Beware, xenophobic movements do not stop at the mainstreaming of hate speech, they keep on working until hatred, contempt and exclusion are institutionalised, entrenched, taught in schools, aired in media.
Unfortunately, we have good examples of these processes in Spain 👇 🧵 1/
Catalan publicly funded radio @CatalunyaRadio has a programme where people calls and shouts "Puta Espanta" ("whore Spain"). Video:
This TV programme has been renewed for another season recently… 2/
Around 7000 primary and secondary school teachers members of unions demonstrated against the court sentence that established that Catalan schools should teach 25% of the classes in Spanish, shouting "puta España" in the streets. Video:…
A "comedy show" in public TV @tv3cat where they repeatedly mock Spaniards and Spanish institutions, use "puta Espanya", accuse Spaniards and "gipsies" of being thieves,mention a dog that smells Spaniards...…
A Kids programme in public Catalan TV @tv3cat where a character tells a little girl "I speak in Spanish because that way I look meaner"…
Video: 5/
This is a terrible case of an Argentinian journalist victim of a xenophobic and hatred campaign simply because he denounced in an opinion piece some xenophobic attitudes in Catalonia. He lost a job, scholarships, his university grades were affected...6/
@TMB_Barcelona@bcn_ajuntament vetoes campaign "Let's recover coexistence" promoted by @Societatcc as a tribute and vindication of the Barcelona '92 unity spirit coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Olympics.
However the've allowed many Catalan separatist campaigns.🤔 7/
Otegi, leader of EH Bildu, party that recently negotiated with the Spanish government a new historical memory law, requests the release of 3 French ETA terrorists who he refers to as "political prisoners" (wtf!). These 3 assassinated dozens of innocents.
Selective memory 8/
Terrorism apologists don't even bother to hide in Spain. Here another organisation openly paying homage to a terrorist of the Catalan organisation Terra Lliure that killed himself with an explosive he was planning to plant in a job centre in Alzira (Valencia) cc: @interiorgob 9/
In Navarre, nationalists have turned into a folkloric festivity the replacement of Spanish Guardia Civil by regional police. The celebrations include public displays of hatred, insults and acts of humiliation of those who fought (and died fighting) ETA 10/…
Bilbao, public festivity instrumentalised by nationalists to pay tribute to ETA terrorists. Victims and their families have to endure every year this humiliation in public festivals, that are meant to be a source of joy and funded with public funding. 11/
Interview with a father who has been harassed by other parents, neighbours and Catalan government for requesting a bilingual education and the legal right recognised by Catalan courts of a primary education with at least 25% of classes in Spanish. 10/…
@UABBarcelona launches a campaign "don't touch the tongue" inviting students to file complaints against professors switching to Spanish (first language of most Catalans) in class.
Mccartysm seeking to exclude Spanish for nation-building purposes 12/
Other example of nationalist institutionalised hatred. This big poster in Bilbao depicts a Guardia Civil (Spanish police officer equivalent to French Gendarme) and says "Get out of here".
These officers and their families had faced social harassment and bullying for decades 13/
Not far from Bilbao, in Pamplona, Navarre, Basque separatists, attack a man because he was waving a Spanish flag during Hispanic Heritage Day, actually an official public festivity in Spain. Nobody defended him. #Xenophobia and fear (mainstreaming of hatred) 14/
European Commissioner of Justice @dreynders meets with Catalan President @perearagones and reminds him of the need of respecting Spanish Court rulings. Secessionist politician (and journalist) Antonio Baños replies to tweet with a series of insults and xenophobic undertones. 15/
Puigdemont's pal combines xenophobia and aporophobia in a tweet. In the pic, a man with t-shirt saying I am Spanish is seeking (probably food) inside a dumpster and this independence politician claims it to be the "way of life" of Spaniards. Many give like and RT 🤦♂️ 16/
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Hilo con un análisis de la carta de Pedro Sánchez, desde el punto de vista de los atributos populistas que refleja: 1) El enviar una carta al ciudadano a través de Twitter/ X, y sin consultar o tener input del partido o gobierno puede interpretarse como ... 1/20
... Un intento de conectar con el pueblo directamente sin intermediación de instituciones o partidos. Algo típico en políticos populistas. 2) El dividir la sociedad bloques antagonicos. Aquí agrupa derecha + ultraderecha como si fuesen indistinguibles ... 2/
...Sánchez no solo reagrupa a Rajoy y Abascal, sino también reagrupa a los medios que considera "derechistas y ultraconservadores". Simplifica la realidad y los matices y distinciones dibujando medios y partidos como un mismo enemigo que colabora en una estrategia contra él... 3/
Para los que no se hayan dado cuenta de que estamos en pleno proceso de revisionismo histórico de nuestra transición y dónde se diferentes discursos se hacen dominantes en distintos ámbitos geográficos. Aquí unos resultados de una encuesta a 3000 personas en AND y CAT. Abro 🧵 1/
Cabe recordar que en 1976 un 93,36% de los catalanes votaron en el Referéndum que aprobó el proyecto político de la Transición (74 % de participación).
Curioso que los medios, sistema educativo y políticos hayan conseguido convencer a muchos catalanes que esta fue un engaño. 2/
Los partidos independentistas (y parte de la izquierda) están encantados de que ahora haya leyes para revisar (y denostar aún más) la transición. Que hasta hace poco fue considerada modélica por los mayores expertos en democratización. 3/
Enhorabuena a Ucrania, Reino Unido y a #Chanel. Esta última que a pesar de recibir tanto odio en febrero desde dentro de España y peticiones para que se cancelase su elección, ha demostrado que es una pedazo de artista. #Eurovision2022
Algunas rectifican
Pero otros siguen con la matraca como el account manager del @HuffPost
Para el que quiera comprender porque no hay muchas más familias solicitando que se cumpla el 25% de educación en español en Cataluña 😔
Miren este video de una madre 👇
Catalan secessionist demonstration tonight not only they seem not to care about #Covid19, but they are also singing "Visca Terra Lliure!" (which is the name of a separatist terrorist group which operated between 1978 and 1991.
Here some more images. Nationalism is felt to kill the virus
"Pim, pam, pum, que no en quedi ni un!" more songs referring to killing people