@jenniferatntd 's lies regarding the coup in China have resulted Falun Gong to trend
Notice how her Twitter handle has NTD at the end? It stands for "New Tang Dynasty" a tv channel run by Falungong cultists, they are the biggest source of fake news regarding China
The US media should stop bullying Joe Biden, he's old and lost
Every time he say something in regards to Taiwan
The White House would have to come out and walk back his statement
Here's why the US won't do anything if the PLA lands on Taiwan...🧵
The US military is simply incapable of landing on Taiwan when the Chinese navy is blockading the island
And the war will go to tactical nukes if the US wants to fight a naval war with China under the Chinese Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile protection umbrella
A war they will lose
I genuinely do not understand how some Westerners online, believes the US would risk a nuclear war or even a regional conventional war with China
A war that will disrupt the entire region killing the economies of Japan, SK, ASEAN countries etc
China is ranked 12th in the 2021 Global Innovation Index🥳
China is the only upper middle income country in the top 30
So what does this mean for China?...🧵
Industry is the foundation to everything, without a solid industrial foundation, then your country will forever be subservient to the international capitalists
Their goal is to exploit the working class of your country without long term investments
And when wages of your country's working class rises to hurt their profit margins, they will simply move their investments to a poorer country to exploit
Those countries then falls into the middle income trap
Mexico, Malaysia, Argentina and Brazil etc, all fell into it