I've been asked today few times, even on the phone from abroad (I reside in Albania for now) about WHEN would Putin use Tactical Nukes.
Christian Nuclear Jihad will happen only after the Russian Church prepares the Russian Federation adequately with the FAKE NARRATIVE that the West is about rape them and exterminate them.
Which means that when Putin and Kirill clearly see that everything is lost, they will do a tactical withdrawal in order to allow the situation to get far worse for them to the point of justifying to the Russians the use of tactical nukes.
Now the question would arise as to why would Kirill and Putin need ....justification to use tactical nukes?
Well, it comes down to Religion again.
Kirill is the Patriarch of the Russian Church which PRETENDS to be a Universal Church of Christ.
Theology matters. Narrative matters.
If Kirill and Putin used tactical nukes now, the entire Christian World would cut ties with them.
They care about the post nuke period, they do care a lot. They care a lot about Religious Reputation globally.
So, until we see Patriarch Kirill involved with the Tactical Nukes Narrative, Putin won't use tactical nukes.
Jim Bianco gives out the game here, but few understand it, only insiders do, and from those only few talk about it sporadically. Jim Bianco admits it here.
It's me explaining it to the Greater Fools, it's been since 2014.
The Christian concept of Antichrist does not mean Against Christ, it means In Lieu of Christ, a Christ Replacer, or False Prophets, in that regard.
It's about people or organizations who pretend to be Christ Like.
In our daily lives an "antichrist" would be a person whom we believe is a nice person who pretends to help all, but in reality they do the opposite, but people understand that much later, when much damage is done.
The situation about the positions as far as Russian invasion of Ukraine, are split in 3 directions:
Supporters of Ukraine
Supporters of Russia
Many theoreticians in DC are crying out loud against Pentagon fears of Türkiye invading part of Greece.
It's lunancy they say, Türkiye has no such intent, they say.
Okay, let's see the Turkish record here.
In the beginning some history.
Both Greece and Türkiye were created in the borders we see today from the Lausanne Treaty, wherefrom both countries agreed to genocide each other.
So, in essence, both countries were established from (legal) genocides.
This is going to be a time consuming thread, be patient.
The concept of killing and genociding in the name of the Abrahamic single God (after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ) started with Prophet Muhammad who founded Islam in the 6th century.
The currently self called Catholic Church adopted that Islamic concept with the idea of crusades from 11th to 13th century, killing and genociding in Christ's name.
Me zhvillimet e fundit në historiografi, përcaktimi Kosovë dhe Metohi është në avantazhin tonë, dhe unë do të filloj ta përdor.
Fjala METOHI kishte kuptimin si PRONË E MANASTIRIT në Perandorinë Romake të Lindjes me qendër në Konstantinopojë Roma e Re.
K&M ishte në interes të Kishë Satanike Serbe, sepse ishte paracaktuar në marrëveshjet Ankara-Athinë-Beograd-Vatikan që shqiptarët janë myslimanë.
Ortodoksët shqiptarë në K&M u serbizuan shpejt ndërsa ortodoksët shqiptarë në Greqi u helenizuan më ngadalë. Ndërsa Vatikani krijonte kombet katolike apo kërkonte autonomi me Konkordat sipas praktikës së kohës, që përkohësisht u arrit me Republikën e Mirditës.