In what has to be one of history's greatest examples of missing the forest for the trees, Russians have been protesting outside the US embassy in Moscow complaining that US weapons are wounding and maiming Russians.

The fact that the Russians have to be in Ukraine to be killed and maimed seems to have been completely missed. Though in truth it's just another example of Russian imperial/colonialism as a mindset that has filtered down to the lowest levels of society. They presume the
right to act as they see fit anywhere they can because only nations able to act where and how they want are truly sovereign and all others are either prizes to be won or vassals to be defended from other sovereign states. I would not at all be surprised if Russian maps only
showed 3 countries: US, China and Russia: all other states listed as vassals of one of the other 3. The funny part is, Russia is head diving into vassaldom with China. Just as telling, is the protest itself would indicate Kremlin approval. Seems Vlad and Company are starting
feel some pressure about the losses and need a scapegoat. Since Czar Putin can't be wrong, it must be someone elses' fault. Since war is the ultimate expression of imperial power it must be an outside actor and thus, "Hey look its Uncle Sam again". This also builds on Russian
statements that Russia is really fighting NATO not Ukraine. Pretty sure the Ukrainians disagree but would be A-OK with Russia duking it out with NATO in a NATO country instead of their own. It's another example of Russian imperial/colonial mindset not believing that other states
having a right to exist outside of the goodwill or machinations of more powerful states. It's a deranged mindset that was supposed to have been put to bed in 1945... Speaking of deranged... Kadyrov says Russia is going to demilitarize NATO next. With what? Strong words may scare
Germany, but she is no longer the NATO frontier. Anyone want to wager on what the response of the Poles and Baltic states to his statement will be? Speaking of NATO's eastern flank. Will Belarus attack or will Lukashenko continue to tuck and weave away from Putin's demands that
he join the war? Again, Russian efforts to force Belarussians to fight while also looting Belarus of arms and ammunition is itself a statement about how badly things are going for Russia. Belarussian ATC can see the NATO flights into Poland, listening posts can hear NATO radio
freqs, rail workers can count the number of trainloads of ammo Belarus no longer has. He is not stupid so I don't think anything short of Russia taking his family hostage will force him to act. I still think he is (or soon will be) putting out feelers to NATO looking for a way
out from under Russian suzerainty. Moving east, Russia is playing army games with such august military powers as Iran... Who apparently decided a trackside water hose must really have been Israeli spies. I am sure Iranian media is reporting on the great victory of Iranian tankers
over Jewish water hoses. RIP, secret Mossad watering system, you fought the good fight. Speaking of trolling... So some real epic level shit went down in Virginia.

Obviously, this tweet was always going to have the Russians and their dis-info troll armies going ape given the #NAFOexpansion is non-negotiable. Likewise, everyone could foresee the glee in the replies by #Fellas well that and posts asking when to expect our paychecks. That
they would then donate to @georgian_legion to help compost more Russians. But nope, what makes it truly epic is the way the NSA responded...

My government usually gets it wrong but this one they got right. It's pure gold. Something else my government has been getting right is the support for Ukraine. Leaving aside the strikes in Crimea and if they are or are not ATACMS fired from HIMARS made right here in #Arkasnas my
nation and her leaders like @JohnBoozman @SenTomCotton and @RepFrenchHill have been getting it right. Western arms help ensure that #Ukrainewillwin and eventually the #GenocideOfUkrainians will stop as Russia gets defeated. Oh!, may that day come soon. Fingers
crossed that Kherson sees tens of thousands of Russian POW's. The world needs some good news. Speaking of good news, recently on @MriyaReport @rshereme was talking about the economic future of Ukraine and how he thinks Ukraine's reserve of human capitol means the country will be
able to use the post-war recovery to turn itself into an IT power house, I hope so. @MriyaReport has such awesome guests. @jmvasquez1974 will be on Friday. The space not only hosts guests and promotes Ukrainian voices like @ferlain @Teoyaomiquu and others but also serves as a
vehicle to help drive donations to @MriyaAid a charity I fully support. It along with @georgian_legion and whatever drive @Teoyaomiquu has going is where my donation dollars go. All three are worthwhile. Speaking of donations, oh how glorious but the sky has opened up over
#arkasnas and it has been dumping rain. It is going to make walking the dogs in a few minutes kind of soggy but we needed it. We have had a very dry summer. The rain will refill my bog and get the #frogs singing again. Speaking of yet more good news, yesterdays post mentioning
#Battletech got me a follower in that community. @TableTopBill When this war is over, I really want to become an author of something/anything that is officially #battletech. Any of my readers into sci-fi or table top/miniatures gaming? I used to do some micro armor but after
Ukraine a lot of rules books are going to need to be re-written... Oh a quick question for @mfa_russia <--- given that you are still losing, why send your "modern" kit to play games while you send granddads tanks to fight? Don't you care about Russians getting maimed and killed
as much as the protestors in Moscow do? Who am I kidding, of course you don't. #russiaisateroriststate #NoVisasForrussians get bent you genocidal losers. Slava Ukraini, Ukraine will win on Ukraine's terms.

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More from @JBelcourt73

Aug 19
So yesterday was a really bad day for Russia. The number of smoking accidents hit a new high and Roscosmos is rapidly becoming the biggest employer of Russian veterans, though admittedly it's just piece work, a piece over here, some pieces over there, a bunch of pieces way up
there... Russian depots, command centers and airfields are all about to be added to the #ICUN Redlist. I jest, sorry to the World Conservation Congress you guys are fighting the hard fight to save animal life and your red list is an invaluable tool. I can only imagine the horror
show being unleashed on the natural areas of Ukraine right now. Speaking of horrors... Video proof that Russia is using Zaporizhzhya NPP as a depot/hostage to protect assets from Ukrainian strikes.
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Aug 18
Yay, internet issues. I get to write an essay with my thumb. So this may be a bit shorter than usual. Once again my home state of #Arkansas is doing good by #Ukraine. Last night more Russian stuff joined the growing collection of space junk that Roscosmos will claim as high tech
Military satellites. Never mind the bits of burned orc that burned up not in... #HIMARs may go down as one of the few game changers that actually changed the game. It obviously has the Russians spooked. To keep word from getting out Russia sealing off Crimes, and of course
Posting the obligatory videos that show it wasn't actually missiles provided through an aid package @JohnBoozman @SenTomCotton @RepFrenchHill all voted for. Nope instead of lend lease and Ukrainian skill at arms it's a bunch of brown skinned ethnic minorities. Where have we seen
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Aug 16
So we are now 172 days into a #GenocideOfUkrainians What keeps you going and dedicated, what do you do to recharge, what spirit animates you? What is something on your bucket list? Four really complex questions I will try to answer about myself. First, I made a promise to use my
ability to write to tag my leaders @JohnBoozman @SenTomCotton @RepFrenchHill every day to let them know I want them to support Ukraine. It is my biggest gift to Ukraine. At this point I think I have written more articles on the war than any journalist outside of Ukraine. It is
an admittedly weird record I never saw myself achieving. At this point though it's pretty self-sustaining. I spend time on twitter listening to different voices, often listening on @MriyaReport to find inspiration for the next day's essay. Which brings up question number
Read 19 tweets
Aug 15
Is Prigozhin dead? Dude has lives like a cat so I won't be surprised if he emerges alive, but man can I dream until he does. I never thought the world would have another Himmler but here we are. The W Orchestra or Wagner Group as they are often called in the West is supposedly a
PMC. In reality they are state controlled shock troops and international terrorists. They have been active in Africa, Syria and of course Ukraine. In Africa they are often used at cross purposes to their stated mission. Brought in to stop an insurgency, they instead engage in
levels of brutality to make the situation worse and thus create governmental dependence on Russia. Plus, in the chaos they will engage in wholesale looting. In the Darfur region of Sudan, Wagner is engaged in wholesale looting of the country's gold mines. Previously in Syria they
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Aug 14
So let's talk reality. By now I am sure you have seen that Russia is threatening a complete rupture of relations with the Us including possible breaking off of formal diplomatic ties. What does this threat actually mean? Honestly, I don't think it means what Russia wants it to
mean. Russia is a bully who has not yet twigged to the fact that the world changed. For decades, Russia has built up the infrastructure of the threat. She corrupted media and elites, maintained the world's biggest nuclear arsenal including (allegedly) real dooms day
level systems designed to wreck entire continents with a single blast. By hook (cheap) and by crook (funding green movements) she weaned Europe off of non-Russian energy to create dependence on her gas and oil. With the removal of Nord Stream 2 sanctions in May 21 and completion
Read 22 tweets
Aug 13
A bit of house cleaning and putting my chips down in this thread. I think most of my readers know by now that I harp on moral clarity and clarity of purpose. Most of you also know that I am a recovering addict. Staying in recovery requires honesty and often hard choices.
The final bit of groundwork is the fact that many of you have heard me speak. Now that the stage is set, lets dive into the mess I tried to stay out of because of the above-mentioned facts. As is obvious from my daily threads, my twitter space home is @MriyaReport
I found the space shortly after the war began and listened a few times, finally figured out how to ask to be a speaker and the began adding what I could, and taking all I could knowledge wise. The place is an absolute treasure. I got to talk to a nuclear physicist earlier.
Read 24 tweets

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