swag the gremlin | pls QRT! đź’‹ Profile picture
fanfiction writer! currently stuck on #bkdk/#mha ✨ 30. coffee addict. bi disaster. she/her. 🔞 interact at ur own risk. https://t.co/VRKSOYzDBU
sab Profile picture Eterna1D3ath Profile picture Lola Profile picture Obligatory Second Account to Hide the Shame Profile picture Skye Profile picture 5 subscribed
Apr 16, 2023 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
cw: #bkdk college au, oblivious pining kacchan, simp deku. mutual simpery actually
imagine: kacchan is a college radio host who's ass over mouth in love with deku—the nerd competing with him for valedictorian. thank god deku doesn't listen to his show. -
"This one goes out to all the fucking nerds with sparkly eyes who make my life a fucking nightmare parade of freckles and sweater-weather vibes," Katsuki growled into the mic.

Beside him, Hanta had a hand a hand slapped over his mouth to contain his laughter.
Dec 2, 2022 • 105 tweets • 18 min read
#bkdk #aita fluff, mild angst, hurt/comfort, asshole urarararararara, punk/prep
Imagine: BKDK are engaged and hella in love. Someone tries to throw them off. Based on this AITA post.
Katsuki looked himself over—rustling his hair to make it messier, only satisfied when the spikes springing from his undercut were artfully askew. If he was gonna go to a bougie-ass garden party, it was gonna be on his own goddamn terms.

Besides, the hag said it was casual.
Sep 13, 2022 • 307 tweets • >60 min read
When the dust settled and the villains were detained, it was more than a mess.

Five heroes were killed, and thirty severely injured. Confirmed civilian casualties were low so far—but that was on the backs of heroes who should never have been in harms way. Public opinion was a mess of its own. Most were furious at him for having the journals at all—insisting that keeping them in his house was hubris at its finest.

More were angry that he hadn't lifted a finger to help as his colleagues suffered the consequences of his actions.
Aug 14, 2022 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
✨subscribe to my p@treøn for early access, outlines, polls, & original writing!✨

Jul 26, 2022 • 233 tweets • >60 min read
"They said since it's been a couple weeks, some of your stuff's probably been sold already," Katsuki grumbled, dropping onto the couch next to him. "But they're forwarding the list to all their locations, so hopefully some of it will be pulled off the shelves." It was the morning after and Kacchan had come up with a plan of attack as he'd slept.

First, he'd decided to reach out to headquarters for all the major donation centers and thrift stores in the city and explain the situation to them.

By the time Izuku had woken up, he'd—
Jul 16, 2022 • 47 tweets • 9 min read
#DekuDay2022 #bkdk
cw: fluff, romance, new relationship
It's the first time they're celebrating Deku's birthday as a couple. Katsuki is, understandably, nervous as shit. -
As a general rule, Katsuki Bakugou was not afraid of failure.

Due to a well-documented exception to every personal rule, he was currently nervous as shit. Why? Deku. *Always Deku.* His palms were sweating so much that a spark from Kaminari would level Heights Alliance.
Jun 1, 2022 • 164 tweets • 30 min read
Imagine: Deku marries Uraraka (bear with me). She moves into his house because it’s bigger and has plenty of space. He’s also in love with it—it has a guest room for his mom and a temperature controlled room for his collectibles and hero notebooks.

Two months in,— she tells him that his All Might obsession is juvenile, and he collection is a huge waste of time and money.

He hasn’t added anything new for years, but he takes GOOD care of what he has. He’s also a top 10 hero, so he has the financial means to comfortably buy merch if—
May 16, 2022 • 349 tweets • >60 min read
grabbed a glass out of the cupboard. "What do you want?"

"Uh, soda sounds good," she replied absently, watching him move around the space like it was his.

"What flavor?" he asked, pushing the fridge open to reveal her options.

"Uh, the strawberry lime one looks good." He nodded, grabbing the can and setting about to fix her drink.

There was another knock at the door, and Izuku practically ran to open it.

"Hi Shinsou, Sensei," he smiled as he let them in. "Please come in, Kacchan's almost done cooking. He got distracted when he was—
Mar 4, 2022 • 255 tweets • >60 min read
#bkdk a/b/o, angst, fluff, established relationship, QL!omega deku, alpha kacchan
cw: manipulation, miscarriage, nsfw
In celebration of 6969 followers, imagine: Deku is a quirkless omega in UA’s support course. He’s already mated to his Kacchan, an alpha in the Hero Course. ---
part one
Izuku woke up warm and comfortable—arms banded around his waist and body satisfyingly sore. The last dredges of his heat were still weighing down his limbs, making him want to stay in bed.

"Finally," Katsuki mumbled against his ear. "I thought I'd actually—
Feb 25, 2022 • 284 tweets • >60 min read
Imagine: Deku gets hit by a quirk on patrol during his work study. It makes him sick and when he gets back to the dorm, Aizawa asks someone to volunteer to check in on him for a few days while he recovers.

Before anyone else can open their mouths, Bakugou volunteers. -
Katsuki's stomach dropped to his fucking knees when they brought Deku back to the dorms. He was supported between Hobo-sensei and his bird husband, and he looked green—more green than usual. He looked *sick.*

He couldn't even stand on his own, and he was holding a bucket.
Jan 18, 2022 • 215 tweets • >60 min read
Imagine: They luuuuuurve each other. They both *think* the other doesn't like them like that. Their friends watch them pine for each other while they're basically already mated.
#bkdk alpha!baku omega!deku, scenting, collar chonping, aggressive mating behavior, pining morons Katsuki could feel his classmates staring.

Fuck them, though. They didn't know shit.

His teeth sank back into the sturdy leather collar, tugging at it and reveling in Deku's soothing scent as his scent gland was exposed to the open air.

Deku always smelled so good.
Sep 23, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
#mha327 #MHASpoilers #bkdk
Katsuki felt himself coming to rest. His blood pressure dropping, his heart rate decreasing, his anxiety calming. The buzz under his skin going quiet.

Deku—Izuku—was home. He wasn’t out in the world turned wild, fighting alone. He was here, in the dorm getting hosed the fuck down.

Their shithead classmates were goofing off.

Deku—*fuck,* Izuku— looked shell shocked, startled by his abrupt mans handling. And from being dumped in the bath.

He looked dazed, but he was here. Safe.
Sep 14, 2021 • 111 tweets • 21 min read
#bkdk #hogwartsau #fluff #swagmas
First spinoff: Katsuki doesn’t want Izuku to be alone during the full moon.

Commissioned by @celloph4ne_ đź’• @celloph4ne_ Katsuki *loved* full moons.

Okay, that sounded bad. It's not like he wanted Deku to suffer or anything fucked up like that. In fact, he pretty much wanted the exact opposite, and Deku hated full moons.

Technically, he loved the two days *before* the full moon.
Sep 8, 2021 • 416 tweets • >60 min read
#bkdk #hogwartsau #crack #fluff
Imagine: Deku accidentally takes a love potion and everyone starts acting weird.

Except Kacchan. -
"Hey, Mido," Hatsume greeted him, dropping her bag on his library table.

He flinched. He couldn't really help it. The library was usually quiet, and Hatsume didn't know the meaning of the word.

Besides, Hatsume approaching him usually meant he was—
Aug 11, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
warning: don’t read this, I’m the worst.
cw: angst, happy izuku & katsuki but only for a second, non graphic death of a non-canon character, depression They finally get him to smile again. It’s just a dumb joke—something Kaminari said to make fun of Kacchan for moping while Deku was gone.

He laughs, and laughs, and laughs until he cries because it feels *so good* to laugh again.

Katsuki smiles, relieved.

An hour later—
Aug 7, 2021 • 286 tweets • >60 min read
cw: #bkdk #fluff college AU, soft bakugou, ROMAAAANCE
Izuku and Katsuki have been together for two years. Now they're freshmen in college, and their schedules keep them apart, but they're as in love as ever. Watch as people find out that they're together!

For @bakujinchuriki @bakujinchuriki "And you're sure you boys have everything you need?" Inko fretted, flitting about their tiny dorm room and checking all the nooks and crannies.

But it was *tiny.* There were like two nooks and maybe one cranny. Tops.

"We're sure, mom," Izuku replied, warm and affectionate.
Apr 10, 2021 • 311 tweets • >60 min read
We're doing this ludicrous thread from Katsuki's perspective now đź’• #LetDekuSmash #bakudeku #bkdk #crackfic
If Katsuki told his middle-school self that he'd started a thirsty-ass stan account for *Deku*, middle-school him would have attempted to punch him in the dick, Kota-style.

He, of course, would K.O. his middle-school self with the flick of a fucking finger, so fuck that guy.
Mar 27, 2021 • 223 tweets • >60 min read
#bkdk #bakudeku #crackfic [i need to cleanse my angst palate]
IMAGINE: a new deku stan account pops up, and there's no way it didn't come from inside ua

do we want this thread? It was their third year at UA, so class 3-A was pretty accustomed to their notoriety at this point. They'd all gotten their debuts early, especially the "demolition squad"—Midoriya, Bakugou, Torodoki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, and Yaoyorozu.