#Habeck seems to blame (availability of) foreign generation capacities for potential problems (not sure if this is intended, but it sounds like this)
#Habeck: one cannot exclude that nukes could deliver contribution, therefore reserve operation for two nukes foreseen. Trade-off because of high risk of nuclear technology
#Habeck: We will watch how situation in France, river and reservoir levels and will decide then.
My Interpretation;: Hence, uncertainty about availability of nukes will remain, unclear how much time would be needed to reactivate them.
#Habeck: Reactivation might take a lead time of a week. #stresstest will provide hints when nukes could be needed
#Habeck: Open borders are a crucial element of the internal market.
(I liked that one, although there were some fuzzy remarks about asymmetric import-export balances causing problems for Germany afterwards)
What I'm wondering: TSOs argue that 3 nukes could prevent load shedding in DE in ++ scenario.
Will 2 nukes also be sufficient for that?
And I miss a detailed statement on the European adequacy effect of prolonged operation in the report/slidepack.
Asked why reserve operation only for two nukes, #Habeck talks about trade-offs. Emsland's contribution exists, but according to his opinion, is not worth keeping.
Kapferer, @50Hertzcom, confirms that TSOs had proposed to keep all three nukes but acknowledges that contribution of southern plants is higher. Claims this is a political decision.
#Habeck claims proposal of reserve operation for two nukes is balanced and clever.
Excludes possibility of re-fill with new fuel for nukes, would be "absurd"
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Mit Blick auf #AKW lese ich oft, die könnten keinen Preiseffekt haben, weil wir auf GasKWK-Stromerzeugung wegen Wärmebedarf nicht verzichten können. Aufgrund #MeritOrder setzten damit immer teure GasKW den Strompreis.
Das ist ein Missverständnis!
Vereinfacht bestimmen die variablen Kosten des Grenzkraftwerks den Preis. Das Grenzkraftwerk ist anschaulich dasjenige, das 1 kW mehr produzieren muss, wenn die Last um 1 kW steigt (bzw. weniger, wenn Last fällt)
Betrachten wir nun ein Beispielsystem mit einem Braunkohlekraftwerk mit variablen Kosten von 100 EUR/MWh und einem Gas-KWK-Kraftwerk mit variablen Kosten von 400 EUR/MWh. Beide haben 100 MW Leistung. Die KWK-Anlage muss mindestens 40 MW produzieren, um Wärmebedarf zu decken.
With a night's distance I still feel that yesterday's decision on regular shutdown of German NPPs (with a legal possibility of reserve operation for 2 of them, the technical feasibility and practicality of which seems to be challenging at least) is a missed opportunity.
If there was one chance to mitigate, if not resolve the European energy crisis, it would be a grand European bargain, where all EU Member States agree to set aside national policy preferences for the common good.
Despite from limited physical impact of the three NPPs, a decision on prolonged operation by Germany could have been a cornerstone of such policy. That opportunity seems to be gone now.
tl;dr: During the coming winter, there will be risks for security of supply in Germany and Europe. Prolonged operation of nukes could contribute to mitigate, but not overcome those risks. Considering trade-offs, minister #Habeck proposes to keep 2 of 3 nukes in reserve operation
Decision on whether nukes should actually operate will be taken later (and, potentially, continuously revised) taking into account other developments in European power system. Might take one week from decision to actual operation.
@ProfEnergyHuber@DerClue Verhältnis von Spot- und Terminmarkt ist ein spannendes und nicht ganz einfaches Thema: Spot ist erstmal der einfacher zu verstehende Markt. Das, was dort passiert, ist für die Physik des Stromsystems relevant. Spot entscheidet über Einsatz der Erzeugungseinheiten (und Lasten)
@ProfEnergyHuber@DerClue Es wird allerdings nicht aller Strom, der in Deutschland verbraucht wird, am Spotmarkt gehandelt, aber vor allem die Mengen "at the margin". Dabei umfasst Spot nochmal die Segmente Day-Ahead (Auktionen) und Intra-Day(kontinuierlicher Handel)
@ProfEnergyHuber@DerClue Day-Ahead ist der "Hauptmarkt", u. a., weil basierend auf dessen Marktergebnis trad. Einsatzentscheidungen von klassischen Mittelllastkraftwerken getroffen wurden und weil basierend auf Marktergebnis Betriebsplanung der Netzbetreiber erfolgt.