Only in a country where people are denied the right to choose their political leaders could a pandemic emerge to kill millions globally and the president be set to serve another term in office like nothing happened.
🧵 on Xi’s impending third term in China…
#China’s ruling Communist Party will convene its 20th Party Congress on October 16, where President Xi Jinping will doubtless be anointed to a precedent-breaking third term.
There will apparently be no top-level accountability for Chinese authorities’ initial coverup of the new virus that helped fuel a global pandemic, nor for its obstructionism & secrecy that hindered the world’s ability to understand and combat its spread.…
That Xi’s government has also instituted draconian measures to combat Covid-19 that are wildly unpopular in China will also not matter to Xi’s pending party coronation.
The abusive “zero-Covid” policy is, in fact, a perfect example of the party’s authoritarian rule under Xi.
They imposed repeated, unpredictable lockdowns on hundreds of millions even as effective therapeutics & vaccines for Covid-19 became available.…
These draconian measures in China have impeded people’s access to health care, food, and other life necessities.
An unknown number of people died after being denied medical treatment for non-Covid-related illnesses.
In unimaginable despair, some have jumped to their death at the mass quarantine sites or from residential buildings under lockdown.
China’s draconian lockdowns also caused economic harm, forcing businesses to downsize or close, cutting jobs and wages.
Yet, there is little sign authorities are lifting restrictions like lockdowns and prolonged quarantines.
Of course, without freedom of speech and independent media, people in China can’t easily complain about this mistreatment and misrule.
And they have no democratic means to prevent the man behind it from staying in power and continuing the abuses.
Le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies à Genève a clôturé sa 51e session vendredi, après quatre semaines très intenses, marquées par des hauts et des bas.
En voici un rapide résumé...
CHINE: Malheureusement, le Conseil a voté pour ne pas débattre du rapport du HCDH sur le Xinjiang, qui a constaté que les autorités chinoises commettent des violations massives envers les Ouïghours & autres musulmans turciques, pouvant aller jusqu'à des crimes contre l'humanité.
Comme je l'ai noté dans ma newsletter la semaine dernière, de nombreux pays n'ont pas été en mesure de résister au rapport de force de Pékin :…
L'échec de certains pays à majorité musulmane à s'intéresser à la question est particulièrement notable...
The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva ended its 51st session on Friday after a very intense 4 weeks that brought both ups and downs.
Here’s a quick scorecard...
CHINA: Sadly, the Council voted not to debate the UN High Commissioner’s Xinjiang report, which found that Chinese authorities were committing sweeping violations against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims, possibly rising to the level of crimes against humanity.
As I noted in my newsletter last week, many countries were unable to stand up to Beijing’s arm-twisting:…
Particularly notable was the failure of some Muslim-majority countries to take an interest...