When you develop Cardiovascular Disease secondary to your chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection, you can think the medical community for their incessant journaling and inability to draw parallels. Here's why.
This site is full of people talking about SARS-Cov-2 being this spooky "vasculopathic" virus that causes endothelial dysfunction, as if it has never been seen before.
This past week, a study came out discussing elevated ANG-1/ANG-2 levels. Guess what? Seen in HIV. Had the medical community decided to allow you to be treatment experienced instead of suffering experienced, you would limit your risk of developing cardiovascular complications.
Depressed after learning someone tried Truvada and then blocked me. There are going to be so many experience Immune System Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome as a result of delaying antivirals to millions. IRIS means your body is responding and your immune system is rebuilding.
IRIS manifests in two primary ways. Paradoxical IRIS refers to the worsening of a previously diagnosed disease after ART initiation, whereas unmasking IRIS refers to the appearance of a previously undiagnosed disease following ART initiation.
@alexmeshkin Here is a good graphic that more than likely explains what is taking place. At the same time there is a decline in CD4 cells, the viral load increases. Then, the viral load precipitously drops, allowing for the CD4 rebound.
Ran across this article and talk about being a parrot for the wrong pirate. This article is just a waste of words. washingtonpost.com/health/2022/10…
What is lost on the media and everyone else who feels qualified to weigh in on a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection is that the virus destroys all organs responsible for metabolizing and excreting antivirals.
It then sets about depleting CD4 cells, leaving the individual to die from opportunistic infections. This was a virus that required the intellectual capacity to immediately identify what was taking place and take action.
There are an untold number of individuals who are suffering globally from a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection and are desperately searching for answers as more of their autonomy leaves them on a daily basis.
Unafraid of traveling back in time 40 years, to when we were met with HIV/AIDS in the United States, I have relied upon a number of resources,
poured over hundreds of journal articles and have provided all that would be required for one to arrive at the conclusion it is the HIV playbook that needs to be dusted off, if we are to make any traction whatsoever.
@GregDore2@VirusesImmunity@PutrinoLab Acquired lymphocytopenia
The most common causes include
Protein-energy undernutrition
Certain other viral infections