> What is Dakshinayana?
> What is its significance?
> What is to be done on the day of Dakshinayana?
Stay tuned for an exclusive thread...... +++
Hindu calendar is broadly divided into 2 periods (Ayanas) of 6 M each comprising of 6 seasons (Ruthus) of 2 M each & 12 lunar/solar months of 30 days each (Maasas). 2 broad periods around which all spiritual & religious activities rotate R ref as Uttarayana & Dakshinayana. ++
Sun is D focal point for all these activities & D movement or transit of Sun around the zodiac forms basis for deciding a particular season R a month. We have 12 houses in D zodiac (360 degrees) starting from Aries & ending with Pisces with each house comprising of 30 degrees.++
Sun moves one degree in a day of 24 hours and accordingly it takes 30 days for the Sun to move from one zodiac house to the other during which time we have 30 sittings and 30 settings of Sun. ++
Movement of Sun frm one zodiac house to D other is called transit (Sankramana) of Sun & is denoted by name of that particular zodiac house. Suppose if it is Aries it's called Mesha Sankramana, Makara it's Makara Sankramana, Karkataka it's Karkataka Sankramana so on & so forth.++
Broadly speaking, Uttarayana or Dakshinayana comprising of six months each is the time taken by the #Sun to travel from one house to the other during these periods. ++
Starting from Makara (Capricorn) up to Mithuna (Gemini), the travel of Sun is called as #Uttarayana and starting from Karkataka (Cancer) up to Dhanus (Sagittarius) it is known as #Dakshinayana. ++
We all know that Dakshina means South direction and Aayana means travel or movement. So accordingly the movement of Sun in the Southern direction is called as Dakshinayana. ++
The time when the Sun leaves Mithuna Raasi (Gemini) and enters Karkataka Raasi (Cancer) is called as Karkataka Sankramana or Karkataka Sankranthi when the period of Uttarayana ends and Dakshinayana begins. ++
#San means to come together and #Kranthi means radical change. That means plenty of radical changes start taking place in the nature from this time onwards based on which the human activity depends. ++
For eg Karkataka Sankramana that marks beginning of Dakshinayana coincides with monsoon which is sowing season 4 crops when agri. activities get activated. Similarly it coincides with winter. Spiritually the period 4 performing austerities Chaturmasam overlap during Dakshinayana+
Majority of the major Hindu festivals like Naga Chaturthi, Vara Maha Lakshmi Vratha, Upakarma, Krishnashtami, Ganesha Chaturthi, Rushi Panchami, Anantha Chaturdasi, SharanNavarathri (Devi Navarathri), Vijayadasami, Deepavali etc. occurs during Dakshinayana. ++
Dakshinayana also coincides with Pithru Paksha, sacred time to perform sacred rites to the forefathers. It is believed/said that Uttarayana represents Devathas; Dakshinayana represents Pithrus. It is also said that Uttarayana is day time; Dakshinayana is night time for devathas.+
Dakshinayana is also called as #Pithraayana. It is said and believed that Pithrus descend on Earth during the period of Dakshinayana awaiting their off-springs to perform sacred rites enabling them to attain better placement in the other worlds. ++
Hence, lot of significance is also given during this period for performing Pithru related activities.
Generally we observe major festivals taking place during Dakshinayana. That means to say that #Dakshinayana is #sacred for both #Devathas as well as for #Pithrus. ++
During the period of Dakshinayana night will be longer than the day and the power of Sun gradually decreases as he moves from Karkataka to Dhanus Raasi. When Sun transits into Libra it becomes debilitated. Astrologically, Libra is the house of debilitation for Sun. ++
> sacred bath,
> prayer,
> japa,
> penance,
> tharpana,
> Daana; etc. are prescribed.
Tharpana should be given to all fore-fathers (Sarva Pithru) by those who are eligible with black sesame seeds (thila) during parva kala. +++
If the day coincides with Ekaadasi thithi, tharpana should not be performed. Instead, Pavamana/Pithru Sookta parayana should be made.
One should desist from sensual pleasures. Take only saattvik food.
Anna Dana;
Thila Dana,
Vasthra Dana are preferred during Parvakaala; ++
Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stothram,
Sri RaAmacharitrya Manjari;
Hari-Vaayu Stuthi,
Sri Surya Dwadasanaama/Surya Ashtottara;
Sri Raaghavendra Stothra etc.
are some of the hymns which can be recited during Parvakaala. +++
Generally transit of Sun is not considered auspicious as there will be certain disturbances in the organization of solar forces and such times are not recommended for taking up any new activities/ventures.
On the contrary, +++
On the contrary they R held to B auspicious for meditation, initiation into secret mantras, performance of certain religious rites.
Among Sun transits known as Surya Sankramana; Makara Sankramana and Karkataka Sankramana are given special significance as they coincide with the confluence or sandhi of two periods Uttarayana and Dakshinayana.
> How to reckon Parvakaala for Surya Sankramana ? +++
Dharma Shastras define Parvakala to B observed for each transit of Sun. Hindu Panchangas also indicate meritorious timings during a transit.
So far as Karkataka Sankramana (Dakshinayana) is concerned it is indicated as 30 Ghatis’ (1 Ghati = 24 mts) prior 2 transit as ParvaKaala
Any sacred deeds/rituals/rites performed during Parvakaala derive more merits than those performed during ordinary times.
Sri Krushnaarpanamasthu
Hari Sarvottama - Vaayu Jeevottama
'nAham kartA hariH kartA'
Sri Gururaajo Vijayate
Sri Vishnu Sahasranama stothram (sloka #23) describes Sri #Vishnu as #Animishah, the one who is ever awake, ever alert, and ever vigilant; the one who keeps a continuous vigil on his devotees. +
These four months (#Chaturmasam) are incredibly dear and pleasing to Paramaatma #Vishnu when He will be in Yoga Nidra (divine slumber) from Aaashaada Sukla Ekadasi called Deva Sayani or Hari Sayani to Kartheeka Sukla Dwaadasi called Uttaana Dwaadasi.
To evolve perfection one must make use of every little opportunity in one’s allotted span of life. Perhaps Chaturmasa is an appropriate occasion to streamline ones life physically, mentally as well as spiritually. +
Meaning, Oh!Mukhyaprana, how shall I praise yr deeds? In D past you flew frm Lanka a 1000 miles 2 bring life-saving Sanjivini frm Gandhamana mounts. U lifted mountain carried it on ur shoulder, U flew through sky in mts as every1 saw, U kept it @ D feet of Rama & bowed down 2 him
are not mere planets in the solar system. They are Devatas with a divine background. If only one can go through the meaning of slokas in Navagraha stotra, one can understand the divinity behind them. ++
One should not ignore worshipping Navagrahas. They should also be worshipped along with other Parivara DEvatas like Ganapati-Subramanya, always with proper anusandhana/Taratamya... #BharatiRamanaMukhyaPraanaAntargatha-#HariSarvottama;
A planet or a Graha is a celestial body that has substantial influence on the living beings on earth. Nava Grahas play an important role in human life. Navagrahas are the pivot around which the concept of astrology rotates. +++
Have you ever heard of #Chatuhshashtikala - the Great Indian Arts & Skills & their meanings ? +
India also called HinduDesa R BharataDesa is land of God; religion, temples, sacred scripts, great sages; saints; philosophers; scientists, history, great rulers, traditions, festivals etc. incredibly rich in culture & heritage which is unique. ++
Since yore, several civilizations have come into being and later came to an end but, Hinduism is still flourishing; it is the oldest civilization on earth. Human excellence depends on the development of culture. ++