#ONEV1#FreshResists#DemVoice1#OurBlueVoice 1) Thread on what's going on with gas prices and oil. Seems like the Saudis control prices in America. Last part of thread will show the staggering amount of profit Saudis reaped off the American people. fool.com/investing/2022…
2) So the TFG Admin was in full screw America over and blame the other side if the GOP failed to keep the WH. The GOP ( and some Dems) knew all along what was happening.
5) With multiple Hurricanes during TFG admin, this venture with the Saudis went virtually unnoticed. So when TFG wanted lower gas prices, he just called on his Saudi partners to do so as he still does today. middleeastmonitor.com/20170502-saudi…