9/ I do choose to fly @united, when I have to fly. NOT bc they are GOOD on safety on airborne diseases. But they are the LEAST BAD of the options available to me. @SouthwestAir seems to be much worse, per CO2 measurements that people have posted. Or e.g.:
10/ I regularly encounter some ppl, especially in the US, who have never heard of CO2 as a tracer of ventilation, and about its use as a surrogate of airborne disease transmission potential.
11/ I have chosen to go to #AAAR2022 (Annual Conference of @AmericanAerosol) in part bc I expect it to be pretty safe: masks are required everywhere indoors, and vaccination is also required.
12/ Not surprising: we understand airborne transmission
Unlike conferences from fields that mostly DO NOT understand airborne transmission (e.g. American @PublicHealth Assoc., some medical conferences) where masks are not required... & often turn into superspreading events
13/ Although I am glad to see that @IDWeek2022, an upcoming major infectious disease conference, does require well-fitting masks and vaccination too. Maybe we are getting through, if slowly.
15/ During the @united flight CO2 stayed around 1100-1400 ppm. Not great, but not terrible given the HEPA filtering (which should be on when plane is on the air -- unlike being OFF when we boarded). And less bad than other airlines.
Unfortunately CO2 in room is elevated. Either air recirculation thru filter (if I am lucky), or infiltration from other rooms (if less lucky), like studies where ppl got COVID from ppl their never met in quarantine hotels:
1/ Comisión de @TheLancet (Revista Médica más prestigiosa) explica el FALLO TREMEBUNDO de la OMS @WHO y gobiernos (e.g. @sanidadgob) sobre TRANSMISIÓN de COVID-19
NEGAR y RESISTIRSE A ACEPTAR la transmisión importante o dominante POR EL AIRE ("Airborne")
2/ @TheLancet Comission: "Fallos múltiples incluyen retrasos costosos en aceptar la vía de transmisión crucial por el aire [transmisión aérea, "airborne"] de SARS-COV-2, y en poner en práctica medidas para reducir la transmisión del virus"
[Mi comentario: ¡esto continúa hoy!]
3/ @TheLancet Commission: "La OMS @WHO actuó con demasiada cautela y lentitud en [...] respaldar el uso generalizado de mascarillas [barbijos, tapabocas] como equipo de protección, y en reconocer la transmisión aérea del virus"
1/ From @TheLancet (most prestigious medical journal) Commission
"Multiple failures include costly delays in acknowledging the crucial airborne exposure pathway of SARS-CoV-2 & in implementing appropriate measures at to slow the spread of the virus"
2/ "@WHO acted too cautiously and too slowly on several important matters: "... to endorse the public use of face masks as protective gear, and to recognise the airborne transmission of the virus"
3/ In the uncertainty during COVID-19 outbreak, @WHO—repeatedly erred on the side of reserve rather than boldness. Initially, there were basic uncertainties [...] although over time the scientific community confirmed that considerable asymptomatic airborne transmission occurs"
1/ ¿POR QUÉ LOS GOBIERNOS y grandes empresas PREFIEREN IGNORAR las medidas de PROTECCIÓN COVID-19?
Este resumen de una conferencia de un profesor de Harvard (@jfeldman_epi, 22-Sep, 1 pm hora de Nueva York - recomiendo mucho) me parece espectacular en como lo resume. Lo traduzco.
2/ [Describe la situación en EEUU, pero es similar en otros países (adaptado a las estructuras de poder de cada país occidental)]
""Estados Unidos ha experimentado una de las tasas de mortalidad acumulada más altas de Covid-19 en el Norte Global...
"3/ Esta conferencia argumentará que los fallos en la respuesta de EEUU a la pandemia fueron impulsadas principalmente por élites económicas que usaron su influencia para socavar las protecciones de salud pública."
1/ What are the REASONS for early DENIAL & continuing RESISTANCE & obfuscation by @WHO, @CDCGov & Other Public Health to the fact that #COVIDisAirborne?
We just published a paper on the contribution of history. Which is important, but NOT most important
2/ Soon after COVID-19 pandemic started, it was clear to many scientists (inc. those who understand aerosols) that AIRBORNE trans. was an important contributor
E.g. as soon as we talked to the Skagit choir, it was obvious that was airborne-dominated:
I have been at the @TellurideSci workshop on organic aerosols this week. Being an artist was conference it wasn't too hard to convince people to do it pretty safely.
We made 2 Corsi-Rosenthal boxes for the 2 meeting rooms.
2/ The venue had also a Corsi box in the corridor, and a HEPA filter in every room.
As is frequently the case, one of the HEPAs was off and the other was a half power. We turned both to max.
3/ All the windows are open. It can be a little hot in the afternoon, but we just ignore it.