Can we talk about how Fulwood Church signed the letter opposing the Conversion Therapy Ban and their SAFEGUARDING OFFICER resigned after "details of an ‘inappropriate’ relationship with a young female member of the congregation emerged."
This is why I would not let Twentyone:eight investigate my report about #sheffchurch. They are a Christian organisation which works directly in and cases for the Church of England and ultimately amounts to an organisation investigating itself.
Okay but what steps has the Bishop of Sheffield @PeteWilcox1564 taken to repair the damage done, besides vague commentary about gratitude. Why did the report need to be leaked to @SheffieldStar?
Why was someone who had been identified as a threat previously, given a 45k role in the church again?
I *could* go out on the sun, but what if I stayed in and did some live read of Mark Stibbe's (&Cherith) Restoring the Fallen: Creating Safe Spaces for those who FALL (Emphasis added).
My jaw has been on the floor ever since discovering that Mark Stibbe was a church leader at St Thomas Crookes in the late 90s right around the time Conversion Therapy Courses took off (I am told) "like wildfire".
My own experience of Mark Stibbe was attended a service in late 2012 of early 2013 where he spoke on the Father Heart of God. 'Struggling with' my sexuality and identity at the time, his teaching on Living Father God gave me a bit of an anchor to hope -
Issues in Human Sexuality Live Read, by me. From 1991 (90 years after Havelock Ellis published Sexual Inversion, 30 years after Robert Wood's book calling for full inclusion). Is this the most contemporary Church of England account of sexuality prior to LLF?
Reprinted in 2003.
I'm not going page by page and line by line, especially because I speak an entirely different language to the writers - one in which I do not need to finish my sentences with quite random Bible verse quotes often unrelated to the real Content. #IssuesInHumanSexuality#drappissues
"In Genesis 2 the man, as a royal figure, has authority over the woman."
As a Royal Figure? 👑 WTF?
The man has authority because he gives her a name? 🧙♂️
It will take men away from their family homes. In all cultures? I think not.
Question 3 of the Public Consultation on #ConversionTherapy is also very important, especially for anyone approaching legislation from an abolitionist view point. There are proposals that target organisations above people, which are the ones I would personally support more than
- Criminalisation of individuals, especially knowing that Criminalisation and imprisonment etc disproportionately affects minority groups.
In the event of the legislation pulling a bait and switch it is important that we choose the right things to support and not support.
Removing profits, preventing CT folk from holding office in charities and protection for people being sent overseas for #conversiontherapy are - to me - far more important in tackling the lasting presence of Conversion Therapy in the UK, than Criminalisation of individuals.
If is important to realise that the legislation around #ConversionTherapy includes references in every place it talks about protecting people from being converted 'from being transgender' also 'to bring transgender'.
Now, no one is forcing people to be transgender, but its -
- very important that this legislation does not get twisted.
There are VAST differences between talking about what it means to be transgender and exploring personal gender, to what is defined as Conversion Therapy, but this is one to watch.
Vitally, the legislation discusses what Consent is, and certainly people talking about what it is to be transgender are doing so in consenting contexts (as discussed above), but it could be jumped upon by bad faith actors.