🤍 Angell 🖤
Among fans of Idol Park Jimin, six Twitter accounts have become infamous. Known as the Swat Team, they have made it their mission to shut down antis, mantis and delulus. But unbeknownst to the six, their most persistent troll is secretly their beloved idol
#OT7Poly Image
Hiii everyone, it’s officially #JiminDay (well it is in Australia) and I wanted to celebrate! And what better way to do that then to write a chaotic, poly OT7 social media AU? I don’t think one exists! I’ll drop the first tweets when I wake up tomorrow and keep posting throughout
the day so don’t forget to bookmark, like, rt and qrt as I go! I’m trying to release it all in the next 24 hours but I am working for like 9 hours of that so 😬 it may be spotty but I’ll keep posting! Why Jimin’s birthday isn’t an international public holiday I don’t know.
🖤 I only half pay attention to time, if it doesn’t make sense, just ignore
🤍 Hair colours is the same deal
🖤 Please don’t take this too seriously, I love Jimin with all my heart and anything written by characters that are antis or trolls is obviously not true
🤍 This is really just an excuse to write a OT6 smothering Jimin with love and compliments. It’s what he deserves and they are 100% right all the time.
🖤I swear all the time and this fic is gay as hell, if that’s a problem get out 😘

See you guys in like… six hours!
A quick profile preview for the road 🤍 Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
Good morning everyone! Happy Jimin day! ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
This part was physically painful to write, like it must take SO MUCH energy to be this delusional. ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

Jinnie 💙 started out as the softest stan account posting “had a bad day, send Jimin pics” twice a week before descending into chaos and starting to make the most unhinged threads. Is there a non-sensical meme going around? Balme him Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

Yoon 💜 An unapologetic hard stan who will never let Kitty Gang Jimin go. He knows every smutty Jimin fic in existence and every hard stan has his fic rec thread bookmarked. Hoba’s beta reader and constant commissioner. Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

Hoba 🧡 don’t let the excessive emojis and general cuteness fool you, this man is the THIRSTIEST Jimin stan in existence. Posts PWP one-shots of Jimin with other idols but it’s anyones guess if he has any idea who the other idol is. Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

Namu 💛 the first and best fandom translator, Namu at all times seems to be way too busy to be on Twitter and simultaneously ALWAYS on Twitter. Has a network of approved translators in various languages that he monitors for accuracy. Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

Tete ♥️ the softest of soft stan’s Tete can often be found absolutely sobbing over Jimin’s fingers, cheeks, nose etc. Delusional in a harmless way so everyone just lets him be. Never missed a live and won’t let you forget it Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

Kyu 💗 existing in pout with a knack for chaos, Kyu has been a beloved fan artist from a very early on. Had seemed busier lately but if a new Tiny Minnie drops he will immediately materialise. A little delulu but they love him anyway Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
Please note the above posts are 100% accurate to what the boys would be like on Stan Twitter. ImageImageImage
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🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
About to go into work and they moved me to the store where it’s harder to be on my phone. Will try to post in between but otherwise I’ll be back on my lunch break ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
Manager’s not in yet 🤪 ImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

Welcome to Jimin’s lurking account, he follows his main and six other people— wanna guess who they are? Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
Jimin’s making BAD DECISIONS ™️ ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

Angell Repellent 🖤 he has gone by many names but this prolific troll has been a thorn in the side of the swat team for years. Although he’s considerably mellowed from his spiteful early days, he still an absolute menace Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
Jimin is destructive in a lot of fun ways when he’s bored ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
Should I be hastagging these all with Happy Jimin Day or does that seem like too much? ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
Trolls are always way harder to fight than antis ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
I really should be tagging these #HappyJiminDay shouldn’t I?

But also see the method to Jimin’s madness? One slight self-drag and Tete presents an entire power pointed thread of compliments in return ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJIMINDay

BUSTED ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
Step one of Sunnie AU writing: always make BTS soulmates ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
Jin kept his identity secret on Twitter for nine and a half years but can’t resist the urge to troll the troll. That face doesn’t play ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
In this AU I picture Jin as a wildly successful Phil Dunphy

And also because I’m not an asshole who doesn’t credit, here is a link to the very pretty phone case: redbubble.com/people/graphic… ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
2Seok gotta 2Seok ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
Stream Illella 🤪 ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
Namjoon refuses to do anything without launching into a philosophical debate ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
I do not know why I have Namjoon such an elaborate backstory for a CRACK FIC but I thought of it and couldn’t you know, NOT do it ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
Namjoon always has a back up plan ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
Please ignore the BTS branding they’re all wearing and just appreciate the concept ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #HappyJiminDay
Okay, so that’s all for today! I was really hoping to finish writing the fic and get it all up tonight but I was too ambitious + work moving me to a different store really messed with my plans. But I shall be back with more soon! ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth

Hi friends! I’m baacckkk please ignore me fucking with the timeline of when Jimin releases music ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth
Jimin: who knows if they even buy the physical albums!
Bangtan: how dare you underestimate us ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth
Jimin’s getting hyped for his album ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth
I sometimes wonder if I made Jimin too impatient and impulsive in this fic and then I remember that he usually has six boyfriends to channel his energy into and alas my Jimin is still in the process of getting them ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth
Release Day ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth
Okay that’s all for now!!! Hope you guys have enjoyed! Next time prepare yourself to witness: the reunion. ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth

Nothing like an emotionally invested stranger live tweeting a whole event ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth
Sorry lost a screen shot for a second so I had to repost— ignore backgrounds not matching scenario and focus on cutie Bangtan ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth
Cuddly bangtan time is best time ImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth
Namjoon waist holder agenda ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth
Last one for today guys! Back with more soon! I kinda extended the story more than I intended but hope you’re still enjoying! ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth
Did I intend to have any written sections in this AU? NOPE. Did it happen anyway? ABSOLUTELY, IDK if this'll be the only one but we'll see 😂 ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth
I thought about getting a random onlooker to describe them, but it’s much funnier to write Jimin just losing his absolute mind ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth
How appropriate it is to be at this post number when Taehyung is making Jimin SWEAT ImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth
For the people who are still being victimised by the memory of red-haired Taehyung “chewing gum” at a fan-sign, this one is for you. It won’t heal your pain, but it will make you feel heard ImageImageImageImage
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #StillEmotionallyinJiminMonth
Goodnight gang! I really need to stop starting updates at midnight because it’s now 1:15am 🤪 ANYHOO, that’s all I’ve got for now but more chaos is to come! Let’s keep our fingers crossed for COMMUNICATION next update! Image
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
The Hyung instinct is triggered by different things but they will protect their babies none the less

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

Tae is his soulmate, Jungkook is his best friend, Namjoon is his baby, Yoongi is his husband, Jin is his guide.

But Hoseok is his person

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
Asexuality doesn’t stop you being a menace to society and I will always write my ace characters to prove that

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
🔞 Warning 🔞
Because Hobi has zero chill

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

I like to picture OT6 crowded in the hotel room watching Hoseok’s face slowly turn from concerned to maniacal until they finally get a text from Jimin

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU
#IMeantToUpdateThisForJiminDayButISuckAtPlanning Image
Oh my god forgot I wanted to do a poll to end things, so here’s a poll for the road. What would your hyung sense detect?

• • •

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More from @YaGurlSunshine

Jun 30, 2023
Just making a few things clear: there is basically nothing BigHit and Hybe can do about Billboard’s bullshit. Like correct me if I’m wrong, but suing Billboard and winning would be almost impossible. It’s why Billboard isn’t even trying to be subtle. They know that no matter how
obvious it is that they’re targeting BTS, there’s nothing that can be done to stop them. And unless Hybe starts paying for radio play and playlisting, they will continue to sabotage BTS as much as possible. It’s blatant extortion at this point.

And for the people who seem to
think that Hybe should start engaging in Payola— because god knows Mantis and Solos LOVE to claim that the company is sabotaging BTS by not doing it— are you fucking stupid?

First of all, payola (paying for radio to play a song without the station disclosing that the spins were
Read 22 tweets
Jun 20, 2023
You ever think about what the people who are always demanding Bighit & Hybe "step up" and "do more to protect BTS" are actually asking for? Like, the company is KNOWN to sue people and refuse to settle. BTS travels with 200+ bodyguards. The company paid out of pocket for the
Busan concert to make sure that BTS and Army were safe because the city wasn't doing shit. Weverse Magazine shades the fuck out of every facet of the entertainment industry whenever they start acting up. I'm not a company stan. I don't blindly support Hybe & Bighit and they've
fucked up before-- like that weird article that shaded Jimin, like wtf was that. But I genuinely want to know what these people want BigHit and Hybe to do that doesn't involve impossible tasks and compromising our boy's autonomy.

Like take the situations where they've been
Read 28 tweets
May 26, 2023
In 2014 Kim Taehyung was presented the choreography for a four and a half minute song in which he got to spank Jimin twice.

With water breaks, that’s about twenty times in an hour.

In their rookie years BTS were known to be practicing 12-15 hours a day
We don’t know when WOH was written or when they started working on the choreo but we know their last promotion before it was Just One Day in April 2014.

It was first performed August 14th 2014, that’s around a 3.5 month period in which they had to perfect the choreography.
But at least a month at the minimum.

Two months later, WOH was promoted as a single starting October 17th, 2014. Promotion length is hard to find but in K-pop it’s usually 2-6 weeks.

Now time for gay math, the only kind I care to do!
Read 7 tweets
May 5, 2023
AU where Namjoon accidentally ends up with six boyfriends by just clutzing out in public followed by a terrible joke/pick up line and every single one of the members is WAAAYYY to into it
Namjoon on the bus and goes flying when it stops suddenly only to be caught by Jin’s ridiculously quick reflexes. Namjoon blushing ridiculously and staring up at the most handsome man he’s ever seen in his life.

“Wow, I think I just fell for you.”

Jin staring at him for a
second too long before saying, “that was terrible.”

“Oh my god, I don’t know why I just said that, I’m sor—“

“Do you wanna makeout?”

Namjoon unable to believe his luck even slightly, “wait, really?”

“You’re really fucking cute.”

“…Well, I’m not going to say NO.”
Read 58 tweets
May 4, 2023
I have curated my timeline relentlessly, but I want to make something clear to EVERYONE. If I see you going to an airport, sharing unauthorized photos or information or supporting any stories about people who actually talked to the members on their private time, I'm blocking you.
If I see anyone CRITICISING JUNGKOOK for calling out the assholes stalking him, I will be blocking you. If I see you sharing photos or information about their family members I will be blocking you. If I see you sharing ANY information about the enlisted members they didn't post
themselves I will be blocking you. I don't care if the military made an app for this bullshit, we know damn well it's completely disrespectful of everything the boys have asked for. The fucked up government that enforces mandatory enlistment is the one that profits.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 30, 2023
Your local queer army swinging by to remind people that “don’t assume my sexuality” was a term coined by the queer community to deconstruct mandatory heterosexuality. Assuming someone is straight is still assuming someone’s sexuality. Stop stealing our words to try to silence us.
There is harm when someone is considered straight until they directly stare otherwise. It creates a culture where if someone isn’t ready to say those words, they feel like they have to hide. It creates a situation where if someone is unsure of their label, they feel like they’ll
be called a liar if they come out as one thing and then figure out another label fits them better.

Many people live in environments where coming out is dangerous, where their safety would be compromised, their livelihood damaged, their families and friends may turn on them.
Read 23 tweets

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