This was all connected based on the actor's use of dedicated hosting and unique TTPs.
➡️Logging visitor data to a external site
➡️Sharing a NFT project price list
➡️Sharing a file linking images to targeted project
➡️Sharing spin.umd.js across all sites
For the next few tweets the four listed sites plus thedoodles[.]site and ascendednft[.]site are being labeled as 'super sites'.
They are being used as quasi-C2 domains to host common files shared across the campaign and monitor site traffic.
Unique TTP #1, site visitor information is logged to a external domain using a HTTP GET.
While each of the following super sites used '/postAddr.php', each had a distinct log format.
One of the email accounts originally listed in the report '' has registered domains for both the Naver and the NFT campaigns (part 1).
The account has also registered the following (part 2).
Possible nexus noted between an actor conducting Naver phishing and now Crypto.
Email gameproducters@outlook[.]com reported by @prevailion has also registered boredsnakesclub[.]com a typo squat of the legitimate BoredSnakesClub website. 1/