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Jul 27, 2022 273 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Alright we are in the Chambers for the Anchorage Assembly meeting of 7/26! Not as many faces here as I expected, which is... Nice? Maybe we can have a decently boring meeting? Knock on wood. #ANCgov #ANCHgov
Looks like Perez-Verdia, Cross, and LaFrance are on the phone today, which means that Constant will be chairing the meeting. #ANCgov
Constant calls the meeting to order. Roll is called, everyone is present or on the phone. The pledge is said (with no yelling of "with liberty and justice for all", which is a welcome absence). Dunbar reads the land acknowledgement. #ANCgov
Zalatel, who is acting as vice chair, motions to approve the minutes from previous meetings. It's seconded. Approved unanimously. Onto the mayor's report. #ANCgov
Bronson says that the officer shot at Centennial is expected to recover from injuries in the shooting. Bronson wants to clear up some misunderstandings. He says the shooter had a warrant, and had nothing to do with Centennial, but was part of a city wide criminal sweep. #ANCgov
Bronson says he thanks god that the officer is going to recover and the suspect is in custody. He says that nine agencies have worked together in the city wide sweep, which has resulted in drug and weapon seizure. 11 new felony charges, and over 20 misdemeanors. #ANCgov
Police chief has said that the agencies worked together to make the city safer. Bronson says he stands behind officers who put their lives on the line. Now he says Salvation Army is happy to report a strong start to their tenure at Centennial. No children are left at camp.#ANCgov
10 people will be in a workforce development program with Beans. New census is 143 people at Centennial. He says he's grateful for partners who have helped people move into successful solutions. #ANCgov
He thanks the community for donations and asks them to keep to a specific schedule and place for donations, due to limited storage and staffing. He says they are working every angle to get people into shelter, but in the meantime they will make sure there are resources. #ANCgov
He says they continue to follow fish and game's suggestions for wildlife management. Says that this problem requires everyone in the community working together. Now he yields his time to a representative from the Youth In Parks program. #ANCgov
Before she speaks, Dunbar asks the Mayor if Centennial is part of the Homelessness response plan. Bronson says "No it is not." #ANCgov
Beth Nordland speaks for the youth in Parks program, introducing the graduating class if the summer. There is a map of their projects and where the teens live. The teens will be getting up to talk about their programs. #ANCgov
The teens present their favorite park projects. Bicentennial, Kincaid, University Lake, Campbell Creek, and Westchester Lagoon are all winners! #ANCgov
Nordland notes that most of teens are male this year, which is a result of less applicants and how the recruitment effort went. She asks the Muni to think on why recruitment is low. #ANCgov
Constant says that he played disc golf this week, walked his dog, and used the coastal trail and thanks them for making Anchorage a better place. Sulte thanks them for their work. Constant notes that projects didn't hit West or North Anchorage, so we'll look at it. #ANCgov
Bronson asks the kids which peanut butter they like best. Jif.

I feel like I missed something.

Constant asks Nordland to speak to what could be improved. She says mental health resources, she'd like an annual grant to help teenage mental health. Whatever resources she can put to it, she'd like to be on that team. #ANCgov
Allard thanks her for her effort, thanks the kids, gives a big shout out to Eagle River. Constant gives a big thanks from all of us to all of them. #ANCgov
Chair's report. Constant says we have a packed meeting, reviews the rules of the Chambers. Says he crosses his fingers that we have a boring meeting. Onto committee reports. #ANCgov
Zalatel says the AMATS committee will be meeting on Thursday. Dunbar says Finance and Budget met last week, they found they reduced the amount of taxes collected this year by $9mil. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson expounds, saying that there's been interest in mill rates and taxation, says attending the Budget and Finance meetings can elucidate. Says we review monthly where budgets are at. This month they were asked to bring up the alcohol tax, which has been stalled.#ANCgov
They are working with the admin to get it back in action. They hope to prevent this from happening next year. Petersen says the ethics and elections committee will meet tomorrow at city hall, changed from the election center. #ANCgov
Now onto the addendum to the agenda, where we will implement the new procedures. Many items today, says we'll discuss in the future the purpose of laid on the table items to hopefully streamline the process. #ANCgov
I'm gonna use the restroom while these items are read in. Brb.
Okay I'm back. Dustin Darden just showed up, so we can let go of any idea that the judicial items will go quickly and can prepare for the semi-weekly filibuster sessions. #ANCgov
There's a motion to lay an unnumbered item onto the table, which would recognize John Grohl of the Lion's Club. Quinn-Davidson asks Allard, who spoke to it, if there is a Lioness Club? She says there is a Lady Lions club, but she calls herself a Lioness. #ANCgov
Voting to add this to the agenda commences. Passes unanimously. It will be item #4. #ANCgov
10a4, excuse me. Now a motion to lay an item on the table from the NorthEast community council's resolution about the Centennial Campground situation. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. It will be 10f8. #ANCgov
Next, a motion to lay an item on that table that corresponds with the Scenic Foothills community council resolution. Passes unanimously, will be 10f9. #ANCgov
Now we motion to incorporate the addendum and laid on the table items. Zalatel motions, Quinn-Davidson seconds. Unanimous consent. It's been incorporated. #ANCgov
Constant apologizes for a jerky start, as he hasn't chaired in a year so "this is what you get." Light chuckles from the crowd. We move onto initial audience participation. First up is an appearance request from Mercedes Arceniega. #ANCgov
Arceniega is here to speak about Centennial Campground. She says that unlike what Bronson says, not everyone there wants to be there. She says that the administration choosing to do this without following recommendations or talking with fish and game feels intentional. #ANCgov
She says this is not a step up. It is not the safety place for a shooting to have occurred. She says Parks and Rec are not security guards or social workers. Says the donated materials that were made at the Myrna's event last week never made it to the camp from the donation site.
She asks if they talked or listened to any of the people there. Says that she doesn't feel like they did or they wouldn't have done this. There is applause, Constant reminds the audience of the rules of the Chambers, including asking people not to hum. #ANCgov
Dunbar thanks her for organizing the aid event last week, asks why the donations never made it to camp and if she intends to do more events. Arceniega says that Salvation Army has had this dropped into their lap. Says they are addressing the needs as they see them. #ANCgov
Charles McKee is next. He is a beneficiary of the McKee trust. He cites many verses from Psalms. He had a near death experience that blessed him with insight. He wants to allude to the trustees. He was arrested in Wasilla. Says the officer is employed by Anchorage. #ANCgov
He talks about having received workman's comp, which adjudicated a claim. This made him involuntarily homeless. He is asking for $80mil in damages. Says the state took a kidney from him. Pushes up against time and is cut off. No questions. #ANCgov
Next, phone testimony from Lisa Maher. East Anchorage. Says she's fortunate to have good representation on the Assembly. Thanks the assembly majority and the people bean's cafe, Roger Branson, Yarrow Silvers for their work in mitigating the harm put on Anchorage by admin. #ANCgov
She asks the Mayor why we aren't using the Golden Lion for shelter? Says busing people to Centennial, in bear country, is not a step forward. Asks how this isn't a response? Says it's disastrous. Mentions the ADN article from today. #ANCgov
Onto general in person public participation. Julie Blyer, district 4. Says she's responsible and contributes to the community. Says she chose not to be a drug addict. Says they force her to use her taxes on the irresponsible. Says they use drugs, commit crime... #ANCgov
She says if her kid had these problems, she wouldn't give them food, clothing, or shelter. Says the choice is rehab or jail. Says in the 70s they'd go to the military or jail. Says there's help out there, but they don't want to follow the rules. #ANCgov
She says the assembly wants us to tolerate this infringement on our rights. They demand safe places for addicts to use drugs. Says the areas become biohazards. She says they don't demand money for public safety. She thanks the mayor. #ANCgov
Kendra Arceniega is next. Says all humans deserve help. She says the mayor's office has assured the public that centennial is clean, but it is dirty and missing resources. Found broken toilets, unconscious people in bathrooms needing narcan. #ANCgov
She says the admin says it is safe, but that's a misrepresentation. Says 5 bears have been killed, and the only way to prevent bears is to restrict food access. Says security is found sitting at tables and laughing, not patrolling. #ANCgov
She says this a slap in the face of the employees of parks and rec who didn't not sign up to clean up the mayor's mess. Says last week there was an alarming amount of children there. Says the mayor says children have all been relocated, but just yesterday there were two. #ANCgov
She says this is unsustainable and we need to do better. #ANCgov
Robert Hakima, district 4. Says the last 4 weeks has shown an abdication of duty by the mayor. This is a humanitarian crisis. Why aren't we using golden lion. We wouldn't be dealing with this degree of crisis if we followed the plan. We're facing the barrel of an early winter.
He says we need to figure out how to get these people into housing now. No blaming the assembly. Says when you campaign on denying the rights of humans you get this kind of situation. They need permanent housing that's enthusiastically promoted by the mayor. #ANCgov
Onto the consent agenda. The Chambers have really filled up, but so far people are being quiet and respectful, which is a nice change of pace. #ANCgov
Consent agenda is approved unanimously, minus the pulled items. We take the pulled items up next. #ANCgov
First, a resolution recognizing and celebrating August 7-13 as Famers Market Week in Anchorage. Passes unanimously. Dunbar reads. #ANCgov
Zalatel acknowledges that we have many diverse farmers markets in Anchorage and if we had representation from all of them we could fill the Chambers. She says it's great to see the community working together to provide locally grown goods to us. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution recognizing and celebrating Aug 1-7 as World Breastfeeding Week in Anchorage. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says that this was put forward by the Mayor. Says that while the Mayor is putting forward resolutions, his actions don't stack up. Reads a memo that was sent out from the admin that revoked paid parental leave and child in the workplace allowances. #ANCgov
Allard says she recalls that memo as well and remembers many members of the government bringing babies in, asks Demboski to speak to it. She says that it was liability issue as people were complaining about dirty diapers in the office. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she used the babies in the workplace allowance to allow her to continue working. It's an economic driver and a women's rights issue. She says that the most important thing is that children are fed, and fed high quality food. #ANCgov
Volland speaks to the last whereas clause, where it implores medical professionals to encourage breastfeeding. Asks how he, as a male, can encourage breastfeeding? Quinn-Davidson says supporting babies in the workplace and parental leave policies. #ANCgov
Voting on the item commences. Passes 11-0, Perez-Verdia absent. Quinn-Davidson reads. #ANCgov
An interesting whereas in this resolution: "national estimates suggest that if 90% of US babies were breastfed exclusively for 6 months, the nation would save $13bil in healthcare costs." #ANCgov
Zalatel makes a motion to suspend the rules to allow a recognition item that is a surprise. It's a recognition of the municipal ombudsman. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Okay that vote was to suspend the rules. Now we vote to approve the AR itself. Passes unanimously. Rivera reads the resolution recognizing Darrel W Hess for 10 years if dedicated public service as Municipal Ombudsman. #ANCgov
Hess speaks. He says he is rarely surprised, he showed up for a different item. He is grateful. He says ombudsman is a rewarding but frustrating position, but he has managed to accomplish what he's accomplished due to great coworkers. He believes 'it takes a village' #ANCgov
He has worked with multiple Mayors and Assembly and works hard to be fair in order to serve the public. #ANCgov
Zalatel moves to suspend the rules again to lay a recognition item on the table recognizing Barbara Jones as Municipal Clerk. No objection. Motion to approve the AR is made and passes unanimously. #ANCgov
"That's two solid surprises" says Constant. Constant reads, all present members of the assembly except Sulte come down to the Lectern to present the recognition to Jones. #ANCgov
Oh Allard isn't down there either. She was out of the room. She returns to her seat next to Sulte. #ANCgov
Jones speaks. She says whoever said that one of her goals is to maximize participation in the democratic process got that right. Second, she says the is so thankful. Thanks her team. You go, Barbara Jones! #ANCgov
Next item is a Memorandum that allots a sole source contract to FACETS Consulting for consulting services of Kevin Roche for the Muni to the tune of $49,750. Zalatel says it's for assessing the performance of the AFD and they need to pass the S-version (small error). #ANCgov
Voting commences, it passes unanimously. Next is an Information Memorandum, the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission 2021 Annual Report. Zalatel motions to postpone to September 13, Petersen seconds. Zalatel says they need a worksession before accepting it. #ANCgov
Voting on postponement commences, passes unanimously. Now we take the scheduled dinner break. Be back soon! #ANCgov
Meeting returns to session! Kick it off with an ordinance waiving certain fees established in AMC as a COVID-19 response measure. It's been postponed five time, looks like we're shaping up to postpone a sixth time. Voting on postponement to August 9 commences. #ANCgov
Passes unanimously. We'll see this one again on August 9! Next is assembly action on the Mayoral veto of the appropriation of $2.8mill for sheltering costs. We begin with assessing whether Zalatel has a conflict of interest. #ANCgov
The ruling of the chair is that this is a COVID-19 related item, not a houselessness item, so no conflict of interest. Zalatel references Gates opinion as well as a FEMA memorandum, saying that it's appropriate to override the mayor's veto. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson explains to the public, says that the Mayor issued a veto, Gates said his veto reasoning is illegitimate, and therefore she'll be voting to override. #ANCgov
Muni Attorney Mario Bird speaks to it. He says that he respects Gates'opinions usually, but he differs on this one. Says the state issued guidance and this isn't in line with it. Says that the state has said there will not be FEMA reimbursement. #ANCgov
Zalatel says that the federal declaration is an extension, not a new declaration. Says the guidance from the state is based on covid prevalence and it's very prevalent in our community. "It doesn't hurt to try." #ANCgov
Allard says that she heard that the Muni Attorney says there will be no reimbursement, but the body still wants to pass this and waste time with something that won't happen. #ANCgov
Sulte asks, so this is going to be used as a shelter for people who have covid? Or is it homeless response? Dunbar says these two things are connected because the changes to shelters reduced capacity, and that issue remains today. #ANCgov
He says some people on the body and in the admin are using arguments that will make it harder to receive reimbursement. Says it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. #ANCgov
Bird responds to Sulte, says that the FEMA declaration says "non-congregate medical sheltering", which he doesn't believe is satisfied by the usage here. Allard asks if he read that directly from the emergency management department? #ANCgov
Bird says no, that email gives separate direction. Allard asks if the Muni management is aware of an email related to FEMA reimbursement? Demboski says yes, an email sent June 27. Reiterates Bird's points. #ANCgov
Cross says his concerns are along the same lines. If they don't reimburse we're left with record spending. His connection is a little garbled and I'm missing a lot of his argument, but he has hesitancy based on the increased barrier to reimbursement. #ANCgov
Constant encourages a yes vote to override the veto, saying it's responding to a health emergency. Voting commences, override passes 9-3. Allard, Sulte, and Cross dissent. #ANCgov
Next, an ordinance that would submit a question to a public ballot amending Muni code to support and advance early childhood education from the marijuana tax. Perez-Verdia motions to postpone to September 13, LaFrance seconds. #ANCgov
Perez-Verdia says there's been a lot of work on this item, but the group working on it has requested more time and a worksession soon. He asks the assembly to give the group enough time to complete the work. #ANCgov
Rivera says that during the upcoming worksession he'd like to see more information about the Alaska Reads Act and how that interacts with this ordinance. Voting on postponement commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, an ordinance that would rezone 4.6 acres of land in the Sand Lake Community from community business with special limitations to general business with special limitations. Public testimony on this topic opens. #ANCgov
Darden testifies. Says the plan is to monkey with the land and what can happen in areas of habitation. Says this will make it less restrictive for the community to live in peace? Says this agenda driven piece will make crime fester out of the crevasses of minds... Idk. #ANCgov
Constant reminds him to stay on topic. Darden says he didn't pause his time. Constant reminds him to stay on topic. Darden says agenda 2030 is about murdering people. Constant issues him a warning. #ANCgov
Gerace testifies in a personal capacity. Says he owns property nearby, and he supports this measure. Says it would be a very beneficial service to the community. Says the locals support development in this area. Says it's "lonely when you get out past dimond" #ANCgov
Dustin Sherman says he agrees, would like to see some businesses and not just an empty lot. #ANCgov
Laquita Geroski (I think) speaks to some of the work that has gotten the project to this point. Says it got put on hold due to concerns and covid, but recently there's been renewed interest. Describes logistic problems that have been solved. #ANCgov
Part of the plan is to add a U-Haul and storage facility there. Constant asks if she's seen the proposed amendment? Yes. Any concern about it? No. #ANCgov
John Norris, owner of U-Haul for Alaska, speaks. Says he's made a personal goal to meet all the neighbors and businesses in the area, wants to continue with that goal. He appreciates the support for the project. #ANCgov
Public hearing is closed. Quinn-Davidson moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. Quinn-Davidson moves amendment 1, seconded by Perez-Verdia. This amendment changes some language to clarify. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Cross says that the business has been trying to develop this property for many long, arduous years and he encourages everyone to support it. Perez-Verdia says he's met with the owner and developer and believes it's a value add and a responsible project. #ANCgov
Voting on the ordinance commences. Passes unanimously. Sand Lake looks like it's getting a U-Haul and store facility! #ancgov
Next, an ordinance amending Muni code to encourage development of accessory dwelling units within the Girdwood Valley. #ANCgov
Mike Edgington, from the Girdwood community council, speaks to it. He says housing in resort towns is a complicated problem. He's worked with a housing group to try to solve some related problems. He says the idea is to update Girdwood rules to remove limitations... #ANCgov
...that prevent attached ADUs, large ADUs, as well as architectural consistency requirements. Says they looked at best practices, and ignored some, such as parking requirements, due to the the nature of roads in Girdwood. #ANCgov
Dunbar says he's thinking about parking mandate abolition, asks if the community wants to keep them? Mike says they don't have a requirement for paved parking, so "on-street" parking is problematic. Says it's not worth removing those restrictions now. #ANCgov
Dunbar says he'll trust him on that. He then asks about short term rentals, says that they're comfortable with going forward without a change to that? Mike says that needs to be addressed as well, but as a different piece of legislation. #ANCgov
Darden testifies. He reminds us that he's running for Congress. He then says there's a specific person who is attached to this proposal is getting pumped full of millions of dollars of cash and he is not impressed. He makes a proposal that I can't parse. #ANCgov
He is relating this somehow to alcohol consumption. Constant asks one of the assembly members on the phone to stop breathing so heavy because he's getting emails and texts about it. #ANCgov
Public testimony ends. Zalatel motions to approve, LaFrance seconds. Zalatel asks Edgington to come back up. Asks him about height restrictions, were these discussed in the community? Her area had an unintended consequence. He says it was discussed, no strong opinions. #ANCgov
He says they talked about structures like a unit above a garage, so height was a factor. Zalatel seems satisfied. Volland also asks about size, asks what if they did away with a percentage restriction, and just put an overall size restriction? #ANCgov
Mike says the point is to prevent a duplex being called an ADU. ADUs are supposed to be a secondary structure. Volland says he supports restrictions, but he wants to see more housing and some Girdwood buildings are very small. #ANCgov
Zalatel proposes an amendment that would require one parking spot for an ADU (rather than two). Dunbar seconds. She says that satellite parking in Girdwood is flexible, so requiring 2 is unnecessary. Says we should get onboard with their plan. #ANCgov
Dunbar says they aren't reducing parking, they are reducing mandated parking. Says this could serve as an example for the city. Says he wants to see less parking requirements, we're forcing people to subsidize parking. Wants to see more housing development. #ANCgov
There's a pause as the clerk types out the amendment. In the meanwhile, quick poll! Should I permanently switch over to #ANCHgov? I only haven't because character limits make it harder to have 8 characters at the end of a tweet rather than 7 but I can make do haha #ANCgov
Voting on the amendment commences. The amendment passes unanimously. Back to the main motion. Volland proposes an amendment that would remove the <75% size requirement and have it simply be a maximum of 900sqft. #ANCgov #ANCHgov
Volland speaks to his amendment, saying that he wants to see more housing. If someone builds a 900sqft home and wants it to be their primary residence and rent out the old one, he doesn't really see a difference in the effect. #ANCgov
Dave Whitfield from the planning department is on the line. Zalatel asks if this amendment would cause any problems in it being effectuated. He says that striking it wouldn't be an issue, he doesn't see a problem. #ANCgov
Zalatel asks if there was a situation where there were two 900sqft places side by side with one designated as an ADU (making it effectively a detached duplex), does that create any issue for zoning? Whitfield says no, as long as one meets the standard. #ANCgov
LaFrance asks Mike if he thinks they would approve of this amendment? He says he's only one person, but he doesn't think it fundamentally changes the intent. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson asks a question about parity between the language and a chart, it's logistical stuff. #ANCgov
Voting on Volland's amendment commences, passes unanimously. Cross says that allowing property owners to use a portion of their property to create a secondary lot encourages increased housing, encourages support. #ANCgov
Volland agrees with Cross. Says that he sees ADUs as a way to increase housing availability while respect historical neighborhoods. Is excited that we're heading in this direction. #ANCgov
Dunbar talks about the history of ADU legislation in Anchorage. He says he is hopeful that we can continue in this direction, more ADUs, denser housing, more opportunities for people to live in this great community. #ANCgov
Voting on the ordinance commences. Passes unanimously. Constant asks for a motion to take up the Quasi-judicial items before new public hearings. So moved, no opposition. We start with a conditional protest of the renewal of the liquor license for Four Points by Sheraton. #ANCgov
Darden has thoughts on this. He says that this is a protest should bring awareness, lists what he sees as various results of alcohol use. Glibly blames the shooting at Centennial on liquor consumption. Asks if we need more drunk people stumbling about. #ANCgov
He says kids learning to drive, drink and then hit trucks, drive over bushes, hit dogs, because of a liquor store being erected and then they're shooting cops and burning their hot dogs. #ANCgov
No more testimony. Zalatel moves to approve, Petersen seconds. No discussion. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. Next, a resolution approving package store license for 49th state spirits and gifts @ the rail. #ANCgov
Darden testifies by immediately discussing women's breasts and their milk. Dunbar makes a point of order, this isn't on topic. Constant tells him to remain on topic. Darden says he wants them to explain why women's breasts and milk aren't related to this. #ANCgov
Constant says that this item is a package store license and isn't related to "those topics". Darden argues about why breasts are related, Constant ends his testimony and says he hopes that he can remain on topic for the next item. #ANCgov
Voting commences, it passes 11-0. LaFrance is driving through a mountain range and is excused. #ANCgov
Now, Cross asks if he has a conflict of interest for the rezoning we discussed earlier, since he had served on the Platting Board. Constant says that it had been discussed with the Clerk, and they determined he has no conflict. #ANCgov
Okay, next up is this ordinance. Public testimony opens and Darden confidently approaches the lectern. He is a Christian man, a white Christian male, he says. He says the entirety of this legislation is a demonstration that when white Christian men pray in these chambers..#ANCgov Image
Constant interrupts him to te him that he needs to speak about simplify and streamline land use appeals. He says he opposes this as a white Christian man since he can't pray in the Chambers? His testimony is suspended, he's given a second warning. #ANCgov
Joan Priestly testifies. She says that if you change 4.05.090 is amended to allow meetings not open to the public it will destroy due process. She describes a situation where a Muni employee worked to subvert open meetings requirements. Says this could become normal. #ANCgov
She also argues against a part that would return half of an appeal fee and none of the cost, which makes it harder for citizens to exercise their appeal rights. #ANCgov
Next, Niall Sherwood Williams testifies. Thanks Priestly for bringing up concerns. Asks that we mimic the state's rule on required mail time. He says they're thinking about it through the lens of getting things done, but what about for people trying to stop them? #ANCgov
He asks what the limitations on land use appeals are? Can he gum up the construction work across town? He feels this is good for corporations, not people. #ANCgov
Mike Edgington returns to testify. He says the existing appeals process is very complex and adds a lot of confusion, however he is concerned about a section that creates a bar that adds cost. He also thinks there's a structural problem, saying that the Platting Board has bias
He says that since the board members are often construction professionals, they have inherent bias that may not be shared by the public. He says this increases the bar to make an appeal. #ANCgov
Public testimony closes. Zalatel moves to approve, Rivera seconds. Zalatel moves Constant amendment 1, Rivera seconds. Constant says that the amendment specifically limits the changes to procedural motions brought by a party. #ANCgov
He says this makes it so that substantive business can't be done in such a manner, just procedural business. Voting commences. Passes 11-0, LaFrance still going through mountains, I assume. #ANCgov
Zalatel moves Constant amendment 2, Rivera seconds. This strikes the Clerk's name from the document. Voting commences and passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Zalatel moves an amendment that would specify three days for mailing, in line with Alaska court system practice. Seconded by Petersen. No discussion. A pause while the language is drafted. #ANCgov
Rivera asks if this conflicts with language in the earlier section? Zalatel says it's a two step process and shouldn't conflict. Whitfield agrees. Discussion ends, voting on the amendment commences. Allard sighs heavily, this isn't controversial or fun. Passes 11-0. #ANCgov
Back to the main motion, no one has anything left to say. Voting commences. Passes 11-0. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution ratifying a collective bargaining agreement between the MOA and the International Union of Operating Engineers. Public testimony opens. #ANCgov
Darden speaks to it. He's been a member of a union, and he is a Christian. Constant warns him to stay on topic. Darden asks why, because he's a man of Christ? No because he's off topic. He says he'd rather follow god's law than the chamber rules. His testimony is ended. #ANCgov
Constant tells Darden that he is suspended from testifying for the rest of the meeting, which is a nice change of pace. Things should move faster now. #ANCgov
Public testimony closes. Zalatel gives a quick run down on it, I got distracted. Allard thanks the admin for their work on this. Voting commences. Passes 11-0. #ANCgov
Next item is an Ordinance that would modify the assembly approval process of an arbitrator's decision in collective bargaining for service class A2 and A3 employees for purposes of impasse resolution. Constant opens public testimony, Zalatel moves to postpone to Aug 23. #ANCgov
Dunbar asks why, says it's a good ordinance. Constant explains there's a worksession and there's still a difference of minds. Dunbar seems satisfied. Voting on postponing commences, passes 11-0. #ANCgov
Constant then declares a 10 minute break before we go into the rest of the meeting. Be back soon! #ANCgov
Alright we return. As others have noted, the Mayor appears to have left the Chambers for the evening. Next up is an ordinance authorizing the transfer of ownership of certain interests in the Mt. Spurr Elementary School to the Dept of Air Force. Public testimony opens. #ANCgov
Darden approaches the lectern, but is told he's not allowed to testify for the rest of the evening. Nial Williams says that Alaskans know what we want to teach our kids better than DC and wants to know what the money is for. Public testimony closes. #ANCgov
Zalatel says it's interesting that this comes up today right after the evacuation of a school in the base, and then notes there's no economic plan for the funding. Voting commences, passes 11-0. #ANCgov
Next, an ordinance amending AMC to allow Parks and Rec Director to waive permit restrictions at municipally owned campsites. Public testimony opens. #ANCgov
Karen Barnett (I think) testifies. Says this seems brilliant, but is curious what particular reasons one could apply for an extension? Will locals be prioritized? Says she didn't appreciate people being put in bear country, and she doesn't like camping in 11 days of rain. #ANCgov
Terry Break testifies. Strongly approves of this ordinance. Says he's talked to 5 homeless people and they don't want to go to shelters. He says this will keep em off the street. Says the assembly needs to start addressing the homeless problem #ANCgov
He says that he doesn't see the assembly doing anything for the homeless. Doesn't trust nonprofits. Says the homeless aren't happy with them and neither is he. #ANCgov
David Dunsmore testifies. Says it is surreal, the situation at Centennial. He's been advocating for years for long-term camping solutions, so it's weird to have to testify against it. Says he has three problems with it, but first he has to address Centennial. #ANCgov
He says it makes law just look like words on page. First problem is that it says it won't have economic effect, which means they don't plan to staff it. Second, it delegates the power to Parks and Rec Director, which just isn't the correct department to handle it. #ANCgov
Third, by giving the power to the P&R Director directly it cuts community councils out of the discussion. His time ends. Allard asks if Parks and Rec shouldn't be in charge of parks, who should? He says that when we look at Centennial Park... #ANCgov
She interrupts, says it's Centennial Campground. He says it's located in Centennial Park, he'd be happy to show her around East Anchorage. She says she's been there 6-12 times. Constant redirects. Dunsmore proceeds to try to explain why it's related, Allard says he's not answerin
Karen Williams, East Anchorage, from Scenic Foothills Community Council. She reads their resolution in opposition to the usage of Centennial Campground. She says the usual land use process with regards to community councils was not followed in this. #ANCgov
They say that they support extensions to stays at campgrounds, but the Centennial one is not acceptable. Needs proper notice to community council. Says we are reaching a crisis. #ANCgov
The Scenic Foothills Community Council met last night and say that the community has had to step up in response to the lack of plan by admin, which is an unacceptable dereliction of duty. They support upcoming resolutions that fund resources for the unhoused. #ANCgov
Now she speaks from the heart. She is appalled by the situation at Centennial, says that she saw a mobility impaired person walking in the rain two miles to get resources. Says winter is coming and Bronson has not earned our trust. #ANCgov
Allard has questions. She asks where do you want them to go, and if we close it down does she realize they will go to illegal campsites? She responds that they are not opposed to campsites as a part of a continuum as long as it has the infrastructure available so people are safe.
Allard says she agrees and is glad that her community is finally showing up. Allard reads from the ordinance, and asks if it is in the public interest to have a place for the homeless to go? She says she'd agree if the community was involved and the mayor had gained trust.#ANCgov
Darden approaches to testify and Constant tells him he is no longer allowed to testify for the evening. Allard has a point of information, asks if he is using his position as Chair to prevent someone from testifying? He says record will show what happened. #ANCgov
Yarrow Silvers testifies that this Ordinance will give carte blanche power to the admin. She says there must be a plan, because we now have a history of moving people with no plan. No bear containers, no ability to cook, two miles from the grocery. #ANCgov
She asks what the mayor expected these people to do? Any plan must make sure that people can be fed. She says the mayor is lying about what this is, and it's a stupid lie because we all see it for what it is. #ANCgov
She says maybe he thinks he can trick the insurance companies, but he's putting the city at financial risk. She says she doesn't support this, but reminds the community that the inhabitants can't be legally moved since they have nowhere to go. #ANCgov
Sulte asks where she thinks people came from? She says camp abatements, which were legal because of Sullivan, then they closed the Sullivan, so a combination. 60 from Sullivan and the rest from camp abatements. #ANCgov
Sulte asks what services they were receiving at the illegal camps? None. So they are in a better situation? They are in a more dangerous situation with more services. #ANCgov
The next testifier says that the city is safer now with all the homeless in one place and they are being sheltered and fed. The longer we keep them there the better place they can get to. Those who don't want help aren't going to accept help. #ANCgov
She says that previous testifiers were off topic and ramrodding the mayor. Says let's let Parks and Rec do what they were hired to do (run a homeless camp?) #ANCgov
Dunbar asks if she sees Centennial as a Homelessness response? She says she sees it as a place to collect all of those people. He asks if she supports the mayor concentrating all of them there? She says yes, but she thinks they should be in the Northway mall. #ANCgov
Next testifier says that these people want to camp, they don't want services. What do we want, them to go back to camping in the rest of the city? Constant asks if she thinks there are not people camping on 3rd avenue? She says they are not. He says they are. She says nuh uh.
Sulte says that he has seen a significant reduction in homeless camps. Asks her what the reason they camp instead of going other places? She says she doesn't know but she wouldn't want to be in a shelter. #ANCgov
Eric Lambertson supports this. Says that the assembly has had years of obstruction and trying to create concentration camps (yikes). Says that there have been businesses bought up to be municipally owned to work on these programs. Says they're abusive to our funds and the mayor.
He says we should listen to Bronson and his plan to improve situations at Centennial. He says we should extend this power across the city. #ANCgov
Dunbar asks if he supports Bronson's use of Centennial as a homeless shelter? He says he doesn't think it's a homeless shelter, it's a place to provide services? Says that it's the Assembly's fault. #ANCgov
A guy who's not part of the Anchorage community is here and says that he has a friend that loves using Centennial Campground because of his facilities. Says the assembly hasn't done a single thing to address the problem. Says the bears who've been shot are their fault. #ANCgov
He asks what responsibility the Mayor could have when they've shirked their own responsibility? Says they keep shutting down the mayor's proposals. Says no one feels safe in East Anchorage because of them. #ANCgov
Yelling from the crowd. Constant asks everyone to act like adults. Volland asks where he gets the figures about money spent and which source of funding is he speaking about? Testifier says multiple sources, private businesses... Zalatel issues a point of order #ANCgov
Volland withdraws his question. Tammy testifies, says that they keep blaming the mayor for their own failure. Calls the way they speak on social media is disgusting. Tells them to think about people having a right to make a choice #ANCgov
She says not everyone wants to be in a shelter, some chose to go to Centennial. Says she is upset that people complain about Centennial but didn't complain when they were in other parks. Says it's sad that the assembly wants to point the finger. They waste money. #ANCgov
Allard asks why she singles out the Northeast community? She says that she was part of the community council but got pushed out when the redistricting occurred. Says that Dunbar and Petersen put out the information about camps not being properly notified. #ANCgov
Phone testimony from Tom Marsh, South Anchorage. He says opposes the AO, he thinks moving the Sullivan inhabitants to Centennial reeks of a lack of planning and empathy. We've seen the results, and they aren't good. We need an ending date to earn the trust of the city. #ANCgov
He proposes us using the uninhabited Alaska Club on Old Seward and Tudor. Says the "out of sight out of mind" mentality isn't helpful. Asks the Mayor to work together with the assembly to find a compassionate plan that works. #ANCgov
Marcy Tompkins, South Anchorage, supports the ordinance and the mayor. Says she keeps thinking about entitlement. She believes if you don't work you don't eat. You aren't entitled to food, toilet paper, feminine products. Who makes the restrooms dirty? They even get wifi! #ANCgov
She says it is drug and alcohol related, and it's interesting how priorities are managed. She says if any previous mayor was able to handle the problem, we wouldn't be here. Asks why people aren't taking homeless people home with them? #ANCgov
She then turns her attention to the bringing your baby to work allowance, says that it's another entitlement. "True caring is shown with tough love." #ANCgov
Allard asks her if she's okay with campers at a campground, was she in favor of the navigation center? Yes. #ANCgov
Next testifier says that she can't support it and can't support a mayor who treats life so cheaply. She says she is angry that she feels so threatened and treated so poorly when she comes to an assembly meeting to speak to the assembly by chronic rude people. #ANCgov
Julie Lindberg testifies. Apologizes for not coming down more frequently and leaving the city in the Assembly's hands. Says before covid no one cared where anyone lives. But then they had to put everyone inside. Says release them back into the wild. #ANCgov
She says she appreciates Centennial for taking people out of her neighborhood and putting them somewhere else. Says they can help each other. Says there's no more bears at Centennial than in midtown. She says "welcome to the real world." #ANCgov
She complains about homeless people destroying toilets. Allard asks if she supports the ordinance? Yes, if there's homeless willing to camp there, go for it. #ANCgov
Unnamed testifier says that he appreciates the mayor's quick thinking, says that homeless people could've burned his house down. Says that the assembly won't work with the mayor, but thanks the admin for their hard work. #ANCgov
He says if homeless people want to camp in the winter, they can. Look at the mayor, this is leadership. #ANCgov
Nial Williams testifies. Says the death of 5 black bears is a problem, he came to the state for the bears. Says that the officers weren't wearing body cams, feels that the due process rights of the person involved in the shooting were violated. Constant asks him to stay on topic.
Williams says that they got put into Centennial because it is Dunbar's district and he ran against Bronson. Says the community is divided. Fires are still happening around town. Maybe a meth cook? Says APD should've investigated better. #ANCgov
Williams says he is sad by the othering of others. Mocks Christians talking about tough love, says it's about helping each other, give the needy a piece of bread. "Look in your hearts when you go home." #ANCgov
Public testimony ends. Allard moves to approve, Cross seconds. Allard asks Brenneth from Parks and Rec some questions. Are there any people at Centennial besides the homeless? Some. Have people previously camped longer than 2 weeks? Yes, even all summer before. #ANCgov
Who is destroying the facilities? Campers. Would not allowing the homeless to camp there be discrimination? It's open to everyone. How many campgrounds is the parks and rec director over? One, Centennial Campground. (Did I hear that right?) #ANCgov
She asks if he already had that power? Yes. So this just codifies what he already could do? Yes. To Demboski, talk about the bears? There's been no change to the land use. Demboski saw two black bears at a different camp that was abated. Saw people hand feeding bears. #ANCgov
Demboski says that 75% of people at Centennial came from other illegal campgrounds. Then she says that the Mayor has never told any employee to lie and if he finds out they have they will be fired. #ANCgov
Dunbar says that apparently it is already the case that people could stay at parks for months at a time. Also, the inhabitants can't be moved legally due to there being no space in shelters. However, as a symbolic gesture, we must vote this down. #ANCgov
Dunbar says that he keeps hearing about how the Mayor has no power to do anything because of the assembly. He says that in 2020 the same group of people obstructed the passing of the assembly's proposed homelessness response. #ANCgov
He talks about how the Mayor shut down many of the existing plans in favor of a mass shelter. Then he said we would put it at Tudor and Elmore. There were safety and logistic concerns. #ANCgov
Dunbar says that then there was the end date for Sullivan, the mayor kept saying there was a plan, don't worry about it and now we have this tragedy, this humanitarian crisis. To vote for this would endorse his policies, we cannot do that. #ANCgov
Sulte says he doesn't believe in crying over spilt milk, we're here, we've got to address it. Some people are homeless because of bad choices. He asks what can be done if this isn't passed? Can't remove them, we can do nothing? P&R Director says it's interesting. #ANCgov
Sulte calls the question, Allard seconds. Voting commences. Calling the question passes 11-1, Rivera dissents. Voting on the ordinance commences. Fails 3-9, usual lines. #ANCgov
Meeting ends in 20 minutes, so Rivera motions to extend to midnight. Dunbar proposes 11:30. Rivera is cool with it, changes his proposal. No objection. We're extended to 11:30. #ANCgov
Zalatel has a conflict of interest on the next two items, so she is excused for the night. Next is a resolution appropriating $2.5mil to be used as a direct grants to United Way for rental unit rehab, to the AabD for sheltering, and to ACEH for outreach and transportation.#ANCgov
Nancy Burke, from United Way, testifies. Says she's pleased to be a part of the project and landlords are an aspect they have not previously worked with. Thanks the assembly. #ANCgov
Jessica Parks, East Anchorage, testifies. Says this ordinance will go a long way towards providing a plan for emergency cold weather shelter and improving outreach, including transportation. Says with upcoming shelters, transport is especially important. #ANCgov
Ron Alleva testifies. He says he considera himself a Homelessness expert. Says this is funded by the alcohol tax, and they don't have a transparent budget. Calls United Way a good ol boys club. Same with giving it to ACEH. Says this isn't what the alcohol tax is for. #ANCgov
He says he'd agree with giving it to the health department, but not united way or ACEH because they spend it like water. Says give this money to nursing mothers with drinking problems. Says it lacks transparency and this is a disgrace to the tax payer. Waste of money. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson has a question, but Alleva wants to talk to her about her wife breastfeeding. She gets past it, and says that if he looks up Appendix R you can see exactly where the money goes. He says it's ridiculous where it all goes (moving the goalposts). #ANCgov
Williams testifies, praises Alleva echoing his sentiments. Any money spent should be accounted for and transparent to the taxpayer. He says this will be enriching private business owners who may be friends of the members voting for it. #ANCgov
I get distracted and miss what he's talking about, but he's encouraging people to mail him and he'll keep whatever you say a secret. #ANCgov
Citizen Drake testifies. He says it isn't the correct use of the funds, no accountability. He says he's been trying to see where the taxes are going and he can't, and he does a lot of research. He has a stack of documents, they've spent close to $300mil on homelessness. #ANCgov
He says giving the money to the ACEH for outreach and transportation he doesn't believe in, says the homeless get no outreach. He says it's frustrating talking to them. Why can't he ask any of them questions? He has no confidence in them. #ANCgov
Eric Lambertson testifies, kicks it off with 20 seconds of silence. Says standing at the mic is a waste of time just like they waste the money of the taxpayers. Another long pause. He says they waste his time, they waste people at home's time. He's asked them to step down.#ANCgov
Dunbar issues a point of order, off topic. Constant tells him to stay on topic. This just makes him mad, he's a taxpayer! He has a right to speak! He is speaking to them about their waste of time and money! There is very little respect for the taxpayers, and he's had it! #ANCgov
He says there's a whole army saying that they wish these people were behind us in the rearview mirror. Onto phone testimony. #ANCgov
Anna Brawley, district 3, testifies in favor. She thanks the sponsors for bringing the plan forward. She says she generally supports using the alcohol tax fund for prevention, but it's clear we have an emergency. We must fund necessary and effective homelessness response. #ANCgov
Amanda Jensen, South Anchorage. She has concerns, $2500 renovations per room in unit? Too expensive. Next, where's the $2mil going? It's not stated. She says we need to house the homeless in the winter, but what did they do before the Sullivan? And $1.5mil for transport? #ANCgov
Veronica Lambertson. She's watched the city fall apart. The homeless are on the street corners. She's having deja vu. Now people are here to give testimony, but they're told not to? Suppression. This item is more than twice what Bronson asked for. #ANCgov
Last winter she stood here, and said we were coming towards a crisis, people were living on the street and now it's happening again. And you want to throw money at it that won't solve anything? If these businesses want to fix homelessness, it would be fixed. #ANCgov
She says that giving money to nonprofits is a waste of money, she'd rather give it to a guy pulling trash out of a can. But now they are going to spend her taxes on non-profits? Shame on you. Public testimony closes. #ANCgov
Rivera motions Rivera-Volland amendment 1. It fixes the title, increases $1.5mil to $1.7mil, clarifies specific funding, fixes minor changes, etc. Voting commences, passes 11-0. #ANCgov
Dunbar asks the sponsor about the reduction from $2mil to $1.2mil for adult services but increases in another section. Still a gap? Rivera clarifies what's happening. Dunbar asks about Brother Francis, have they increased capacity? Yes. #ANCgov
Cross says there's a lot of concern about expense, but this is sources from the alcohol tax fund and this is the most logical use of this money. He says when helping people transition out of homelessness, this makes sense otherwise they'll be back on the street. #ANCgov
He says that landlords are reluctant to rent to people who have experienced homelessness, but this provides security deposits for people in treatment. It is helping people who are putting in a good faith effort. He's skeptical of gov spending, but he feels confident. #ANCgov
He encourages a yes vote and thanks Rivera for his work on it. No more discussion. Voting commences, passes 9-2, Allard and Sulte opposed. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution using $3.4mil of ARPA funding as a direct grant to First Presbyterian Anchorage, LLC for purchase of the guest house. Public testimony opens. #ANCgov
Alleva testifies, says it violates separation of church and state, doesn't think it will be functional and will increase the load of homeless and chronic inebriates. Calls it "the pest house." Pitches the Muni buying his property again. #ANCgov
Rivera motions to extend to midnight. Sulte seconds. No objections. We're extended to midnight. Williams testifies. Says send the money back to DC, don't let the fed into our lives. Taking the check allows us to be controlled. #ANCgov
He says this is money laundering. He says that the director of First Presbyterian Anchorage LLC has been holding people back from testifying so he can get his $3.4mil. "if you put your faith in the blood of Jesus Christ you don't need a mask" #ANCgov
He says this is a run down property with few units. He says they are privatizing homelessness response by operating through LLCs, none of them are in control. Says send the money back. #ANCgov
Citizen Drake is back, he takes great pride in coming here and participating. He says he generally likes the idea of getting people off the street, but it's not that many. He wants to know where the two documents that don't really exist are? (Idk guys) #ANCgov
He's back to talking about how many homeless people he talks to and how none of them want to go to a shelter. He says this is a terrible way to spend this money. It won't help the most needy. Why was there a gunfight at the campground? Because of the citywide drug bust? #ANCgov
He finishes by saying that everyone saying that Bronson is such a bad guy are wrong. #ANCgov
Julie Lindberg testifies. Says she's the person who was stopped, she was asked so that his resolution could get passed. We live in America, we make choices, get over it. She wants someone from First Presbyterian to come up and explain what they're going to do with it. #ANCgov
Eric Lambertson is back. He says he spoke to someone who was working at the Aviator and this is similar. That person said they had the most deplorable circumstances working there. Food got delivered and got thrown all over. Feces on the wall. Piss in the hallways. Awful. #ANCgov
And now there's going to be a renovation of the Aviator. And now the assembly wants to give $3.4mil to this org to manage. What oversight? What plan? Who will be overseeing it? Didn't check that when you gave money to the Aviator. Same results, over and over. #ANCgov
He finishes with a little touch of conspiracy about Dominion voting machines. #ANCgov
Reverend Matthew Schultz speaks, he says he's here to make himself available for questions. But first he has a point, when we say homeless people we're talking about many groups. Each group requires a different strategy. This isn't all things for everyone, it is a slice. #ANCgov
He says this is about helping job ready people have permanent housing. He says this is a point in time where people from different perspectives can come together and see that this is well positioned. #ANCgov
Sulte asks him, you're a 501c3? That's correct. Once you purchase it, where will you get funds for operation? Public-private cooperation, including the mayor's administration. Should you decide to dispose of the property what would be done with the funds? None would go to FPC.
Allard asks, 7mil is the final cost, has he responded to any contact from *didn't catch who*? He has not received any contact from that person. How will they get the rest of the money? Have to ask the rest of the Homelessness Leadership Council. #ANCgov
Guy who has been filming all night who lives in Mat-Su testifies. He says all this money adds up very quickly. Between public, private, coalitions, where does the money go? Administration? Where does the assembly stand on spending this money? He doesn't see homeless reduction.
He demands to know who the special interests are that are taking all this money, while the Homelessness problem gets worse. He says Centennial is a disaster because the assembly sat on their hands. He calls out Constant for shaking his head. #ANCgov
He says no solution has been made. Kicking the can down the road. Very little of this money will go to getting people off the street. #ANCgov
Public testimony closes. Rivera motions to approve, Dunbar seconds. Dunbar asks Bronson for some details, but realizes that Bronson is gone. Demboski says he had a family emergency. Alexis Johnson says that conversations surrounding the Guest House are ongoing. #ANCgov
Dunbar asks, does he still support this part of the plan? Johnson says they support getting people off the streets but some information came up today. #ANCgov
Then Dunbar asks about a application deadline that was missed and how do they plan to address that for the future? Johnson can't respond, says Gerace would have to speak to it. He isn't here but they'll try to get ahold of him. #ANCgov
Constant wants to clarify, this isn't a shelter. This is housing, and it would have a revenue sources through vouchers and what not that don't put the city on the hook for it. It's precisely what people are asking the assembly to do. #ANCgov
Volland speaks to the conversations that have been had with many community partners and the robust discussion. The Guest House is already used as transitional housing, and this allows the inhabitants to have skin in the game. #ANCgov
He says one of the reasons he feels so confident in it is because of the community support. #ANCgov
Cross says that this sounds like an investment. It gives him heartburn trying to get money for an investment like this. He says we're paying too much for the property. He says if we give them the money it should be a loan, not a grant. #ANCgov
Perez-Verdia thanks all the community partners that have helped us get to this point. Says it's universally supported among the community, businesses, and nonprofits. Even the mayor has expressed support, and said he could get funds. But he couldn't, that's why we're here.#ANCgov
Perez-Verdia calls the question. Allard seconds. We vote on calling the question. It passes 10-1, Cross dissents. Now we move to voting on approving the resolution. Passes 8-3, Allard, Sulte, and Cross dissent. #ANCgov
There's a motion from Rivera to immediately reconsider (so the funds can be distributed immediately). Quinn-Davidson notes that she is uncomfortable with how that motion is used to prevent time to actually reconsider. Says she'd like to talk about that later. #ANCgov
Constant notes that the reason it takes a supermajority is because it does allow for something that isn't normally allowed. Voting commences on immediate reconsideration, fails 0-11. #ANCgov
This brings us to final audience participation. Dustin Darden approaches for the final time he will be allowed to speak. He feels angry about how his Christianity is used to prevent him from speaking. He's filing an ethics complaint. He says he has legal precedent to sue. #ANCgov
He tells the Muni Manager to look at a specific case where APD charged a person for not providing DNA sample and demands they get rid of this garbage. And the January 6th commission is staging the National Guard throughout the US to get Christian Conservatives (InfoWars). #ANCgov
Alleva approaches, says this is his final comments because he won't be back. He's mad about his property, wants his money. Says that the chemical he used on his property was swimming pool chlorine, which has now been used to falsely label him a chemical terrorist. #ANCgov
He says that then he cut down a tree and got sued when the property owner googled him. He appealed it, lost the appeal. He is going to lose his property. He says this is the assembly's fault, and they are supposed to do no harm. #ANCgov
He tells Constant that when he asked him about his love life, Constant told him it wasn't relevant. He says Constant doesn't know how to love. They are destroying the city and he is part of that destruction. #ANCgov
Jean Strong is gonna close us out. She lived in India for years, no running water. One day she was pumping water from a well when she saw a Cobra that was coming for her. She froze. She was 10 or 11. But then something zipped across the yard! It was her dog! #ANCgov
She called for help, her sisters came around to help but the dog had it handled. The cobra was deader than something about Hilary Clinton. But now she's an adult, and they are the cobra and Bronson is her black lab. #ANCgov
Okay that's it! We made it, Anchorage! Another assembly meeting survived with minimal bloodshed! I love you all, sleep well ❤️ #ANCgov #ANCHgov

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Mar 25, 2023
I'm here at the Arctic Rec Center for Mayor Bronson's Town Hall! Pretty good turnout so far. 🧵 #ANCgov
Bronson brings us to the meeting. Starting right on time. He says he's here to listen and hear the community tell him what should happen in their community. Says there are politicians here, but we're "not here to do politicking" #ANCgov
Everyone will get 90 seconds to speak. He says he doesn't have any further remarks, he's here to listen. #ANCgov
Read 98 tweets
Feb 22, 2023
Just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the regular meeting of 2/21/23! As per the usual, I'll be posting a play by play in this thread. Also! My week is light, so if you have suggested meetings or events let me know! 🧵 #ANCgov
LaFrance calls the meeting to order. Roll is called. Everyone is here except Perez-Verdia, Rivera, and Volland who are on the phone. #ANCgov
Helzer leads in the pledge. Quinn-Davidson reads the land acknowledgement. #ANCgov
Read 350 tweets
Feb 8, 2023
Just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the regular meeting of 2/7/23! Very curious to see who from the administration makes it today and if we'll hear anything about Tshibaka's resignation. 🧵#ANCgov
Looks like today we have Sulte and Constant on the phone. No sign of Bronson yet. Kohlhase and Johnson in attendance. #ANCgov
A gentleman behind my introduces himself as the new CFO of the Municipality to another member of the public. Says "I got drafted, it wasn't something I volunteered for." A couple muted chuckles. #ANCgov
Read 315 tweets
Jan 25, 2023
Just arrived at the Assembly Meeting of January 23! A wild preceding week and packed schedule should make for an interesting meeting. 🧵 #ANCgov
Three high school students lead us in the pledge, they are here for their government class. Volland leads in the land acknowledgement. Before the meeting minutes are approved, Constant moves to amend a clerical error that shows the wrong dates on the minutes. #ANCgov
Volland seconds. Unanimous consent. The titles of the minutes are corrected. Constant moves to approve the minutes of previous meetings. Unanimous consent. Minutes are approved. #ANCgov
Read 206 tweets
Dec 21, 2022
Oof. Roads are at a standstill. Going to be late to the assembly meeting today, but worry not! I will make it there. #ANCgov
Alright! Made it to the Chambers. Missed the Mayor and Chair's updates, but heard them on the stream. Discussion of continued road plowing and the Muni manager situation. Committee reports happening now. #ANCgov
Zalatel says on Dec 14 they had a meeting of the utilities and enterprise oversight committee dedicated to the port. She highlights that the port isn't a topic they discuss at the dyas regularly, but the meeting was intended to create a stable plan on funding. #ANCgov
Read 279 tweets
Dec 7, 2022
Snowy day! Arriving 8 minutes late to the assembly, so I'm just getting in at the end of the Chair's Report. Here's the thread! 🧵 #ANCgov
LaFrance says tonight will mark the end of budget legislation, thanks the budget and finance committee, and the cooperation of the admin. If you want to learn more, #ANCgov
Tonight we will take up an item about changes to elections. The changes were discussed at the ethics and elections committee and have been brought before the assembly. Tonight will end public testimony. #ANCgov
Read 286 tweets

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