1. "Global consumption of coal expected to increase to the record levels reached 10 yrs ago."
THIS IS HOW BILLIONS DIE! As climate collapse goes exponential, secondary social effects - war, disease, nihilistic fascism prevent effective collective action. theguardian.com/business/2022/…
2. This is why reformism is an utter waste of time - the facilitator of mass death. It can never compete with the tyrannous psychosis of short-termism. Only a prophetic revolution will save us now.
3. What does this look like:
A small number of people do whatever it takes to stop the carbon economy. The global carbon regime arrests, imprisons and kills them.
4. This backfires and their sacrifice shatters the social repression which stops us fighting for our lives and civilisation. There is a massive global revolutionary explosion - "we do not want to die". The regime is over. A new world begins.
5. And yes this has nothing to do with "rationality" which always justifies cowardice; it is all about "spirit" - which is the wellspring of what we need more than anything: courage. The question for you is "to what do you owe your deepest loyalites?"
6. Every Tuesday at 7pm and Sunday at 5pm. Follow link to register for zoom meeting. juststopoil.org/events/
Did you get the key stats in this article? 2 worse droughts for 500 yrs happening now every 4 years – 2018 and 2022. And then the drying up on the Rhine lead to a decline in GDP of .2%. So let’s do a little projection. theguardian.com/environment/20…
2. Let’s do a reasonable prediction of a 500 year drought happening on average every year from 2030 – some years not so bad other years the worst for 1000 years. That’s -.2% on average every year. -2% over the decade. But that’s just the Rhine.
3. Let’s add in other reasonably predictable events also giving -2% hits to GDP:
Another war in Ukraine -2%
Another pandemic -2%
20% of German forest burning down -2%
Two years of 50% agricultural losses due to 50-55C summers -2%
1 of 22 Tweets.
It is a week since the highest temperatures in thousands of years hit the UK.
It is now an objective reality that this civilisation will collapse at some point in the early 2030s. Long tail possibilities are the late 2020’s and the late 2030’s on the other side.
2. Why? Forget global averages 1.5C, 2C – that’s all political distraction. What will bring down the system is physical and biological HARD STOPS and the compounding secondary effects cascading through the system.
3. These are objective. Like putting a bullet through someone’s brain. They die. They have nothing to do with social predictions – i.e. complex systems. This is Newtonian cause and effect.
1. "...projected yields of corn dropped by more than 20 percent globally... Across the world and in many bread basket regions, this is going to occur in the next couple years." ... 2./ insideclimatenews.org/news/27032022/…
2./.. What does it take for NGO's to go into #civilresistance against the carbon regimes. 1 billion malnourished people, 2 billion, 5 billion?
"The world’s population will hit 10 billion people in 2050."
Why do business as usual predictions which are 99% not likely to happen use the word "will,"
while climate breakdown predictions which are 99% likely to happen use the word "could"?
1/"The environmental protesters who demand systemic change have also grasped this fundamental truth. In Fridays for Future, Green New Deal Rising, Extinction Rebellion and the other global uprisings against systemic environmental collapse, we see people..
2/ …mostly young people, refusing to consent. What they understand is history’s most important lesson. Our survival depends on disobedience." There are so many things wrong with this. First, "environmental protest" is the opposite of creating "systemic change".
3/ The latter is brought about by civil resistance. This is not "environmental" it is a political movement against a genocidal regime. It is not "protest" - it does not protest about something, it makes sure it changes through material disruption.