Integrative model of #psychopathology - bridging the gap b/t categories & dimensions:
Two broad categories of functioning - (a) self-regulation and (b) attachment - with sub-facets that covary in specific patterns representing pathological syndromes with a categorical quality.
The capacity for guilt, ambivalence, agency, empathy, and being alone are core concepts in psychodynamic theory. These are always the “goals” of #psychodynamic therapy regardless of what DSM symptom profile a patient may display.
Steps: 1. Enhance meaning-making & the capacity to symbolize experience by using techniques aimed at getting someone curious about their own mental life (clarify, paraphrase, validate, explore, interpret) by being curious about their mental life & modeling reflective functioning.
2. Encourage empathic abilities by getting someone interested in the mental lives of people they are in close interpersonal relationships with. 3. Facilitate the expression & analysis of mixed feelings aka in vivo ambivalence tolerance skills training.
#Solitary individuals may experience a variety of different emotional experiences & internal conflicts that would not be readily observable from behavior because generally the #solitary look they same because they are #solitary.
However, clinical experience & empirical research have shown that distinctions among #solitary types in connection to emotional functioning, social needs, and attachment-related dynamics vary considerably and have diagnostic implications.
Some #solitary individuals desperately want to belong but fear rejection and embarrassment so strongly that they isolate. This is what is commonly known as #shyness from a normative view & social #anxiety through a pathology lens in children.
One major difference in clinical training for ppl who go to CBT oriented versus psychodynamic schools is in connection to the supervisory process which has implications for therapist skill and ability at the post doctoral level & beyond. The difference involves process notes.1/n
In hardcore psychodynamic supervision, you might be asked to write a process note for each session which just about the worst possible task ever. It involves literally writing down every thing, every utterance from the session you can remember in like movie script form.2/n
Each process note should be long enough so that when read aloud verbatim, it can consume 45 minutes of a supervision session if need be. Usually 10 min or less of a note is read before an issue get identified, processed, & worked though. 3/n
While everyone loves the throw shade on the chemical imbalance theory of depression, I would like to remind everyone that neurotransmitters are chemicals & balance refers to their activity in the brain. Greater or lesser activation of a neurotransmitter refers to differences
in levels of that neurotransmitter (ie its balance.) Aside from physiological activity like action potentials and volumetric changes in matter in different regions, the list of physical substrates one can point to in the brain is limited.
Unless you think your non physical, mystical soul is pulling the strings behind your life, then you better think mental disorders like depression have a physical basis. What could that basis be?
“Daniel, have u been to the unit yet?”
“No. Why? Should I have?”
“Yes you should go there now. They may need to call on all available on your patient, XXXX.”
[hurries to unit. Patient is standing on the couch screaming & sees me]: “Fuck my coordinator, white devil. White devil!!”
Me: [back at rounds]. “It didn’t go that well. He called me a white devil and was screaming, cursing at me so I left.”
Attending: [looking down at unrelated notes; monotone] “alright.”
Also XXXX [every damn day]: “is my mom coming? Did you call her? What do you do for me anyway! Get the keys out!”
Me [didn’t call his mom because he doesn’t have one]: [fumbling to find the keys to his unit] want to play basketball?