Ton Aarts Profile picture
Jul 10, 2022 96 tweets 43 min read Read on X
Reminder: please don't ask Dear Leader Elon why Teslas explode and burn dozens of times more frequent than the ~half a million Nissan Leafs on the road since 2009.

Per EV, per year, per mile, whatever. Dozens of time more frequent on fire / explosions ..

Eigenlijk weinig tijd vandaag. Maar deze moet even, want .. hij is namelijk gewist.

Ja, mag niet hè, van de ScienTeslagy sekte. Tweeten dat je Tesla zomaar in de fik vloog. Da's blasfemie, binnen de sekte.

'Defrost Car mode' ;))

(#TeslaFireIssues example 326 in this thread) Image
En wat helemáál niet mag, binnen de sekte:

Vragen waarom Tesla's nou keer of twintig, dertig vaker in de fik vliegen dan een Nissan Leaf (half miljoen op de weg, sedert 2009)

Per kilometer, per jaar, per EV, whatever

#TeslaFireIssues example 326:
PS: mocht iemand die brandende Tesla #pt herkennen: dat klopt. Was deze:

Die eerst de Tesla monteur schoon ondergoed liet aantrekken. Toen de brandweer 't hele meukding liet volpompen met water

En later die dag voor zoveelste keer opnieuw in fik ging

Het record opnieuw in de fik vliegen van één en dezelfde Tesla staat momenteel op .. vier keer

Vier keer hetzelfde Tesla wrak in de fik, binnen enkele maanden. Je blust zo'n meukding. En in de maanden daarna begint het nóg drie keer, spontaan

Ach, vooruit, doe ik er nog wat. Een beetje de achterstand inlopen.

#TeslaFireIssues example 327:

En onthouden: ScienTeslagy sekteleden krijg je doodstil door gewoon te vragen waaróm "veilige" Tesla's 20x of 30x vaker in fik gaan dan een Nissan Leaf ..…
Example 328 & 329:

Onthouden: twintig of dertig keer vaker 'kaboem!' in de fik dan een Nissan Leaf. (Meest verkochte EV model ter wereld, tot 1-1-2020)

En onthouden: nooit zo'n Tesla meukding vlakbij je huis parkeren. Laat stáán in je garage. Zelfs de brandweer zegt het nu. Image
Example 330 #TeslaFireIssues:

Een "pallet of Tesla batteries"?

Nee, da's euhh 'toeval'. Net als dat 't twintig of dertig keer vaker gebeurt bij Tesla dan bij Nissan EV's.

Is gewoon heel erg enorm absurd veel 'toeval'. Echt waar!…

Misschien elke Tesla rijder een Nissan Leaf geven?

Ja. Als je daarmee door stom 'toeval' twintig of dertig keer minder in de fik vliegt?

Per kilometer, per EV, per jaar, whatever: 20x of 30x minder vaak kaboem! Volledig in de fik. Vreemd, toch?…

Nee, nou moet je ophouden. Wat een ongelofelijk toeval!

Hoevéél Tesla's afgefikt zijn tot een paar centimeter hoogte?

Tesla: 'Onze Tesla's zijn heel veilige auto's'
'Nee, sorry, geen tijd voor verdere vragen meer!'
Tesla: En hou op met foto's ervan te laten zien!

Dat is ten strengste verboden!
Euuhh, ik bedoel .. 'Tesla's zijn de veiligste auto's ter wereld'

334: Tesla: Hou op met foto's!

We klagen iedereen aan die foto's van onze duizenden afbrekende wielen en exploderende Tesla's toont!

Euuh .. ik bedoel 'Tesla's zijn de veiligste auto's ter wereld'

Tesla woordvoerder: Nou, zie je wel?!

NIET in brand gevlogen!! Hey, haha, mooi hè!

Hoezo: 'omdat de accu niet geraakt is' en 'maar ze zijn toch dood, want Tesla'..?

Tesla: Als accu wel geraakt was?

'Nee, ik wil geen filmpjes zien waarop je Tesla deuren geblokkeerd zijn en je Tesla accu eruit ziet als een zak wokkels van Lay's!'

(Terwijl de VW accu geen deukje heeft en de VW deuren wel open gingen)

U gaat nu eruit!
Tesla woordvoerder: 'stop die video!'

Da's een illegale test, want wij willen het niet

Veel te realistisch, gewoon twee EV's tegen elkaar laten rijden. En kijken bij welke de deur geblokkeerd is, en welke wél gewoon opengaat. En hoe je accu's eruit zien

#TeslaFireIssues example 335:

"Two occupants of the Tesla were then no longer able to free themselves from the burning car, a police spokesman told a reporter on site"

(3 others were taken to a nearby hospital with serious injuries)…
Reminder 335: If your Tesla scrapes something with the sides. Even at low speeds

You have a ~20 or 30 times higher chance than other EVs like a Nissan Leaf that it will ignite and/or explode immediately, the same second

Now ask 'Dear Leader Elon' why ..… Image
Reminder 335: Expensive new/young cars (except Tesla) statistically have up to 100 times less risk (!) getting into lethal accidents

Than old second hand cars
(Average US or EU car age is ~12 years or more)
So Dear Leader Elon only 'compares' to "average cars"

Get it now, why? ImageImageImage
Example 336:

Of this ongoing thread just to document how absurd more often a Tesla ignites and/or explodes than other EVs ..

Per mile, per car, per year, whatever ..

Tesla in de fik voorbeeld 338:

(Man overleden, want opgesloten in z'n Tesla. Was al dood toen de brandweer 'm uiteindelijk eruit knipte)

Deed een wedstrijdje met een BMW M5. Hij verloor .. Image
And we have ... Tesla on fire 343

Reminder: please don't ask Dear Leader Elon why only Teslas burn 20 or 30 times more often than other EVs

Or .. how many Teslas ignited

Elon "In some cases, there have been zero Tesla vehicle fires in a quarter" Musk ;)
#TeslaFireIssues example 344:

"It took four hours for crews to extinguish a burning Tesla sedan after it crashed and caught fire near Fillmore Thursday"

(remember: just scrape the Tesla sides (or bottom), and it's .. kaboom!…
Now this one was barely damaged by the crash. And still ignited, burned for 4 hours ..

If you have a real crash, or drive into another EV? And all your Tesla doors are suddenly (b)locked and your Tesla battery is all wrinkled and leaking?

(The end .. )

Regular reminder:

Please don't ask Dear Leader Elon why Teslas fail in any other crash tests but the few obvious ones.

Fail in all tests not scripted, and not known to Tesla years in advance .. While other brands excel in those same tests. So 'strange'

Have a safe weekend folks.

And remember: don't ask Dear Leader Elon any embarrassing questions on Teslas exploding 20 or 30 times more often than other EVs

Or .. what happened to those ~1700+ Tesla batteries. From the NHTSA investigation, 30 months ago

Please don't ask those kind of questions ..

We don't want to see ScienTeslagy people cry, now would we.
Just one more, I like the number 345 and otherwise I might forget this one .. (so many #TeslaFireIssues around)

We all know how the video ends ..

Blijft lastig. Je Tesla ruitenwissers verstellen onder het rijden .. ondanks dat "Deep Rain™️ neural net" sensor netwerk wat alles* automatisch doet.

* Behalve je ruitenwissers bewegen, als het regent.

(Weten veel mensen niet. Is wel zo) #feit ImageImage
Update: het werkt! (Okay, alleen bij droog weer, maar toch .. )

Maar, d'r komt nog een update om je ruitenwissers te laten werken bij regen. Het duurt ook 'pas' 10 jaar nu ..

It's Friday, so .. more #TeslaFireIssues updates in this ongoing Tesla 'safety' thread

Example no. 346: a controlled test, at low speed

Remember what I said about a Tesla scraping the sides or bottom. And your Tesla is .. (well, you know, 20x or 30x more often than other EV's)
Let me show you the pictures

Yup: a hardly dented battery floor, hardly damaged on impact. And still within seconds: kaboom

Now imagine those $1000 Tesla door locks (b)locked, as usual, even after a moderate crash

So, unless you kick the glass or have a fire truck ready .. ⚱️ ImageImageImage
Just to compare: here's the latest Tesla Y crashing into another EV

1/ Notice the Tesla door blocked?

2/ Notice the Tesla battery crumpled like a pretzel? Ready to explode, while the other EV in same test has ZERO door problems, ZERO battery deformation
Reminder: Tesla only 'excels' at the handful of standardized age old crash 'tests', known in advance to every last detail

In all OTHER tests, and IRL .. well

(Ford Pinto was taken out of production, after 3.2 million and 27 victims. Tesla fire victims?)

You know what? Let's find out. Let's compare ..

Reminder: The Ford Pinto: "worst fire hazard car ever" Built in the seventies, so half a century ago. 27 Fire victims, taken out of production after 3.2 million Pintos

Tesla: 3 million built

Lets count Tesla fire victims .. Image
Tesla fire victims one, two and three.

(One and two unable to get out, and burned inside their Tesla. Third victim was pulled out by rescuers but died)

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 3 Image
Tesla fire victim 4
Burned alive trapped inside his Tesla ..

(After scraping something with his Tesla side, remember?)

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 4
Tesla fire victims no. 5 and 6
Again: burned alive trapped inside their Tesla ..

After swiping a tree, and immediately bursting into flames. (Watch the video, how quick)

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 6

Tesla fire victim no. 7
Again: burned alive, trapped inside your Tesla ..

Again: after side swiping something at moderate speed, and immediately bursting into flames. All doors locked. Burned alive, zero chance, again ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 7
Tesla fire victims no. 8 and 9

Again: after side swiping something (wall below) and immediately bursting into flames. All doors locked. Burned alive, zero chance, again

(Third boy inside was ejected from the Tesla, and survived)

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 9 Image
PS: Listen to the eye witnesses, watch the video + images, on yet another Tesla side swiping a wall (just the rubber from the tire on it, so no hard crash, just a 'swipe')

Bursting into flames immediately, all doors locked. Burned alive inside your Tesla

Tesla fire victim no. 10

Again: after your fautopilot steered you into a wall swiping it, and immediately bursting into flames.

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 10 Image
Tesla fire victims no. 11 and 12

Again: into a building, swiping it, and immediately bursting into flames. Both died, the driver trapped inside, the passenger was freed but severely burned and died shortly after.

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 12
Tesla fire victim no. 13

Again: driver trapped inside, the fire was so intense Dutch Fire Brigade could only free the remains from the Tesla half a day later.

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 13
Tesla fire victim no. 14

Again: driver trapped inside and dead by the time he was cut out of his Tesla.

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 14
Tesla fire victim no. 15

Though technically maybe not 'trapped inside and dead by the time he was cut out of his Tesla'. Because he drove his Tesla in two parts.

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 15
Tesla fire victim no. 16

A wall, a Tesla. Owner was rescued from inside his burning Tesla by fire fighters. After ~15 minutes, and he was burned to dead of course ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 16

Any ideas on how many Tesla fire victims this will end?
Tesla fire victim no. 17

A wall, a Tesla. Driver side swiped the house at shitty low speed, Tesla exploded and was blazing with fire immediately. His wife drove behind him ..

Burned to death of course
Anyone noticing a pattern?

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 17
Tesla fire victim no. 18 (who would've guessed)

Tesla driver burned to death, unable to get out. Since trapped inside and Tesla burst into flames after impact.

Again: anyone noticing a pattern here?

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 18

Tesla fire victim no. 19

Well .. you know how it ends.

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 19
Tesla fire victims no. 20 and 21

The standard Tesla procedure: Tesla hits something.

You could have survived in a 1978 Yugo. But your Tesla doors are locked, with you burning inside ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 21
Tesla fire victim no. 22

Repeat: You could have survived in a 1978 Yugo. But your Tesla doors are locked, with you burning inside ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 22
Tesla fire victim no. 23

Repeat after me: You might have survived in a 1978 Yugo. But not in a Tesla ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 23
Tesla fire victims no. 24 and 25

Both locked inside their Tesla ..

Repeat after me: You might have survived in a 1978 Yugo. Just not in a Tesla ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 25
Tesla fire victim no. 26

This was the guy burned to death after no one of the ~dozen bystanders around could get him out of his smoking Tesla ..

Your 1978 Yugo probably wouldn't have had all doors locked. Like in a Tesla ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 26
PS: 'why didn't they break the windows?!

They did. But even then this PoS "safest car in the world" Tesla kept the driver trapped inside, because the airbags didn't deflate

Everyone around had to step back by then, and could do nothing but let the driver burn to death .. #Pinto Image
Tesla fire victim no. 27

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 27

The '70's Ford Pinto was stopped, for being "a fire hazzard". After 3.2 million on the road

But 3 million Teslas with more fire victims, in fewer miles + less driving time .. is "safest car in the world"
Tesla fire victim no. 28

Burned alive in your Tesla. On a shitty road, with shitty low speed swiping a tree, all doors locked since it's a Tesla.

Driver had to be identified from DNA since there was nothing left to see ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 28

PS: Do ask Dear Leader Elon why ONLY Teslas explode and burn with locked doors ~20 or 30 times more often than other EVs.

Like the ~half a million Nissan Leafs (single most sold EV type ever worldwide, on Jan. 1 2020)

And on the road since .. 2010

Tesla fire victim no. 29

Don't know how much longer I have the stomach today

For showing more 'Burned alive in your Tesla' examples than even a $!$&* Ford Pinto from the seventies had

Considered to be the worst fire hazard ever

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 29
Tesla fire victim no. 30

In this 'which was better at killing people in a car fire, Tesla or the Ford Pinto?' - thread.

Burned alive in your Tesla, doors locked, zero chance of surviving, you know the drill ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 30

Tesla fire victim no. 31

Reminder: your Tesla side swipes something. And what should have been just material damage in most other EVs or young expensive cars:

Burned alive in your Tesla, doors locked, zero chance, mother of 5 ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 31 ImageImageImage
Tesla fire victim no. 32

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 32

"Tesla vehicle fires are exceptionally rare events, and in some cases, there have been zero Tesla vehicle fires in a quarter"

So, Elon

Why do Teslas explode and burn at least ~20, 30 times (or more) often than a Nissan Leaf? Image
"Safety is our primary design goal"

(Elon Musk, nov. 19 2020)

So, Elon. Why do Teslas on fire/exploding lock people inside maybe ~50 times more often than a Nissan Leaf? Per mile, per EV, year whatever

(I know zero Leafs, but dozens & dozens of Teslas)
Tesla fire victim no. 33

Reminder, the reason for starting this ongoing thread was just to compare:

A Ford Pinto from half a century ago (No. 1 fire hazard in car history) vs "safest cars in the world" (Elon Musk, May 15, 2020)

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 33

Reminder 2:

Teslas scraping a side or bottom to anything, even when the rest of the car body is largely intact ..

You burn alive anyway, since a/ it can be exploding or burning like a torch within seconds. And b/ good luck getting out with doors locked
Tesla fire victim no. 34

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 34

"Tesla vehicle fires are exceptionally rare events, and in some cases, there have been zero Tesla vehicle fires in a quarter"

Funfact: statistically lethal accidents in young expensive cars happen up to 100x (!) less than in cheap old cars

Average US/EU car age: ~12 years

Now do you understand why Dear Leader Elon only compares to "average cars"?

And hides no. of deaths/fires

So now you know.

Why Dear Leader Elon always compares deaths or "fires per mile" vs AVERAGE (!) 12 year old cars

And hides all data on how many people actually died. Or burned to death in a Tesla.

A why I'm comparing it to a Ford Pinto, just counting..
Tesla fire victim no. 35, and counting ..

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 35

"NHTSA is aware of 38 cases in which rear-end collisions of Pinto vehicles have resulted ensuing fire. These cases have resulted in a total of 27 fatalities sustained by Pinto occupants"

Tesla fire victim no. 36

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 36

(And counting .. )

Tesla fire victims no. 37 and 38

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 38 (And counting .. )

Reminder: there are less Teslas (3 million) than there where Ford Pintos (3,2 million, in 10 years). In fewer years, with fewer miles.

But more Tesla fire deaths. "Safest cars in the world"
Tesla fire victim no. 39

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 39

"#1 Don’t Panic
#3 Safety"

"Safety third. There’s not even a Rule Number Two ..

But even though there’s nothing in second place, safety is not getting promoted to number two"

(Elon Musk, November 15, 2017 interview) ImageImageImageImage
Tesla fire victim no. 40

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 40

And counting. Image
Tesla fire victim no. 41

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 41

And counting.

Reminder why we're doing this thread. Comparing Tesla fire victims to the Ford Pinto. Ended after 3.2 million & 27 fire victims in ten years

Tesla after 3 million in 10 years: "safest cars in the world" (Elon Musk)

(PS: and zero financial interest here)

Tesla fire victim no. 42, in Denmark

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 42

(And counting)

Tesla fire victim no. 43

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 43

(And, we keep on counting .. )…
Tesla fire victim no. 44

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 44

(And, we keep counting .. )
"Safest cars in the world" (Elon Musk)

* Except when you side swipe something, or scrape the bottom. Setting Teslas on fire faster than you blink an eye

And miraculously lots of those Tesla door locks somehow are blocked more often than in a Ford Pinto..
Tesla fire victim no. 45

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 45

(And, just counting .. )

Tesla veers into oncoming traffic. Side swipes a tree an bursts into flames immediately. Driver burns alive, unable to get out of his Tesla. Sounds familiar?

Continuing with our 'Tesla vs Ford Pinto' thread.
Tesla fire victim no. 46

Burned alive in your $120k "safest car in the world". On your 19th birthday, also her last one.

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 46

(And counting .. )

Tesla: we categorically deny that a Tesla side swiping anything is blazing with fire immediately! That is absolutely NOT true!

As you can see on this video it takes at least 0.1 of a second ..

Tesla fire victim no. 47

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 47

Though technically we're not sure if the fire killed him, or the tree did. Anyway: zero chance, in your "safest car in the world"

Notice we're nearing twice the fire victims those ~3.2 million Ford Pinto had in ten years .. ImageImageImage
Tesla fire victim no. 48

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 48 ImageImageImage
Please, please. ScienTeslagy fanboys/stockowners ..

I know you're not the brightest Twitter minds but you might want to stop foaming on the mouth telling me what I "missed on Axa"

And read what I tweeted on Monday (It's now Friday, dear Elon fanboys .. )
And the reason this thread is here counting examples of Tesla fire fatalities:

Almost twice the fire victims in 3 million Teslas/10 years than a Ford Pinto was cancelled for in the '70s after 3.2 million/10 yrs. As 'worst fire hazard car ever in history'

Now, personally I don't know if you're too stupid to understand or too greedy, as a $TSLA stockowner.

I have ZERO financial interest in Tesla, or in any competitor. Or in ANY stock.

And I don't give a sh*t about buttheart people foaming from the mouth.
Another Friday. So onwards and upwards, with our Tesla vs Ford Pinto comparison:

Tesla fire victim no. 49

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 49

Tesla fire victim no .. 50

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 50

(Two out of three "critically injured" died, one of them was in the Tesla on fire)… ImageImageImage

• • •

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More from @ton_aarts

Oct 27
1/ Wat Duitsland overboord gegooid heeft: alle kerncentrales

Want te gevaarlijk, te duur en .. niet nodig

NL politici: zeg, weet je wat wij moeten doen? Kerncentrales!
Als we nu beginnen, kunnen die 'al' na 23 jaar draaien

Kosten?? Haha, nee .. da's voor onze kleinkinderen
2/ Wat onze politici 'vergeten' te vertellen:

Al 3x méér duurzame stroom uit NL zon/wind nu, dan alle huishoudens samen gebruiken (!)

Kerncentrales bouwen we voor .. multinationals

Die de 4 tot 6x hogere eindkosten (!) per kWh all-in niet willen betalen
3/ Duitsland produceert nu al 61,5% van alle elektriciteit duurzaam. Met nul (!) kerncentrales

NL? 53%
Onthouden: 4x tot 6x duurder dan zon/wind: kerncentrales

En we bouwen ze voor .. multinationals
Die ze niet willen betalen

(Een 'detail', ik weet het)…
Read 4 tweets
Sep 13
1/ Een probleempje: er is alleen geen asielcrisis

(Faber is een racistische wacko, en kreeg opdracht van Geert af te leiden. Wegens inmiddels al 136 verbroken PVV verkiezingsbeloftes)

NL staat op een 14e plek in de EU, asielzoekers per inwoner…
2/ Onthouden: we sloten sinds 2017 .. ruim 50 opvanglocaties

Wegens "sterk teruggelopen asielaanvragen"

Afleiding, voor 136 verbroken PVV verkiezingsbeloftes door NSB-racistjes als Marjolein Faber. Die graag doet wat Führer Geert vraagt: hitsen

3/ Ook onthouden:

De Turkse student die met z'n NL'se maat een biertje dronk op een terras. En uit het niets gestoken werd door een witte Groninger van 67 jaar ..

NSB racistje Marjolein Faber:
Read 9 tweets
Aug 23
1/ "500,000 trees, or the equivalent to about 13,000 tonnes of CO₂"

Yeah, only ..

This is Tesla, the only EV manufacturer who hides their number of tons CO₂ per Tesla production for 17 (!) years straight now ..

So, lets compare 13,000 tons of CO₂…
2/ Polestar:

Our CO₂ from production? ~24 tons per EV
Down from 26,2 ton CO₂ (2021) to 23,1 tons
Polestar: Yup, that's the way it is folks ..

23 tons, x 6.5 million Teslas is .. 150 million tons CO₂

(over 11.000 times more CO₂ than those trees)

3/ Number of concerned journalists who ever made that calculation?

A: same as the number of journalists who ever asked Dear Leader Elon why he is hiding the Tesla tons of CO₂ from production, for 17 years now

You know, the very reason we are building EVs

(Zero journo's asked) Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 26
Nope, niet "tientallen miljarden" maar absurd, enorm krankjorum veel méér

Uiteindelijk 4x tot 6x de prijs van een wind/zon kWh, all in. Bij het einde (!) van die 4 kerncentrales

Maar die kosten zijn voor onze kleinkinderen
Motto van kernenergie-voorstanders: Wie dan leeft ..
De nwste kerncentrales van precies dát type wat sommige van onze politici uitkozen hebben hebben bouwtijd van .. 23 jaar (na aanvraag)

En de enige 3 EU kerncentrales van precies dát type gingen nu al tot .. negen keer over het oorspronkelijke budget heen

Drie vragen voor elke voorstander:

1. Wat gaat een kWh uit dié kerncentrale kosten? Vaste prijs, ALLES inbegrepen, net als bij windturbines

2. Wie is aansprakelijk voor alle kostenoverschrijdingen of risico's? (Spoiler: niet de bouwers maar .. wij)

En 3
Read 6 tweets
Jul 3
29 maart 2017 (7 jaar terug)

Luisteren we even goed naar wat Mw. Le Pen bazelt, over Ome Poetin verdedigen waar ze maar kan ..

Oh. Die 50+ miljoen die ze van 'm kreeg .. Toeval
(net als haar 'tig veroordelingen wegens corruptie)

2/ Hoevéél veroordelingen, wegens corruptie?
Voor Mw Le Pen cs

Nou, goed dat jullie dat vragen
Tel maar even mee: (draadje)

3/ Oh, en voor mensen die het allemaal al vergeten waren. Help ik wel even. Met geheugens opfrissen

Wanneer journalisten het wáágden haar vragen te stellen over de zoveelste corruptie met belastinggeld en EU-geld, door Mw Le Pen

(3 ton deze keer, 2017)

Read 4 tweets
Jun 4
Sommige errrg boze PVV wappies vragen mij wel eens

Ton. Jouw PVV online-spreadsheetje, over alle verbroken "heilige, metéén, op dag één!" Geert-beloftes. Hoe staat het daar nou mee?

56, inmiddels
(zeg ik dan)
Ja, en de reactie van zulke Geert-gekkies weet je al ..

Geblockt door inmiddels vrijwel -letterlijk- elke van belastinggeld betaalde PVV politicus ooit in NL

Ik schat door ca. 95% van alle betaalde PVV'ers

"Partij voor de Vrijheid" ;)
(Ja, voor de vrijheid van Ome Poetin .. ) Image
Maar meest bijzondere

Of je 't nu hebt over de absurde hoeveelheid antisemieten, bij alle bevriende EU partijtjes van Ome Geert

Of over die 56 verbroken "harde verkiezingsbeloftes"

Of over de 50x vaker (!) vrouwenmeppende en meisjes-vanaf-14 aanranders per PVV politicus ..

Read 7 tweets

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