Katrina Green MD, FAAEM (she/her) Profile picture
Jul 28, 2022 64 tweets 20 min read Read on X
Interview I did yesterday. My only issue is the last sentence. It’s not a claim. It’s true. Women are already suffering under strict abortion bans in other states. Let me show you all what I’m talking about.

Here's one heartbreaking story of a woman in Texas who was denied an abortion until she became severely ill: npr.org/sections/healt…
Another horrifying story of a Texas woman who had to carry a dead fetus inside her for 2 weeks until she could find a doctor to provide her an abortion: washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/…
And here's a podcast with a Texas woman named Amanda who had miscarriages both before and after the Texas abortion ban. Her story tells the drastic differences in care women receive when doctors cannot provide necessary healthcare: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the…
Missouri doctors are waiting until patients with ectopic pregnancies are hemorrhaging before they perform necessary abortions:

These are just a few examples. I know there are more. If you know of any stories of patients suffering because of refusal or delay of care due to an abortion ban, please share. We need to make sure the politicians who passed these bans see what they've done. #AbortionIsHealthcare
Here’s a woman in #Tennessee that was denied an abortion despite her life being endangered by a non viable fetus. #AbortionIsHealthcare
This article is full of examples of women harmed in multiple states due to lack of abortion healthcare. #AbortionIsHealthcare

Have you or someone you know been harmed by the abortion bans here in #Tennessee? wpln.org/post/with-roe-…
Another woman affected by the unintended consequences of the #abortion ban in #Tennessee. Unable to get medication for her RA because #methotrexate could harm a potential fetus. Never mind the woman is already a living breathing person with medical needs.
“A pregnant woman in Louisiana says she’s being forced to choose between carrying a fetus that lacks a skull and the top of its head (as a result of a rare condition called acrania) to term, or traveling several states over for a legal abortion”
Because of an abortion ban in SC, a 19yo whose water broke at 15weeks had to wait over 2 weeks for a medically necessary abortion, putting her at risk of sepsis. This should weigh on every so called "pro-lifer" who voted for the bans. #AbortionIsHealthcare
From Missouri: “It was half a day before she could take her patient with an ectopic pregnancy for urgent surgery, half a day in which the patient could have died.”

Another story from Texas. Post menopausal bleeding is cancer until proven otherwise. Apparently this pharmacist is ok with women dying of cancer.
From the OB/gyn literature out of Texas. Women have higher morbidity after abortion ban.
This one hits close to home. In my city, #Nashville. How many women will die before the @TNGOP sees the error of its ways? We need a special session right now to fix the trigger law so doctors can treat patients without fear of prosecution. #Tennessee #abortionishealthcare
Another story of subpar patient care causing increased morbidity in a pregnant woman thanks to the horrible abortion law in Texas:
More horrific treatment of pregnant women already suffering the distress from heartbreaking complications of wanted pregnancies in Ohio:
Another story from Texas. Their abortion ban has been in place longer than Tennessee’s. So they’ve had more time for these awful stories to come to light. Here’s another woman harmed by abortion bans:
Ever more heartbreak. From Ohio again. Sexual assault survivors deserve to have the choice not to carry the products of rape inside their bodies. #AbortionIsHealthcare
A teenager with an autoimmune condition was denied her necessary medications because of an abortion ban in Arizona.
I know of a case here in #Tennessee where a patient diagnosed with cancer had to travel out of state for an abortion before starting chemo. This is likely an issue in ALL states with abortion bans. Delays in cancer treatment can have serious consequences. #AbortionIsHealthcare
Another heartbreaking case from Missouri, which seems to have a lot of these cases. Every legislator who has passed an abortion ban needs to read these stories.
The #Tennessee abortion ban is dangerous. No one should have to take a 6 hour ambulance ride to receive appropriate medical treatment. This woman could’ve died. We need to demand the @TNGOP fix this law now! #AbortionIsHealthcare

Another woman nearly dies in Texas due to a strict abortion ban
And another woman with a fatal fetal anomaly who could not get an abortion in the state in which she lived, Texas:
Another woman harmed by an abortion ban in Ohio
Here’s some harm from the abortion ban in Tennessee
Miscarriages aren’t being treated as they should be in states with abortion bans. Women are suffering. Get politics out of the exam rooms. #AbortionIsHealthcare
A woman in #Tennessee forced to continue carrying a pregnancy that puts her life at risk:
A woman in #Kentucky is forced to carry a nonviable pregnancy to term. Her fetus will suffer and die, likely minutes after birth. Is this what you wanted RTL folks?
A woman in Alabama having to wait and see if she’s gonna need surgery for her miscarriage instead of a pro-active approach with a D&C
Is this what you want, RTL folks? Women and babies with lethal anomalies suffering needlessly?
How is treating #Tennessee mothers like this pro-life? Shame on the RTL lobby and the TN Republicans who are capitulating to them.
Another horrible story of mistreatment of a pregnant mother experiencing a miscarriage, this time in Florida. Women will continue to suffer until the legislators realize that #AbortionIsHealthcare
When a pregnant patient’s water breaks before the fetus is viable, they deserve to be treated with sound medicine care and compassion. Abortion bans do not let doctors practice medicine. This story is heartbreaking. I wish every legislator who voted for a ban would watch this:
Here’s a case in Oklahoma where a woman with a molar pregnancy (aka nonviable pregnancy where there is no fetus and can be cancerous) wasn’t treated bc of the abortion ban there. Absolutely shameful mistreatment.
These horrible stories keep happening, threatening the lives of pregnant people in red states with abortion bans. Eventually someone will die. And the blood will be on the hands of those who signed these laws. #AbortionIsHealthcare
This is absolutely inhumane treatment of both the pregnant woman and the baby she carried only to suffer and die. No one should have to carry a pregnancy to term that has no hope of survival outside the womb. #AbortionIsHealthcare
A pregnant woman in Idaho was forced to travel for compassionate abortion care after her fetus was diagnosed with a fatal anomaly. #AbortionIsHealthcare

Thank you to the researchers at @UCSF for shedding light on the plight of women with pregnancy complications in states with abortion bans. #AbortionIsHealthcare #MedTwitter
This woman was forced to suffer, carrying a pregnancy to term that she knew would end in death & now the family now has tons of medical bills to deal with as a result. Every single Republican who voted for abortion bans is heartless. #AbortionIsHealthcare

The Texas women suing the state for the horrible treatment they and their fetuses suffered as a result of the abortion ban there are incredibly brave. I hope they win for all women and birthing people. #AbortionIsHealthCare
A #Tennessee mom was forced to carry an unsafe pregnancy, risking her life & lost her fertility. There’s also all the medical bills for her ICU care & her premature infant. Eventually our abortion ban result in the death of a mother. #AbortionIsHealthcare
A Texas woman had to drive 11hrs to NM for an abortion bc her fetus had a fatal anomaly, anencephaly or lack of a head. Total abortion bans are heartless and they harm women. #AbortionIsHealthcare
Absolutely heartbreaking. I fought back tears reading this nbcnews.com/health/health-…
And now a teen in Nebraska is going to serve jail time because she didn't have access to legal abortion
This heartbreaking brought to you by the abortion ban in Mississippi
A pregnant woman in KY had an 11 week delay in treatment for cervical cancer due to an abortion ban. Luckily she’s still alive for the 5 living children she already had. #AbortionIsHealthcare
Lest we forget that *gasp* doctors are people too, here's a great article by the NYT about docs struggling to practice in states with abortion bans. And when doctors suffer, our patients do too. #AbortionIsHealthcare
In this case, a pregnant woman in #Texas was forced to carry twins with severe malformations. "Instead of planning a baby shower, she was preparing for a funeral."

This is absolutely heartless way to treat people. #AbortionIsHealthcare

It’s not just women who suffer under abortion bans. Doctors suffer from moral injury, unable to provide ethical, compassionate healthcare. And sometimes they have to leave. This #Tennessee doctor left and I don’t blame her one bit. Listen to her story. #AbortionIsHealthcare
Another stark example of the harms caused by abortion bans to real life people. This story is about a family in #Tennessee forced to continue a very risky pregnancy they weren’t financially prepared for.
A Texas woman nearly died from a non viable ectopic pregnancy because OBs were too scared to perform the surgery to remove it. Even though there is a clear exception in the TX abortion ban for ectopics, doctors still hesitated. Abortion bans have chilling effects that harm women.
This ProPublica article includes several examples of both doctors and patients who have been directly harmed by abortion bans in several states. #AbortionIsHealthcare
Thanks to @propublica for another eye opening article, highlighting the preventable deaths of 2 Georgia women. These women would still be here if Roe hadn’t been overturned.


x.com/propublica/sta… x.com/propublica/sta…
@propublica How many women will need to lay bare their pain for all to see before the extreme #Tennessee Republican supermajority recognizes the harm their abortion ban causes?

Another Texas woman, still really a child herself at 18yo, died because of the abortion ban in place there. Doctors fear going to jail for 99 years, so they wait until it's too late to act and women are dying as a result.

It doesn't have to be this way.

This woman is dead & her daughter has no mother because of the Texas abortion ban. Women can't get healthcare because doctors are put under a microscope by the AG who wants to make an example out of them.

And they wonder why doctors leave red states.

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Sep 8, 2023
Who's ready for some tea? I've been sitting on this for a while but multiple people who have read these emails have encouraged me to post them online, including the writer of the 3rd email, my wonderful husband. So without further ado, here we go....
Here's my initial email to Gov Bill Lee and the entire TN General Assembly with my thoughts after the special session. #Tennessee #SpecialSession Image
I got this nasty response from the Rep from Oak Ridge, John Ragan. Read his incredibly insulting email to me, a physician advocating for gun safety, here: Image
Read 5 tweets
Apr 5, 2023
Y'all I'm livid rn. Just got home from meeting with Rs to try to convince them not to vote out my state rep, @brotherjones_ . One of them said to my face that they were scared for their life bc of what happened at the protest. They flat out lied to my face......
... this TN R rep said that state troopers were checking IDs and that most of the protestors were brought in from out of state. I've been up to the statehouse and Capitol too many times to count at this point and NEVER have they checked my ID as I went through security...
.... this same rep said state troopers were confiscating knives and mace from people. And that might be true as ppl carry pocket knives and mace regularly. But I saw no evidence that anyone at those protests were anything but angry people of #Nashville.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 3, 2023
I’m in the gallery. Waiting to see if they vote to remove my state representative. If they do, I won’t be quiet. I’m ready to make good trouble.

#FreeSpeech #1stamendment #AdvocacyInMedicine Image
They are honoring Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr right now, another person killed by gun violence in #Tennessee.
@brotherjones_ just acknowledged his constituents in the gallery. He got a standing ovation from those of us in the balcony. Image
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