A Muslim intellectual parses the causes of Islamic terror.
It comes from Islamic teachings that: 1. Shirk and apostasy is punishable by death 2. That non-Muslims don't have right to rule over Muslims. 3. That one Islamic Caliphate should rule 4. Nation-states are illegitimate
But Western Leftists intellectuals whitewash the religious roots of Islamic terror with:
1. Islamic terror doesn't exist 2. When Muslims are violent it's because they're "oppressed" 3. The fault for this lies in ABI (Anything But Islam)—US imperialism, Israel, "Hindutva" etc...
These Left intellectuals, in India and abroad, as apologists, assign "secular" reasons for Muslim violence even when the perpetrators themselves are clear about their religious motives.
They craft the narrative to attack their predetermined enemies, including the nation-state.
Hindus didn't just invent zero, they invented the place value decimal system. So instead of MMMCCLXV one could write 3265, and then do arithmetic operations *algorithmically* rather than by the Abacus.
This was revolutionary. No modern math or science was possible before this.
It took a few hundred years for the Europeans to *understand* zero. Root of word zero is cipher or code; Hindu numbers were mysterious code! To the extent, that the Church banned these "infidel" numbers; but the methods were so much superior that people kept adopting them.
It took a long time, but it was an absolute pleasure to work on the book with Bhaskar. His enthusiasm, his willingness to take feedback and do the hard research work and ability to present it in a readable understandable format was a joy to work with.
"Integration" is a myth when someone considers it their religious duty not to integrate and considers the mainstream culture as jahil. Where has it worked?