I recall a proposal in Godot which suggested to hire a full time marketing person. This is exactly how cult communities tend to fixate on promoting their ideology. Why not just make the product speak for itself?
Even then, Godot doesn't need a marketing representative, because Godot's toxic leadership achieved this by making a cult out of Godot already. Proposals like above are simply a byproduct, because the process of promoting Godot is built into their ideology.
Godot followers will go out of their ways and suggest Godot in other unrelated communities. They'll write bad reviews on other engines to make Godot stand out. They achieve their superficial and unrealistic image of superiority by putting others down.
Mind you, I look at this from the perspective of someone who's truly interested in studying Godot cult community from the socio-psychological perspective, all as a former member of Godot now. The unconscious processes that happen in Godot cult community are simply staggering.
Marketing proposals as you see above stem from Godot's lead developer with his rhetoric of "nobody knows about Godot", which is constantly regurgitated by Juan, cult leader. Godot followers feel obligated to promote Godot, since Godot is offered for free.
Notice how Godot leadership deliberately leaves out important information when they say it's a company of "Godot veterans", but those "Godot veterans" and Godot leadership are the same persons.
Feel free to familiarize yourself with my previous threads on this topic to understand why Godot is not community-driven and my explanation of why the mentality of Godot leadership is not open as you might have expected:
So yeah, I did reach out to someone from the outside, as you see above. Otherwise, I'd still be contributing to Godot and continue being deluded by Juan's cult indoctrination.
Behavior of Juan, aka @reduzio, lead developer of @GodotEngine, can be summarized as undue influence, which manifests as hypocrisy, lack of empathy, inattentiveness, irresponsibility.
Juan posses a belief that he's destined to help people to make great games. He attempts to create a game engine which could allow users to create both casual and AAA games with little to no effort. But if you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
Juan focuses his efforts of making the engine accessible to everyone. He will always prioritize features that make the image of Godot look nice in the eyes of beholder, like editor features or movie maker mode, at the expense of neglecting core parts of the engine.
The reason why the lead developer doesn't want to make Godot's logo look professional like in other game engines is because such playful image of Godot allows to revert people back to childhood dependence and mindless obedience.
I'm not making this up! This is a definitive sign of cult communities. Juan, aka @reduzio, is a cult leader of Godot, and members adore Juan. Watch this educational satirical video on cults starting from here:
At the same time, Juan tells people not to call Godot a cult... This is hilarious! 🤣
Godot IS a cult. Godot shares all signs of being one.
The game creator of RimWorld says that #GodotEngine is trying to be all things to all people, but it's also trying to hit AAA features, and the lack of decided focus which manifests as misspent effort.
I confirm Tynan's viewpoint on this. Godot severely lacks vision for the project. This issue can be resolved by defining and writing down Godot's development philosophy. But the problem is much, much deeper than that.
Ironically, what you read above totally describes Godot. It's one of the biggest echo chambers out there in #OpenSource game #GameDev community, because dissenting opinion about Godot is seen with hostility. This is also the reason why I say that Godot leadership is hypocritical.