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Sep 21st 2022
Solar month #KANYAMAASAM [when Sun is transiting zodiac sign #Kanya (Virgo)] is dear to #Paramaatma as well as to #Pithrus.
Solar month Kanya Maasam is the sacred month Lord #Vishnu (Hare #Sreenivaasa) descended on #Tirumala Kshethra in the constellation of #Sravana nakshatra coinciding with which, preceding nine days is celebrated as World famous TIRUMALA SRIVARI #BRAMHOTSAVAM
Almost on parallel days another famous Nine day festivals called #SharanNavarathri/#DeviNavaratri is celebrated during #Kanyamaasam.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 16th 2022
#Karkataka Sankramana (#Dakshinaayana) - 17.07.2022 (Sunday)

> What is Dakshinayana?
> What is its significance?
> What is to be done on the day of Dakshinayana?

Stay tuned for an exclusive thread...... +++
Hindu calendar is broadly divided into 2 periods (Ayanas) of 6 M each comprising of 6 seasons (Ruthus) of 2 M each & 12 lunar/solar months of 30 days each (Maasas). 2 broad periods around which all spiritual & religious activities rotate R ref as Uttarayana & Dakshinayana. ++
Sun is D focal point for all these activities & D movement or transit of Sun around the zodiac forms basis for deciding a particular season R a month. We have 12 houses in D zodiac (360 degrees) starting from Aries & ending with Pisces with each house comprising of 30 degrees.++
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