Recession. Inflation. Energy crisis. Drought. Zombie government. It's #ToryChaos ... here's 6 things we should do 1/ Change the Bank of England's remit to discourage further rate rises…
3/ State control of the energy system: golden shares in UK operations of oil majors; nationalise the energy retailers ...…
4/ Emergency taxes on windfall profits and turnover of all monopoly corporations - make big tech pay its way...…
Tory provisional govt meeting energy giants today - here's the chancellor should say: your UK assets are nationalised and we're setting the wholesale price. Sounds extreme? We're at war... 1/…
2/ ... Putin has manufactured the energy crisis to destroy our society. There is no "market" solution. Ofgem, the Bank of England - all powerless in the face of global energy prices. But...
3/ 50% of our gas is domestically produced, and it's making super-profits for the oil majors. Slice away the pointlessly privatised retailers and you remove some profiteering....but the megabucks are in the North Sea. And there are only two choices...…
The stagflation crisis needs Labour to advance clear, simple and effective policy solutions. Here's the model: Labour's Immediate Programme 1937 - passed at party conference. I'll take you thru it in a 🧵... 1/ The cover! Can't miss it...
2/ This was put together by Attlee and Dalton and passed at the 1937 Bournemouth Conference ... context was Spanish Civil War, Mosley and continued mass unemployment ... here's the summary ...
3/ Starts with an unequivocal statement of socialist principle (remember this is Attlee, Dalton, Bevin etc)... today's equivalent would be Green New Deal...
The coming recession: 1/ Much of it will be policy driven. First by Vladimir Putin's policy of starving Europe of energy. Second by the Government's refusal to cap energy prices. Third by the Bank of England's rate hapless @trussliz is right at least on one thing...
2/ We could soften the blow right now through policy: emergency price caps, rent freezes, public transport giveaways, change Bank's mandate, nationalise Big Five energy suppliers ... but in a recession, the Tory instinct is always "creative destruction" ...
3/ 13-15% inflation will dramatise everything that's unjust about our society: the old, poor, disabled will suffer cold and hunger...all it needs is a moment like UK Uncut or the Anti Poll Tax demo - which was massive and transformative even before it became a riot ...
So we're in for 13% inflation, a recession and policy chaos. Double digit inflation is a political crisis, not just economic: it dramatises the extreme wealth and power inequalities and forces people to question the status quo 🧵 1/...
2/... if people see 1/8 of their real spending power evaporate, while the rich (and big landlords) are cushioned from the effects, it's the spectacle of robbing the poor to enrich the well off right before their eyes: they're not going to stand by and applaud the govt...
3/ But the external, and political drivers of high energy and food costs are not solvable by traditional policy: not by the Bank, the Treasury or Ofgem: it needs immediate nationalisation of energy... remember ...
Suddenly both Tory candidates getting bellicose on China. Why? 🧵1/ Because the whole of *British capitalism* is as dependent on cheap Chinese goods/capital as Germany was on cheap Russian gas - but you can't solve that with rhetoric ...
2/ Britain offshored millions of good jobs to China and other EMs by choice; we made higher education dependent on Chinese student fees by choice; we opened London to speculative property investment by Tories want to shout about China...
3/ I've been to China and met CPC officials - they don't give a **** about what Truss or Sunak thinks about human rights or HK - because they know the British financial elite will just keep taking the money, creating more dependency...
If Truss wins she's going to use foreign policy as a core electoral narrative. Labour has to come up with a clear alternative - here's how... 1/ Recognise that ethics/humanitarian principles are important, but not enough ...…
2/ ... because Johnson left a major question unresolved: what's Britain's post-Brexit role in a disintegrating world order? Or rather in the Integrated Review he have the wrong answer ...…
3/ Since Blair's exit Labour leaders have muddled along issuing responses to a changing Tory geostrategy - the crisis we're in will be shaped by those with a clear vision of the endgame…