I have checked the possible #ATACMS attack on #SakiAirBase in #CMO, which is never perfect, but always a very good guess.
Assumed launch site south of Odessa, launch time 10:00 ZULU/12:00 local.
(short thread)! #ukraine#ukrainewar
This is an attempt to understand flight times, speeds and possible impact angles and speeds, as we have seen fairly large craters.
We are using MGM-140 #ATACMS Block IA, has multiple warhead options, the fact that submunitions are chosen here is merely a cosmetic choice.
Also make sure to head over to @rrichcord on his analysis and @OSINTua for sat pictures.
@rrichcord@OSINTua Our Target is the Airfield in Saki, for this we have just used a simulated test-target, as our focus is flight time and trajectory.
@rrichcord@OSINTua The overall Situation is visible here, Saky is close to the range limit (orange) of the simulated #atacms Blk IA.
Let us look at how the attach went in the next few postings. #ukraine#ukrainewar#SakiAirBase
@rrichcord@OSINTua As you can see, we triggered a launch at 12:00 local, the screen is 3 minutes 22 seconds in the scenario.
The ATACMS have reached the highest point of the flight, at ~105km, doing about 3200km/h (1750kts), so they are actually in "space".
@rrichcord@OSINTua The next check is 10 miles out from target. The #ATACMS have entered a steep dive to attack the target.
Less than 10 miles out, they are still at ~90.000 ft, so approximately 27km high, travelling at ~5000 km/h (3000 kts).
This is insanely fast, they will impact in less than 20s.
@rrichcord@OSINTua One of the last data points before impact, about 6000 km/h (3250 kts) a mere 9000ft, so approximately 2.5km, above ground. The rockets will impact in a second, and are travelling almost vertically down at hypersonic speeds.
@rrichcord@OSINTua The missles have impacted, less than six minute flight time in total.
The extremely steep impact angle, almost vertically down, at hypersonic speed, explains why the explosions are sudden, and no footage exists of the missle incoming. #atacms? Possible. #SakiAirBase#ukraine
As bonus, here is the approximate time/altitude/velocity plot.
The time of engine cut off is clearly visible.
Comparing GenAI of Midjourney 6.1 with Dalle-E using "OSINT" "SECURITY" "MILITARY" prompts.
Text will be prompt (sans instructions, like --v6.1 etc), the four images are the midjourney output, the single is the Dall-E Output.
a fictional spymaster, spinning his web of lies over europe
a general of the tank troops of the german heer in northern africa overlooking a combined arms battle
Die Suche nach dem Täter "Mannheim", ein kurzer Faden.
Im Bild hier, 8:47 im "ganzen Video", tritt er zum ersten mal (für mich erkenntlich) in Erscheinung.
Die Tat beginnt ab 12:30, also 3 Minuten 43 Sekunden später.
#mannheim #anschlag #terror
Bei 9:07 ist der Täter nah am Zelt, schaut abwechselnd auf sein Mobiltelefon und die Plakate.
Ob er sich mit Dritten koordiniert, oder lediglich sein Verhalten verschleiern möchte, ist für mich nicht ersichtlich.
Bei 9:33 ist der Täter gut sichtbar in ähnlicher Position. Eine gewisse Fixierung auf die Gruppe sowie auf sein Mobiltelefon sind vorhanden.
Da das Video im #mannheim Faden X nicht mochte, hier nochmals ein neuer Faden. Wir gehen Bild zu Bild durch die Szenen, um so eine Einordnung der Tat durchführen zu können.
Das Video beginnt direkt mit einem Angriff auf das erste Opfer. Wir sehen werder im Bild, noch im Hintergrund, uniformierte Polizei. Der Angreifer scheint im Handgemenge mit dem Opfer zu fallen, zwei weitere der Gruppe "blau" helfen ihrem Kollegen.
Nach Sekunde 5 sehen wir zum ersten mal den Attentäter sowie die Tatwaffe. Es sieht nach einem Kochmesser / Santoku-Messer / Hackmesser mit 20-25cm Klingenlänge aus. Ein Alltagsgegenstand, der sich rechtlich nicht effektiv regulieren lässt, auch wenn dies die nächste politische Forderung sein WIRD.
To celebrate, as @TBrit90 called it, "VDV deletion appreciation day", enjoy the following thread:
All VDV, all high quality, restored footage from that day, starting of with the failed assault from the russian view.
Enjoy, like, share, subscribe!
My favourite Video from the early phase of the war. RU Mi-8 and Mi-24 moving to Hostomel (above invasion force), low over Kyiv Reservoir.
MANPADS were a thing, @MerenzSophia take notice.
Stabilized reprocessed further footage of that VDV Assault.
The Myria Hangar can briefly be seen.
A brief thread on the Shahed 136 aka GERAN Loitering Munition "Drone" used by Russia against #ukraine.
To the surprise of many, it is a story about the hostility to Innovation by the German Miltiary ( hi BaainBw !)
The root of the concept is from the 1980ies, called the DORNIER DAR (Drone, Anti Radar).
It was supposed to be a low cost mass launched loitering munitions that would home in on Russian Air Defence Emissions, and destroy them with 0 Risk to the Operator.
Here is a pic(oops!)
Interestingly, this concept was so innovative that, of course, it did not catch on with the GAF.
The operational concept was far ahead of the time, with road based Launch Trucks for 3 or 6 Drones at a time, to release mayhem.
This is confirmed in multiple locations, on the mentioned frequencies, either directly or via web-sdr.
I consider this very concerning, as this could be a strategic contingency planning of RU strategic rocket forces.
@HamWa07 @shortwave78 @thomas_wiegold
@HamWa07 @shortwave78 @thomas_wiegold Its very clear on which is located near Kaliningrad, if you set it to 7000 khz and cw-narrow (and enable audio)websdr.printf.cc:8901