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Sep 6 144 tweets 48 min read
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 First Minister @NicolaSturgeon is setting out the Programme for Government, with ambitious actions to help with the cost-of-living crisis.

⏰ Watch live on from 2:20pm, or follow this thread for live updates.

@NicolaSturgeon 📣 FM @NicolaSturgeon: "This Programme for Government is published in the context of the most severe cost crisis in our lifetimes.

It is pushing millions into poverty, threatening the viability of businesses - and will almost certainly push the UK economy into recession."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "It poses a danger, not just to livelihoods, but to lives.

It is, to be blunt, a humanitarian emergency.

The Scottish Government is already committed to measures, worth almost £3 billion this year, that will help with rising costs."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Today, I will set out further steps to mitigate the impact of a rapidly escalating crisis.

But the magnitude of what is being experienced across the UK means that mitigation is nowhere near sufficient."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "What is needed now is action on a scale similar to the Covid response.

Action that will tackle the causes of inflation and pull the UK back from the brink."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "That means action to reform the energy market.

Action to freeze energy prices.

More cash support for those already struggling to pay bills, and increased funding for public services."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Regrettably, the powers to act in the manner and on the scale needed do not lie with this Parliament. Frankly, they should.

If they did, we could have acted already.

But they don’t - these powers are reserved to Westminster."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "A new UK Prime Minister has just been appointed. I congratulate Liz Truss and wish her well.

Our political differences are significant but, as with the previous three Prime Ministers, I will work hard to establish a good working relationship."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "I have today written to the new Prime Minister, renewing my request for an emergency four nations summit on the cost crisis.

I have also reaffirmed the actions the Scottish Government is asking the UK Government to take without delay."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "First, it must cancel the October rise in the energy cap and freeze energy prices at the current level.

A freeze on bills would deliver immediate relief to households, and also help lower inflation, easing the wider cost crisis."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Second, this freeze must be applied to businesses and to the public and third sectors."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "This is essential to stop an avalanche of business bankruptcies and job losses, and to prevent essential services being squeezed by the cost of heating schools, hospitals and other public and community buildings."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "While a freeze in energy bills is essential, it is not sufficient. The energy price cap has already increased by 54%.

So thirdly, the UK Government must target additional cash support to those already struggling."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Fourth, the UK Government must increase the budgets of devolved governments - or grant us greater powers to borrow - so that we can do more to help public services and workers."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Finally, if reports that Liz Truss is considering an energy price freeze are accurate, this is welcome.

However, the costs must not simply fall on consumers over the longer term."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "As a contribution to funding such measures, the UK government should introduce an enhanced windfall profits tax – for example by broadening the Energy Profits Levy, and removing the investment allowance."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "The Scottish Government will continue to do all we can to help.

We will always try to find money for things that matter.

However, under the current devolved settlement our budget is essentially fixed."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And it is under severe and increasing pressure.

I have a duty to be frank about the limits this puts on our ability to respond as fully as we want to."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "To start with, this year’s Scottish Government budget was 2.9% lower than the year before.

Every penny was allocated when the budget was passed.

Since then, inflation has gone from 2% last summer, to 6% in February - to more than 10% now."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Our budget today is worth a staggering £1.7 billion less than when it was published last December."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "In addition, and by necessity, we are also spending more in some areas than was anticipated.

For example, public sector pay deals are, so far, costing £700m more than we budgeted for."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "To be very clear, I don’t begrudge a single penny of that.

On the contrary, paying higher wages is the biggest contribution we can make to helping families with soaring costs."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "When we intervened in the local government dispute, we did so to help shift funding from the highest to the lowest paid, and secure the best possible increases overall.

It was the right thing to do."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Criticism of workers and trade unions fighting for higher pay is deeply misplaced."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "To the Tories, threatening to row back on protections for workers, and restrict the right to strike - and to Labour who last month voted at COSLA to block a bigger pay rise for council workers, I say this..."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "...Our job in the midst of a cost crisis is not to press down on pay.

Our job is to boost it with every penny we can lay our hands on."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "That is the approach this government will take.

However, there is no unallocated pot of money from which to fund higher pay deals or extra support for those in need."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Our powers over tax and borrowing are also woefully inadequate."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "So unless Westminster increases the total amount of money available, every additional percentage point on a pay deal, and every pound we spend on measures to help with rising costs, must be funded by reductions elsewhere in our budget."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "That is the reality, and it means hard choices.

Our Emergency Budget Review is intended to maximise the help we can provide - while still balancing the books."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "That will mean stopping some things we planned to do, to fund what is essential to support people through this crisis.

John Swinney will say more about the budget review in a statement tomorrow."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "However that work will be impacted by the fiscal plans of the UK government.

For example, if Liz Truss decides to pay for irresponsible and regressive tax cuts by reducing spending on public services, that could mean an immediate cut in Scotland’s budget."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "It is not possible, therefore, to conclude our own Budget Review until we understand the impact of decisions that will be taken at Westminster in the days and weeks ahead."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "However, I can confirm that within two weeks of an expected UK government budget, we will lay out an Emergency Scottish Government Budget Review to Parliament.

This will then inform our Annual Budget Bill for 2023/24."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "The cost of living crisis means that this Programme for Government is even more focused than usual - deliberately so."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Our ambition and our intentions are unchanged.

Our commitment to the full-parliament plans set out in last year’s Programme for Government - and in the Bute House Agreement – stands."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "But increased uncertainty and rising costs are real.

Quite simply, given all I have set out, we cannot do everything that, in more normal times, we’d want to do.

I know that’s not a message anyone wants to hear - but it is the reality."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Understandably, there are also calls on the Scottish Government every day for more support.

We will respond as positively as we can.

Where we cannot do so, though, it is not a lack of political will that stops us. It is a lack of money."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "So, as well as targeting our own resources as effectively as we can, we will continue to apply maximum pressure on the UK Government to provide the additional funding that is so desperately needed.

I hope we will have support from across the chamber in doing so."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "I will turn now to the priority actions set out in the Programme for Government.

These are focused on providing help now, and on continuing our long term work to build a wealthier, fairer and greener country."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will take the following steps to strengthen the emergency safety net for those struggling to pay bills."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Firstly, to provide more help for people who may be at risk of self-rationing or even self-disconnection from their energy supply, we will double the Fuel Insecurity Fund from £10 million to £20 million this year."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Secondly, we will give local authorities flexibility to use Discretionary Housing Payments to help with energy costs as well as rent payments.

We will also increase funding for Discretionary Housing Payments by £5 million."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Thirdly, we will extend eligibility for the Tenant Grant Fund, introduced as part of our Covid response, so that it can provide help for those struggling to pay rent as a result of wider cost of living increases."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "This Parliament - regrettably - does not have the power to freeze energy prices.

But there are other costs that we can - and will - use our devolved powers to bear down on."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "To that end, I can announce that ScotRail fares will be frozen until at least March 2023."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "As well as rising energy bills, housing costs and increasing levels of debt are a concern for many."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We do not control mortgage or general borrowing rates, but we will continue discussions to encourage banks and other financial services firms to take an approach that maximises security for homeowners and businesses."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also raise the minimum threshold at which bank arrestments can be made, and introduce regulations to give greater protection to those repaying debts through the Debt Arrangement Scheme."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "A new Bankruptcy and Diligence Bill will seek to improve the lives of those struggling with debt."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And in what is perhaps the most significant announcement of the day, I can confirm that we will take immediate action to protect tenants in the private and social rented sectors."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "I can confirm that we will shortly introduce emergency legislation to Parliament.

The purpose of the emergency law will be two-fold."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Firstly, it will aim to give people security about the roof over their heads this winter, with a moratorium on evictions."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Secondly, the legislation will include measures to deliver a rent freeze.

The Scottish Government doesn't have the power to stop your energy bills soaring, but we can and will take action to ensure that your rent does not rise."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "By definition, these are temporary measures, but they will provide much-needed security for many during what will be a difficult winter.

We envisage that both measures will remain in place until at least the end of March 2023."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Crucially, I can confirm that we will time the emergency legislation to ensure - subject, of course, to the agreement of Parliament - that the practical effect of this statement is that rents are frozen from today."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Two of the most important and fundamental sources of security for any of us are a job and a home.

In times of economic and financial crisis, these can be the foundations that help people through."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "The Scottish Government’s powers to respond to this crisis are constrained.

That is a matter of the utmost frustration."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "But our policy of no compulsory redundancies in the public sector - which we continue to support notwithstanding the budgetary pressures we face - will give those delivering essential services the peace of mind of knowing their job is safe over this winter."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And for those living in rented accommodation, we aim to ensure that their homes will be safe too."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "The choices any government makes ultimately come down to a question of values and priorities.

Where we can, we are prioritising interventions that will provide security, stability and reassurance, by safeguarding jobs and homes."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will put as much money as possible into people’s pockets through decent pay rises.

And we will continue to make tough choices to target support to those who need it most."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "This Programme also sets out measures to address longer term challenges, and build a wealthier, fairer and greener country."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "I can announce that a Housing Bill in the coming year ahead will improve affordability for the longer term, provide new and strengthened rights for tenants, and implement key policies on short term lets and the prevention of homelessness."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will support more households to install energy efficiency measures through continued investment in, and extended eligibility for, the Warmer Homes Scotland programme."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "This will help lower energy costs, reduce energy use and deliver our climate change obligations.

We will also launch a £25 million Clyde Mission Decarbonisation Fund to support zero emission heat projects and communal heating systems along the length of the Clyde."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also continue our work to tackle child poverty, increase opportunity and improve educational attainment.

The most significant anti child poverty measure anywhere in the UK is the Scottish Child Payment."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "It already delivers £20 per week for every eligible child up to age 6.

I can confirm today that from 14 November, the Scottish Child Payment will increase again to £25 per week per child.

This means it will have increased by 150% in less than 8 months."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "From 14 November, the Scottish Child Payment will also open to applications for children up to the age of 16."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "These extensions, to a strand of the social security safety net that is unique to Scotland, will make more than 400,000 children eligible for support of £1,300 per year."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "The Scottish Child Payment will also lift children out of poverty, enhance their life chances, and improve the lives of thousands of families across the country."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "In addition, two Best Start Grants – the Early Learning and School Age Payments - will now be awarded automatically to families in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment, without any need for a further application."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also make two Child Payment bridging payments by the end of the year."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also take further action to reduce the cost of the school day.

Having delivered universal free school meals for all pupils in P1-5, I can announce that we will now start work with local authorities to extend universal provision to all pupils in P6-7."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will continue to keep the Promise to children and families in and at the edges of the care system.

This year, the first £50 million of £500 million Whole Family Wellbeing Funding will be invested to improve support for vulnerable families."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "I can also announce that we will introduce a Children’s Care and Justice Bill to ensure that young people who come into contact with the justice and care systems are treated more appropriately."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "I am pleased to confirm that, amongst other measures, this Bill will finally end the practice of placing children under 18 in young offenders’ institutions."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also continue to invest in and improve early education and childcare, and school education.

Last year, we delivered the expansion of funded early learning and childcare for all 3 and 4 year olds, and eligible 2 year olds."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "In the year ahead, we will design and test options to extend year-round childcare for school-age children.

Our school buildings are in the best condition ever, and over the coming year, work will start on a further 17 new schools."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also introduce an Education Reform Bill.

This will establish an independent education inspectorate and a new public body responsible for qualifications."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And to support our commitment to substantially eliminate the poverty-related attainment gap by 2026, we will invest £200 million each year in the Scottish Attainment Challenge."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Having already met the initial target for widening access to higher education, we will now appoint a new Widening Access Commissioner to build on progress."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also continue to support our National Health Service.

The NHS Recovery Plan - to tackle the Covid backlog and build sustainability - will be supported by more than £1 billion of targeted investment over this parliament."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will invest £50 million to help improve Accident and Emergency waiting times.

We will ensure that waits of more than 18 months for outpatients are eliminated in most specialties by the end of this year, and for inpatients by September next year."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will then aim to eliminate waits of more than 1 year for outpatients by March next year - and for inpatients and day cases, by September 2024."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "As part of work to reduce waiting times, the next 4 national treatment centres will open over the coming year, in Fife, Forth Valley, Highland and at the Golden Jubilee in Glasgow."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also invest a further £10 million to improve waiting times for cancer diagnostics and treatments, and establish a further two Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also continue to offer protection from Covid.

Over autumn and winter, Covid booster shots, alongside flu vaccines, will be offered to those most vulnerable to serious illness."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And we will provide NHS boards with funding and support to deliver co-ordinated services for those living with long Covid."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also introduce legislation for a Patient Safety Commissioner to help improve safety and amplify the voice of patients.

And we will publish a new mental health and wellbeing strategy, and a refreshed suicide prevention strategy."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "The year ahead will also see the creation in law of the National Care Service.

The new Service will deliver the consistency and quality of care across Scotland that people deserve."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Our new National Care Service will be most significant development in health and social care since the establishment of the NHS."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also drive forward our national mission to reduce drug deaths, with a total investment of £250m by the end of this parliament."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also continue to work with partners with the aim - if, and as soon as, possible - of establishing a Safer Drug Consumption Facility in Glasgow."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also introduce a new Public Health Bill to restrict promotions of less healthy food and drink, and consult on proposals to restrict alcohol promotions."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will take forward a range of actions to improve women’s access to healthcare and appoint a Women’s Health Champion.

And we will work with Gillian Mackay and MSPs across the chamber to safeguard the access of women to abortion services without harassment or intimidation."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "As well as investment in health and care services, we will support the justice system.

We will introduce a Criminal Justice Bill.

Amongst other measures, this Bill will provide for the abolition of the Not Proven verdict."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "If approved by Parliament, this will be a change of truly historic significance in Scotland, and one firmly intended to improve access to justice for victims of crime.

This Bill will also deliver statutory protection of the anonymity of complainers in sexual offence cases."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "In the coming year, we will also consult on specific draft laws to give effect to the recommendations in Helena Kennedy’s report on tackling misogynistic behaviours.

We intend to introduce a Misogyny and Criminal Justice Bill later in the parliament."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also introduce a Police Complaints and Misconduct Handling Bill to improve the way in which complaints about the police are managed and investigated..."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "...and a Legal Services Regulation Reform Bill, to improve the accountability and transparency of the legal complaints system."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And we will introduce a Charities Regulation Bill to update and strengthen the legal framework governing the work of charities."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "I will turn now to business and the economy.

The pressures on business - as on individuals - are acute.

We will continue to support both the lowest business rates poundage and the most generous Small Business Rates Relief scheme in the UK."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will support the business community in demands to the UK government for, amongst other measures, an energy price freeze and a reduction of VAT on energy bills."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "For the longer term, we will continue to implement the National Strategy for Economic Transformation, with a laser focus on entrepreneurship, productivity and skills, and new market opportunities."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "In the year ahead, we will further fund the Scottish National Investment Bank to deliver its key missions."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will establish a national network of 6 new hubs for tech companies – giving Scotland’s tech start-ups access to some of the best development and support anywhere in the world, as part of our wider work to promote entrepreneurship."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will continue to deliver our Export Growth Plan, with new export plans for the life sciences and renewables sectors."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "It is worth noting that Scottish goods exports, excluding oil and gas, grew by more than 5% in the two years to the end of March, compared to a fall elsewhere in the UK."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Scotland’s position as the most successful location in the UK, outside of London, for inward investment projects has also been strengthened."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also introduce a Local Visitor Levy Bill to give local authorities additional fiscal flexibility.

This will help councils, if they so choose, to fund activities related to tourism and related infrastructure."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "One of the central aims of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation is to maximise the jobs and economic activity that the net zero transition can deliver."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "The recent ScotWind auction – which offered lease options for up to 28 GW of energy - has the potential to deliver £28 billion of supply chain work."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Indeed, Scotland has a golden opportunity now to lead an energy transition that secures net zero, enhances energy security, and lowers energy costs.

We must grasp that opportunity."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "However, maximising that opportunity will require fundamental reform of the energy market.

The scandal of the current situation - the scandal of extreme fuel poverty in energy rich Scotland - is that renewable electricity is already relatively cheap."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Offshore and onshore wind can now provide electricity at a lower cost than nuclear or gas-fired power.

And yet the wholesale price of electricity in Britain is driven by gas, the most expensive form of generation. That must change."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We'll press the UK government to speed up reform of the energy market and break the link between the cost of gas and the price of renewable and low carbon electricity.

In the meantime, we will do all we can to speed up our development and use of renewable energy."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "This autumn we will seek approval for the Fourth National Planning Framework, which will support the delivery of renewable energy projects.

In the year ahead, we will also publish an energy strategy and just transition plan to guide our path to net zero."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will continue to support solar energy, and maintain Scotland’s position as one of the most advanced nations in the world for the development of wave and tidal technologies."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will set out plans for a further expansion in onshore wind capacity, as we also support the massive expansion in offshore wind.

The scale of our onshore and offshore wind capacity also gives us huge potential in green hydrogen."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "In the coming months, we will work to develop a new hydrogen industry, with publication of the finalised Hydrogen Action Plan and Investment Proposition, backed by £100 million of capital funding."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Finally, we will establish two greenports in Scotland, and make the first investments from the £500 million North East and Moray Just Transition Fund.

Indeed, I can confirm that more than £50 million has now been awarded for projects over the next few years."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also introduce a Circular Economy Bill to increase the reuse and recycling of materials.

And next August, we will launch the deposit return scheme to encourage the reuse and recycling of containers such as drinks bottles."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will also support public transport.

In addition to the freezing of ScotRail fares, we will also support bus services, including the continued delivery of free bus travel for all those under 22 and over 60."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will invest in vital improvements to ferry services and consult on the new Islands Connectivity plan.

And we will support the shift to electric road vehicles."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And we will do even more in the year ahead to support active travel with investment in new routes for walking, wheeling and cycling.

Alongside the climate crisis, we will take action to address the nature crisis."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "In the year ahead, we will publish a biodiversity strategy, and take action to stimulate responsible private investment in nature restoration."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will continue work to identify the location of a new national park, and develop a land reform bill to further diversify land ownership and empower local communities.

We will also work with partners to further improve flood protection and resilience."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will support famers and crofters to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

And we will introduce a Wildlife Management Bill for Grouse to reduce the negative impact of some grouse moor practices on wildlife and our environment."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "In addition to those I have mentioned already, this Programme for Government also includes Bills for the new devolved tax on aggregates - and to clarify the law on trusts and succession."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And last, but by no means least, this Programme for Government provides for a Scottish Independence Referendum Bill."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "If the outcome of the forthcoming Supreme Court referral confirms that a consultative vote is within the competence of this Parliament, I can confirm that we will legislate for a referendum on 19 October next year."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "This current crisis highlights - starkly - the pressing need for independence.

We are being reminded every day that where, and in whose hands, power lies really matters."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "This crisis is much worse in the UK than in other developed countries because of a Brexit that Scotland voted against, but was powerless to stop."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Under the current devolution settlement, powers over borrowing, taxation and energy regulation - the key powers needed to address the crisis - are reserved to Westminster."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And yet, the exercise of these powers - by a UK government Scotland did not vote for - has been woefully inadequate.

As a consequence, and despite the obvious and urgent need to provide help to millions of households and businesses, people are suffering."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "This parliament, by contrast, stands ready, willing and eager to act.

But we lack the powers and resources we need to do so in all the ways necessary."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Independence would give us - like it does other independent countries - the levers we desperately need to respond to a crisis like this."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "But more than that, independence would give us the wherewithal to build a better, wealthier, fairer future.

That is the prize we should now grasp."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "Despite the uncertainties we face - and the current limitations on our powers to act - this Programme for Government seeks to chart a path towards a better future.

We will do everything possible to support people and businesses through the difficult months ahead."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And we will do so in a manner consistent with our values, and our long-term vision for Scotland."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will improve our energy security and cut our carbon emissions.

We will support business growth.

We will tackle the lasting harm caused by child poverty.

And we will prioritise help for those who most need it."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "And just as we did in the face of a virus, we will foster a spirit of solidarity to help each other through the challenges ahead."
@NicolaSturgeon FM: "We will provide as much security and reassurance as we can in these tough times, as we continue to lay the foundations for a more equal and more sustainable country.

And together, we will build a wealthier, fairer, greener Scotland."

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📺 Watch her speech live on our social media channels, or follow this thread for live updates.
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And let me say, first of all, what an absolute pleasure it is to be here with all of you in person today."
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⏰ Tune in now on, or follow this thread for live updates.
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⬆️ Rising food prices
⬆️ Rising fuel prices

🇪🇺 But while EU countries are taking real action on the cost of living crisis, the UK Tory government makes the wrong political choices.

🧵 Here's what other countries are doing.…
🇫🇷 While energy prices in the UK rose by 54%, the French government chose to cap them at 4%.

On top of that, France is providing a €100 payment to low-income households, and introduced a 15 cent-per-litre reduction in fuel prices (compared to 5p in the UK).
🇩🇪 The German government is giving everyone a one-off €300 payment to help with the cost of living, and a further €100 for each child.

Anybody receiving state benefits will receive an additional €100.

Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak is offering a £200 "heat now, pay later" loan.
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