How are the the numbers 9 and 0 interpreted differently when it comes to numerology vibrations? #numerology
In numerology we generally consider numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 22. Other important Karmic debt numbers are 13(4), 14(5), 16(7) and 19(1). #numerology
The only place we consider "zero" is while calculating the challenges. For example if you are born on July 7 1969, then you will have 0 challenge throughout your life. However, the zero challenge really means a Challenge 9. #numerology
Because to have a zero challenge means you will have qualities of all numbers 1-9 and as a result you will have no specific challenge in your life. You are expected to know what you are doing and universe will support you for your choice. #numerology
How do you live as a householder if you want to lead a spiritual path for awakening?
Awakening doesn't come from Jivana Asramam like Grihastha or Sanyasa or Avadhuta. #Spirituality
It comes from a deep desire to seek the truth, to seek one's own self, to know one's real identity, to attain that Ishwara or God, to attain his sacred abode. #Spirituality
There are many grihastas who attained Spiritual goal without embracing sanyasa; they attained the goal by Bhakti or by Dhyana or by Gyana or by Karma. #Spirituality
When Kundalini reaches the crown chakra, what will be the state of a person? This is a brilliant Spiritual Science Question.
Truthful Answer: It depends upon the route of Kundalini's ascension. Let us contemplate & find the scientific answer. #Kundalini #yoga
1. External Route of Pranamaya-Kosha: When Kundalini rises through external route of Pranamaya-Kosha (AURA) to Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra in the head), the person can feel a tingling sensation on top of the head (Sahasrara Chakra). #Kundalini #yoga
Fact: we can't keep Kundalini permanently at Sahasrara Chakra. It can lead to dissociation, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, split personality & other psychosomatic disorders called Kundalini Syndrome. Kundalini Grounding in Muladhara Chakra is essential for integrated health.
1 is the beginning of the relative multitude of numbers which implies that it represents the start of all new occasions in an individual's life and appropriately number 1 is related with a wide range of beginnings in numerology. #numerology
This implies that ones affected by number 1 have imaginative personalities & courageous spirits, they are always ready to begin new analyses and prepared to set out on new missions. #numerology
Number 1 is related with administration, evident from the fact that 1 stands on top of multitude of numbers, is the head of relative multitude of numbers which causes ones affected by this number to have solid initiative characteristics. #numerology
Who is your Isht Deva?
According to common belief, each person has a favoured deity. That person can achieve success in his life by worshiping that ishta deva. Many people determine their presiding deity based on a horoscope. #SanatanaDharma
Presiding deity for a person is determined based on ritual performed before his/her birth. In this case your favoured deity will be one to whom you are attracted without any reason.
However, you can worship your favourite deity to get rid of planetary problems. #SanatanaDharma
Let's find out the deities you should worship for problems related to planets.
Concept of Ishta-Devta: Since we have several Devis/Devtas & their manifestations, Ishta-Devata is one of them. It is generally misinterpreted as Kul-Devata but it is unique. #SanatanaDharma
What are the indications of a bad Mars in a horoscope?
Here's about Mars in different nakshatras. #VedicAstrology
See the nakshatra Mars is in, determine ruler of this nakshatra. For example, Venus is ruler of nakshatra Bharani, Purva phalguni & purvashadha. If mars is in one of these nakshatras, we say that mars is in the nakshatra of venus. #VedicAstrology
This means that Venus will greatly influence the behavior of Mars. Venus is very favorable for those born under the lagna of Capricorn and Aquarius. #VedicAstrology
Sensitivity & rationalism are harmoniously combined in No. 9 people. They have a very well developed intuition, broad thinking, are usually well educated, read a lot. Perceptive & sensitive to every event in their life, their experiences help them make appropriate conclusions.
Philosophical position, while evaluating events, makes them tolerant to their own & others' shortcomings. Open & unbiased, they are committed to a strict ethical criteria. Number 9s often strive for perfection, try to surround themselves with best possible things. #numerology