1: seniors, cancer patients, others with serious modals are in hospital for a reason - the need care that requires medications, physical movements requiring nursing and doctors at a level that cannot be provided at home or in long term care
2: Most LTCs are basically serviced by health aides, not nurses - there is be an LPN assigned for each shift for medications - but the aides are not trained or licensed for the care Dix expects - also holds for LPNs, mush of this type of care requires an RN
3: There is already a massive staff crunch at all levels of health - LTCs are actually getting hit harder as health aides are mostly younger, have young kids, and guess what - their kids are coming home from school, infecting families
4: Even if it were possible to 'decant' patients (what a horrible term) - it would require a massive shift of health staffing resources to LTCs, which negates the proscribed effort
5: It would mean, even if just a small percentage of complex care gets shifted, a new, huge load on LTC staff, who are already leaving in droves
6: Given all this - the added 'we can create 1500 new beds' is a total fallacy
It is simply not possible - and the fact BC Gov seems to think this will placate a population begs the question - why create beds, when they would not be needed with protections