Gonna be honest - still trying to wrap my head around Englander / Millennium. More questions than answers rn. Some things on my mind...
1- How did they get 24.5m $ape when they had 5.6m $amc?
2- remember the ortex number yesterday showing gross returned shares of around 24.4m? Awfully close to Millenium's 24.5m. Did they recall lent shares? (Note: I already doubt this thought - too convenient a match but still curious).
$amc $ape
3- Millennium has been in trouble before with the SEC for illegal shorting prior to shares being issued. What are they up to? 24.5m shares would put them in the third highest ownership spot of $amc (though we're talking $ape here)
4- if they went from 5.6m (what div should have been) to 24.5m why no PA? Filing was 8/24. Total volume in $ape was 35.9m that day. That would be 19m shares of buying or around 53% of the entire day's volume for one entity buying. We would have mooned right there. Insane % buying
5- Summary- when did they get to 24.5m shares (looks like it's shared across the 4 entities but why don't the others show in top institutional holdings?). What are they doing with that much $ape? Where is the price impact? And what comes next? Lots of dd to come. #amc#ape#atAMC
There's a lot more (including other investments recently) and it's a bit of a rathole. I'm mostly wanting to know how so many $ape & why no price action
Say u were playing football. The other team threw everything they had at you. They advanced the ball to ur half of the field, all the way to ur 20 yard line. BUT - they injured half their players to do it and now have only 5 on the field
2/ Ur at ur 20 but u are super confident now. U know what it took them to get u there and that u will now push back and win. That's about what's been happening in $amc. They're throwing everything at #ape and #amc but it's about to turn around. Hang in there...
3/ If you understand AMC is never going bankrupt, & you understand short positions carry fees to maintain, (as well as tying up cash that can't be used elsewhere) then you get that all we have to do is hodl. So I hodl. We're good fam. $ape #atAMC#apesnotleaving
1/ OK - I'm just goint to tweetstorm like @CEOAdam (only i know how to thread it hahaha). I'll reddit with sources later but this run has me believing I could be right and I want to get this out... $amc $ape #todaywepounce#atAMC read on for why #ape may have been genius...
2/ Before I continue I must say this disclaimer. I read all the documents (SEC filings, press releases, earnings, etc...) but I COULD BE INTERPRETING INCORRECTLY. So read with caution...Treat this as a scenario. One possible outcome. Not a promise!!! A "what if"...
3/ What if... 1- Apes will all want our #APE (ok that's a promise haha) so...
Shoutout to everyone in pic. One heck of an $8.01 crew. Help me tag folks. Miss many of you and ALWAYS appreciate you...
I'll start the list but it's LOOOONG so please forgive me for those I miss...
$amc #amc#atAMC
First props to @Mitch_AFCA426 who (if memory serves) made it
others have dipped or i lost track so apologies for missing. and sorry all for ur notifications. Was feeling nostalgic about everything this pic meant and what we went through together.
re: glitches... So I said a couple days ago I had a working hypothesis. I've seen it line up like 5 times in a row now. Basically take the biggest volume from a day, then on t+1 you'll see the glitch match the candles from that. I think it might mean... $amc #amc#atAMC ...
...that they're parking orders then internally settling them and sending them to the tape a day later. Why else would the price keep matching a day late but perfectly match the biggest volume of trades (like 5 times in a row). Examples follow...
Thread 1/ I saw they borrowed several million more today & CTB average is above 14%. Think of it like someone having credit card debt & borrowing from a new card to pay the old one. Day-after-day they keep borrowing shares to short us & attack the price. Price is a way to lie...
2/ Get the price down, scare apes, make you leave. But we know better. Massively high on borrowed, shorted, cost to borrow, & days to cover. OBV has never gone down. Market liquidity has been drying up. Business vastly improved. EVERY metric is in our favor.
3/ So see through their ponzi scheme of borrowing to cover borrowing which covered borrowing. And see through short attacks as actually representative of the real price action. We are winning. Just takes paytience and hodl. $amc #atAMC#apesnotleaving#amc
1/ As usual, I'll live journal earnings. Plenty of places to catch them - some spaces, some YT live. Enjoy whatever floats your boat and get informed. To listen for yourself see link. $amc #amc#amcparty#apesnotleaving
3/ 60 MILLION people attended $amc around the world in Q4 and average revenue per patron was over $19 a person which is about 25% HIGHER than per person before COVID AND higher than any other major theater