This is happening all over the US in large & small Dominionist congregations.
Dominionism has hijacked evangelical Christians and radicalized believers to act as expendable vanguard warriors.
Defending democracy will require many of these people to be physically stopped.
People who are beyond reach & mentally captured in an alternate reality. Indoctrinated to obey leaders’ every command like it’s the actual word of god.
Their first commitment? To Kingdom of god, and the Great Commission (make the entire globe live by Christian biblical law).
Remember the Texas abortion law that has made every citizen a deputized vigilante by permitting the average citizen to sue and receive a reward for reporting any woman or person that assists in an abortion?
The second pledge, to be a watchman, is along the same vein.
Here Dominionist Christian’s are claiming exclusive rights to govern in god’s name.
Most of these people actually believe this statement wholeheartedly.
Legal power from heaven.
Try challenging that claim to power. An attempt to refute this claim means you’re saying you’re superior to god.
That’s not going to be sufficient.
Nothing & no one can counter this argument without using force. These people are mentally captured.
Here they claim exclusive right to influence the world.
Not just the US. The entire population of the globe.
They and only they hold this right. As the divinely anointed ambassadors of god’s kingdom on earth.
Here is where it gets scary.
They are warning anyone who interferes or tries to stop their efforts will be destroyed.
Extrajudicial killing of dissenters is being claimed as an exclusive god given right by these people.
That’s fascism, without question.
Here are the decrees.
The Executive branch will follow biblical law & protect the constitution. This is a tricky one, but it’s basically saying Biden’s presidency is not recognized, nor are DOJ lawyers who oppose biblical interpretation of the constitution. Same with congress.
This is their claim to approval of a Christianized SCOTUS. I’m uncertain whether the liberalist justices will be permitted to remain. I doubt it. Recording dissenting opinions doesn’t seem to be required in a captured totalitarian fascist court.
This is the promotion of Q’Anon, Dominionist Christian nationalism, and white supremacy. It’s the embrace of ignorance and disinformation. And a negation that science is necessary, that truth exists or that facts matter.
If you are clinging to truth and facts, you’re an enemy.
This decree promises to disenfranchise every voter that isn’t saved. There is no room for dissent. Voting rights aren’t provided to enemies of the kingdom of god.
If you’re a democrat, liberal or progressive left, you’re considered an enemy of the kingdom of god.
This decrees a claim to superiority. It’s not specifically based on race, and some BIPOC who are “saved” may qualify for membership, but their superiority is limited as will be their privileges.
Energy independent.
Oil, guns and god. Any questions?
This is CNP and Koch influence.
SCOTUS just gutted the Environmental Act. I would safely assume that’s related to this decree.
It’s also an indication that this movement is moving towards autarky; fascist ideology.
More claims of divine approval and permission to denigrate and dehumanize all people who dissent and consider them enemies of the state.
Last screenshot states Dominionism includes multiple denominations conspiring to fulfill this fascist coup. Roughly 30-35% of US population.
Whether you like it or not, the US is being turned into a totalitarian theonomy. Enemies will be exterminated. Which is what is meant by “saving America.”
This is a declaration of war. Civil war.
I warned ya. But it sounded too crazy and conspiratorial.
Conspiracies have a way of sounding conspiratorial.
And don’t think this is just the US. This pledge of allegiance isn’t just being chanted by American Dominionist Christians.
Nope. It’s here in Canada as well.
Don’t believe me?
Do you see the name in the background of this video?
Flash Point Live.
Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Global reach, including Canada.
But it’s not just Canada either. This is the movement that has been built over 40 years and built up fifth columns in every western democracy.
New Zealand
Ukraine. Etc.
This is WW3. Ukraine is a proxy war. This is hybrid war.
The majority of the actual battles are being fought on Social Media with the assistance of complicit Mainstream Media. It’s a battle to control your perception of reality and ultimately your behaviour.
This is military grade Maskirovka. Reflexive Control.
Do you HATE Trudeau, Notley, Biden, Macron, Merkel, Scholz & other world leaders? Why?
Because you’ve been inundated with repeated propaganda telling you to hate these leaders from the progressive left and the far right. It’s a pincer attack.
It doesn’t matter which side of the political spectrum you’re on. You’ve been saturated in anti statist, anti democratic, libertarian & anarchist propaganda for the past 5 years non stop. Longer if you’ve been active in social media.
That’s shaped your perception of reality.
Unless you’ve been aware from the beginning that you were being manipulated, gaslit and by whom (left and right), you have inevitably adopted some disinformation as truth. That includes me. Which is why I wrote down my truth 5 years ago and regularly refer to it.
This is the end stage of subversion of democracy. Unless we internalize and comprehend the danger we are in as a society, immediately, and work together in solidarity, democracy is dead.
The US has 30-35% support for fascism, other nations have varying support.
Fascists are now using inflation & economic stress to coerce people to pressure their govt or overthrow their govt to create chaos.
Chaos is the end event in subversion. It’s social collapse. It’s anarchy.
Then a strongman emerges as leader and normalizes the new reality.
In the US, that’s Trump or DeSantis.
In Canada, it’s PP.
Those are the leaders who are going to attempt to normalize fascism if they are elected.
It’s our job to ensure that doesn’t happen.
PM Trudeau has been a strong leader up to this point.
But caving to Germany’s demands for the turbine was a serious mistake, IMHO. It’s a concession to Russia. It provides the crack in the foundation of allies to insert a wedge.
Putin will hammer away at that wedge.
Where is the request originating? On the progressive left.
It’s not the wealthy who are demanding profits at the moment in Germany. It’s the left pleading for German population to not suffer from inability to heat their homes in winter.
The true nature of the left is revealed.
The progressive left & liberalist moderates are more than happy to support a cause if they don’t have to suffer themselves. But commitment wanes when personal sacrifice is an expectation.
Russia is bombing Ukrainian civilians daily.
People are dying.
Children are dying.
But German progressive left and liberals are all about avoiding any consequences for permitting dependence on Russian natural gas.
There is a significant number of fascist far right in Germany looking for an excuse to create chaos.
But is that sufficient reason to permit thousands more Ukrainians to die by paying Russia for natural gas this winter?
Are liberals and socialists going to continue to bicker and be bullied into capitulation to Putin’s interests because fascists threaten to revolt in Germany?
Or any other nation for that matter?
There is no negotiation with fascists. Putin is committing genocide in Ukraine.
So the rest of the globe is going to permit that to continue because arranging for natural gas from other sources is complicated?
Principles only matter when they come into conflict with real life choices.
The federal government has left the decision open to reconsideration.
Canadians and the rest of the democratic world MUST accept that we are at war.
The expectation that there won’t be consequences to defending democracy in Ukraine is being propagated by the far right. And supported by the radical progressive left and some fearful liberals.
One look at WW2 history reveals a demonstrable lowering of lifestyle expectations to survive and win the war.
Where do people think food like SPAM and Click came from? War era protein that was affordable.
Rubber drives, metal drives, victory gardens, canning the harvest.
Those were all common Canadian and American responses to war time inflation and supply of reasonably priced food options.
Neither the US or Canada saw kinetic warfare on North American soil. (With the exception of Pearl Harbour).
I don’t remember my relatives who lived through WW2 complaining about the cost of commodities and threatening to secede if taxes weren’t cut.
Quite the contrary. Taxes skyrocketed during WW2. So did the national debt.
And I’m sure there were some grumbles by the selfish.
But thankfully my family wasn’t one of them that complained. They chipped in and helped by volunteering or living more frugally.
Because that’s what patriots do during a war. They band together and provide as much support as they can afford.
My grandmother was forced to leave home at 13 to work so she could survive. Her parents could no longer adequately feed her or her closest in age siblings. That was 1939. She was born in 1926.
She had dreamed of finishing school. She loves reading. Which lasted her entire life.
She played the fiddle and was her mother’s helper in the household. With 10 siblings and a few cousins to feed, it was hard work.
She used those skills to move in with a more affluent Ukrainian family as a house servant at 13 years of age.
She had several jobs over the war years. She worked for a Chinese immigrant who owned a laundry mat. She went North and cleaned fish in a fishery warehouse. She worked as a waitress when she moved to the city (Edmonton). She lived in rooming houses and ate what she could afford.
Usually onions and potatoes as a staple with Spam as occasional protein as a treat. She sent her extra cash back home so her younger siblings didn’t starve and her family could pay the taxes on their subsistence farm.
Until your life is something along those lines, you aren’t suffering.
You’re whining.
People are dying from war crimes committed by a fascist nation and people are complaining about food prices and gas taxes.
So the left’s compassion for social need is just lip service now?
We’re too entitled to our lifestyle to accommodate changes that help Ukraine or Europeans requiring gas to heat their homes that we threaten revolt instead of pitching in to help win the war for the existence of democracy?
How ashamed would our war time relatives be of us?
Global citizens need to decide within the next few weeks whether they are going to maintain solidarity or cave to the demands of people who are “suffering.”
I realize people are having much difficulty paying their bills, buying food, paying for gas.
But economic insecurity is a reality of global warfare. It cannot be avoided.
We all want life to just go back to normal. But normal died November 2016. That world no longer exists.
We’ve had almost 6 years to grieve that loss. Besides, it was always a myth we lived in.
We ignored the corruption and deviants while we went about our lives. Confident our elected representatives were taking care of problems and issues.
Many of them tried. Earnestly. But they were defeated by propaganda and populist demagoguery.
They were defeated by the coordinated subversion of western democracy by left and right saboteurs. Funded by dark money. From those who seek to destroy democracy and install global authoritarianism.
This is the last stand. This is the modern D-Day.
Get your priorities straight. We are in a perfect storm of global catastrophes.
Economic Recession
Climate Change
Global Hybrid Warfare (domestic and foreign in origin).
Where do we live? In one of the safest places on earth.
We can access food, shelter & safety.
Almost every citizen has access to clean water, heat this winter and basic necessities.
If you’re complaining, try living in Ukraine, Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, Yemen. That is suffering. Not in Canada.
Yes suffering is relative. Certainly.
It is difficult and uncomfortable to reduce the entitlements we are used to because of a global war that we didn’t want or start.
But that is our reality.
Whining about it & blaming the current government isn’t going to change reality.
You can see for yourself who Dominionist Christians are aligned with. It’s not western democracy advocates.
They want a evangelical Christian version of the Orthodox Christian totalitarian fascist regime that Putin is fighting to expand into Ukraine.
Putin cannot be allowed to win that war. Because it would mean the end of western democracy.
So suck it up. Pay attention and do your part to survive and beat back the modern fascists disguised as Christians.
I personally don’t mind Spam. I grew up on it.
But there are other alternative sources for protein. Plan your shopping trips better. You can live with buying groceries semi monthly and supplementing fresh foods by buying in bulk and local produce.
There are several options to save money and stop putting pressure on govts to reduce inflation.
They are doing the best they can in extremely difficult times.
I wouldn’t be surprised if PMJT approved the release of the turbines to aid Germany in warding off a fascist coup.
And there is definitely a risk of another attempted coup here is Canada and the US because of financial pressures.
So why aren’t our leaders preparing the public for difficult times ahead?
Because the fifth columns here in our democratic nations keep stoking the flames of resentment and entitlement.
On both sides of the political spectrum.
We all have one planet to call home. We better start taking care of our home and each other. There is only one human race.
One. All we have to worry about & focus on is one another.
A couple days ago, I asked if people would like to protest the fact all 13 premiers are refusing to negotiate for health transfers if the federal government insists on national standards and measurable targets.
A few people said they would be interested.
So I have prepared a couple versions of a protest letter for people to use as a guide. In fact, I'm including two versions so protesters can see how the original can be modified.
Alternatively, you can create a protest letter all on your own. You may have another perspective you'd like to mention.
It will take a generation to discover the full impact of Covid and it’s frequently mutating sub variants.
This is criminal to publish pseudoscience that puts oriole’s lives in danger.
This needs to be removed and a full retraction is warranted.
Whomever permitted this garbage disinformation to be published should receive maximum discipline. We are talking about human lives and accuracy of the fourth estate is paramount.
I now have irrefutable proof that that radical extremists who identify as Q’Anon, white supremacists or Dominionist Christian Nationalists are indeed fascist.
I’m counting on the fact that most people do NOT want to be dominated by a totalitarian regime that threatens their right to life if they dissent from being governed by these people in perpetuity.
Call it a hunch, but I think most of us enjoy freedom of thought and action.
Please read this whole very long thread to understand what the far right are doing. And why it is vital that we all drop the bickering and work towards winning this global war.
Stories like this continue to increase in frequency. The restriction of healthcare services by provincial governments to force the federal government to hand over federal transfers without any expectations is outrageous.
Yet the public stays relatively silent and unaware.
Using the profits gained from women’s soccer to supplement the men’s budget is clearly sending a message to women in sports.
Damn right the federal Canadian Sports organization issuing licensing needs to investigate this matter.
Just like they’re investigating Hockey Canada for it’s completely inadequate response to a gang rape of a woman by 8 young hockey players celebrating a win. A settlement and an NDA?!
Sports has been compromised by the Dominionist movement.