"Lawmakers that have had ties with UC should NOT be condemned," says @patrick_harlan who managed to defend the notorious cult #UnificationChurch in an effort to justify the statistically unpopular #statefuneral of late PM #ShinzoAbe to be held this month.
Sorry, a typo...
Pakkun: "If we arent't gonna have a state funeral for Mr. Abe then for who else? He was the longest standing prime minister in the history of this nation's constitutional government, who has been assassinated! If not for him then for who and when?"
Pakkun: "UC isn't ON the perpetrator's side, you know? I think everyone's mixing things up and I feel very alarmed by this. We know one thing for sure. If PM [Kishida]'s decision is wrong, then we should just beat him in the next election!"
Pakkun: "That's how democracy works, to 'cleanse' itself. I REALLY feel we had enough on these UC matters. There are NO RULES against doing [what the UC and the supporting lawmakers are doing] it."
Pakkun: "So let's set up countermeasures WITHOUT CONDEMNING the lawmakers who had connections with them. I can agree if that's the outline of this argument. Let me repeat
myself: I am NOT trying to defend them."
Pakkun: "I'm only saying that there are cases where people who go gambling also go bankrupt. I know I sound like I'm defending them. But how can I say...how can I put this? Why don't you run a telop below saying 'NOT TRYING TO DEFEND'?" lol