According Lee Profile picture
Sep 11 42 tweets 76 min read
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn "Yet Black and Hispanic workers only make up 17 percent of the U.S. STEM workforce, compared to 28 percent of the total workforce." That "math" is based on USA Census data which is a "physical inventory" so it doesn't take into account the effect of illegal..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn immigration. So if we wake up tomorrow morning & Hispanics are 50% of our population because they walked across our border, are they even more "underrepresented" in the USA STEM field? 🧐
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn I'd like to call your attention to the SUNY RF job posting for Admissions Counselor, Simons STEM Scholars Program on the website. It states: Reporting to the Executive Director of Admissions (or their designee)..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn I'm from an "underrepresented and marginalized" demographic yet I was discriminated against as an employee of @StonyBrookMed as a Switchboard Operator in #KenPiorun's Communications Dept. I was harassed & bullied & set up for failure. It was intentional #EmploymentSabotage..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed based on my disability. @StonyBrookMed used a statement from a co-worker that I "panicked and left her workstation when she learned that people were stuck in the elevator." Based on that statement, which is nothing more than hearsay because it was FALSE, resorted to conjecture..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed in order to set me up for failure of NYS Civil Service Probationary term. I was reprimanded and ultimately terminated. 3 of the 8 stated "infractions" were for "failure to follow the Urgent Only Overhead Announcement instructions."
@drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 #KenPiorun #OFCCP
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 The 1st was for making an Overhead Announcement that was requested by Carol Ruane "on behalf of Peg Duffy." I typed in the name Peg Duffy into our directory and saw that her title was "Interim Chief Nursing Officer" (CNO). Since our instructions state:
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 No Non-Urgent Overhead Announcements unless approved by SEG (Senior Executive Group) I asked a co-worker "is Peg Duffy ok?" she replied "yes." The reason that I had to check with a co-worker is because we were never provided w instructions on how to determine exactly who SEG was
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 The announcement that I made "on behalf of Peg Duffy" was for a Blood Drive.

I made the announcement at 7:30am.

At 10:06am Ken sent out an Operator Note which states that "All SEG members have 'SEG' in Sub-department of our directory.
@drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL At 10:10am another Operator, Dana Coppolo asks #KenPiorun in an Operator Note: "What is a sub-directory in our directory and where do I find this? Can you provide a name of someone who is part of the 'SEG' this way I can see what you're talking about"
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL NO Switchboard Operators knew how to determine who exactly "SEG" is until I got written up for it.
Even though it was #KenPiorun's failure for not providing us w complete instructions, that infraction was stated in a Written Counseling Memo and used as a foundation to add..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL "2 additional instances of failing to follow the Urgent Only Overhead Announcement instructions."

Those "2 additional instances.." were Overhead Announcements that I made that were requested by the ADN/AOD on the midnight shift. The 1st was requested by Sarahjean Goldstein..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL at 3am Sarahjean, the ADN/AOD called the Switchboard & requested that an Overhead Announcement be made regarding the Cafeteria because "there was a 'No Show' - nobody showed up to open the Cafeteria" and her phone was ringing off the hook..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL Although I was aware that on nights, the ADN is in charge of the hospital, I texted her pager "I'm not allowed to make Non-Urgent Announcements unless approved by SEG."
She called me back and asked "what's SEG?"
I replied "Senior Executive Group."
#KenPiorun #OFCCP
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL She then replied "Su*****, the ADN is the Senior Executive on the night shift, if your Supervisor gives you a hard time I'll back you up." Then she added, "ok, how about you check the directory for anybody related to 'food service' or the cafeteria and call me to let..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL me know if you reach somebody." I spent the next 20-30 minutes trying to call anybody related to the Cafeteria, but nobody was answering their phones because it was 3:00 in the morning. Meanwhile, I was mulling it over whether I should call #KenPiorun at home or just do what..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL she said because she's the ADN and the ADN is in charge of the hospital at night. I came to the conclusion that she's not going to tell me something that is wrong and because she's in charge of the hospital, it wasn't appropriate to have to call #KenPiorun at 3:00am..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL After speaking w Sarahjean again and telling her that I was unable to reach anybody, she instructed me to make the OH Announcement because she "can't have the phone in the Nursing Office ringing off the hook all night." I made the announcement & documented it in the system..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL I also sent #KenPiorun an Operator Note explaining that Sarahjean insisted that I make the OH Announcement regarding the Cafeteria. I have a #ADA #Disability, I have an anxiety disorder, etc..and by the end of my shift I was filled w anxiety that I'm gonna get in trouble for..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL making that OH Announcement. #KenPiorun never said anything further about that incident, but for the next couple of days I searched EVERYWHERE in the @StonyBrookMed website to find something about who's in charge of the hospital at night..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL Finally, I came across Stony Brook University Hospital Administrative Policies and Procedures. I found them in the School of Nursing website so I can you that I literally SEARCHED EVERYWHERE..because I was terrified of getting in TROUBLE!
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL I figured that because somebody has to be in charge of the hospital 24/7, then it has to be in writing SOMEWHERE. After I found LD0001, In the Absence of the CEO and LD0003, Role and Responsibility of the ADN/AOD, I read them over & over and came to the conclusion that..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL The CEO has delegated his authority to the ADN on the evenings, nights, weekends and holidays. I sent #KenPiorun an Operator Note asking for clarification of our instructions and I specifically referenced LD0001 and LD0003. Operator Notes is like a chat room within the..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL Communications Dept. so all the other Operators could see my request to #KenPiorun for clarification.
#KenPiorun simply IGNORED my question.
About a week later, I got a call from Roy Pennise who was the designated ADN/AOD on that particular night.
#OFCCP #ADA #Discrimination
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL Roy Pennise requested that an Overhead Announcement be made for somebody to report to the Nursing Office.

Because I never received a response to my question for clarification of our instructions & I was certain that I was interpreting LD0001 and LD0003 correctly, I did not ask
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL Roy Penise if it was "urgent." I made the announcement as he requested because as far as I was concerned, Roy Penise was the CEO's designee.
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL I documented the OH announcement in the system & sent #KenPiorun an Operator Note. As I was leaving at 8:30am, #KenPiorun happened to arrive for the morning. So I approached him and explained that I made the announcement.
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept #KenPiorun became visibly angry & verbally reprimanded me.

He said "You don't get it, do you? You just don't get it."

I replied "But the CEO has delegated his authority to the ADN."

He said "You got excuses for NOT following instructions."
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept I replied "It's NOT an excuse, it's a REASON."

I left for the end of my shift and 2 days later I received a Termination Notice.

The Termination Notice stated that my employment as a Probationary NYS Civil Service Clerk 1 would be ended in 5 days..if I had any questions,
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept I should call Human Resources.

I called HR and I spoke with Tami Goldberg who told me that she "was on the 'other side' and that she 'signed off' on the Termination."
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC I read my CSEA handbook and found Section 4.5 and requested a Probationary Review with Labor Relations.

At my meeting with Seth Blau, we went over some of the "infractions" that were listed including "Failure to follow Urgent Only Overhead Announcement instructions" and..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC "2 subsequent instances of 'Failing to follow the Urgent Only OH Announcement instructions.'"

I presented Seth Blau hard copies of LD0001 & LD0003
and explained my reasoning. I said that it was my interpretation that Hospital Wide Administrative Policies & Procedures..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC supersede a Department Manager's instructions.

Seth Blau is a licensed NYS Attorney and he sat there in his bow tie and told me that "No they don't supersede your Department Manager's instructions."
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC After I received Seth Blau's email stating that he was upholding my Probationary Termination I searched EVERYWHERE on the internet and happened to come across portions of the Joint Commission Leadership Chapter @TJCommission.

The "LD" in LD0001 nd LD0003 stands for Leadership..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC @TJCommission and it just so happens that the Joint Commission @TJCommission accredits the Hospital @StonyBrookMed.
AND the Joint Commission requires/mandates that @StonyBrookMed have 24/7 "Administrative Coverage."

The Joint Commission MANDATES that the CEO designate a..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC @TJCommission "qualified individual" to act on his/her behalf "In the Absence of the CEO."

SBUH Administrative Policies & Procedures, LD0001 is issued from the Office of the CEO and it designates a clear Chain of Command pertaining to In the Absence of the CEO during business hours..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC @TJCommission and designates the ADN/AOD to act on his behalf on the evenings, nights, weekends and holidays.

Furthermore, LD0003 - Role & Responsibility of the ADN/AOD is issued from the ENTIRE Senior Executive Group (SEG) and delegates the authority of the ADN/AOD to be "broad in scope."
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC @TJCommission I don't think that the CEO nor the rest of the Senior Executive Group gave such broad authority to the ADN/AOD except for the authority to make a Non-Urgent Overhead Announcement.
#KenPiorun's instructions require Switchboard Operators to question the Authority and..
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC @TJCommission Judgement of the ADN/AOD.

#KenPiorun's instructions have Switchboard Operators ask the ADN/AOD "is this urgent?" If it doesn't sound "urgent" to us, we are required to tell the ADN/AOD that we are "not allowed to follow their instructions."

We are required to tell the ADN/AOD
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC @TJCommission "I'm not allowed to make Non-Urgent Overhead Announcements."
If they insist that we make a Non-Urgent OH, then we are required to tell them that we have to call #KenPiorun at home..even at 3:00am.
@StonyBrookMed 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@DavidSpergel @SimonsFdn @StonyBrookMed @drhpaz @JonathanBuscag1 @USDOL @KathyHochul @TheJusticeDept @USEEOC @TJCommission In my opinion, SBUH @StonyBrookMed has a lunatic in their basement!! He deliberately harassed me, he made an assumption about my #disability based on hearsay, gossip and conjecture and it was the underlying motivation that led to #EmploymentSabotage of a qualified individual w a

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