Whether to freeze or not the ETHW liquidity pools after the Merge has been thoroughly discussed in the community. Today ETHW Core reached a final consensus after an in-depth discussion and the final decision is:
The ETHW Core rejected the proposal to merge the contract freezing code into the main codebase and insisted that no contract pool on the ETHW would be restricted in any way.
During today's discussion, the ETHW Core also reached a consensus on the following. 1. 100% respect the current ETHW ledger and will not introduce any regulatory or centralized technology. Whether it is a proposal to protect users in good faith,
or a technical compromise at the request of the regulators. 2. 100% insist on decentralized governance, and will not introduce any black or white list or other technology to restrict the transfer of assets. 3. 100% respect for any individual, DAO, and institutional wallets
without distinction. This includes ordinary wallets, on-chain multi-signature wallets, and even hackers' wallets. Yes, that's right, hackers' wallets will be honored in ETHW the same way as regular users' wallets.
Even if "The DAO" were to happen again, the ETHW chain would not roll back the ledger.
The introduction of the freezing technology, although initiated with the good intention of preventing users' assets in the liquidity pools from being drained by arbitrageurs and bots,
is bound to raise concerns about regulation and centralized management among the ETHW community, which goes against the Core's three foundational consensuses above.
In order to protect your on-chain assets on ETHW, the best way to protect yourself is to withdraw your assets from the liquidity pools before the fork.
WITHDRAW your ETH to your own wallet on the Ethereum mainnet and RETWEET to let everyone else know! #WithdrawETH Campaign!
And feel free to check out previous letters from ETHW.
EIP-155 provides a way to send transactions that work on Ethereum without working on ETC or the Morden testnet.
EIP 155 is backwards compatible, so transactions generated with the "pre-Spurious-Dragon" format will still be accepted. However, to ensure you are protected against replay attacks, you will still need to use a wallet solution that implements EIP 155.
ETHW Core: An open letter to the Ethereum community [1/9]
The ETHW has been controversial, to say the least, in the past few weeks. The ETHW Core feels compelled to clarify a few points:
Who are the ETHW Core members?
The ETHW Core members are geeks and crypto investors from all over the world who believe in proof-of-work (PoW). It was this belief that rallied the believers into a community where members volunteered to work on ETHW.
Why do ETHW Core members choose to stay anonymous?
The ETHW Core members are as anonymous between each other as to the public.
Bitcoin was a product of cypherpunks. Privacy and anonymity are common practices when communicating within the cypherpunk communities
ETHW 1st Testnet "Iceberg" Released!
Along with it come the blockchain explorer and RPC servers. We welcome all potential partners in the community (exchanges, pools, wallet providers, bridges, builders and etc.) to join us to build a real PoW-powered Ethereum ecosystem.
1/n ETHW Core to Introduce Liquidity Pool Freezing Technology to Protect Users’ Assets
2/n Right after the Ethereum PoW hardfork, especially for the initial several blocks, users’ ETHW tokens deposited in the Liquidity Pools, like Uniswap, Susiswap, Aave, Compound, will be swapped or lent out by hackers and scientists using deprecated and valueless USDT, USDC, WBTC
3/n , which will create a huge mess to the whole network and community. Hereby ETHW Core has to make the hard decision to temporarily freeze certain LP contracts to protect users’ ETHW tokens until the protocols’ controllers or communities find a better way
1/x [ a long long thread ]
The Manifesto of Proof-of-Work: An Open Letter to the Ethereum Community
“He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
2/x 8 years into its founding, the almighty Ethereum Foundation (TEF), once a hero and now a Crypto version of the tech behemoth, is abandoning “decentralization” as part of its missions. The hero has become the dragon, and the signs have been many.
3/x The DAO Hack
We never forgot that, in 2016, without the community’s agreement, the “immutable” ledger was rolled back to recoup the financial losses during The DAO Hack.