats the cat’s fur, gently rubbing down her orange coating as she comfortably gives in to his touch. She purrs, and Yoongi adores the sound.
Having detected that the new companion brings no harm, the orange cat twists her neck so Yoongi can scratch her chin.

“I’m a baby at heart,” Yoongi admits. “And yes, it worsens around cats.”
At him casually accepting the claim, Jimin snickers and claps his hands gently over the feline’s white paws. He lifts them up, pretending to talk with her cute paws as he waves them at Yoongi, and points one at himself while the other remains pointed to Yoongi.
“And around me,” Jimin says. “You’re my baby.”

Yoongi scoffs and rolls his eyes, tugging lightly at her fur and smoothing his fingers down her skin. But Jimin, like always, doesn’t miss the light red blush creeping up on Yoongi’s neck, and at that he grins.
They play with the stray cat for a bit more before releasing her back into the garden park where her home must probably be.

Yoongi indirectly said that Jimin finding this cat must be some sort of fate or blessing because he'd never seen this one around, +
and that by playing with her, he felt like he was interacting with Peppa again as the stray gave in comfortably to his caresses.

Jimin told Yoongi that no matter where she is, Peppa's always watching him, and he shouldn't wonder too much whether she's doing okay.
Just Jimin offering patience and kind words—just how he'd always done.

Yoongi finds himself falling head over heels for that special trait all over again as Jimin reminds him that the things and people you love never truly leave you, as long as you remain keen on loving them too
If Yoongi weren't such a sap, that sentiment wouldn't have touched his heart as much as it did, and he wouldn't have found himself swooning for his ex like a lovesick idiot.
When dusk crawls over the horizon, the sun lazily setting to call an end to their photoshoot day, Jimin and Yoongi finalise the last few shots and make way back to Yoongi's apartment.

Shoes left at the door and reeling in the insulated warmth of the apartment walls, +
they childishly fiddle around in the living room, with a reality show playing as background noise as they tussle and turn on the carpet, arguing over who gets to see the pictures first.
Yoongi's laptop has long been discarded, chord strewn beside it instead of connected to his Nikon so they start transferring his pictures to the drive.

Instead, he's straddling Jimin's hips, ignoring the insane giggles that nearly choke him as he laughs out about how +
Yoongi can't be too keen in taking his picture in that moment, especially when he doesn't have full make-up coverage.

"You look like sex on the beach," Yoongi says, clicking another picture as Jimin tries hopelessly to fight the camera out of his hands.
"Meaning you look so good I would have crazy sex with you on the beach."

"Way to— reduce me— to a sex appeal," Jimin manages between his laughter, having to cover his hand over his mouth when Yoongi snaps another shot. "Stop taking my pictures, dammit!"
"I want to post more to my page." He says. "My other one too."

Jimin pokes his fingers into Yoongi's waist, before cradling his hips in his palms. At that very second, the older moves up and rubs against the hardness peaking from Jimin's jeans, which earns him a gravelly groan.
"Your followers are going to think we're dating." Jimin explains.

Yoongi pulls the camera away from his face, and carefully meets Jimin's eye. "Would that be such a bad thing?"
He doesn't know what it entails, but the look in Yoongi's eye is very telling.

Of things Jimin doesn't know.

But it's of /something/, and he feels a shiver run down his spine at the thought of whatever could unfold between him and Yoongi.
"Yes. I'm just Kitty Daddy," Jimin turns his gaze away and mumbles, forcing Yoongi to stop moving this time. Jimin catches the bitter tone of his own voice, but he has no other time to say this than now. “And we haven't done what they want... because that's what it is, right?"
Yoongi suddenly drops the camera. Following the light thump on the carpet, Jimin's snaps his head sideways, eyes wide and abashed, and doesn't move as Yoongi bends down and presses his palms on the floor.
Everything slows when Yoongi nuzzles the side of his neck with a deep inhale. Even if Jimin's defence at the sudden gesture falters, his grip on Yoongi's waist tightens, clinging to him like he doesn't want him to go away, but also because hes very confused with what's happening.
"If I tell you that I'm ready," Yoongi whispers and lifts his head, warm breath sweeping down the bridge of Jimin's nose. Jimin's own breath hitches in his throat, staring up at Yoongi who looks at him with a determined gaze. "How would you take that?"
Jimin's lips part slightly to breathe out, "Ready to..."

"Yeah." Yoongi nods. "And ready for myself, not because of random whores on the internet." When Yoongi smiles, Jimin loses the little breath that remained... because that smile... "Just the one."
It's the most comforting, most beautiful smile he's ever seen.

"Am I that one?"

Yoongi presses his lips to Jimin's shoulder, and mumbles into his skin, "You've always been the one."
Yoongi loses his virginity 🔞

🔗: ImageImage
176. realisation strikes
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
177. gushing about kitty daddy
#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
178. unspoken truths

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
179. 🥰

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImage
180. guardianship

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
"I can't believe you and I had sex." Yoongi says, words sinking into Jimin’s black strands as he buries his nose in his hair, nuzzling his roots to catch a whiff of the addictive scent of the model's peach scented shampoo. "And your hair smells great."

Yoongi frowns, raising up. "You didn't react to the first statement."

Jimin chuckles lightly. "Because neither can I." He says honestly. "Wouldn't have thought we'd fuck outside of a relationship when we waited two whole years without doing it then we /were/ together."
Yoongi nuzzles his hair again. "Maybe ‘cuz we're more mature now." He says, although doesn't truly believe that's the right thing to say because what they have stems from immature decisions and miscommunication; bad decisions that they hope will turn out good because it's /them/.
“It was a mutual decision we both made without those relationship prerequisites everyone has to follow. You know, of sex being a requirement when you're dating." Yoongi continues to speak, rambling his thoughts to try and piece together what he actually means.
As he talks, Yoongi doesn’t dwell too much on the gravity of his words, hoping Jimin will help him figure them out. "But we made our own rules. Because it's us."

Jimin hums, simply muttering, "I guess."
Yoongi knows that's not all Jimin wants to say, but he doesn't impose, and remains silent about the whole topic.

There’s so much they both want to say; that having sex was another major step forward in a direction to a place where they have no idea on where they're headed.
They may know what everything entails, and they may have strong desires to pursue it.

In retrospect, no one said rekindling old memories with your ex would be simple, and when it's time to get to a place that holds value in this relationship, Jimin and Yoongi are both stuck +
on where to go, since they're too afraid to ask each other for guidance and instructions.

To afraid to let go, and fearful to go on to where they want be. Especially when pride comes in the way of honest feelings, and saying what they both truly want.

Pride, and sometimes fear.
Yoongi lightens the atmosphere by saying, "And I can't believe you took my virginity." For a second, he thinks about something then snickers. "Well there's still my butt virginity, but I don't know how much of a top you are."

"A damn good one." Jimin teases.
"I'll leave that up for fate to decide."

Jimin laughs at that. "Still, your virginity will no longer be a topic of conversation between us."

Yoongi smiles in Jimin's hair. "Is this good or bad?"

"Bad if you talk to me less because of it now that it's gone," says Jimin.
"Good if I'm someone even more special for you now when you do think about it."

“Come on,” Yoongi ushers. “You’re always special.”

Jimin hums. “You’re special to me too.”
Light conversations like this with Yoongi confirm the hope Jimin still holds that him and Yoongi can have something again.

Laying on his chest, sharing the same breath after sharing such an intimate moment, gives him those hopeful sentiments that he doesn’t want to hope against
Jimin pulls Yoongi's fingers, splaying the index and middle finger with his own. "I ended things with the writer," He mentions slowly, shifting comfortably to lay on Yoongi. "I mean, we weren't seeing each other,” then he shrugs. “but we also kind of were."
Yoongi grows interested, and uses his other hand to brush his finger down the bridge of Jimin's nose. "Jung Hoseok?"

"Yeah," he agrees. "Thought I should tell you."
"Were you guys... a thing?" Yoongi asks, a little skeptical at the answer he might receive, especially with Jimin's need to mention it so suddenly.

"No, we weren't. We were actual friends with benefits."

Catching the tone of Jimin's voice this time, Yoongi repeats, "Actual?"
"I've got you and me to compare." He sighs, curling two fingers around the knuckle of Yoongi's thumb. "I don't really know what we are.”

Yoongi feels a sudden strain pull against his chest at his words. He can’t say he doesn’t understand Jimin’s uncertainty, but it still hurts +

“With Jung Hoseok, we were pretty much friends just hooking up, and we ended things before feelings got involved."

Jimin brings Yoongi’s thumb to his lips, and kisses it lightly. A smile raises on Yoongi’s lips, and he brushes his other hand through Jimin’s hair.
"You on the other hand, it's a little more complicated than that."

Yoongi pauses. "Complicated how?"

"Because..." Jimin stretches, curling his fingers in again until he wraps them fully around Yoongi's thumb. "With us, there /are/ feelings involved."

"What kind of feelings?"
"The ones that both make and break your heart because they’re really real and feel good, which can be frightening too because of what you find yourself doing to keep those feelings close to you."

Jimin speaks so faintly, almost transparent as he lets Yoongi see through him.
“They’re feelings that never left in the first place, but likewise still confuse you too by being there. Yet you want them still, along with the person that makes you feel that way.” He ends off with a shaky exhale. “Yeah, those feelings…”

Treading as lightly as Jimin probably is, with his heart accelerating soundly in his chest, loud enough for Jimin to here it, Yoongi agrees. For the first time since him and Jimin had started this... Yoongi admits the truth aloud.

“There might be.”

Partially admits.
Jimin snorts. “Might be?"

Yoongi roughly exhales. "There are."

"Hm." Jimin hums again. Always humming, which slightly frustrates Yoongi; he's always humming, never straightforward. But Yoongi isn't either. In fact Yoongi is worse than Jimin. "So you have feelings for me."
Yoongi flicks Jimin's forehead. "If I didn't have I wouldn't have had sex with you."

Successfully deflecting the sarcasm, Jimin softly asks, "But it's more than sex, right?"

Yoongi rests his face in his palm, playing with the loose hair on Jimin's forehead. "Yes. More than."
Jimin shuffles, taking Yoongi aback once he turns onto his front so that he can drape his arms around his torso. Yoongi’s back softly pushes against the mattress once Jimin comes forward, lips a short distance away from the other’s.
They’re so close, unable to pull away from the attraction that keeps them undeniably tied to one.

"Did you ever stop loving me?"

Jimin's voice is whisper-soft, portraying that inner vulnerability that only comes out in the presence of someone who bears his heart in his hands.
In that second, it gets really warm; prickling against his skin, bated breath held in his throat the longer Jimin decides to keep looking at him, searching for something in his eyes.
Being with Jimin had always been like this; a warm breath held in time, tentative at first, but so ascertained when drawn out in a lengthy sigh.
And Yoongi catches it, right on his lips as Jimin kisses him lightly, exhaling into his mouth as all their memories pile into this one moment.

Warm, hearty, /loved/.
It’s not the air, not an inhabited warmth from the comforters, but something abstract. And that’s when Yoongi realises that the warmth gravitating in the atmosphere is simply a constant of those feelings floating from his heart, to Jimin’s.
"I never did."

Jimin smiles, resting his forehead against Yoongi’s. "Neither did I."

#yoonmin #yoonminau

• • •

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More from @glossminiie

Apr 21, 2023
#yoonminau #yoonmin

“Alright kid, fun’s over,” Yoongi says from the top step. “Get lost.”

Jimin turns his head and frowns. “Kid?” He scoffs. “I just dismembered this dude for you.”

“And now there’s blood all over my goddamn floor because you were so incompetent doing it.” ImageImage
tw// blood and kinda squeamish descriptions (g0re)

there may be canon mentions but don't take em seriously alright? *smiles in jimin*
and also face-off was my saving grace for this…
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Mar 15, 2023
yoonmin au 🔞

jimin’s had a crush on his hyung for a while. it’s a secret he’s kept to himself, and he has no qualms to reveal it—until he accidentally walks in on yoongi. it’s to his greater horror when jimin hears his song Promise playing in the background

#yoonmin #yoonminau

— idols!ym
— unresolved sexual tension
— canon compliant; think 2018
— songs can have double meanings, hehe
— mature content 🔞🔞🔞

overdue and self-indulgent for @mimimichi4 and myself, and because she promised me her first born 😁
Growing up around, and spending a greater portion of his years with someone like Yoongi has taught Jimin one thing: that it’s not an easy job trying to conceal an erection.

And especially when there’s attraction involved.
Read 145 tweets
Jan 1, 2023
yoonmin au—

the memory of a life with Jimin is something Yoongi wishes were more than just memories.

but when the young boy comes bearing sad news, yoongi wonders whether he can tear apart the memories from his brain, and pretend a life with jimin never was

#yoonminau #yoonmin ImageImage

— angst
Yoongi hears another knock on his door.

He inhales a deep breath, trying to pretend that there is nobody on the other side.

But the three little knocks sound again, and it becomes impossible to ignore them.
Read 170 tweets
Dec 17, 2022
yoonmin au | a/b/o

jimin miscalculated the date of his heat & it starts in the middle of his lecture. it’s so hard sitting in class, especially with his professor, alpha yoongi, warning everyone not to be a bother while texting jimin dirty things in secret

#yoonmin #yoonminau ImageImage
tags 🔞

— established couple, power-play, and hinted age difference

— knotting, a little degradation, overstimulation, crying during sex but then cuddled during it too, fluff and lots of aftercare
When Jimin shifts in his chair, he feels a wetness in his pants. It slides uncomfortably in the small space between his upper thighs.

He groans, trying to put off the discomfort, but it’s hard to ignore, especially when the people beside him start to notice something too.
Read 92 tweets
Aug 13, 2022

Taehyung stares at the rose in the glass casing. "It's wilting.” He whispers. “That means…”

Taehyung knows already what this means; and perhaps, he knows too that Jungkook giving him an answer means he has to tell him the truth.

But the truth comes at a cost. ImageImageImageImage
"Turn me." Taehyung suddenly whips around, unable to bear the image of the dying rose in the glass any longer, blood-red petals scattering around the thorny stem, losing its beauty. “Before time runs out."

Jungkook's heart tears in his chest, and he shakes his head. "I can't..
Walking forward, Taehyung closes the distance between himself and the vampire, resting his palms on his chest, pleading with his gaze.

“I'm not afraid for you too," He whispers, searching for Jungkook's face as his head drops tilts downwards. “So you can't use that as a reason.”
Read 25 tweets

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