Rise in population of a small group is always more in percent terms because base is small. The smallest possible increase in 1, is 1, so it becomes 2, but say 'double' or 100% increase, create scare while100 turn 130, 30% rise, yet difference widens more..
Lies are spread day in & day out to create a scare about growth in Muslim population, they are clever, talk in 'percent' , not real increase in [numbers] population, how much more Hindus in India than Muslims today, compared to past. #MuslimPopulation#Population#Journalism
In simple terms
Case1: If you are given Rs 5 and it increases to Rs 10, then it's 100% increase or double.
Case 2: The guy who who was given Rs 50 and later increased to 70, percent rise is 40% but he's gone far ahead, difference was earlier just 45, now its 60. #Journalism
As per 1951 census figures, difference was already huge, Hindu community size was ahead of Muslims--the difference was 26 crore. By 2011 census, Hindus had got a lead of 80 crore over Muslims. And projections suggest that right now, Hindus are 90 crore more, compared to Muslims.
Issue that should concern us is how selectively 'increase in percent' is taken and used, rather than real figures, to present a picture which is far from truth. Sadly, whoever owns media, has power to air misleading info, even falsehoods and create scare. #Journalism#Muslims
Journalism is to clarify misconceptions, not to create scare or spread lies. A bit of maths and statistics knowledge can help but propagandists obviously have no interest in them. Better read Census reports, check yourself. census2011.co.in/religion.php
Thread on Hindu and Muslim population figures, the obsession of media with increase in Muslim population in India and how propaganda is peddled, misinformation spread through newspapers and channels that Muslims will outnumber others in future. Unroll @threadreaderapp
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News 18: अनपढ़ या शातिर? ये मैथ नहीं जानते, छोटा ग्रुप या अल्पसंख्यक की तादाद में कम इज़ाफ़ा, परसेंट में ज़्यादा नज़र आता है, जैसे कोई 1 है और मिनिमम 1 बढ़ा तो दो हुआ, आप दुगना या 100% कह कर डराइए जबकी मेजोरिटी 100 से 130 हुई, डिफ़रेंस और बढ़ गया मगर परसेंट में 30 ही बढ़ा. 1/3
समुदाय छोटा है तो उसमें ज़रा सी भी इंक्रीज, परसेंट में ज़्यादा होती है. इसलिए चालाकी, % बताया जाता है. जबकि बहुसंख्यक इतने ज़्यादा हैं कि वह डिफ़रेंस कभी कम नहीं हो सकता, सिर्फ बढ़ता है. विदेश में भारतीय बढ़ते हैं तो वहां राइटविंग ऐसा झूठा डर इमिग्रेंट्स को ले कर भड़काते हैं 2/3
भारतियों ने जब UK, US माइग्रेट करना शुरू किया तो वह हज़ारों में ही थे इसलिए % में ज़्यादा बढ़त लगती है. वहां के रेसिस्ट अख़बार 300% और 500% आबादी में इज़ाफ़ा हेडलाइन से लोकल्स को डराते हैं जबकि अल्पसंख्यक सिर्फ लाखों में हैं, ईसाई करोड़ों में. भास्कर हो या टीवी 18, सेम तरीक़ा है
Don't we feel sad when houses are razed whimsically. When people are dislocated for no reason. But even this is normalised.
Politicians take oath, have basic responsibility, must not discriminate, but no empathy. Even incite mob, use admin to target. And society! Justice???
First this dirty nexus between politicians who communalise and officials who serve their bigoted agenda.
Media, we know. Then, our society, those around us, such perverted & sick people who even seem happy and click 'haha' over others' pain when incident posted on FB, SM.
In how many places on earth, politicians know their society and voter so well, that they even feel they would be hailed and get more support if they inflict pain on 'others', establish the 'power' on ground though strong-arm actions, harassment, torture and attacks.
If private school forces students to leave third language which they studied for 3 yrs & abruptly asks them to switch to another language, what's the recourse?
They learnt for 3 yrs, 6th-8th, suddenly asked to take new language--at a higher level (9th), tough #CBSE#Missionary
As third language, you have Telugu, Bangla, Sanskrit, Urdu, Tamil, even French, any language depending on state or city.
But when teacher is available, yet, school principal gets rigid, wants to force. Parents can't speak up, fear kid would be targeted, if they raise issue more.
The schools don't fall under state govt ambit. Children suffer but at a critical moment unable to speak against own school because of obvious reasons.
There must be ways to deal with autocracy. People try media, plaint to panel, delegation but proper system to redress?
*You may not like. But it's very easy to dismiss someone by throwing a label at them, there is a lot between being 'liberal' and 'illiberal' in real world
*Despite not claiming to watch news, how headlines can shape your thought process & a victim becomes a hooligan in your eyes
*First, a basic thing if someone abuses a woman or man, targets or indulges in character assassination, its termed 'harassment' & there are proper sections under IPC for registration of case.
*If action not taken, there is harsh criticism of authorities. People stand with victim.
*Routinely people get booked, arrests or convictions are at a next stage. Now, whenever it comes to Muslims', it is claimed that the community is 'over sensitive'.
*Section 295 (A) of IPC is for deliberate & malicious acts, intended to outrage feelings of any class. Now let's see
*When you write 'ghazal' or even a nazm, it's not just radeef & qafia, but 'beher', 'wazan', the meter too you need to be aware of.
*The ghazal has to be in one 'beher' & all couplets follow this system. For ages, 'faaylun, faaylaat' has confused young writers #Urdu#Arooz
*To some, it comes naturally. You remember 'dohas'--the laghu & guru or even in lyrics in Bollywood, the 'dhun'.
*Classical masters, bards who never studied, knew it well, it came naturally to them. Others learn it, it appears too tough & master poets tell you basics, correct.
If one knows the system, it's good. If you don't know, try to learn. In many languages, poetry has come out of this system.
Everyone is free to write. Knowledge of prosody must not be used to deter anyone. Some senior poets, masters don't help, rather use it to reject others.
*Guy came from a town 500 km away from State capital. No great qualification, not even command over Hindi, but as uncle in media, gets job in paper, soon becomes journalist
*Without knowing city or making acquaintances, no idea about town but believes 'Muslims here too backward'
*Amazing sense of entitlement, armed with half-baked notions but ready to shoot his mouth, everywhere
*Hasn't met people in the town despite having lived a couple of years now, never ventured into lanes or entered into households, but reflected in writings too about city, region
Goes to a non-veg hotel, becomes friendly with him, then even tells him about what's wrong with 'your community', telling the owner whose daughters' achievements or education he has no idea about. Hotel owner has a beatific smile, nods, he has seen such saviours earlier too.