@US_FDA@DrCaliff_FDA listened to harm reduction programs and made it infinitely easier to purchase #naloxone in bulk. With 100,000+ overdose deaths each year, we need BIG solutions.
@US_FDA@DrCaliff_FDA@RemedyAlliance@ejwheeler9@coreysdavis We would like to see the intent of this Guidance applied so State Boards of Pharmacy will stop standing in the way of naloxone scale-up. NO MORE EXCUSES.
(I'm looking at you Alabama.)
@US_FDA@DrCaliff_FDA@RemedyAlliance@ejwheeler9@coreysdavis Look, we have a 90-10 problem. Nearly everyone in large institutions & local govt are in favor, but compliance officers and lawyers prevent naloxone distro at the last step, citing FDA regs. This negates their reticence. NO MORE EXCUSES.
@US_FDA@DrCaliff_FDA@RemedyAlliance@ejwheeler9@coreysdavis We feel the Guidance is consistent with "harm reduction suppliers" now being able to rapidly collect and re-distribute unused near-expiry naloxone from cops and libraries. It creates new efficiencies within the free market. NO MORE EXCUSES.
Thank you 🙏🏽 @DrCaliff_FDA for listening to the public’s needs and tailoring specific solutions to address our sometimes arcane issues. This Guidance will help immensely and immediately.
Here’s the @ONDCP@WhiteHouse announcing the naloxone Guidance last night, along with other massive funding for helping people get treatment they choose to.
“There are a lot of abandoned people who were on pain medications, who cannot get access to adequate pain management anymore, and are therefore, increasingly, turning to the street. We hear those stories every day.”
Thanks to @ibdgirl76@LelenaPeacock and others who have shared with me many stories about abandoned CPP. This article from @TaraLaw27 is a solid starting point to recentering folks in pain who can’t get the help they deserve.
To be clear, overdose deaths now mostly involve unregulated street drugs. Those who are dying are heterogenous: people who were on Rx opioids for years, people who never got a single script, suicides from lack of pain ctrl, and occasional users w/o tolerance.
To initiate over-the-counter status for prescription drugs, FDA prioritized *anti-flatulent drugs* and *ingrown toenails* over life-saving antidote naloxone. I daresay preventing 93,000 overdose deaths should have been first. 🧵 with Maya & @ejwheeler9 accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/o…
@ejwheeler9 We have an incredible opportunity. A generic pharma is willing to make a harm reduction-only naloxone. They have filed for the new NDC. If we have an injectable naloxone that can only be accessed by syringe exchange programs, why do we need the antiquated Rx requirement?
@ejwheeler9 Would you pay $2 to save a life? With political will, we could have $2 OTC naloxone by Thanksgiving. There is a 45 day public comment period. This would be restricted to harm reduction programs, the ones that form the backbone of overdose prevention.
There appears to be some mu opioid agonism, or similar pathway that prevents withdrawal without causing an opioid high. (Tho usually mixed with fentanyl.
People in Greesboro tell us that it is cheaper b/c you can dose 2x/day instead of every 4h with fent. But it causes a deep 20-40 sedation, which most PWUD don’t like. @WeezieBeale
== 8 tips for bringing people with lived experience into health research ==
Applies equally to patients with chronic pain and people who use drugs.
Thread below from my presentation today at #NCOpioidSummit@OpioidSummit OpioidPreventionSummit.org with @nc_usu
@OpioidSummit@nc_usu Here's our shared big goals: Generate the best information and reduce drug related harm.
@OpioidSummit@nc_usu Upfront: What does it mean to represent a community? Do you need active PWUD or people in recovery? Stimulant or downers? Acute pain or chronic pain or cancer pain? Which types of functional interference? Don't ask one person to rep everybody, just because you made that bucket.
Would love @VetFinals to provide clinical insight too
@JessTilley7@mary_figgatt@WeezieBeale@nc_usu@VetFinals 2. At issue is this flyer where we say "Naloxone works on opioids. It may work on xylazine, but the evidence is unclear. Always use naloxone in the event of an overdose."
@JessTilley7@mary_figgatt@WeezieBeale@nc_usu@VetFinals 3. Xylazine is called a "sedative" but is in a different pharmacological family from benzodiazepines. It is not an opioid. It's legit to think naloxone might work on xylazine alone. So let's unpack that from the perspectives of pharmacology, veterinary med, and street drugs.