#Yelenovka A few observations in the white noise of wild speculations: All the pictures I could find were taken from the northeast corner of the building (POV) and essentially show only the opposite side. The only exception is a remarkable photo by @EvaKBartlett (upper left).
I have no doubt that [whatsoever] hit the roof on the SE corner (red arrows). The roof sheets are bent away from the center almost in a circle. The underlying structure of the beams is equally deformed and the white debris east of the apparent impact confirms this assumption.
No photo shows if and how much the adjacent building was damaged. The fact is, it was damaged because otherwise there would be no white rubble on that side of the building.
The photo by Eva Bartlett shows the area that is practically under the impact point. (WARNING VIOLENCE!)
The photo shows a burned body that was apparently forced through the spring bottom of his bed by the blast wave. This is not fire damage, which bent the steel ...
...of the springs to the point where the spring bottom fell apart, because the same heat would have burned the body far more. (Note that the body adapted to the damage in the knee joints, for example.) That is, the blast wave came practically vertically from above.
An interesting aspect is the frame in the E-wall, which is vertically below the impact. No glass visible, but the frame is undamaged. Imo, this circumstance can also only be explained by the fact that this frame was at right angles to the front of the blast wave.
... this circumstance excludes a thermobaric expl., because the low-frequency pressure wave (by design) of a thermobaric expl. is reflected by walls/floors, travels back and forth and leaves a much greater destruction in all directions.
Taken together, this first says that Kiev's arguments about the absence of a crater and a thermobaric explosion inside are not confirmed (but contradicted) by the visual evidence. A crater would be expected only if [whatever] had hit the floor and exploded there.
Another interesting aspect is that even with a HIMARS (as with other missile HE warheads), the cloud of fragments spreads out around the explosion like a dougnut.
See the impacts of the fragments on the road surface and in the lamppost on the left.
Note also that the impacts in the lamppost are clearly visible due to the chipped paint, while no damage can be seen in the guardrail.
As a result, this means that a near-vertical or eastward leaning missile exploding at the level of the roof beams would leave no discernible fragment impacts in the lower part of the building and certainly not on its west side.
But it also means that the surrounding buildings must be no more devastated than this guardrail, the surface of which apparently defied the blast.
In this respect I warn against spreading any nonsense out of patriotism, which pleases one war party, but is confirmed by NOTHING.
Of course, you also have to ask yourself whether you want to follow a completely insane conspiracy theory, the premise of which is that Russian troops first collect HIMARS parts (somewhere far from the frontline) in order to blow up half of the POWs and save the other half.
Part of this conspiracy theory is the relocation of the POWs to a workshop allegedly prepared with a thermobaric charge. So it assumes several teams of accomplices who have had to work hard for maybe a week (and theoretically all have to be shot now.)
Also, let's remember that the same people who are now propagating this insane conspiracy theory basically always discredit any witnesses with first-hand knowledge up front because they're so scared they can never tell the truth.
+Important: It turns out that the Maxar satellite images were published upside down. So, the missile most likely hit at an angle either vertical or slanted towards west what explains the lack of fragmentation damage in the photos. google.com/maps/place/47%…
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@ronzheimer Richtig, er hätte die Rolle der einst stolzen Demokraten stärker betonen sollen, wie auch die Rolle von Merkel, Hollande... bis Boris Johnson, welcher ohne Zweifel von stolzen Demokraten geschickt war.
@ronzheimer Kirby beschreibt die Friedensbemühungen folgendermaßen 👇. Wohlgemerkt Minsk war geltendes Völkerrecht und wenn ich mich recht entsinne, haben Sie diese Politik der einst stolzen Demokraten stets wortreich mitgetragen.
@ronzheimer Es waren aber nicht nur die einst stolzen Demokraten + Poroschenko + Hollande + Merkel, es war auch deren verbündeter Rechter Sektor in der Ukraine, welcher Zelenskjy sofort mit Mord drohte, als er einen Minsk-Versuch unternahm. Und Zelenskjy hat sich unterworfen.
Auf die Nachfrage von @FabioDeMasi ob der Verdächtige Wolodymyr Z. von den deutschen Strafverfolgungsbehörden in das Schengen-Register eingetragen wurde, hat die Leyen-Kommission (EU) eine geradezu verblüffend dumme Antwort. Magnus Brunner (Österreich) sagt, ...
"die Kommission habe keinen Zugriff auf die Daten des Schengener Informationssystems und könne daher nicht überprüfen, ob eine Person ausgeschrieben sei".
Und er fährt fort, die EU könne auch keine Daten eingeben, korrigieren oder löschen, wenn sie bereits darin enthalten seien!
Kurz, wenn der Eimer beim ersten Tropfen überläuft, dann ist die Leyen-Kommission nicht imstande zu ermitteln, ob dieser Eimer leer oder voll ist, denn es passt ja nichts mehr rein.
...und loswerden will. Sie könnte also auch sagen, die AfD ist vielleicht "rechtsextrem", aber Hitler - das waren die Kommunisten. Und wenn man das Nazi-Problem los ist, was ist dann schlecht am Rechtsextremismus? Der Rest ist doch ganz liberal - oder national neoliberal.
Nun hat aber Hitler kein einziges Unternehmen, sei es Krupp oder IG Farben, verstaatlicht. Hitler hat nicht für Arbeitsplätze und faire Bezahlung gesorgt.
Hitler hat die Unternehmen dazu verpflichtet, die Aufrüstungsziele und Kriegswirtschaftspläne zu erfüllen. Im Gegenzug...
#DOUMA chemical attack 2.0
Before Jaish al Islam left Douma, they had buried the bodies from the alleged April 7 chlorine attack in an unknown location on April 8.
Now it is claimed that the Syrian government buried the dead in secret. How is that possible?
On April 9, Jaish al Islam jumped on the buses and Russian military police took control.
As early as May, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), an opposition network, accused the Syrian government of stealing the bodies.
October 7 was worse than 9/11 or
The rationalization of mass murder
These are perhaps the sickest 12 minutes you will ever hear about the war in Gaza. And they were seen 3 million times in just one day and given a heart 25,000 times.
In essence, Kisin claims to have listened...
...to the arguments of both sides (Palestinians / Israel) and to have applied the method of "First Principle Thinking", whereby he arrived at a value-free, rational, i.e. quasi-scientific assessment of the war in Gaza.
His "First Principle Thinking" led him to the ...
...realization that pro-Palestinians use essentially 4 arguments, which he then refutes with the arguments of the pro-Zionist side.
When silence is louder than words
The USS Kearsarge left Gdynia, Poland on September 19, 2022 at around 6:00 p.m. local time (UTC+2).
From Gdynia to the site of the Nordstream explosions it was 140 nautical miles, which the Kearsarge could have covered in 7 hours. This means that the US ghost ships could have reached the site of the explosions on September 19th, 2022 at around 11:00 p.m. UTC.
25 hours later the Russian convoy set off and headed straight for this spot.