Sawing off a fallen tree and obsessed with how great the rings are!
I was wondering about it, and looking at the standing stump, the wider parts are those that face the ecliptic, i.e. the sun. The ones on the other side are thinner.
It's an American Ash, a species in the process of extinction cos of disease.
Live example of on the job learning. I realized that sawing off a thin wedge first makes it easier and faster to cleave the thing.
Output of our workout of two weeks. Lots of carving wood and firewood and an empty walkway again.
Can't believe we managed to clear all this without an electric chainsaw!
Before After
Sure, you read from childhood that trees have rings that can tell you their age. It's something you know theoretically.
But to saw off a branch and actually see these beautiful circles so clearly... Goosebumps!! Literal goosebumps!
I highly recommend buying forest land!
Nope, not interested. Our resolution has been to do this without electricity. And doing fine so far. Maybe when my age advances and I can't handle actual saws anymore. But until then, chainsaw seems like random tim-allengiri for the sake of it.
Colombia should really be teaching the world how they manage to have the world's most chill, friendly, and polite stray dog population. There's no magic pill. It's basically community ownership of dogs. Especially their food needs. As multiple Colombians said to us when we talked
.. About this universal heartwarming phenomenon of stray dogs everywhere but never a bark or a growl, even at night, "we keep them fed. If a dog is fed, why will it get territorial?"
Simple point. But it's a cultural thing. They really love dogs there.
There are multiple organizations in Colombia that put out nutritious food for stray dogs. Many restaurants manage to give their leftovers to dogs in a hygienic way, not just messing up alleys.
It's 2022 and literally THE tastiest and most creative cuisine in the world got turned into a racist comedic TV trope for the people with the blandest and most unimaginative cuisine in the world.
I will indeed die on the hill that Mexican is THE best cuisine in the world. China and India come very close. But Mexicans make the best food, hands down.
My criteria are mainly to do with the variety of flavors, ingredients, textures, and techniques. And no cuisine has a broader range than Mexican. I'm talking actual Mexican cuisine, not Mexican restaurants outside Mexico.
The most blindingly obvious one is situations of "farming the strike". When a tail-ender is on strike and a specialist at the non strikers end. Obviously any thinking batter will take that penalty run to get on strike. The whole plan breaks down there itself. But there's more.
If you remove the terminal disincentive on staying in the crease and make it an incremental one, you aren't so much removing the "stigma" (which is completely media created btw, cos the rules are clear) as creating an incentive to leave the crease on every single ball if it helps
Twitter reviews are also unanimous! This is a public benefit application form that is so easy to fill out that ALL of it fits in a single screenshot! It's almost as if that was the goal Klain etc gave them.
This is nicely done, @POTUS@WHCOS! A good case study for others.
The Desi in me is feeling most sentimental and jealous that a government benefit that could get you up to $10,000 dollars takes less than 5 minutes to fill out. 😯😯
#NewIndia makes you jump through multiple OTPs and captchas just to book a train ticket.
It's not strange when you realize that sanghism is built on a century long tradition of a collection of Big Lies. Lies that are SO BIG but self-serving that over a period of time, their supporters have to suspend even baseline skepticism to avoid cognitive dissonance.
So if you're a follower of the sangh, and especially the Modi flavor of sanghism, the need to avoid cognitive dissonance pretty much compels you to skip a step normal people do. Which is to verify info. It is just easier to trust in the government and make excuses when wrong.
There are literally 50+ global indices on which India has slipped considerably under Modi, across all walks of life. In these indices, dozens of other countries have also fallen. It is blatantly obvious that this can't be a global conspiracy. But it's a little too blatant!