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Aug 11, 2022 153 tweets 26 min read Read on X
#DabiDeku #DbDk

-Cry About it Later, Tonight I’m Having Fun-

Izuku who was excited to go home in his shared apartment with his boyfriend of almost 3 years was skipping happily on his way. Today marks their 3rd anniversary and he can’t wait to celebrate it with his lover.
Everything was set and ready, all that was left was to go to their reserved restaurant and enjoy themselves to the fullest until the night.

At that moment, Izuku was blissfully unaware of what would welcome him in their shared place.
When it comes to Katsuki, the greenette would always give his all because that’s how much he loves and trusts his Kacchan the most. If only his ash-blonde lover felt the same as him…

The next morning, the warmth of the sunlight kissed the soft skin of the sleeping greenette. Few moments later, emerald doe eyes flutters and blinks a few times before its’ owner immediately sat up after remembering the memories from last night that came down crashing on him.
Which he quickly regrets his actions because of the sudden headache he is feeling right now, making him wince from the hangover of last night.
Looking around, Izuku realizes that he wasn’t in his shared apartment with his boyfrie- ex boyfriend. Instead, he was in a room which can be describe as luxurious from how spacious and expensive looking the decorations are… yet everything is a mess.
He then glances at the side of the bed where he saw a sleeping whitehead on his side and notices that the older looking teen was naked which led to him looking at himself who is also very much naked.
Izuku could feel himself redden at the implication of what last night entails, and the impending heart attack from his spur in the moment decisions. Having his heart broken by the guy that he thought he would spend his whole life with his slut of an ex-best friend.
He couldn’t help but get the hell out of that suffocating place and go somewhere he normally doesn’t. A fucking club, of course. He didn’t mean to get stupid wasted or maybe he did get drunk with the intention to just forget how miserable he is.
But for him to just go with the first guy that looked at his way with lust filled orbs.

‘That is probably a new record on the dumbest thing I could have done.’ Izuku facepalmed to his actions.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose to calm himself down,
he then slowly and carefully moved around the room to collect his clothes that was on the floor and to at least properly dressed himself decently before getting out of the place without being noticed by the owner, ehem, the currently sleeping whitehead.
After fixing himself and looking presentable on the body mirror, Izuku then went out and closed the door softly and made his way outside the apartment of his one-night stand.
Hopefully to never see the older whitehaired teen again, because if they did, that would just be so awkward. Well at least for him.

Hopefully his ex-boyfriend attended his classes today so that he can sneak in the apartment and pack his stuff to move out.
But for now, he will crash at Shouto’s place…

Pale lanky arm but filled with muscles reaches over the other side of the bed only to grasp air instead of the cutie he snatched last night. Bright turquoise eyes opened only to see what he suspected. Empty space. Something that made his guts twist.
He dislikes being alone after all, and he expected to at least see the green bunny skittering with his cute large emerald eyes in the morning. But he was met with empty air.

“Tsk, little bunny run away huh…” Rasp voice from sleep came from the whitehead’s lips.
Touya then stood up to stretch his stiff body and to get ready in starting his day. Uncaring of his nakedness, before going to his bathroom to take a quick shower before going to the university.
After Touya took a warm shower, he dressed up in a white V-neck shirt, black designer jacket, and ripped jeans with chains. Then, double checking his appearance on the mirror, he was about to exit his room when he noticed a student ID on his floor.
Picking the item, the whitehead inspected it only to have a shit-eating grin on his handsome boyish face as he now knows where to find the green bunny.

“Fate has a funny way, wouldn’t you agree? Izuku Midoriya…” Touya chuckled before heading out to his university.
And wishing that he would stumble upon the boy he went to bed last night.

There was just something alluring to the boy that draws Touya to him. He can’t explain it fully well but it isn’t a bad feeling, if anything it feels pleasant.
But for now, he wants to meet the boy sober and get to know the other side of the daring and seductive bunny last night.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock

The sound of the wall clock in the classroom normally doesn’t bother a certain greenette, but right now it’s really getting on his last nerve. It probably wasn’t only him who’s currently bothered by the offending device,
most likely a group of them are. Well, with how silent the whole room is, as every student continues to answer their exams with complete concentration the only sound one can hear is the writing, sniffing, shuffling from time to time and the damn clock.
The proctor is Mr. Aizawa to boot, who eyes everyone like a predator hawk, waiting for someone to slip up so that he can send them straight to hell. Literally.

Emerald eyes continued to read the question over and over, analyzing it before shading his answer among the choices
just as the bell rang. Signaling the end of their exam week or as Shinso told him ‘Hell Week’.

“Time’s up.” The grumpy teacher announced as he collects the exam papers from each student.
Izuku could only let out a loud sigh as his papers get collected by their professor before organizing his belongings. He was just so ready to go home and head straight to his bed. Well, the apartment that he was crashing on at the moment to be precise.
“Was it that bad?” his dual-haired friend asked from his side.

“The exam?”

“Hn.” Shouto nodded

“Nah, I probably did good. It’s not the exam I’m worried about, it’s the asshole who’s probably waiting for me outside this classroom as we speak.”
The greenette let out a groan as he dramatically slides his hands on both side of his freckled cheeks. “I don’t want to deal with him. Or her.”

Shouto remained quiet for a few seconds before he blurted out. “Want me to call my bodyguard? He can easily manhandle that asshole”
“N-no. That won’t be necessary, Shouto. Thank you. But since when did you get a bodyguard?”

“Since I was a child?” Shouto tilted his head in a confused manner. “Father had him trained and be near me almost 24/7.”
The greenette sweatdroppred as he remembers that his friend came from a wealthy family.

“Well, I will have to deal with him sooner or later, might as well be now.” Izuku sighs again as he can already feel the migraine that hasn’t even started.
Standing up, the pair then head towards the door with the greenette already expecting the usual pestering of the ash-blonde.

Ever since the day he caught his EX-boyfriend fucking his also EX-bestfriend in their shared apartment, the asshole kept trying to contact him through
social medias, texts, and calls but of course he stood his ground. He blocked Katsuki in all his social medias (which he barely uses anyways), blocked and deleted the number of said person in his phone as well.

He accepted and endured enough of Bakugou’s bullshit through
middle school until he sorted himself with his feelings and such. He thought his childhood friend have grown and matured over the years, with how he socializes now, even have a group of friend dubbed as bakusquad
(which isn’t so fond of him, but he overlooked that so that Bakugou could have friends), both of them went through leaps and helped each other, he thought that they could overcome anything and be faithful to each other. Looks like he was wrong.
Well, it’s not like he can talk about loyalty anyways. Since the first thing that happened to him after discovering Bakugou’s infidelity was to get laid with some rando from a club known for those things. And those intense turquoise eyes haven’t left his mind ever since.
It has already been 2 weeks and yet every time he remembers those orbs, he always gets the shudder in his spine. A good pleasurable one.

But does it count as cheating as well? Since he hasn’t properly broken up yet with Bakugou until… now.
Not that there’s anything to talk about or salvage anyways. He saw it clearly. His vision is perfectly fine, thank you very much.

“You’re mumbling, Midoriya.” Shouto leaned slightly to his ear,
“Also, I don’t think it’s really cheating since it should be automatic that you two broke up after that fiasco.”

“S-sorry about that. Also, yeah, you’re right. But it doesn’t seem like he will accept laying down. He’s always been stubborn to fault.”
Sometimes when the ash-blonde’s class ends earlier than Izuku’s, he would wait at the door of the greenette’s classroom. Trying to get to talk to him but Izuku was determined to avoid him. At all cost.

“Deku.” Speak of the Devil...
He thought that he won’t be disturbed today since he didn’t saw the ash-blonde hair through the sea of crowd when they left the room, but as soon as they turn to the direction of the cafeteria the devil appears.

“We need to talk.”
“I already told you, Bakugou, there’s nothing to talk about. You and I are done.” Izuku turned around to face his living nightmare. Even after two weeks have passed, his mind still plays the scene of betrayal from two of his closest over and over.
It pained him every time he has to interact with this person who became a huge part of his daily life over the past years.

It hurts yet he can’t deny the love that his heart still beats for this person. But he won’t be swayed this time. Not anymore.
He has forgiven the blonde enough for his past transgression. No more chances. Enough is enough.

“Like hell we are!” Katsuki yelled loudly in the middle of the hallway. Students near them are startled and some are already starting to whisper among themselves and Izuku just
doesn’t like this kind of attention. Nor any kind if he’s being honest.

“We are going to talk this through like we always do then we’re going back together!” Katsuki said with determination in his demeanor, not caring that they were starting to gather a crowd.
“Baku-” Shouto started but was cut off

“Stay out of this half-and-half bastard!” Glared at the other teen before his red eyes went back looking to Deku’s emerald ones.

Deku let out a sigh again before replying with a bright smile. “Fine.”
Crimson eyes brightened at the reply. Katsuki was hopeful of this moment. He knew his Deku wouldn’t abandoned him. He will always forgive him and-

“I’m breaking up with you now. There, happy?” The greenette’s smile didn’t reached his ears.
“What?!” Bakugou couldn’t believe this. No, no, no. This isn’t how its supposed to go. “I-I won’t accept this, Deku! We are NOT breaking up! We can work this through!”

“I don’t care about your acceptance or decision regarding this. We’re through.” Izuku rolled his eyes as he
turned his back to his ex and called for his friend who gave Bakugou a distasteful frown.

“Are you just going to waste our two years for-”

“You should have thought of that before laying with someone else on OUR bed then!” Izuku yelled back without looking behind.
Then continued to walk with Todoroki by his side.

Katsuki was about to chase Deku so that they can talk but he was approached by someone.

“C-can we talk?”

The whole time they were on their way to Shouto’s place, it was filled with uncomfortable silence in the air…

Just as they entered the flat with the dual-haired man locking the door, Izuku spoke quietly. “I-I did good, right?” Tears were gathering on his usual bright eyes.
Shouto was taken aback by the tears because he has never seen his friend cried throughout the years, they’ve known each other. To him, the greenette was stronger than the two of them so for him to cry and let his heart out now means he really must be hurt.
Todoroki hugged his friend tightly as he assures him that he did the right thing. Avoiding to get hurt again from the person who you trusted the most with your heart.

The pair stayed like that for a few moments until Izuku calmed down.
“S-sorry.” The greenette apologized as he tried to wipe his tears from his eyes while trying to smile.

“What for?”

“For having you witnessed that. I-it’s embarrassing.”

“It’s okay, we’re friends, aren’t we?”

“Thank you very much, Todoroki.”
The two of them slid in a comfortable conversation in the living room, talking about random things before Izuku’s stomach made its presence known. Making the greenette blush as they laugh it off.
“After he arrives let’s go out for food.” Shouto said as he looks at the time on his phone.

“Wait, we’re waiting for someone? Who?” Izuku asks. Because he wasn’t expecting nor was he aware they were waiting for someone.

“My oldest brother. Didn’t I tell you?”
“Uhh, nope.”

“He’s escaping again from dad’s constant nagging so he wanted to hangout this weekend.” Shouto said as the doorbell rang and echoed around the house. “Looks like he’s here. Go get changed then we can go out.”
And the greenette did just that. Went to his temporary room to get changed from their uniforms to some comfortable but casual enough clothes for outside.

‘Come to think of it, I haven’t met any of Todoroki’s family except his father that one time.’ He shuddered at the memory of
the huge man who once came to school to fetch his friend. The man looked like he can punch a hole to anyone who wronged him or his family. ‘I wonder what the rest of Todoroki’s family looks like.’

Izuku left out a soft smile as he remembers his late mom. She died from cancer
before he can even come out to her. Although he already has a guessed that she knew, but still. He wanted to at least tell her himself. But it was okay. Everything will be fine soon.

The sounds of a loud voice from the living room brought him out of his train of thoughts.
Shaking his head with a smile he then went out of the room to finally meet the older brother of Shouto

“Sorry for the wait everyone, I’m ready…now.” Izuku started only to trail in his wordings as he saw who Shouto’s older brother is.
Emerald eyes meeting turquoise ones. The same ones that failed to leave his mind ever since that fateful night.

Touya after seeing Izuku again :3
The night before Izuku woke up from Touya’s arms…

Izuku was shocked and speechless to what he just witnessed after opening the door to his shared apartment with Katsuki. There in the bed where Katsuki usually embraced him was his said ash-blonde boyfriend with his
best friend, Ochako Uraraka, both half naked and was passionately making out before he walked on to them in the act.

The apartment that he and Kacchan took was small but was very near to their university and has a homey feeling to it, which was part of the reason why they took
it in the first place. They usually don’t invite anyone in their home since it’s something special that’s only for the two of them. Obviously only Izuku kept on the end of the bargain…

“D-deku, it’s not what it looks like,” Katsuki who was shirtless and has his jeans
unbuttoned immediately stood up to go to his boyfriend. His face that was always confident has this nervous expression painted on it right now. As it should.
“Pink Cheeks was just suddenly feeling dizzy during our s-study session so I have to lay her down on the bed. W-what are you doing so early? I thought you were going to be late from your classes?”
Izuku was still staring blankly at their bed that he considered his safe haven, his safe place, the place where he cried onto and snuggled with Katsuki when he was at his weakest. It felt so wrong that Katsuki layed with another there while he felt so stupidly comfortable on
the same damn bed.

It was silent for half a minute with Katsuki and Ochako trying to come up with scenarios to snake their way out of this before Deku spoke quietly and in a monotone.

“How long…?” The greenette was now staring at Bakugou’s carmine eyes, reflecting how Izuku
looks so miserable and ready to cry at any moment, barely holding his emotional outbursts which he honestly doesn’t know how to deal with.

“Deku, it’s not like that. Let me explain.” Katsuki tried to grab his short boyfriend’s arm only for the other to dodge
and asked his question again only loudly this time…

“How long have you both been screwing behind me, Katsuki?!” Izuku was enraged right now, the usual smile and bright boy can’t be found right now before them.
“I am not stupid; I have eyes which saw the two of you in the act just minutes ago!”

Furious emerald eyes looking back and forth to the two in question, waiting impatiently on who would confess about this whole mess.
“L-look, Deku-kun. Kacchan and I have been… involved ever sine Todoroki’s party at his family vacation house. We were drunk and things just happened and w-we didn’t mean for anything to happen until now- look, it just happened and I-” Uraraka tried to explain nervously as much
as she can while she could feel Izuku’s piercing emerald eyes boring a hole on her skull… “W-we… we just clicked y’know? We fell in love-”
“Shut up, Pink Cheeks!” Katsuki yelled out loudly to her with a furious expression before looking at Izuku who was hanging his head down, quickly his carmine eyes soften at the sullen state that his boyfriend was in because of him. Fucking around behind his boyfriend’s back
was fun and thrilling but this isn’t what he wanted. He didn’t want to see his boyfriend make such an expression again.

He made a mistake and it will never happen again. He didn’t even loved Pink Cheeks, she was just someone he fucked and nothing more.
He &his Deku can talk it out & make up then they can return to their peaceful daily lives. Just him & Deku only this time. No more mistakes.

“Deku.” Katsuki called out to the smaller male who slowly looked at him w/ such broken smile and tears running down his freckled cheeks.
“So, ever since Todoroki’s birthday?! Is that why the two of you were missing that time?! That was just before class started! So, you’ve been lying in front of my face for like what, around 6 months?! And Kacchan?! Really?” Izuku cried out with his voice raw from crying and
all the hurting right now. The one he considered as best friend and like a sister was a fucking snake who not only stole Katsuki from him but also the childhood nickname that he dubbed the blonde on their childhood. Unbelievable!
Uraraka cast her gaze below, unable to make an eye contact with Izuku. ‘As she should. Grow a conscience after getting caught in the act of fucking my boyfriend, will you?!’
Without another word, Izuku stormed off from his shared apartment with his now ex-boyfriend. The one he thought he would spend his life with till the end.
It’s been quite some hours now after Izuku left the apartment since he can’t bear to be in that place. It was suffocating. And it felt very disgusting and downright uncomfortable.

His phone kept blaring up from either messages or calls from Kacc-Bakugou…
He eventually got fed up and turned off his phone to silent the fucking thing off…
Izuku walk aimlessly around the city w/ it’s beautiful & bright lights. Hurting more his already sore and puffy eyes from pouring his heart out earlier. Everything looks like a blur to the greenette. Everything and everyone passing by him just looks like a blur. Irrelevant.
Life always just has it for him to suffer in the most unexpected time and place, as usual.

He didn’t even notice or care enough where his foot brought him at, all he knew was that he wanted to drink down his sorrow and pain away.
He just wanted to forget the pain even if it’s only for tonight. He doesn’t want to remember anything. He just wants to let himself loose.

So, that’s what he did. Went to some fancy bar that caught his emerald eyes from the shiny and colorful lights of it.
Inside the bar is what one should expect, a sea of bodies dancing and grinding to each other on the dance floor with the loud noise, lively dj lighting, scent of alcohol and smoke.

Usually these are the types of places that he avoids since it isn’t his cup but tonight…
Tonight is fucking different from those boring and goody-good days.

He tried on some different drinks that he’s never heard of from the bar. Colorful drinks, some are tasty & most are just fucking awful or gross. Slowly his muscles were starting to relax from the fancy drinks.
Hearing his favorite music in a remix to suit the beat for the club blaring from the speakers loudly made him smile a little before going to the dance floor. Dancing and just letting himself loose.
Hell, he can’t even dance to save his own life but he will damn dance like there’s no tomorrow right now. he deserves this at least for tonight. The rest can fuck right off.

Before he knew it, he was dancing from soundtrack after another.
Soon enough he was approached & was dancin w/ a gorgeous stranger w/ a boyish smile on his face.

“Hey there, bunny. Alone tonight?” The man smirked at him. Feeling bold right now from either the booze or just lack of care, Izuku smiled back & dance sensually w/ the stranger.
“What if I am?” slowly dragging his delicate finger from the whitehead’s chest to his sharp jaw, the greenette then gave the taller man a wink.

“That’s perfect. I wanted to dance with you for a while now.”

“What’s stopping you, handsome?”
The whitehead shrugged off before they dance happily on the large and noisy establishment. Grinding their groins from time to time, sensual touches here and there. Spinning the greenette like one would in a prom dance. Their body fit almost too perfectly.
After a while, the two stopped dancing only to return to the counter to quench their thirst. And that’s where they chatted for a while. But neither wanted to relish their real name so they settled for nicknames. ‘Dabi’ for the whitehead, and ‘Deku’ for Izuku’s.
“That’s an awful for a nickname. Why would you want to nickname yourself useless?” Dabi asked as his long fingers with silver rings continues to nurse his drink. Intense turquoise eyes never leaving the freckled face of the green beauty.
“It’s a long story actually.” Izuku smiled a little as he slowly drinks his pink gin.

“Well, I got time right now ‘de-ku’.”

So Izuku then went ahead and told Dabi that tonight is the night he wanted to hear the stupid nickname Deku from anyone. Because it was the nickname, he got from his childhood crush that eventually became his bully to then his boyfriend and now an ex-lover.
“That’s a lot to take in.” Dabi said as he drank his alcohol.

“Your turn, Dabi-san.”


“Turn in telling me why you wanted to be called ‘Dabi’.”

“Oh? You curious about me, little Deku?”
“Kinda. You have this mysterious vibe going on around you.” Izuku said as he analyzes the man with his doe emerald eyes.

The whitehead was mostly older than him by a few years. Probably just finishing college or started working. His turquoise eyes were very bright and looks
like it’s glowing in the dark but probably just his imagination with the lights and all inside the club. Has an uneven piercing from both ears with the right one has just a black stud on the lobe and the left having a helix and a triple one on the lobe area.
His left arm was also covered with a tattoo sleeve of fire, only stopping until the wrist part.

All in all, he has this bad boy vibes that any mother would warn their daughter about not to fall in love with these types.
But there was something about Dabi that just doesn’t look right. Something mysterious, just waiting to be unlocked. Cliché but that’s his impression of the guy.

Dabi then let out a loud bellied laugh. That even some tears came out from his eyes from how much he laughed while
Izuku just turned slightly red. Not from the attention they were gathering in the club, no. he doesn’t care about that right now.

He was red from how Dabi laughed. He still looks attractive as he laughs it out loud. It just sounded funny and right that it even made him laugh.
After their outburst of laughter, they continued to chat, like how Dabi’s friends were being annoying so he left them somewhere in the club while he dance with a certain green beauty which earned him a chuckle from Deku.
“So I couldn’t help but wonder, why do you have such a sad expression when you were dancing alone earlier?”
The question caught Deku off guard that his smile disappeared from his face. Dabi took notice of this and was about to change the topic when Izuku suddenly talked about his childhood friend, Kacchan.
How they did everything together as children, their friendship taking a sour turn in middle school until they reconciled in high school and started dating after.

Izuku spilled his heart out to the handsome stranger who was willing to listen while they drink.
What better option than to cry to his heart’s content on someone who wouldn’t judge him and probably someone he won’t see again anytime soon.

“So yeah, I think I fucking broke his nose after the last punch when he tried to stop me from leaving.” Izuku let out a dry chuckle as he clenches the fist that he used. Satisfaction filled him, knowing that he at least broke his ex’s fucking perfect nose.
“The asshole could have broken any of my bones since there are hundreds of it but,” Izuku drank his shot in one go before resuming, “he chooses my stupid heart.”

“That’s some tough shit you went through.” Dabi said as he looks at his half empty drink.
Deku noticed that the playfulness in Dabi’s feature was now missing and he looks sad or troubled now too.

“Heh, at least I get to enjoy tonight. Besides, it’s not the end of the world if those bitches screw on me.” Deku jokingly said to light up the atmosphere again.
He just wanted to enjoy tonight and didn’t mean for it to took a gloomy turn.

“You don’t have to act tough all the time you know, Deku.” This sentence made Deku stop on his drink and thoughts before he turns to face Dabi. Turquoise eyes were staring straight to his emerald ones.
The more he looks at those intense orbs, the more he feels like he’s drowning in an ocean from it.
“What would you know about it?! Dabi-san never experienced any of what I went through!” Deku angrily replied. Huffing out loud before muttering an apology for his outburst and being emotional about it. “It’s okay now anyways. I’m… fine now…”
“No matter what you say, I will stand by what I stated earlier. See, even your tears don’t lie.” Dabi said as he wipes Izuku’s tears who didn’t even know that he started crying.
“And I unfortunately experienced some bad relationship before too. That’s why I know how it feels. That it hurts right now and it feels like nothing matters anymore…”
“I-I…” Deku was unable to form any words as every event hits him now at full force. Memories that he can’t erase or forget no matter how hard he tries. It was just so painful that he lets out a sob and was now crying. Letting out the frustrations he’s been feeling since earlier.
Izuku cried his heart out while apologizing for shouting and accusing Dabi, who hugged him tightly and whispered that everything will eventually be okay. Caressing the boy’s back to calm him down.

It didn’t take long before they went out of the club to go to Dabi’s place.
It was already early morning but the sun hasn’t risen yet. It was still dark and chilly.

That day… Dabi embraced him gently and lovingly. Izuku has never felt that gentleness and love from Katsuki. Not even once. It was always rough and all about pleasure with the ash-blonde.
Izuku let out a tear before he let himself get swept away by Dabi.

‘Goodbye my first love…
Goodbye, Kacchan…’

Izuku heavily blushed as he remembers the passionate night that he spent with the whitehead in front of him right now. Who turned out to be his best friend’s older brother.


‘Fuck…’ Izuku curse inwardly as he stares wide eye to the taller whitehead next to his best friend, Shouto. He can already feel his stomach churning just by seeing the guy he laid with from the heat of the moment.
And Izuku being himself, couldn’t stop the blush that was starting to cover his freckled cheeks from remembering the night they last spent together. He wasn’t expecting to see the guy so soon or ever again. And he was not expecting the guy to be connected to any of his friends,
much less the older brother of the dual haired teen.

“Oh, Midoriya. This is my stupid older brother. Troublemaker, meet my best friend, Izu-”

“Izuku Midoriya. First year college and in the same department as you in Architecture. Also don’t call me troublemaker!
I have a wonderful name, y’know? Call me Touya.” The older teen then sent a wink at Izuku’s way. Making the latter more flustered and baffled towards his cheekiness.

“Oh? You know each other?” Shouto asks as he looks to both person in question.
“Yeah, we do. Don’t we, Izu-chan?” Touya replied to his brother then shifted his bright turquoise eyes to Izuku’s emerald ones.

“Y-yeah. W-we met at a… um café. Y-yeah the café near the school, haha.” Izuku awkwardly laugh while sending a small glare to Touya’s way.
‘What a small world this is…’ Izuku internally deadpanned to himself.

“Hmm…” Shouto looked between them quietly before going to his room. “I’m going to get change to something casual then we can head out.”

“Take your time, little bro.” Touya said while not breaking eye-
contact to Izuku. The moment they heard the door to Shouto’s room close, Touya began to approach the shorter teen who in turn walk backwards to keep some distance between them. It went on for a few seconds before Izuku’s back made contact with the wall and Touya wasted
no time pouncing on him, pushing both arms on either side of Izuku to cut off any escape routes.

“Hey, Izu-chan. That was so mean y’know?” Touya then leaned forward to whisper to the greenette’s ears. “Leaving me all alone and cold after that passionate night we spent together.”
The whitehead then blew on his already reddened earlobe which earned him a small whimper before being pushed away. Despite the greenette having a small figure and lithe build he has some strength and got some fight in him, Touya likes that.
“I-I don’t know w-what you’re talking about, Dab- Touya-san. Izuku quickly corrected himself but they both knew that he already slipped up. Slowly, Izuku look to Touya’s face which has a big shit-eating grin on his handsome boyish face.
“Really? Even though you were so into it the whole time we made love.”

“Y-you pervert!”

“Now, now. No need to be so loud. You wouldn’t want Shouto to know it, right?” Touya slyly asked the shorter male, earning him a glare which frankly doesn’t look threatening but rather cute.
So, so cute that it’s starting to be a problem down there.

“How’d you know my name anyways?” Izuku asked suspiciously at the whitehaired teen who fished something out of his jeans pocket.
“My ID! Did you?” Izuku was surprised to see his ID, and he was starting to wonder if the whitehead in front of him took it but he wasn’t sure. Looking at Touya to see any reaction or answer.

“Nope. You dropped it on my place, bunny. Here.”
To say that Izuku was surprised is an understatement. He expected the delinquent looking teen in front of him to blackmail him or something. An extortion even for him to have his ID back. Looks like he judged a book too earl-

“Oh yeah, I expect a little date from this, bunny.”
‘I spoke too early!’

Touya winked at the greenette who look flabbergasted and turning red especially from Touya suddenly brushing a green strand of curl behind his ear.

Before Izuku could reply or decline ‘humbly’ might he add,
Shouto was back in the living room dressed in casual but obviously branded clothes.

“I’m done, lets go?” Shouto said bluntly. Blissfully ignorant of the situation between his brother and his best friend.

“To be continued, Izuku~” Touya whispered to the greenette’s ear when
Shouto wasn’t looking before going to his brother and hanging an arm around his shoulder and chatting animatedly.

Izuku took a second to gather his thoughts before following the two to the fast-food chain.
‘I will just have to try to avoid him. What happened between me and him was just a mistake. It can’t happen again. I don’t want to get attach only be hurt again.’
Short update, but I will try to add more later.

Notes: In this AU there are only two Todoroki Children and Shouto doesn't have the scar on his face.
You ever had a persistent headache that just keeps coming back again and again? Yeah, that’s how Izuku felt about Touya.

Whenever Izuku thinks he finally can have some peace and quiet the whitehead would suddenly appear and pester him to go out on a date or something.
Sometimes he would just barge in to Shouto’s apartment unannounced and will crash there or join the two juniors in their movie nights.

Other times, said senior will bother him when he’s studying in the school library, but occasionally Touya will correct him on his errors and-
would teach him the proper way to get the right answer. And then the most rare but weird moments were when Izuku is just reading books and the whitehead would just stare at him. Almost adoringly he would dare say, but he didn’t really want to think about it anyways.
“Let’s go on a date, bunny~”


“Come on~”



“If I said yes, would you finally stop bothering me?” Izuku sighs as he turned around to face the whitehead senior who kept asking him for a date this weekend since it was already Friday and all.
“Maybe?” Touya smirked cheekily, showing his dimples and white teeth.

The greenette stared at Touya for a few seconds before playfully huffing, turned around, and resumed his walking.
“I’m not agreeing if you’re not gonna give me a proper answer, sen-pai.” Izuku turned his head to playfully show Touya his tongue before scurrying away.

“Wha- Fine! Okay, okay. I’ll agree! Hey, wait for me, bunny!”

• • •

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Oct 3, 2023

Live Stream

Natsuo Todoroki, aka Ice Breaker, is a well known and loved streamer by many gamers across the gaming community.

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