swag the gremlin | pls QRT! 💋 Profile picture
Jul 26, 2022 233 tweets >60 min read Read on X
"They said since it's been a couple weeks, some of your stuff's probably been sold already," Katsuki grumbled, dropping onto the couch next to him. "But they're forwarding the list to all their locations, so hopefully some of it will be pulled off the shelves."
It was the morning after and Kacchan had come up with a plan of attack as he'd slept.

First, he'd decided to reach out to headquarters for all the major donation centers and thrift stores in the city and explain the situation to them.

By the time Izuku had woken up, he'd—
sent the collection's spreadsheet to six different organizations, explaining that they'd be searching for the stolen items in the coming days.

So far, they'd sounded eager to help, but there was only so much they could do. After all, if something had already been purchased,—
they were out of luck unless it had been bought with a credit card.

And who shopped at thrift stores with credit cards? Some people, sure. But not many.

Mina and Eijirou had already started driving around to different thrift stores with his list, hoping to get started while—
he and Katsuki went through Ochako's things.

Hanta, Denki, and Hitoshi were taking the debris from the *theater* to the dump, where they'd also be asking management if it would be possible to track down his notebooks.

He wasn't very hopeful on that front. He was pretty sure—
they were gone for good.

All Might's autograph was in one of those notebooks. Hero Analysis #13. A landmark of the day his life had changed forever.

"Thanks, Kacchan," he replied. He was currently sitting in front of a pile of Ochako's things.
On either side of the pile were two boxes—one labeled "Return to Asshole" and the other labeled "Sell."

Katsuki had made the labels, hoping to get a laugh out of him. There was even a poorly drawn rendition of Ochako on the asshole box—pointy teeth and devil horns included.
It just reminded him that the person who he'd thought he'd be spending his life with had intentionally gone behind his back to ruin things that mattered to him.

Katsuki peered into the boxes to check his progress. "Damn, I really thought you'd bought more of this shit for her,"—
he said, poking through the "Return to Asshole" box.

"I can check again, but I remember most of the things I bought for her," he replied.

Katsuki lifted a handbag out of the box, eyebrows raised. Izuku looked at it, then at his companion—waiting for him to speak his mind.
"This is the third fuckishly expensive handbag I've seen in that box," he muttered, digging through again to pick out the others.

He'd grown up with Kacchan, so he was *aware* of what dressing nicely looked like. He could identify when something was stylish and when it wasn't,—
even if he wasn't particularly stylish himself.

That didn't mean he could glean an item's quality or value, though. Usually, when he bought a fancy gift that featured fashion, he'd defer to Katsuki's expertise.

"They're cute," he replied, shrugging. "She likes cute things."
"Deku, I'm saying there's no way she could have bought all three on her salary," Katsuki explained. Izuku could tell that his patience was thin, and knew he was only refraining from snapping because he was already upset.

He'd be grateful, but his trepidation was dominant.
"How do you know?"

"They were all released in the last six months from major lables. It would have been outlandishly expensive for her. You're a Top 10 hero, so it's a drop in the bucket for you, but she only cracked Top 50 this year."

Izuku grabbed his laptop from the table,—
opening up his bank statement.

Money wasn't that important to him. He had more than he needed, and mostly used it to take care of the the people who mattered to him. He didn't spend his time watching numbers grow and decline.

The last time he'd really examined his finances—
was when he'd set up QUAD: Quirkless United Against Discrimination, a resource and advocacy organization for quirkless people, especially kids.

He'd provided every cent of the startup costs, and pumped money into forming tolerance and advocacy programs,—
researching institutional bias surrounding quirks, and creating resources for quirkless youth in crisis.

Katsuki had been front and center—volunteering time to speak at schools and provide training to teachers on quirkless discrimination and their responsibility to stop it.
The time before that, he'd helped set up education funds for Eri, Kota, Mahoro, and Katsuma—enough to pay for college if they decided to go.

The point being—he was relaxed about it. If someone asked, he would usually give. He was involved in philanthropic work, and he—
provided for his loved ones. If he noticed something that Ochako liked, he'd get it for her, just to see her smile.

The thought that she might have been using his bank account to fund her purchases *without asking* wasn't significant in the face of everything else she'd done.
But it made him wonder if he'd come off as the type of partner who wouldn't give when asked. He'd always felt that if it made a loved one happy, he'd give them the shirt off his back.

He clearly hadn't come across that way to his wife, though.
As he scrolled through his bank statements over the past six months, even *before* they were married, his stomach sank.

"Look for an Hermes purchase," Katsuki instructed. When he found it, his eyes bugged out of his skull.

4,239,700 yen.
"That's an work-study itern's annual salary," he breathed.

"That's this one," Katsuki said, holding up a dusty pink back with a deep purple band.

She'd gotten rid of his most cherished possessions, while going behind his back to buy a handbag worth at least *half* the—
average sidekick salary. And she'd accused him of wasting money.

He didn't care that she wanted nice things. He cared that she ruined the things he cared about, then went behind his back to fund her own interests. He cared that she could have asked and he would have given.
He cared that she chose to build herself up by tearing him down.

Katsuki kept pulling things out of the "Return to Asshole" box—pointing them out on the statement in front of them.

In then end, she'd spent 28 million yen since they'd gotten married, and 17 million before then.
He wasn't even angry. He was just exhausted.

"Fucking asshole," Katsuki hissed, throwing each item into the 'Sell' box with far more force than necessary. "Didn't even *ask.*"

That seemed to be a running theme. She didn't even have the decency to ask him about *any* of it.
No room for negotiation, nor communication. So utterly self-serving that it felt like he didn't know her at all.

Maybe he didn't.

"I was looking at that self-adjusting weight rack and you bought it for me as a 'just-because' gift. You're a fucking 'just-because-gift' person!—
I bet if she'd dropped a hint, you would have bought her the whole fucking store," he snapped.

Yeah, probably.

"I'll go through that whole fucking box and itemize everything," Katsuki continued. "You should go after her for credit card fraud or theft or some sh—"
"No," he replied. "I'm not gonna drag this out by making it a bigger thing. I don't want to ruin her career or make her miserable." Katsuki went to interrupt, but he held up his hand to stop him. "That won't make me feel better.—
I'm gonna file for divorce, sell what she bought on my dime, and look for my collection. I don't need revenge, I just need this to be over."

Katsuki glared at him, eyes hard. He wanted to argue. Katsuki *always* wanted to argue—it was part of his charm.
But Izuku didn't want to deal with this by beating her down.

He wanted to focus on what mattered to him, and that didn't include her anymore. Kacchan seemed to arrive at the same conclusion—shoulders dropping and glare softening to a displeased scowl.
Kacchan understood him better than anyone. Even if he didn't agree, he understood.

"Fine," he grumbled. "But you're letting me take care of selling this shit. I don't want you to have to look at it longer than you have to."

A command, not a request.
He wasn't very inclined to argue anyway, though. "Fine," he said, tilting his head back to rest on the back of the sofa.

There was still a bunch of her things to sort—now with a finer comb. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He wanted to be anywhere else.
Thankfully, Kacchan took that part over—cross referencing everything he didn't remember buying with his bank statement, just to make sure nothing else slipped through the cracks.

Somebody knocked at the door, and Katsuki stood to get it.
Izuku kept his eyes averted from the "Sell" box, unwilling to see how much it had filled.

"Hey Mido," Mina said, traipsing into the room with Eijirou at her heels.

"Hey, guys," he replied, giving them a thin smile. She was carrying a small stack of takeout boxes.
"I have a little bit of good news," she told him. She stepped aside so that Eijirou could step around her. "We found some of the commemorative pins and keychains at the thrift store by her agency."

Eijirou set a small bag down on the table, and Izuku pulled it toward himself—
with shaking hands. His stomach churned as he looked inside—a ten pins and four keychains tucked inside.

Every pin had belonged to a set and, sorting through them, none of those sets were complete. It was a start, though. Honestly, It was better than he'd hoped for.
"How many did you hit?" Kacchan asked them. Izuku ran his thumb over one of the keychains. It was a from a merch line that promoted All Might's first-ever movie.

"Seven," Eijirou replied. "The ones between her agency and Ingenium. We took our time—two of the keychains were—
already on the floor, so we wanted to make sure we didn't miss anything."

"They'd better start pulling shit from the list I sent," Katsuki huffed. "Eat, nerd. The lawyer's gonna be here soon."

Izuku nodded, placing the keychain back in the bag.
He'd pack them more carefully once the lawyer left—to protect them until he could recreate their display case.

He ate and listened as Katsuki chatted with Mina and Eijirou—taking out his phone and pulling up a maps app. "What's that?" he asked.

"Kats made a list of—
all the local thrift stores," Mina explained. Katsuki flushed, not looking up from his phone. "We've split them up and we're marking off the stores as we hit them."

No matter how shitty he felt, knowing that Kacchan was looking out for him made him feel warm.
His eyes stung and he sniffed, overwhelmed by gratitude for for him and sadness that he even needed to go that far.

"Don't fucking cry," Katsuki groaned, balling up a paper towel and throwing it at his face. "I hate it when you cry, goddammit."

"Sorry, Kacchan," he said,—
lip trembling. "Thanks for doing this. I'm—" he broke off, swallowing past the lump in his throat. "I'm very grateful."

"You'd do the same for me, dumbass," he growled, gritting his teeth. "You're my best fucking friend. Now shut the fuck up and eat, you can cry later."
He let out a watery laugh. "Okay, Kacchan."

"I have another project for you fucks," Katsuki said, standing. "We're almost done sorting through her shit. When we finish, can you take this shit to Bubble Bitch?"

"Sure, dude," Eijirou agreed.

"And while you're waiting,—
photograph all of this shit and note down any damage," he said, kicking the "Sell" box. "I'm gonna start selling the flashier shit online tonight."

"No problem," Mina agreed. "I have an appointment at UA at four to go over intern requirements for the Meteor Agency,—
but I can come back after, too."

"Alright," Katsuki muttered. "Thanks, losers."

"Love you too, jackass," Mina huffed, kicking his foot.

By the time the lawyer showed up, they were done eating and Izuku and Katsuki had resumed sorting. Mina had started photographing while—
Eijirou noted down scuff marks and tears on everything in the box.

"Mr. Fujiwara," Izuku greeted the lawyer dully—smiling politely without it reaching his eyes. "Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"Young Todoroki was very insistent," Fujiwara replied as Izuku—
led him through the foyer and sat him down at the dining table. Katsuki was already seated, imposing and terse. "Dynamight," he greeted the blonde.

Kacchan nodded—a small, jerky movement meant more to intimidate than acknowledge. Izuku placed a hand on his shoulder, as he sat.
"This should be fairly straightforward, since I have a solid prenup and we've only been married for two months," he explained. "I want to get this over with as quickly as possible."

Fujiwara nodded, pulling out a notepad. "Why don't you tell me everything that happened."
Izuku told Fujiwara what had happened up until yesterday and by the end, the lawyer wasn't *horrified* but he did look displeased. "I'll need a copy of your prenup, but I don't think you'll have much trouble," he said.

"It's not just the merch and the notebooks,"—
Katsuki told him. He'd thrown an arm over the back of Izuku's chair—a steady weight across his shoulders. "We were going through her shit today, trying to figure out what to send to her and what we were going to sell to recoup some of the losses. We realized that she's been—
buying crap with his credit card without telling him since before they were married."

Fujiwara sat forward in his seat. "That could—"

"I don't want to press charges, I just want her out of my life," Izuku insisted. Fujiwara didn't look like he liked that plan and—
by the way Katsuki tensed, he agreed.

The lawyer sighed, leaning back.

"If you change your mind, I'd be happy to help. In the meantime, I'd like to encourage you to be meticulous as you separate your possessions. Keep a record of everything you're returning to her and—
everything you're retaining. Anything you retain, make sure you can find it on your bank balance or receipts and record those items, too. She was willing to go behind your back on multiple occasions to get her way. That behavior is likely to translate into divorce proceedings,—
and you don't want to give her any ammunition. I'd also like to offer to help with the handoff."

Izuku frowned. "Why?" he asked.

"If you provide me with an itemized list of everything returned along with everything you're retaining, I can draw up a release that says she's—
received all the enclosed items," he explained. "I can also sign off as a custodial witness to the handoff."

Katsuki nodded. "We were going to send Mina Ashido to do the drop-off when we're done sorting. If you're available this afternoon, I can have her coordinate with you."
He frowned, pulling out his phone and flicking through it.

"It looks like I'm free after 5PM. If you'd like to serve papers at the same time as you return her belongings, it would be best to wait until tomorrow afternoon, though. I'll need to look through your prenup to see—
where we stand, and I may call you through the day to confirm details."

"We can work with that," Izuku replied quietly.

"From there, I'd meet Ashido here, go through the items, sign off that I'd seen everything on your list, and have you seal the boxes in front of me. Ashido—
and I would deliver both the possessions and the divorce papers to her in person, and have her sign that she received her property and the divorce papers. The following morning, I would file your divorce with a ward office."

Izuku swallowed, tearing up.
"And then it's done?" he asked.

"And then it's done," he confirmed. "As long as no other disputes arise, which they shouldn't, since we're pre-empting that with documentation."

He nodded. "Seems simple enough," he said. He hated the thought that—
he'd have to be meticulous because Ochako might try to screw him over. He'd never thought she was the type until yesterday.

The feeling of distrust was new, and it was ugly—twisting around his heart and up his throat. He hated it.

Kacchan squeezed his shoulder.
"We'll finish tonight, and I'll email you a copy of his prenup," the blonde said, taking out his phone and adding to a list in his notes app. Izuku leaned over to look at it, but Kacchan jerked the phone away and pushed his face in the other direction. "Fuckin' nosy," he barked.
Izuku spluttered a laugh, surprised. "It's about me! Do you even have a copy of my prenup?"

Katsuki looked at him like he was stupid, which...well. Maybe he was. "It's on your computer. I'll use your computer to email him, dipshit."

Oh. Right.

Despite the situation,—
Fujiwara looked amused. "Thank you for your help, Dynamight—"

"Bakugou," he interrupted.

"Bakugou," the lawyer corrected.

"Yeah, whatever," he grunted. "We have a meeting tomorrow morning that we can't miss but other than that, I'll make sure this idiot answers his phone."
Right. They had an appointment with the Hero Commission in the morning to discuss the contents of the notebooks.

He was glad that Kacchan had told him to disclose the notebooks years ago. The Commission was had been uncomfortable with them being in an unsecured location, so—
he'd contracted Hatsume to build his security system to pacify them. It had worked. They'd signed off and only requested that they inform them of any potential security breaches.

They knew every person keyed into his biometric access, and every person who had a house key.
They periodically checked the security footage at his front gate suspicious activity.

Knowing the measures that Izuku took to keep the information safe, they weren't likely to hold him accountable for its loss—especially since they'd approved it.
But they *would* want to know what was in the notebooks, to the best of his ability.

"Don't know how long that will take," he admitted. "I'm gonna be brainstorming tonight, but there's over a decade of material to cover."

"Worst case scenario is that it takes an extra day,"—
Fujiwara told them.

"I can message you to let you know when we're done," he offered. Katsuki squeezed his shoulder again, silent and supportive.

"Sure. You can reach me by text or email, I check both regularly," he said. He put away his notepad. "Is there anything else you'd—
like to talk about? Or shall I get started?"

"That's all I can think of," Izuku replied. He turned to Katsuki. "Kacchan?"

Katsuki's jaw clenched. "If Deku decides to press charges in the future, can anything be done about the people who helped her?"

"I know you don't want to and I know IcyThot apologized, but—"

"They didn't know that she didn't have my permission."

"What about Glasses?" Katsuki asked. "We don't know how involved he was. I know you don't wanna make it hostile but you gotta protect yourself too, nerd."
"I can make some suggestions," Fujiwara assure them. "You don't have to act on them unless you feel like it. It's good to have options."

"People you thought you could trust came into your home and violated a space that was important to you," Katsuki added. "Be prepared, Deku."
As much as he wanted t be done with this, he knew they were right.

Deku slumped in his seat. "Fine," he agreed. "Thank you."

"Of course. I'll be in touch," he said. He picked up his bag and stood. "Remember to send over the prenup."

Katsuki stood up and shook his hand, and—
Izuku followed after. When Fujiwara left, Katsuki took him by the shoulders and turned him so they were face to face. "How're you doing, nerd?"

It was rare for Kacchan to be so gentle with him. His gaze was serious and concerned and under it, Izuku felt himself crumbling.
His lip trembled and he looked down when his eyes started watering. "M'tired."

He stiffened in surprise when Katsuki tugged him forward, arms wrapping around his shoulders to hug him. "Sorry everything's so shitty right now, nerd. You're kicking ass, though."
Izuku nodded against his shoulder, tears escaping despite how his eyes were squeezed shut to stop them. He was sick of crying. It felt like he'd been crying ever since he'd come home yesterday.

"Thanks for being here, Kacchan," he murmured. "Dunno what I'd do without you."
Katsuki pulled back, small smirk on his lips. It was probably the closest he'd get to an affectionate smile. "Same thing, just a hell of a lot slower," he teased. Izuku swatted his arm. "Seriously, though. You've got this. And I've got your back," he promised.
Izuku looked up at him, teary-eyed and tired, but so fucking *thankful* for Katsuki Bakugou.

And for the first time in years he wondered, just for a moment, what his life would have looked like in a world where Katsuki—brave, bold, and beautiful—had loved him back.
The next four days passed quickly, but that didn't mitigate how crappy they were.

The day after they met with Fujiwara, Izuku met with the Hero Commission, Katsuki in tow. They went down a list of heroes that had been active over the last decade and Izuku,—
while being recorded, recounted as much information as he possibly could.

Commissioner Suzuki, the new head of the HC, also took him aside for a sit-down to talk about potential recovery efforts to make sure the journals didn't fall into the wrong hands.
There wasn't much they could do, except recruit heroes specializing in search and rescue to comb through the closest landfill.

"If they are recovered," Suzuki said solemnly. "I'm afraid allowing them to remain with you in your home would be too great a security risk."
Kacchan had bristled beside him.

"It's not the security system that's the problem, it was the person who had access. You gave Uravity security clearance and required psych evals before she went pro. If anything, this is on the *Commission.*"

Suzuki had sighed,—
leaning against his desk. "Uravity's actions were misguided, but the breach occurred because they were in a residence, not a secure facility."

"His residence *is* a secure facility!" Katsuki yelled. Izuku gripped his knee, a quiet plea for him to calm down. He—
took a deep breath before continuing. "Are you planning on reprimanding her for not using a single braincell in her dense-ass skull?" he demanded.

"Her lack of judgement aside, she was reorganizing an unlocked room in her own home. She should have had the sense to look at what—
the notebooks contained, but she didn't willfully endanger fellow heroes. On the other hand, even with your home security, you left the notebooks in an unlocked room. A houseguest could have taken them if left unattended."

"So the solution is more security, not confiscation,"—
Katsuki argued. "Building a secure vault into the house so that only Deku has access."

"Kacchan, it's okay—"

"If you get those journals back, you're keeping them," Katsuki snapped. "They're not just hero analysis, there's personal shit in there." He turned his furious gaze—
on the Commissioner. "The HC signed off on Hatsume's security system. If anything, you're the ones at fault for not demanding more robust protection."

Suzuki sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face. "Maybe you're right. And I don't *want* to make this more difficult for you. But—
even if you were get the notebooks back and upgrade security, the Commission Advisory Board will fight you every step of the way."

Kacchan bared his teeth. "Then they can fucking fight me," he sneered.

Suzuki had sighed and promised them he'd revisit the conversation soon,—
especially if they managed to retrieve the notebooks. Izuku watched as Kacchan told him that it wouldn't be a conversation because there was nothing to discuss.

But he couldn't feel like they might be right. He'd thought Uraraka was trustworthy, so maybe—
the next person he trusted would be just as bad.

After they'd left Commission Headquarters, they'd spent the rest of the day hitting as many thrift stores as they could—Kacchan crossing each one off his map as they searched.

Fujiwara texted him twice—asking him questions.
The third time he contacted, it was to send him a finalized version of his divorce papers to review.

He sat in Katsuki's car as he read them while the blonde continued to hunt through the thrift store they'd been searching.

And as he sat and read them, just two months after—
his wedding, he wondered if he wasn't lovable in the way he wanted to be loved.

He'd loved Kacchan for ages and he loved what they had, but he'd always wanted more. He'd decided to cherish what they had because their friendship wasn't a consolation prize, it was a gift.
So, even though loving Kacchan was as much a part of him as green hair and freckles, he'd moved on.

He'd fallen in love again with another best friend, and he'd been so sure she loved him back. They were happy and vibrant—comfortable in each others' presence.
His heart had fluttered every time he saw her—stomach swooping like he was on a rollercoaster. Exciting. *Warm.*

And then *this* had happened.

He had so many amazing people in his life. People he loved and who loved him. But he wanted romance. He really did.
He wanted a partner he could come home to—who'd curl up with him at night and share his lazy mornings.

He wanted to romance and be romanced. He wanted to feel at home with somebody, and for somebody to feel at home with him.

In that moment, he wondered if—
he was doomed to disappointment. The thought sat heavy in his chest, weighing him down like lead. It choked him too, sticking in his throat.

Before he knew it, he was curled over his phone in the passenger seat—shoulders shaking as he sobbed quietly.
The driver's side door opened and shut. Then, a burning hand was running along his back, soothing and slow. Kacchan didn't say anything, he just let him cry even though he hated it when Izuku cried.

When he finally got his shit together, he straightened up and—
wiped at his face with his sleeve. "Sorry, Kacchan," he muttered.

"You've had a shitty couple of days, nerd," Kacchan assured him. "Here." Izuku glanced over at him, frowning when he found him holding out a crêpe. "Strawberry whipped cream, lemon curd," he grumbled.
Izuku took it carefully, still staring at Katsuki in confusion. "Thank you?"

Katsuki scowled. "You're having a shit day. You like crêpes. I bought you a fucking crêpe."

The corners of his lips quirked up. He couldn't help it—Kacchan's emotional constipation was *funny.*
"Thanks Kacchan," he sniffed. "You're the best."

Katsuki scoffed, turning the car on and putting in directions to the next thrift store. "I fucking know that already, dweeb."

He'd eaten his crêpe as he finished reading through the papers Fujiwara had sent. He'd approved them—
and sent them back, and listened to Kacchan complain about some 'shitty soccer mom looking fuck' who'd tried to cut him in line at the crêpe stand.

Two thrift stores later (with no luck finding any of his merch), Izuku's phone had vibrated.
From: Dancing Queen
yo ur lawyer is metal af

He frowned, texting Mina back quickly.

To: Dancing Queen
what happened?

From: Dancing Queen
ocha said she wouldn't sign
so he looked at her like she was a literal baby
and said the divorce would happen no matter what
From: Dancing Queen
but if she didn't sign the agreement
she'd risk her career and rep getting ruined from the media coverage alone
so 'act like a grown-up and sign' if she didn't want her life up in flames
and he sounded so *bored*
like she was a waste of his time
To: Dancing Queen
did she sign?

From: Dancing Queen
she was pissed
iida was here btw
he had that disappointed dad look
idk if it was @ her or @ u

Something close to anger stirred in his stomach. *She said she wouldn't sign?* Where did she get off trying to refuse it?
She'd *stolen* from him. She'd broken his trust and lied to him and his friends. He might not want an ugly, drawn-out divorce but was still furious with her, and he definitely didn't trust her enough to share a life with her.

He was glad he'd asked Shoto for his lawyer.
He wondered if that's how Fujiwara had dealt with Endeavor—by threatening his career and reputation to get him to comply.

Either way, he'd gotten what he needed out of Ochako. He just hoped that when he talked to Iida, it went okay. Although, the fact that they'd been together—
wasn't promising. It sounded like he was going to be on her side. He hadn't even tried to contact Izuku despite Hitoshi's attempts to get in touch.

He supposed he'd have to wait for Iida to come to him. He'd hoped he'd do it during Izuku's remaining vacation, but the next—
four days were radio silent from Ingenium.

Izuku barely noticed though. As much as he wanted to know where he stood with Iida, he had other priorities.

Finalizing his divorce.

Selling the things she'd bought with his money.

Telling his mom.

Hunting down his collection.
His days were filled with either turning his life upside down, or trying to find his steady ground.

He was so grateful he had Kacchan. His hero partner had taken vacation days so that he could stick to his side—crawling through thrift stores and online auctions for his stuff.
Over the week, they'd managed to find some of it—thankfully with minimal damage.

He'd found three of the comic books from the original All Might: Ultra Age series, the Titan Star lunch box that Denki had given him, and four different official figurines.
Unfortunately, most of the rarer stuff had been bought already—most of it in cash.

A lot of the stores had offered to cross-reference their records with his spreadsheet, and had found multiple sales that fit the descriptions of items in his collection.
To a skilled collector, thrift stores were gold mines. To parents, too.

He was willing to bet that the collector to parent ratio was 1:1, and some of his rarest treasures were either having their limited-edition heads smashed into walls or sold at auction for insane markups.
Katsuki had spent his evenings next to Izuku on his couch—crawling online forums and reaching out to sellers.

Three purveyors had mailed his merch back to him after he'd sent them his spreadsheet (complete with serial numbers), but a seven of them had told him to fuck off.
Unfortunately, there was no way to prove they had his stuff, and it was impossible to prove that some items were his. Posters didn't have serial numbers. Neither did plushies. Neither did a lot of stuff, for that matter.

It felt like he was chasing ghosts.
It might be dramatic, but it was like pieces of his collection were right in front of him but disappeared before he could reach them.

At least he had Kacchan and his other friends to help him. But there was only so long that he could devote his time to tracking it all down.
A week after his life had blown up, he'd had to give up his daily hunt to go back to work. His divorce had been filed, he'd spent a whole week searching high and low, and now it was time to go back to his daily grind.

As much as he wanted to, he couldn't drop everything.
Katsuki ruffled his hair as he passed by in the locker room. "You sure you're good, Deku?"

Izuku gave him a tight smile. "Yeah," he replied, pulling on his boots. "Should be a pretty easy day, right?"

Katsuki nodded. "S'been slow lately. Probably just a light patrol. You'll—
probably rescue a kitten from a tree or some shit."

"Hm. Maybe I should hit the training room after," he muttered, pulling on his gloves. "I need to hit something. I think I'd feel better."

"Yeah? Wanna spar?" Katsuki offered. "It's been a fuckin' month."
Izuku gave him a tight smile—tense, but grateful. "Sure, if you're up for it. I'm surprised you're not sick of me by now," he admitted.

Katsuki socked him on the shoulder. "You're my partner for a reason, fuckhead. If I couldn't tolerate you, I'd just kill you."
"Sure, you would" Izuku replied, completely sarcastic. Katsuki socked him again for good measure.

"Fuck you," he replied. "I'm heading out. *Call if you need back up.* And do it *before* you're bleeding out."

"It's literally been years since I've done that," he said, cross.
Katsuki shrugged, walking toward the door. "You're a dumbass. It takes time and shit-tons of repetition for lessons to stick."

"Mean!" he called after him.

"You like it!" Katsuki barked back just before the door closed. Izuku sighed when he left.
It felt like Katsuki's presence was the only source of *spark* these days.

He knew it wouldn't last forever, but Kacchan made the sharp edges of his shattered life feel smoother.

Less painful.

Sighing, he walked out of the locker room and made his way to his patrol route.
As soon as he walked out of his agency's doors, he was met with a massive fragrance ad on the side of a city bus. It featured his now ex-wife in lingerie, smiling sweetly at the camera.

And from there, it only got worse.
thanks for being patient with me 💕 i've been struggling to find the right vibe with this thread, so I hope I succeeded. I HAVE IT ALL PLANNED NOW, so i'll drop the next update as soon as my goal is met <3

I've been at it for 16 hrs so 😴

It felt like he was surrounded. Everywhere he went, there was some reminder of either Ochako or his collection, and it had him on edge all day.

Despite only being Top-50, Ochako was popular in the fashion world—coming off as cute and relatable. She had her fair share of—
ad campaigns and sponsorships, so her image could be found on six out of ten city blocks and three out of ten busses.

He did his best to ignore them, focusing on the people around him instead. Today seemed to be an off-day—instead of swarming him, people were giving him—
a wider berth. He didn't mind. It was actually sorta refreshing.

He ducked into an alley to take a deep breath at one point. He'd passed a stand selling knockoff merch posters. They'd had a copy of Nighteye's All Might poster, and his stomach had twisted miserably.
When he'd emerged, he'd resumed his patrol—passing another thrift shop. He restrained himself from calling dispatch for a break to go in and search.

"How're you doing, dork?" Katsuki's voice came in over comms in the middle of his lunch break.

He was huddled on a roof eating—
steam buns he'd picked up on patrol.

The owner had been unusually terse, shoving the box of buns in his direction with a grunted "here," and saying nothing else. He knew her younger brother had been having health problems—he hoped he was okay.

"Fine," he replied. "Eating."
"It better be nutritious or I'm gonna kick your ass," Katsuki barked.

"Promises, promises," he sighed.

"Hell yeah, it's a promise," Katsuki said. "When have I ever backed down from kicking your ass?"

That was a fair point. "It's not a matter of will, it's a matter of ability."
"Fuck you, you little turd," he growled. Izuku chuckled, taking another bite. He'd have to get back on the street soon.

"You're amazing, Kacchan. I'm sure you'll catch up," he teased.

"I'm gonna *rock your shit,*" Kacchan swore. Izuku could practically see—
the steam coming out of his ears. He couldn't help the little grin as Kacchan cussed him out. At this point, it was the highlight of his day. The most normal he felt was when he and Kacchan were bickering.

"I'm gonna head back down," Izuku said, interrupting Kacchan's tirade.
He stopped, going quiet. "Okay," he replied. "You sure you're okay? Denki said he'd take your patrol if you weren't up for it."

Izuku smiled. "I'm sure," he promised. "But thank you for looking out for me, Kacchan."

"What the fuck else are partners for, shithead?" he grumbled.
"Still. You're the best."

"I fucking know that!"

He checked his phone before he scaled his way back down the building. There were some texts from friends checking in on him. There were also a few messages from his PR team, asking for details of his divorce ASAP.
He figured they wanted to draft something diplomatic about their split. He'd get to it after patrol.

As the day went on, it got weirder. He pulled a civilian out of the way of an oncoming car, and she yanked out of his grip as soon as they were back on the sidewalk.
"I didn't need your help," she spat, glaring. He resisted the urge to flinch back, smiling gently.

"You're probably right" he agreed to appease her. "It just felt too close for comfort, so I figured it was better safe than sorry. Please forgive me."

She scoffed.
"Yeah, I bet *that* was sincere," she said sarcastically before stomping off. He stared after her, perplexed.

He wasn't used to passive aggression from civilians. Not all of them loved him, but they usually thanked him in a scrape. Not that he needed their thanks as long as—
they were safe, but it did make him anxious.

He caught a pickpocket a little after 3PM, and the *criminal* was rude to him. Not that that was unusual, but hearing someone say "you should be ashamed of yourself" as you were handcuffing them was a bizarre experience.
"So should you," he'd replied before handing him off to a cop. He winced when the cop glared at him and pulled the pickpocket away from him.

"We've got it from here," he said, cold.

He frowned. "Is there a problem?" he asked.

The officer's scowl deepened.
"What you did to Uravity was cruel, and you should have known better," he spat. His blood ran cold.

"What I did to Uravity?" he asked in disbelief.

"Like you don't know," he sneered. "I have work to do." He turned and left, dragging the pickpocket with him.
Izuku went on comms with his dispatcher. Ochako had done *something,* and he needed to know what.

"Maki," he called.

"Deku," Maki replied. "I don't have anything new for you, is everything okay?"

"I've been getting a...negative response from civilians and officers today, and—
I just learned that it has to do with my divorce. Can you find out what she said?" he asked.

"Uh, sure...give me a few minutes."

He moved to get off the street and wait on a nearby rooftop. He scanned the area as he waited, still technically on patrol.

"You there, Deku?"—
Maki asked. He gave a little hum of confirmation. "She tweeted twice. Not a lot of detail. One said 'if you didn't love me, you shouldn't have married me in the first place' and the second just said 'heartbroken.' She didn't even officially announce your divorce, but I think—
the public put two-and-two together."

He grit his teeth. He *had* loved her. At least, he'd loved what he'd thought she was. "Can you patch me through to PR, please?"

"Sure," Maki assured him. "I'll triple-click if you need to switch back for a dispatch call."
The relief in his PR teams' voices when they picked up the call made his stomach sink. If they were this glad to get his input, that must mean the backlash must be bad.

His PR team was scrambling for a way to reply that didn't sound defensive, which was difficult because—
his choice to take the high road meant that Ochako had gotten the first word.

He was glad they'd had the foresight to tell their agecy staff the basics of what had happened. In his agency, at least, everyone was supportive.

Outside of his agency, Ochako's fans had been—
gaining momentum all day. Her tweets had been vague, and it had lead to shit-tons of baseless theorizing that people were *somehow* choosing to take as gospel truth.

"For the time being, we'd recommend finishing your patrol off the streets," one of them said. "At least—
until we've come up with something to say."

"That would be hiding," he replied. "And hiding implies that I've done something wrong when I haven't."

He returned to street level and continued his patrol. This time, though, he didn't plaster on his hero smile.
They thought he was unaffected? He *wasn't.* And if they wanted him to show that, he would. It would be easier on him that way, anyway.

Maki came over through his comms an hour later. "Your PR team released a statement for you," he said.

"Thanks, Maki."
He fished out his phone and read it, satisfied with the earnest but diplomatic tone. Most notably, he was pleased with how his quote at the end came off.

"I wasn't aware that Uravity had spoken on the matter, so I'm sorry to the people who have expressed disappointment and—
received unsatisfying replies. I love her but—not through infidelity—she broke my trust. While I'm sure I'll eventually forgive her, I'll never be able to trust her again, and that's not a marriage I can be a part of. Thank you for understanding and respecting my privacy."
It was succinct—truthful but noninvasive, and showed that he was unwilling to slander.

He had no idea how well the statement would land, and he probably wouldn't really know until tomorrow. His patrol was nearly over, so except for social media he'd be flying blind.
And social media was always meaner than the real world. He'd learned that the hard way.

On his route back to the agency, he was more aware of the whispers and stares that followed him. He knew at this point they'd be split—half believing his statement, the other half saying—
he only wanted to save face.

He didn't care. He'd said what he needed to. He was hurting, and he didn't owe that pain to anyone. He was allowed to heal in his own way.

He wouldn't make his broken heart a spectacle. He didn't need to pass around the pieces for it to be real.
People would think what they thought, and all he could do was be honest and kind. That had been true when he was a quirkless child, and it was true now.

He made his way back—jaw stiff and eyes blank. He saw reporters in his periphery more than once. Two actually approached him,—
asking for quotes.

He turned them away as politely as he could.

"Heard you had a shit day," Kacchan's voice came from behind him. He was only halfway back. "Shoulda have told me."

Izuku shrugged. "I was gonna tell you when I saw you. Which is now. I had a shit day, Kacchan."
"If you'd told me earlier, I would have helped, dork," he replied, punching him in the shoulder. "Day's over now."

"Thank god," Izuku muttered. They were almost back to the agency now, and he could feel their eyes on him.

Another bus with Ochako's ad campaign passed by and—
he stiffened. Katsuki caught the motion, and his eyes flicked to the passing bus. "Didn't even think about that shit, damn," he said. "You've been seeing her dumbass face all day."

Izuku pursed his lips, only giving a jerky nod. Katsuki clapped him on the shoulder, steering him—

In fact, he didn't let go until they reached the locker room—steadying him. Tethering him so he wouldn't drift.

Kacchan bitched about the 'shitty d-list villain' he'd tracked down today as they changed, holding Izuku's attention with both hands. He had a feeling that—
he was doing it so that he wouldn't check his phone for news, but he didn't need to worry. He had no desire to see what people were saying.

He wasn't surprised when Katsuki followed him home. He was grateful for it. He wasn't super talkative, so Kacchan just shoved him—
toward the couch. "I'll make dinner," he said. "Stay off your phone. Want Mina and Denki to come over?"

He shrugged. "Sure. You don't have to cook though. We can order out."

"Over my dead body, dork," he huffed, pulling out his phone to text them. "Sit. Watch something."
Rolling his eyes, he settled back into the couch—turning the TV on. He buzzed Mina and Denki in, unsurprised that they'd dragged Eijirou and Hitoshi with them.

Katsuki *was* surprised that Eijirou and Hitoshi were there, and bitched up a storm as he made two more portions.
"I legit almost said something," Mina said, reclining in the armchair. "Except I don't know what you and your PR team have planned, and I didn't know if it would mess with your divorce settlement."

"I wouldn't want you to say something anyway," Izuku said. "I appreciate the—
thought, but I wanna say just enough to get people to leave me alone about it," he explained.

Mina and Denki glanced at each other. "We get that," Denki said. "But it doesn't always work that way, dude."

"I know," he replied. "But I wanna keep it civil for as long as I can."
They didn't look jazzed about the idea, but Kacchan came through—telling them he'd already tried to change his mind with no success. And if *Kacchan* couldn't change his mind, almost nothing else could.

He was glad to have them there. Once they stopped talking about Ochako and—
started talking about their days, everything felt a little lighter. Then, they watched movies until Eijirou fell asleep on the couch.

It felt like being back in the dorms again. Like they were young and carefree, and like he wasn't miserable—because in this moment he wasn't.
In this moment, pressed up against Katsuki on one side and Mina on the other, while Eijirou snored and the All Might: Lost In Space movie played in the background; he wasn't miserable.

And he wasn't miserable when everyone left, but Katsuki asked to stay in the guest room.
"Of course you can stay," Izuku replied, rolling his eyes. "You've stayed over the last two days, why would today be any different?"

Katsuki shrugged. "Today was shittier. And you had to deal with more people today than yesterday. Social fatigue is real shit."
"Just take the guest room, Kacchan. You need something to sleep in?"

"Nah, I'm good," he replied. That tracked, since he usually slept in a tank top and boxers. "Go to bed, dork. We skipped our spar today, but I'm gonna kick your ass in the morning."
"You keep saying that," he said wistfully. "But you haven't kicked my ass in years. Maybe you don't *want* to kick my ass. It's okay, Kacchan. You can admit it."

Katsuki leveled him with a glare. "If you weren't going through a straight-up divorce, I'd kick your ass right here."
His lips twitched in amusement. "Thanks for being so generous. Goodnight, Kacchan."

"Night, Deku," he grunted, already stomping toward the guest room. Izuku made his way to his own room, grimacing when he stepped inside. It still had too many traces of Ochako.
Quietly, he changed into his pajamas, grabbed a blanket, and made his way back to the living room so he could sleep on the couch. Just like he'd been doing for the last week.

He fell asleep hoping tomorrow would be a little bit better. That PR's statement would ease the strain,—
and that his heart would hurt a little less. That maybe he'd find more of his collection, or his notebooks would be found by the recovery team. He knew the chances were slim, but it was nice to dream.

When he did dream, he dreamed that none of this had happened at all.
The next morning he woke up well before his alarm went off. The sun had barely come up, and he had *four hours* before he had to be anywhere.

Katsuki wasn't even awake yet, or else he'd have been making an obnoxiously nutritious breakfast as loudly as he could.
His phone was chiming—the sound of both texts and emails pushing past his need for sleep and unsettling him.

He sat up on the couch and opened his email first—clicking on the thread from his PR team that had started at 5am. Something must have gone wrong if they had a whole—
planning session before dawn.

He scanned the parts where they requested they call them when he woke and that he take a town-car instead of walking.

Then he saw the attached article, and knew Ochako had made her next move.

It was titled *Hero Deku Divorces Uravity Over Toys.*
tbc when my goal is met! I hope you're all enjoying this nonsense.

He felt numb. He sat on his couch and stared at the headline—eyes tearing and stomach churning, but barely registering it.

He was just *so tired.* Every time he thought he'd made some kind of progress, she was there. And he still...wasn't sure if he was entirely in the right.
His collection meant a lot to him. His notebooks were important. She'd been dishonest about using his money.

Kacchan—most of his friends, actually—were insisting that she was in the wrong. But, judging by the rising number of notifications on his phone, maybe she wasn't.
Maybe he hadn't communicated well enough. Maybe he should have explained himself better. Maybe he should have taken the time to show her his notebooks. Maybe he hadn't made it clear that "separate finances" meant that she couldn't use his card without permission.
Maybe, since his mother had been the one to insist on the prenup, she thought he didn't really care.

Maybe, since he didn't give a long-winded explanation about the sentimental value of his collection, she assumed that it wasn't as important to him.
And, as #DownWithDeku started trending, he wondered if he was overreacting. If he was neglectful and controlling like the tweets said he was.

He knew he wasn't. At least, he was pretty sure he wasn't.

He didn't read the article. He couldn't. His heart was bleeding and he—
didn't want to pry the wound open further. Besides, he had to watch his career tank in real time.

"The fuck are you doing awake?" Katsuki grunted, shuffling out of the spare room. "It's ass o'clock in the morning. Go back to bed."

"Can't," he muttered. "I gotta go in early."
He knew keeping it vague was futile, but he had to try. Katsuki was *not* a morning person, and this would only make it worse.

"Why the fuck would they call you in but not me?" he demanded.

"It's a debrief," Izuku shrugged.

Katsuki paused his trek to the kitchen.
Slowly, he turned back to Izuku—eyes narrowed. "What happened?" he asked.

Izuku didn't look up—focusing on the phone in front of him. "What do you mean?"

"I *mean,* you're full of shit. They wouldn't call you into a debrief without me. What's going on?" he snapped.
Izuku sighed, leaning back. "It's no big deal," he muttered. "It'll blow over, and you've been dealing with my shit enough. Actually, you should probably distance yourself for a few days until things cool down—"

He cut off when Katsuki literally growled.

"What. Happened."
Silently, he held out his phone, flinching as Katsuki snatched it out of his hand.

He waited as the blonde scrolled through his notifications—pausing to read every now and then. He didn't need to look, he knew that Kacchan's scowl was growing with each passing second.
"I'm gonna tear that bitch an asshole the size of the Mariana Trench," he snarled.

"Leave it," he muttered. "I have a meeting with PR. Going after her would just make her look more sympathetic. It would probably tank your ratings, too."

"If your ratings tank, so do mine,"—
Katsuki insisted. "I'm your partner, and I'm your fucking *friend.* You wouldn't let me go through shit like this alone, so why the fuck would I let you?"


"If you spew some martyr shit, I'm gonna kick your ass so hard that you'll be shitting blood for a week."
"It's not martyrdom," he insisted. "You going after her when she's in control of the narrative will end up with us looking unhinged. Besides, one of us has to stay afloat in the media for now. It can't be me, so it's gotta be you."

He snarled, baring his teeth in frustration.
"If your rank tanks, then so does mine. *Partners,* Deku. We do this shit together."

"I'm not saying we don't!" he cried, finally looking at him. "I'm *saying* that you shouldn't go after her and execute whatever comically exaggerated revenge plot you just cooked up!"
The muscle in his jaw clenched and jumped as Katsuki ground his teeth.

"She's a selfish, lying thief. Completely self-serving. She screwed you over, and now she's making herself out to be the victim because she's lying in a bed that she fucking made.—
She keeps fucking hurting you, and you *can't* expect me to let her."

Izuku's eyes roved over him—from the clench of his fists to the set of his shoulders. The *care* in his eyes. There was a time where he would have taken Katsuki to a doctor if he'd behaved this protectively.
They'd come so far. The notion that Katsuki would tank his ranking just to stand in solidarity was insane to him. He was grateful for the thought.

But he couldn't let it happen.

"I'm not gonna let her steamroll me," he promised. "I'm going to talk it through with PR. You—
can come with, if you want. But retaliation won't make it better."

"It *absolutely* would!" he yelled. "She's painting you as some deranged man-child!"

"People can't know what's in the notebooks, Kacchan. Villains would go looking for them. I can't speak up about—
the damage she caused without causing more. That's the *only* saving grace in the narrative that she put out there," he snapped. "If I retaliate about the collection or her shopping bill, I'm feeding into all the shit she apparently said. She got the microphone first! Anything—
I say is gonna sound like I'm covering my ass. You *know* how this works."

There was a mulish set to Katsuki's jaw, but they both knew Izuku was right.

"Fuckin' *fine,"* he growled. "We'll go to the stupid PR meeting. After you eat breakfast."

"You don't have to—"
"If I see you even *look* at a fucking granola bar, I'm gonna choke you with it," Katsuki warned. He tossed Izuku's phone on the couch before turning toward the kitchen. "I'm making you a fucking omelet. Call for the town-car, it'll be done by the time it gets here."
Izuku sighed, picking up the phone and *finally* dialing the agency. His assistant picked up, cooing and fretting.

He asked her to send the town-car, assuring her that he was fine. He could hear Katsuki cursing up a storm in his kitchen and despite everything, Izuku—
found himself very grateful for the people around him who believed in him. Who fought for him.

"Car'll be here in 20," he called toward the kitchen.

"Get dressed then, dork. We can eat on the go," Kacchan called back. He went without complaint—hoisting himself off the couch—
and traipsing back toward his room.

His room that was half empty. The gaps on the walls and empty spaces on the dresser felt just as bad as when the space was filled with Ochako's things. Not nearly as bad as the empty room that used to house his collection, though.
Maybe that was the real hurt. He had been hollowed out—his heart and his home *violated* by the person he'd trusted them with.

How could he ever trust someone like that again?

He got ready quickly—slipping into jeans and a sweater, pulling a baseball cap over his curls. He—
slipped into the bathroom—washing his face and brushing his teeth.

He went back into the living room and found Katsuki waiting for him at the door, tupperware and forks in hand.

"Wear a mask, too," he grunted, slipping his shoes on. "It's pretty early but you're recognizable."
"They're gonna know its me if you're there," Izuku muttered, putting his shoes on, too. "Maybe we should stagger arrivals."

"No," Katsuki snapped. "I'm not letting you outta my sight while people are being shitty."

"I'm gonna have to patrol," he replied dryly. "I can't—
be with you the whole day."

"Bet you an entire month's paperwork that PR's gonna tell you to take a desk."

"Bet *you* an entire month's paperwork that I'm not gonna listen," he retorted. "They're not the boss of me."

He couldn't help but relax at the reluctant smile that—
tugged at the corners of Katsuki's mouth. "What's the fuckin' point of hiring PR if we're not gonna listen to them, dork?"

"I never said I wouldn't listen. I just didn't guarantee that I'd comply," he shrugged. The town-car was outside, honking to catch their attention. "You—
can't judge me, you don't obey them, either."

"That's because they tell me to do stupid shit, like stop swearing," Katsuki scoffed, yanking the door open. "This is completely different."

"You really should stop swearing at children specifically," Izuku commented as they—
slid into the back seat. "But other than that, yeah. It's part of your charm."

Katsuki flushed, elbowing him for good measure. "Fuck you. All of me is charming."

"Sure, Kacchan," he chuckled. "A very charming nuclear bomb."

He wasn't kidding, but that was irrelevant.
The meeting was going pretty much exactly how he'd anticipated. Katsuki was at his side, listening quietly with a scowl.

"The article is *ugly,"* one of them said. "Have you read it?"

"Not all of it," Izuku replied, tilting his head back. He was so *tired.*
"You should probably keep it that way," another piped up, smiling apologetically. "I'll send you bullet-points, but you don't need to read what she said."

"In any case, it's best that you stay off your patrol route until this blows over. The public reception is..."
They glanced at each other. "Negative," they decided. "The picture painted was unflattering."

"I'm not gonna hide behind my desk. My job is to be a hero, not a celebrity. They can hate me if they want to. I don't need them to like me in order to keep them safe," he argued.
"The picture she painted is that you're financially abusive and neglectful as a spouse. That's not going to play well on your patrol route. Acting like nothing is wrong could make it worse, too. Like you don't care, as opposed to not having something to hide."
"I'm perfectly content to act as miserable as I actually am. But I'm not abandoning my responsibility because of bad press," he insisted.

Katsuki huffed, sitting forward in his chair. "Deku, they have a fuckin' point. It's shitty to get benched, but they—
don't trust you right now. She got to them, they see you as someone who prioritizes his own self-interest over the people he loves."

"Didn't stop Endeavor from being a hero," Izuku reminded them. "And it won't stop me. I know the truth, and you know the truth. It rest sucks but—
if I let it stop me, then she's won."

"If you go out there and lose your composure, she's won anyway," the senior PR rep insisted. Hina, if he remembered correctly.

"Not to mention—if any heroes who don't know the whole story side with her, it'll be bad news if they—
snub you during an emergency call," another one reminded him.

"Could we release a classified statement to all the other agencies in the area?" Katsuki asked. "I know we can't release that information to civilians, but what about other heroes?"

"That might work for—
heroes who aren't on duty yet, but anyone who's already on the streets won't stop to read a PR statement," Izuku reminded him.

He was weighing his options now, truly measuring the potential pitfalls of going on patrol. Unlike so many heroes, he wasn't in it for perception.
He was there to protect people. Sure, he wanted people to feel hope when they looked at him—but more than that, he wanted them to survive and thrive.

"I'm going," he decided, squaring his shoulders and glaring their PR team down. Kacchan released an exhausted sigh. "If—
it's too much, I'll call in and get a replacement for my route."

"Historically, that's bullshit," Katsuki pointed out. Izuku kicked him under the table. "Considering that you have a tendency to keep going until you're basically a bone-dust meat sack—"

"I'm just saying. Are you *actually* gonna ask for help if you need it? Or are you gonna pull your usual Deku bullshit and pretend everything's fine until you break?"

Izuku glared at him. "I haven't done that in years," he protested. "And I don't appreciate—
having it thrown back in my face—"

"And *I* don't appreciate you not taking care of yourself and doing all the self-care shit you force down everyone else's throat," Katsuki snapped back. "It's not just about perception, idiot. How will you *feel* when you're out there and—
people are being fucking awful to you? You don't deserve that!"

"It's my job!" he yelled. "I'm not letting her take that from me, too!"

The room fell silent, and Kacchan was glaring at him—gaze searing through him. It wasn't an angry glare, it was searching.
Izuku recognized that look—his partner was looking for all his tells, gauging for himself whether or not Izuku could handle the pressure he was taking on.

Finally, Kacchan's shoulders slumped and he scrubbed his hands across his face. Izuku had won this one.

Katsuki demanded.

Izuku nodded. "I promise. And thank you for looking out for me."

"Yeah, yeah," Katsuki grumbled. Despite his earlier irritation, Izuku's heart twisted with fondness. He pitied people who didn't have friends like Kacchan on their side. "Get changed, loser."
tbc when my goal is met <3 (and make sure you're following @AmorExOculis for #SpellboundBKDK in ~4 days!!)

He sat in the locker room for a long while after he'd changed. He knew he shouldn't—that it would only bring him down—but he spent the time scrolling Twitter, watching as people who'd believed in him expressed their disappointment.

He'd lost ten thousand followers in six hours.
He knew it didn't matter. All that mattered was that he did his job—protecting people, no matter what they thought of him.

Still, it hurt to see. It hurt to know how easy it was for people to assume the worst of him, and to claim they'd seen it all along.
@/noodlefoodle: I knew someone who cries that much had to be a fucking weirdo

@/hero_taster: imagine being a complete man-child. @/HeroDeku should be fucking ashamed to call himself a hero if he prioritizes junk above people

@/DynaTits: yo choosing plastic over person is wack
The list went on and on. With each tweet he read, he felt a little sicker. Ochako had made a power-move—relying on Izuku's better nature to claim the narrative for herself.

He almost wished he'd struck first, but that's not who he was. He didn't want to see the day where—
his faith in people changed. He didn't want to look for the worst, he wanted to assume the best.

Even if it ended up hurting him. He didn't want to change himself because of other peoples' mistakes or cruelty. He hadn't done it for Shigaraki, and—
he sure as shit wouldn't do it for Ochako.

Sighing, he slipped his phone into his pocket and his earpiece into his ear, checking in with dispatch. Then, he made his way onto the streets, head held high.

As he started his route, he could feel himself being shunned. He could—
feel their stares on his back as he walked, and hear their whispers.

It took a few hours for the civilians to get brave, heckling him out loud as he patrolled. At first, it was from afar—yelling from across the street.

"Loser!" one bellowed from a café patio.
Another taunted him from an open office window. "I thought only elementary-school kids got divorces over toys!"

He didn't respond. He didn't even turn in their direction. He pretended not to hear the two women loudly gossiping about how sorry they felt for Uravity,—

• • •

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More from @queenswagzilla

Apr 16, 2023
cw: #bkdk college au, oblivious pining kacchan, simp deku. mutual simpery actually
imagine: kacchan is a college radio host who's ass over mouth in love with deku—the nerd competing with him for valedictorian. thank god deku doesn't listen to his show.
"This one goes out to all the fucking nerds with sparkly eyes who make my life a fucking nightmare parade of freckles and sweater-weather vibes," Katsuki growled into the mic.

Beside him, Hanta had a hand a hand slapped over his mouth to contain his laughter.
"If any of you were wondering," Mina snickered into her own mic. "That's exactly one nerd."

"Shut the fuck up, Pinky," he snapped. He shut both their mics down and turned on the song, scraping his hand through pale blonde locks.

Mina looked at the little notebook beside her.
Read 14 tweets
Dec 2, 2022
#bkdk #aita fluff, mild angst, hurt/comfort, asshole urarararararara, punk/prep
Imagine: BKDK are engaged and hella in love. Someone tries to throw them off. Based on this AITA post.
Katsuki looked himself over—rustling his hair to make it messier, only satisfied when the spikes springing from his undercut were artfully askew. If he was gonna go to a bougie-ass garden party, it was gonna be on his own goddamn terms.

Besides, the hag said it was casual.
He could wear whatever the fuck he wanted as long as it was designer.

He was technically wearing stuff from his parent's line—it was the sub-line they'd let him design when he bitched to them about not having access to high-quality clothes that matched his aesthetic.
Read 105 tweets
Sep 13, 2022
When the dust settled and the villains were detained, it was more than a mess.

Five heroes were killed, and thirty severely injured. Confirmed civilian casualties were low so far—but that was on the backs of heroes who should never have been in harms way.
Public opinion was a mess of its own. Most were furious at him for having the journals at all—insisting that keeping them in his house was hubris at its finest.

More were angry that he hadn't lifted a finger to help as his colleagues suffered the consequences of his actions.
Iida's condemnation was loud and given the past few weeks, people were inclined to believe him.

Except now, Mina had assaulted Ochako live on national television—throwing the blame on her shoulders with all her strength.

Her screaming—pained, terrified, furious—
Read 307 tweets
Aug 14, 2022
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tumblr: queen-swagzilla.tumblr.com
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Read 7 tweets
Jul 16, 2022
#DekuDay2022 #bkdk
cw: fluff, romance, new relationship
It's the first time they're celebrating Deku's birthday as a couple. Katsuki is, understandably, nervous as shit.
As a general rule, Katsuki Bakugou was not afraid of failure.

Due to a well-documented exception to every personal rule, he was currently nervous as shit. Why? Deku. *Always Deku.* His palms were sweating so much that a spark from Kaminari would level Heights Alliance.

He had nutted up and asked Deku out two months ago after a year and a half of (honestly pathetic) pining, and it had been the best two months of his goddamn life. However, his current pit of anxiety had him wondering whether he should have waited until—
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Jun 1, 2022
Imagine: Deku marries Uraraka (bear with me). She moves into his house because it’s bigger and has plenty of space. He’s also in love with it—it has a guest room for his mom and a temperature controlled room for his collectibles and hero notebooks.

Two months in,—
she tells him that his All Might obsession is juvenile, and he collection is a huge waste of time and money.

He hasn’t added anything new for years, but he takes GOOD care of what he has. He’s also a top 10 hero, so he has the financial means to comfortably buy merch if—
he really wants it, without making a significant dent in his savings or income.

He comes home from a week long joint mission and finds the merch room completely converted into a small home theater. He looks for his stuff in the house, getting more and more frantic—
Read 164 tweets

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