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Oct 3 136 tweets 20 min read
There was another motion by OKers to keep out evidence of a chat log where Meggs told his family members (via group chat) that he was going to "go on a killing spree" around elec. There were Qs about when his son was in chat, when wife was on it, and marital privilege concerns
Ultimately Mehta opted to allow the chat log evidence in.
One tweet in this thread has been deleted for clarity.
Another motion from the defense to keep out evidence about hand grenades found in the RV of another Oath Keeper (Jeremy Brown) is also denied by Mehta. There was a discussion between Brown/Meggs about the grenades, so in short, its considered corroborative.
Mehta says that he was notified a juror heard a "headline" about the Oath Keepers case on the radio on their way in today but shut the radio off and stopped listening. Defense was asked if they wanted to question juror further about this but they declined
Correction; it was not a radio broadcast but a headline via Apple news spotted by juror. The headline read: "Founder of Oath Keeper trials starts today" -- so pretty innocuous.
No objections were lodged and now the jury has walked in, now seated.
Away we go.
Judge Mehta is now giving jury instruction before we get into opening statements.
Jurors can take notes; cant take notebook w/them when they leave for day. They stay locked in the courtroom during recess/overnight. At end of trial, notebooks will be destroyed. No one will see their notes, not even Mehta. 16 are in jury box incl. alts; only 12 will deliberate
Mehta reminds the jury that the charges are only allegations and goes over them:
1: Seditious conspiracy: Tried to stop transfer of power by force
2: Conspiracy to obstruct official proceeding: they entered an agreement to obstruct Congressional session on 1/6/21
3: Conspiracy to prevent Congress from discharging duties
4: Obstruction of an official proceeding
5: Meggs, Harrelson, Watkins, destruction of govt prop
6: Watkins obstructed LEOs inside the Cap
7,8,9,10: Rhodes, Meggs, Harrelson, C'well w/obs. of justice for tampering
The last charge for obstruction of justice/tampering is about efforts allegedly undertaken by Rhodes et al to delete messages/records about 1/6 from their devices after Capitol attack
Mehta offers this helpful reminder for jurors *and* trial-watchers: opening statements are not meant to be treated as evidence in the case. They are a jumping-off point for either side to frame their case.
Every defendant is presumed to be innocent unless and until he/she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden of proof rests on the government and that burden never shifts during the trial, Judge Mehta reminds jurors.
If the govt fails to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendants are guilty of the charges, then the jurors must find the defendants innocent.
(Sedition is rarely prosecuted & there is a high bar here. But there is also a huge amount of, arguably, very damning evidence)
Mehta is running down the basics here for jurors: no independent research or investigation of the case, no review of news abut it; tells them to ignore push notifications about the case they might receive and reminds them how costly mistrials can be
NOW: US prosecutor Jeffrey Nestler begins opening arguments in the seditious conspiracy trial of Oath Keepers Elmer Rhodes and four of his cohorts.
These defendants concocted a plan for an armed rebellion to shatter a bedrock of democracy, US prosecutor Nestler tells jurors.
They seized upon the opportunity to interrupt congress. That was their goal, to stop the lawful transfer of power, including by taking up arms against the US govt.
Oath Keepers stowed an arsenal of firearms just across the Potomac River, Nestler reminds jurors. Oath Keepers descended on DC not just to attack the Capitol but to stop the government from carrying out its responsibilities to transfer power.
Nestler puts up a photo of Elmer Rhodes, explains the Oath Keeper mission.
Rhodes's philosophy perverts the constitutional order, Nestler says.
Rhodes surveyed the battlefield on Jan. 6 as his troops stormed the building
We see photos of Kelly Meggs, alias OK Gator 1. Then Kenneth Harrelson. Harrelson was Meggs's #2 on 1/6. Harrelson goes by OK Gator 6. Watkins is a veteran of the Army, Nestler says as we see her pic. Caldwell is an affiliate of OK, not dues-paying member, prosecution notes
But Caldwell had Navy experience and was integral to planning how to get the weapons stowed across the Potomac into DC as needed.
US atty Nestler notes that jurors will hear the word Oath Keepers thrown around alot but it is NOT the organization that is on trial. Just these members. He does, however, note that other OKers will face trial later for other charges
Nestler says jurors will hear how Oath Keepers formed a stack formation to move up the Capitol steps and past police barricades. The juror sees a video of the formation with Harrelson, Meggs, Watkins highlighted and other conspirators labeled by name.
The crowd cheered for them yelling "Oath Keepers, Oath Keepers." They were the leaders, US atty Nestler says.
We see next a patch Meggs wore on 1/6 that read:"I don't believe in anything, I'm just here for the violence"
Once inside the Capitol, Nestler says Jessica Watkins forced her way past a line of riot police protecting the Senate chamber. We see brief video and Watkins saying:
"Push, push, push. Get in there. They can't hold us"
Joshua James, an Oath Keeper who has since pleaded guilty, pushed into the rotunda and tried to yank police officers out of it violently.
We see video of James screaming at cops "Get out of my Capitol. This is my fucking building" as OKers grab at cops.
Nestler is now running down how the congressional session to certify the election is structured. VP must preside. Must be held in the Capitol. Session can't end until ballots are all counted and winner is declared.
The winner is not called by the press. It's not official until Congress says so and Congress has to say so on Jan. 6 as constitutional and federal law require, Neslter says.
Neslter says jurors will see a calendar as we go so they can understand how Rhodes ensured that power would not transfer.
Jurors see a text Rhodes sent on Nov 5: "We must refuse to accept Biden as a legitimate winner. We aren't getting through this without a Civil War. Too late for that. Prepare your mind body and spirit."
Rhodes shared w/OKers the step by step plan utilized by Aleksander Savic to interrupt Milosevic election in 90s. That step by step plan suggested: swarm the streets, get millions to show up, police and military align w/people after few hours of first fight, storm the parliament.
Uttering the phrase "Insurrection Act" is just legal cover for a plan ot use force, Nestler says.
Then he plays a secretly recorded go-to mtg held in Nov 2020.
Rhodes said then: "Fight against the government no matter what."
Listening to Rhodes instructions on 11/9 call was Meggs, Harrelson and Watkins. They immediately heeded his message; to recruit others and prepare to fight. To use force no matter what. That same day, Meggs transmitted the message to Fla OKers.
Kelly Meggs told Oath Keepers in Florida:
"We have been issued a call to action for DC. This is the moment we signed up for."
Watkins sent a similar message to those Oath Keepers and potential recruits in Ohio.
Then, they all met at Caldwell's property in Berryville, Virginia to discuss the plan, Nestler says. Then they met in DC to do recon, shaping plans for December and Jan.
Now we get into the December 2020 portion where prosecutors say OKers "grew more desperate" to stop the transfer of power
Nestler: Rhodes published open letters leading up to Jan. 6 asking Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act so they could activate their members and stop the transfer.
Prosecution shows chat from Kelly Meggs where he was working on recruiting more help to stop the transfer of power.
In one message from 12/23, Meggs wrote to his prospects: "Its easy to chat here. Who is willing to die?"
Meggs wrote: We need to surround the Capitol all the way around with patriots sceaming so they hear us outside.
Meggs said an Oath Keeper flag wold fly in front of the Capitol on Jan. 6.
It was clear, Nestler says, Oath Keepers believed they would be taking the Capitol.
We see a message from Rhodes around same time in December. "I think Congress will screw him over."
Caldwell said "I am starting it the night of the 6th" when another OK in a chat said he was ready to start a civil war.
Proscution lays out how Caldwell spoke to other Oath Keepers about bringing up weapons and recruits for Jan. 6, setting up a "farm location". There were 40 people coming from NC an in one text we see Thomas Caldwell tell an OKer he wouldd "schlep weps" for the group
Jurors see a video of Oath Keepers doing weapons training including Harrelson, Watkins et al. (Video features Kelly Meggs's wife and OKer Joseph Hackett) that they shared with each other.
Nestler tells jurors how FBI recovered grenades from Oath Keeper Jeremy Brown's RV (Brown charged in sep case)
We are now hearing about the quick reaction force team staged in Arlington, Virginia. 

Caldwell chose this site because of its proximity to Route 66 and easy access to DC. Jurors will see messages from Caldwell about organizing the quick reaction force team..
Jurors to see plans from OKers on how to get firearms across river into DC. Jurors will see maps OKers plotted
In 1 msg, Meggs wrot: "We’ll have a heavy QRF 10 mins out” and then sent a map of entry points for the quick reaction force teams
“1 if by land, 2 if by sea,” he added
Nestler: We’ll see video evidence of conspirators depositing and retrieving bags of semiautomatic rifles, other ammo at the site in northern Va. including Meggs, Harrelson, Watkins, Caldwell and other conspirators coming and going
Moving from Dec 2020 to Jan 2021, jurors now see a text from Rhodes on Jan. 6 "Pence is doing nothing" Rhodes complained.
Then, Rhodes, again on 1.6:
"All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no attempt by him to do anything. So the patriots are taking it into their own hands"
Prosecution plays clip of Jessica Watkins speaking on the walkie-talkie Zello app on 1/6 where she said there's "30-40 of us" and "we're sticking to the plan" as they kept marching on the Capitol
We see a message from OKer Edward Vallejo on 1/6.
"The American ppl are going to be told today that we have liberty and justice for all or they're gonna be told fuck you, OK. And if they're told fuck you, that's going to be the declaration of a guerilla war."
After reading this msg from Vallejo, prosecution underlines: "If Pence, Congress didn't do what OKers wanted, they would take that to mean they could use force, including their arsenal of weapons, to take control"
US atty: Rhodes and Meggs have a 3-way call that lasts for 90 seconds on 1/6 with Michael Greene. Greene was talking to Rhodes before Meggs was conferenced in. Within 2 mins of that call, Meggs broke from a huddle with OKers and led the first stack up the stairs into the Capitol
We see Oath Keepers Donovan Crowl and Jessica Watkins celebrating getting into the Capitol in a quick clip.
"We took over the Capitol," they yelled.
Notice the "we," prosecutor Nestler emphasizes.
Simply entering the building was not enough, Nestler says. Watkins and her group needed to do more. They needed to get to the senators. Watkins had the power of the mob with her & she yelled, push, push, push, get in there, they can't hold us. And everyone around her pushed.
We see a clip of OKer Harrelson screaming "Treason!" at members of Congress with another OKer as the group storms their way into the Capitol Rotunda.
Meggs had a keen interest in Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Nestler says, pointing to Meggs chat with his wife
"I'm gonna go on a killing spree. Pelosi first."
Then on 1/6 when someone msgs Meggs they want to see Pelosi's head rollikng down Capitol steps, Meggs said: "We looked for her."
We hear for the 1st time a bit about the alleged defense from Meggs, who claims he was there to "help" police guarding Capitol. Namely, Meggs says he "helped" USCP Ofcr Harry Dunn (@libradunn)
Prosecution says definitely not so, Dunn was being exhausted, fending off Meggs et al
Nestler: The defendants were elated, boastful, proud after Jan. 6.
On the afternoon/evening of Jan. 6, Rhodes sent a msg, he shows jurors: "Patriots had sent a message [on 1/6]." Then Rhodes wrote: "You aint see nothing yet,"
Meggs wrote: "We aren't quitting! We are reloading"
Vallejo sent a msg AFTER Jan. 6 saying he's going back into DC to "probe their defense line," Nestler notes.
Prosecutors show msg from Watkins: “We were in the thick of it. Stormed the Capitol. Forced our way into the Senate and House, got teargassed and muscled the cops back like Spartans."
In another, she wrote: “When Pence turned on America, that’s when we patriots took the Capitol."
Caldwell admitted his own actions, Nestler said. Caldwell wrote to someone on Jan. 6 that he “rolled with the Oath Keepers” and when he heard on Jan. 6 that Pence “fucked us,” he wrote: “Let’s take the damn Capitol.”
Caldwell then said if they had the arsenal of guns with them on Jan. 6, they would have “killed 100 politicians.” Caldwell lamented that members of Congress had been “spirited away” and ran into hiding like “rats.”
Proscution shows #Rhodes text after Jan. 6 where he told OKers to delete messages and further, "Do not chat about Oath Keepers members allegedly doing anything at Capitol. Go dark on that. Do not discuss." Then Rhodes wrote: "Let me put it in infantry speak: Shut the fuck up."
Rhodes is heard in a recording played for jurors saying: "My only regret is that they should have brought rifles" to DC on Jan. 6
I didn't catch the rest of that message Rhodes sent in full as it was presented. But in it, he also lamented the election being stolen.
Nestler: Ordinarily, a person's intent cannot be proved directly because there's no way of knowing what a person is actually thinking but in this case, the evidence will show the defendants actually made it easy for you.
Nestler: They said out loud and in writing what they planned to do: to use any means necessary to stop, including by force, the transfer of power.
That does it for opening statements from the prosecution. We will take a 15 minute break and then the defense will present their openers.
I'm back. And the defense is up now making their opening statements. Attorney Philip Linder tells jurors that they will provide evidence to "fill in the gaps" between the allegations from the govt and "put things into context."
Rhodes atty Linder emphasizes to jurors that they cannot make decisions based on their personal opinions, encourages them to "wait for the full story" and that he is going to show them information in evidence that the govt nor press "have told you about yet."
Mehta tells Linder avoid language like "what the press told you" "congress told you"
Mehta didn't elaborate initially but my understanding is that this is because Linder's assessment on what the media has/hasn't done is irrelevant to the charges
Linder did it again. Then again.
Mehta stops Linder and asks him to approach the bench after instructing jurors to ignore Linder's last statement
Linder also told jury today that Rhodes offered to testify to the Jan. 6 cmte publicly but that his offer was rejected. (He was deposed behind closed doors nonetheless and Linder, to my ear, notably doesnt play that side up, makes it sound like Jan 6 cmte just wrote him off)
Linder tells jurors that the Oath Keepers are effectively a peace-keeping force and that in all their years they have not had clashes with police and they go where their protection is needed.
Linder walks delicately around foundation of defense as he introduces it today to jurors saying Rhodes relied on belief that Trump was going to invoke the Insurrection Act. Linder: Govt wants to bring a narrative that they supported Trump, wanted to prevent Biden from taking ofc
Linder says Oath Keeper leader of NC, William Todd Wilson, will testify at trial that Rhodes asked to be put on a call with Trump directly. (Wilson pleaded guilty)
Linder is casting doubt on that testimony, tells jurors they will hear evidence that that call "never existed."
Linder arguing that the govt's case is tenuous, and that prosecutors aren't relying on text messages that are definitive proof of seditious conspiracy. Rhodes was texting about other security details/missions that day.
Linder adds that texting was unreliable on Jan. 6, timing on messages were delayed because of crowd size/service etc.
That does it for Rhodes opening statement. Fellow defendants to follow.
We'll have a lunch break now until 1:30PM ET.
As jurors leave for lunch, Judge Mehta tells defense attys: "you cant tell jurors they've been in jail or any amount of time they may be facing if convicted. Avoid discussion or commentary about what's happening in media or congress."
Then, Mehta warns...
Mehta: "If you get into it in your opening or cross, you're opening the door to an invitation to evidence you do not want admitted in this case"
And FYI folks, Rhodes is expected to testify on his own behalf later in the trial.
We are back. And we begin with opening statements from the defense attorney for Thomas Caldwell, David Fischer.
Fischer says Caldwell's role was smaller compared to everyone else, he wasn't a leader or a member of OKers (prosecution says he's an affiliate, not dues paying)
"It is an abject lie," Fischer says, that the "quick reaction force" stationed in northern Virginia was set up to attack the US Capitol.
The QRF was established only IN CASE they needed to REACT to something, he argues.
Fisher says that the govt has taken Oath Keeper texts out of context and then he starts to argue, "If I got .@AOC's phone and pulled the guts out of it..." and prosecution lodges an objection immediately
Fischer retracts his statement and then says, "But I will be heard."
Fisher says QRF teams were set up by Oath Keepers before Jan. 6, like during the Million MAGA March in Dec. They used QRFs to "protect businesses" in Ferguson, Fisher says. Fisher does not mention that Oath Keeper's stalking rooftops/qrf in St Louis was condemned by local police
Fischer says Rhodes is characterized as a "general on the battlefield" and then he tells jurors that Rhodes wasn't even charged until Jan of this year; prosecution objects. Mehta agrees and instructs jurors to ignore comment about timing
Fischer says "this disabled veteran over here," when referring to Thomas Caldwell and contends that the govt is falsely accusing him of concocting a military-style plan, to train military fighters to specifically attack the Capitol. He emphasizes "specifically" multiple times.
Fischer is riding hard on this distinction between Caldwell and Rhodes and attempts to cast doubt on the charges overall by suggesting that the DOJ moved its attention from Caldwell to Rhodes as the organizer flippantly
Fischer says Jessica Watkins was "being hounded by the media" and that's why she asked Caldwell if she could go to his farm in Berryville, Va. Prosecution says the OKers met at Caldwell's farm to plan the attack.
Fischer says Rhodes, Caldwell came together at Caldwell's farm in Virginia because Caldwell learned Rhodes needed a place for mtg, nothing more. He says Watkins turned herself in immediately after learning of her warrant from FBI and left the farm with fellow OKer Donovan Crowl
Fischer describes the arrest of Caldwell. He says FBI put Caldwell alone in a room and questioned him for almost 3 hours. Caldwell asked why am i here, why are you arresting me and FBI, Fischer claims, told him he was being arrested for trespassing.
Atty for Caldwell argues prosecution has conflated Caldwell's remarks, his role in conspiracy. Caldwell was called "Commander" in chats, he says, because of his experience in the Navy as retired lieutenant commander.
Fischer says when Caldwell remarked in texts "I am such an instigator" and mentioned he ws "storming the castle" he was only quoting the film The Princess Bride.
Fischer says the Jan. 6 rally was not announced in advance, so in effect, no way to conspire in advance. Jan. 6 only came into the public and OKes purview when Trump announced his "big protest" on Dec. 19 by tweet.
Fischer says OKers showed up because they were fearful of antifa causing violence. Again, hitting hard at this "peace keeping" role they play voluntarily.
(The intelligence community has debunked these claims about antifa storming the Capitol)
And this was an interesting, lightly condescending approach: Fischer tells jury their emotions are going to be played on by govt by use of words, images.
"This isn't Peoria," he tells the DC jury, they will see "inflammatory" language that typically upsets those on the left
There were no signs telling them to stay out of a restricted area, nothing blocking access to Capitol steps, Fischer says. Caldwell and his wife walked up slowly.
Fischer said earlier Caldwell had never been inside the Cap in his life and hammered that point home. But several minutes later in opener, Fischer says Caldwell is from Anacostia (in DC) and that back in the day, he knew the exterior of Cap was often used for scenes of protest
Caldwell will be exonerated, Fischer says as he closes out his opening statement to the jury.
Defense atty for Jessica Watkins, Jonathan Crisp, is now making his opening statment.
Jessica is an enigma, Crisp says. He recounts her military experience and her regrets once she was discharged; she was just a barkeeper who deeply desired to "serve and protect" on Jan. 6.
Jessica Watkins is a transgender woman, defense atty Crisp tells jurors.
She's had trouble fitting in her whole life and what she allegedly did on Jan. 6 and the run up to it with Oath Keepers was part of her desire to fit in, Crisp says.
Curious to see if defense will introduce anything at trial to suggest that Watkins tried to find a community of friends or supporters before going to an extreme right wing organization for comfort?
Watkins had medical supplies in her rucksack and she was there to help people on Jan. 6, Crisp says.

Her atty acknowledges that the language used by Watkins in texts or other correspondence, like the Zello chat, iis inflammatory but it must be put in context
What was the plan when Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins said "We have 30-40 people, stick to the plan" on Jan. 6 as she marchd toward Cap replete in tactical gear. Crisp says the plan was to help people.
Watkins was "well behind, hundreds of people behind" other people who were already in the building and she wasn't a vanguard of the attack, Crisp says.
The Oath Keepers are not the leaders of what happened at the Cap on Jan. 6.
"Again, context," Crisp adds.
When she said "we took the Capitol" she was a "rioter like everybody else," Crisp says. He says, she didn't say in that moment, "let's stop the count."
In effect, she celebrated "taking the Cap" as a rioter, not a seditionist
Fischer is arguing that Watkins frequently operated in a vacuum from Rhodes and others.
No one is saying you should award her or give her a medal, Crisp says on behalf of Jessica Watkins. But at the end of trial, he says, you should only convict on the civil disorder charge.
Now: Oath Keepers Kelly Meggs and Kenneth Harrelson have decided NOT to make opening statements. Meggs was going to until now; Harrelson indicated last week that he would reserve.
The government is now poised to get into questioning after the court takes a brief recess.
We are back at it with prosecutors going right into the questioning of witnesses. The first witness up is Michael Palian, an FBI agent.
Palian recalls being called up to Capitol to provide security to lawmakers on Jan. 6. He tells US prosecutor Kathryn Rakoczy that he recalls lawmakers being very stressed during the attack, many were crying.
FBI agent Palian also escorted senators back into the Capitol after the riot;
"It looked like a bomb had gone off in there," Palian says. He describes the scene: Windows were broken, doors broken, a ton of debris in the hallways. The air was acrid with pepper spray.
FBI special agent Palian said when he saw video of the Oath Keepers wearing tactical gear, military attire, and making a stack formation moving up the Capitol steps, their movements, in particular, it struck him as unusual.
FBI agent Palian began investigating the group of Oath Keepers he saw on the Capitol steps and found more of them in footage from near the Capitol rotunda doors, he testifies.
Prosecution plays clips from Jan. 6 that Palian reviewed. He was able to determine by their clothing that they were Oath Keepers. Interesting, Palian says today, he had no awareness of Oath Keepers prior to that moment.
FBI agent Palian says he reviewed messages shared among Oath Keepers in the course of his probe; learned that many states had OKer orgs, not all, but many. He says that his investigation determined Kelly Meggs was a definitive leader of Florida Oath Keepers
When agent Palian is asked by prosecution to ID Meggs in the courtroom, Palian describes him and says:
He's got a mask on but not covering his nose.
Harrelson ID'd too, and Palian notes he has a mask on his face.
(Palian already IDed Rhodes positively in the courtroom today)
We see a photo of the Oath Keepers patch on Kelly Meggs's clothing from Jan. 6. Right next to it, we see another patch he wore that day.
It read: "I don't believe in anything. I'm just here for the violence."
Prosecution is establishing evidence for jurors now and we see video found on Caldwell's phone by authorities where he is cheering on the rioting, calling the Cap his house etc. We see Rhodes in footage outside of the Capitol.
Palian recalls Nov. 3, 2020 - Election Day - and recalls that news outlets did NOT call the election that night. Though he recalled, most major news networks had Biden in lead. But, he says, Biden was not declared. (That would come 11/7 but note: Trump declared victory 11/4)
Prosecutors display a Signal text sent on Nov. 4, 2020 @ 1:20AM to an OKer group chat called "Old Leadership Chat." The msg from "Chris" to that chat reads: "How are we drawing our battle plans? As we are now all going to be Public Enemy #1 by the tyrants."
Rhodes replied to it.
Rhodes replied with a bulleted list, writing: Remain calm; it ain't over til its over; don't give legitimacy to an illegitimate fraudulent (fraud infested) system; if that system declares Biden the winner, I won't ever recognize him as the legit president because of that fraud...
and add to that, Rhodes continued, [Biden's] corruption. Rhode called Biden a Chi com puppet and then says the next step: "Continue to defeat the domestic enemies of the Constitution"
Rhodes sends msg to leadership chat saying on Nov. 4, 2020 writing: "We are establishing a QRF[quick reaction force] in DC and regional QRFs in each major region of the nation. All either combat arms or LEO veterans with needed trained support MOS veterans. We will get it done."
Oath Keeper Elmer Stewart Rhodes sent another message on Nov 5 at 11:14AM to the OKer leadership chat.
"We must refuse to accept Biden as the legitimate winner. Call out the fraud and theft. Protect and defend all who are publicly standing against it"
Another exhibit for jurors. This is a msg from Nov 9, '20 where Oath Keeper Florida leader Kelly Meggs commented on a FB post. In short, Meggs is telling those people who "keep talking on Facebook" about what to do w.elec results. There are people offline willing to act, he said.
Now we see messages from Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins from November in which she says right-wing bombast Alex Jones "put out a call" for all Trump supporters to show up at Capitol buildings throughout the US to contest "fraud"
We see Jessica Watkins messaging a recruit for the Ohio State Regular Militia - the militia she founded.
"Everyone from my group are locals, we know each other and only thru Oath Keepers have I been able to network with other patriots," she wrote on Nov. 9.
Watkins tells recruit to take time off work Jan. 3 to Jan. 9, 2021 and tells this prospective recruit that she needs her "fighting fit" by inauguration.
On Nov 7, '20 someone ID'ed as BL Swagger sends a msg to the Old Leadership Chat (that includes Rhodes): "They just declared Old Joe 46th president 😭😭"
Rhodes replied: "Trump must not concede."
Then Rhodes sends a message to the leadership group chat sharing the advice he got from Aleksandar Savic when Serbians contested an election there in the 90s with Milosevic; i.e. marching on Cap, getting cops on your side to resist election results, overwhelm etc
In the same "old leadership group chat," Rhodes tells Oath Keepers they have to get Republican "critters" in the Senate on their side about rejecting the election results
Roger Stone appears.
We see a text from Rhodes to a group chat labeled "FOS" or "Friends of Stone."
Rhodes sent msgs to FOS on Nov. 7 saying "Whats the plan we need to roll ASAP. I'm on my way to DC right now with my OK tactical leaders for a possible DC op .. to do recon.."
That is the stopping point for today, per Judge Mehta.
I will have a full recap up soon for @dailykos.
I'll also be here again tomorrow.
The Oath Keepers sedition trial has wrapped its first day.
If you missed my live thread today, check out my recap here:…

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Oct 4
It is Day 2 of the Oath Keepers seditious conspiracy trial and I am coming to you from inside the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C.
Proceedings will be underway shortly and so will the live-tweets. Join me here or check out the @dailykos live blog:…
A friendly reminder to those who missed the updates yesterday: There is no teleconference line and the trial is not televised.
And away we go for Day 2 of the Oath Keepers sedition trial. Much evidence to get through today. FBI Special Agent Michael Palian should be back on the stand today - he was the 1st witness called by the government and he was just getting into evidence seized from OKers phones etc
Read 112 tweets
Oct 4
Good morning. Today is Day 2 of the Oath Keepers sedition trial. I am back at the courthouse in Washington this morning. Live tweeting to come. I hope you'll join me. If you want to catch up, check out my recap:
When we wrapped yesterday, prosecutors had called their first witness, FBI Special Agent Michael Palian. He will be back today to continue his testimony and I expect him to pore over an extensive number of exhibits including communications among Oath Keepers seized by the feds.
Updates from the Oath Keepers sedition trial will be posted here in this thread as well as on our @dailykos live blog.
LINK to the blog:…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 3
Good morning from inside the federal courthouse in Washington, DC where Oath Keeper ringleader Elmer Rhodes and co-defendants Kenneth Harrelson, Jessica Watkins, Thomas Caldwell, and Kelly Meggs face trial for allegedly trying to stop the transfer of power by force on Jan. 6.
There are no cameras or cell phones permitted inside of the courtroom and no teleconference line available, so I will report from inside of the media room where a closed feed is available. Updates will post in this thread here and on our @dailykos blog.…
Now: #OathKeepers defendant Kelly Meggs tried this morning to get out of a jury trial and asked for a bench trial instead. Judge Mehta has now DENIED that request.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 3
Opening statements in the Oath Keepers seditious conspiracy trial (Rhodes et al) begin today in DC. The group has made a last ditch effort to change venues--again--and claims the jury is unfairly prejudiced. The motion is *very* likely going to be denied by Judge Mehta.
Notably, some of the grievances cited by Oath Keepers over the jury are incorrect or irrelevant since the complaints are with those jurors who didn't actually end up in the final pool.
Oath Keepers cited issues with a juror who they recalled saying that a good friend died by suicide due to Jan. 6. But it was not the jurors friend, it was a connection further removed. The person who died by suicide, a police officer, was a friend of a friend.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 2
I've still been working on my piece about my travels talking to people about Jan. 6. It has been a bigger undertaking than I expected and especially up against other immediate demands. But every day I work a bit more on it and hope the final product represents the whole story
Appreciate the patience and continued interest by folks who have sweetly asked about it.
I have been working on book drafts forever and I feel like a lot of what I got out of that trip has informed other projects I work on at home and it's been...well, a lot.
I enjoy being transparent as a writer with my small platform here because I enjoy the dynamic and accountability it puts on me as a reporter and as a person especially when writing is almost always a solo pursuit.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 2
She should be but she won't because Kevin McCarthy is a coward and has no honor or dignity.
I Said. What. I. Said.
He so badly wanted to be speaker or to have some sense of power and importance beyond what he has now that he will rubberstamp racism, fascism and misogyny. He is a career politician that doesn't care about anyone but himself.
Read 6 tweets

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