The petty bourgeois “left” is infatuated with the shibboleths of bourgeois “democracy.” A “democracy” which fully serves as a de facto dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Corportist trade unions, (1/22)
the multi-millionaire candidates of the first or the second corporatist party and the arbitrary elections held every two to four years in the United States. The petty bourgeoisie, disoriented but prosperous under the capitalist system, (2/22)
tell us that these are the very pillars of our politics!
The petty bourgeois “activists” and “organizers” tell workers to support corportatist trade unions in their current form, (3/22)
which represent just 10% of the workforce at present and specialize in sell out contracts and the slashing of benefits and real pay. They tell workers to support the second of the two big bourgeois parties. (4/22)
They encourage workers to pledge themselves to capitalist policies – “Vote Blue No Matter Who.” Under this or that flimsy pretext. If Mr. Or Mrs. Blue wins, it could be “conversation starting. (5/22)
” It really means that there might be a pipeline for some of these petty bourgeois supporters of the Democrats and Unions to make their way into the bureaucracy and their cozy six figure salaries.
They lie and hem and haw about the necessity to be opportunistic, (6/22)
to be “realistic,” to stay within the guardrails of bourgeois politics. They proclaim “the collaborators and the opportunists are the real socialists. The others are sectarian!” They try to dig up fake dirt on genuine fighters, (7/22)
or accept the slandering of these fighters by others, while absolutely drenched in the blood and muck of bourgeois politics, corruption and imperialism. (8/22)
They call themselves progressives and even revolutionaries while begging the workers to accommodate themselves to the bourgeois system, in perpetuity. (9/22)
The petty bourgeois “organizers” of the unions make six figures – which puts them into the top 5% wealthiest of the US population. Their organizing consists in fooling, demoralizing, disarming – essentially, oppressing the proletariat under their unfortunate “leadership. (10/22)
” Look at what the sister parties of the DSA have accomplished throughout the world. In Greece – SYRIZA. Known for its austerity program and defying national referendum results. In Spain government propping PODEMOS, in Germany benefits slashing DIE LINKE. (11/22)
One thing they all agree on – workers must abide by the bourgeois political framework! The sanctity of the trade unions, the sanctity of bourgeois politics. The need for workers to tighten their belts in the immediate future so that, some day, far away, (12/22)
workers will be able to have more of a say in their repression by continuously endorsing it from “the right people.” Lesser-evilism and the path of least resistance that turns into nothing but a reinforcement for bourgeois evils. (13/22)
All these petty bourgeois politicians and bureaucrats and “organizers” and “activists” are agents of the bourgeoisie. And they make bank on it too. Some of them are even outright assets of the state, (14/22)
selling imperialism’s wars to unwitting young people and working their way to the top of opportunist political parties that are all too happy to extend a hand. “Principles” is like a curse word to these people! They must talk down to workers! They must humor workers, (15/22)
instead of showing them a way forward!
The petty bourgeois “left” always come down on the side of US imperialism and militarism. They have backed the wars of the US in the Middle East and now Ukraine, (16/22)
reflexively but also because they are deeply entwined with the State Department. (17/22)
So many of the petty bourgeois “left” work as hired hands of imperialism that it is impossible to tell what kneeling before imperialism comes from sheer opportunism and reactionary habits of mind and what comes from the direct involvement of the spy agencies. (18/22)
Genuine socialism does not back the bourgeois state, the bourgeoisie’s wars, the bourgeoisie’s labor conditions, the bourgeoisie’s callous indifference to the future of the Earth and the health and well-being of the world’s population. (19/22)
The movement of the working class is a united movement against bourgeois rule. The necessity of concentrating all these struggles into an independent movement of the working class is clear. Free from the politics of the petty bourgeoisie and reformism, (20/22)
under the aegis of a workers party, for workers, by workers, aspiring to a workers state, a workers economy, a workers global policy. This requires a workers political party totally independent from the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie, (21/22)
representing workers and bringing together the best of the working class – its vanguard – and striving for genuine revolution at every step.
The crisis of capitalism throughout the world has accelerated the march by American imperialism toward war with the nations it considers obstacles to its continued military and financial primacy, particularly Russia and China. (2/26)
The world stands on the precipice of disaster.
In the 30 years since the fall of the Soviet Union, United States imperialism has been on a rampage across the world, destroying whole societies in the Middle East and Africa. (3/26)
The laws of the development of processes, of which the substance of reality consists, is called Dialectics. Dialectics explains the contradictions between sides of a process and the interconnection of all individual processes, which together, are a concrete whole. (1/13)
The scientific approach of Dialectics considers the developmental context of processes and their contradictions, which lead to the transformation of reality and its aspects. Dialectics examines the elements of this reality as an aggregate. When examining humanity, (2/13)
Dialectics explores the natural, social and practical development of human activity and their basis and expression in the total development of greater processes. With a Dialectical approach, (3/13)
@rbe_expert The privations of capitalism ensure the immiseration of women. By replacing feudal arrangements with the anarchy of the legal tender the capitalist order takes away the mock “stability” of the past only to leave the woman with mock “freedom.” Women require real freedom…
@rbe_expert … to lead fulfilling lives. Take into consideration *capitalism ties women to marriage or poverty throughout most of the world by devaluing their labor *capitalism punishes child bearing by denying care and shelter food health without money *capitalism continues backwardness…
@rbe_expert …and religion as a necessary prop to its rule, and to divide and conquer the population. *capitalism destroys and denies education, cultural enlightenment and mental health availability to ensure civilized relations between people, on the argument that its too expensive…
Socialism offers the absolute guarantee of emancipation to all of humanity regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or identity. To pursue socialism is to undermine the root cause of gender inequality and discrimination, capitalist exploitation...
...and the social degradation issuing from it. A Socialist democracy will enable the policy possibilities and measures needed to overcome the obstacles of gender inequality and the cultural backwardness that sustains them. Socialism is intrinsically pro-woman...
...and believes, as it believes in the universal rights of all humanity, in the fundamental rights to gender equality. Socialism is as much the abolition of all gender inequity as it is the abolition of class inequality...